Mekt_Ranzz's blog

9/11 'Truth' Grips Michael Moore


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

9/11 'Truth' Grips Michael Moore

I've knocked a lot of people for their affinity for 9/11 conspiracy theories. Big names are no exception.

Here is a video of documentarian Michael Moore implying that 9/11 might have been an inside job, and that the World Trade Center might have been brought down by a controlled demolition.

"Well, I've had a number of firefighters tell me over the years, and since Fahrenheit 9/11, that they heard these explosions, that they believe there is much more to the story then we've been told. I don't think the official investigations have told us the complete truth. They haven't even told us half the truth," says Moore on the video (Hat Tip: Reason).

The videographers also try to get New York Press columnist Amy Goodman, who witness the collapse of WTC7, to join their cabal. She doesn't bite.

Moore says he plans to look into the 9/11 conspiracies in his own special way eventually, so you can debunk Moore's next documentary early by checking out Popular Mechanics. How about another video:

It can't be said enough.

New study from Pilots for 9/11 Truth: No Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon


New study from Pilots for 9/11 Truth: No Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon

Thu Jun 21, 3:01 AM ET

Pilots for 9/11 Truth obtained black box data from the government under the Freedom of Information Act for AA Flight 77, which The 9/11 Report claims hit the Pentagon. Analysis of the data contradicts the official account in direction, approach, and altitude. The plane was too high to hit lamp posts and would have flown over the Pentagon, not impacted with its ground floor. This result confirms and strengthens the previous findings of Scholars for 9/11 Truth that no Boeing 757 hit the buillding.

Madison, WI (PRWEB) June 21, 2007 - A study of the black box data provided by the government to Pilots for 9/11 Truth has confirmed the previous findings of Scholars for 9/11 Truth that no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11. "We have had four lines of proof that no Boeing 757 hit the building," said James Fetzer, founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. "This new study by Pilots drives another nail into a coffin of lies told the American people by The 9/11 Commission":

Bush was not involved in planning 9-11


June 20, 2007

Bush was not involved in planning 9-11

By Gustav Wynn

Many who believe the Twin Towers were not brought down by jet fuel alone are quick to suggest the U.S. government took part in the attack.

But I am of the opinion that George Bush and his immediate team were not in on 9-11. I do not feel confident a plan to strike fear into the American people would have ever included portrayal of a government as ineptly prepared or revealed a President as cowardly.

In the kind of irony no scriptwriter could imagine, it recently made news when Senators examined emails Karl Rove's chief aide mistakenly sent incriminating vote-caging lists to his nemesis at, a parody site selling anti-Bush t-shirts and bumper stickers. But even more revealing was the video tape made during the moments 9-11 was unfolding, showing a humble schoolteacher with a very special guest in her classroom.

Top White House Aide Defends Handling of 9/11 Air Problems


Posted: Wednesday, 20 June 2007 10:41AM

Top White House Aide Defends Handling of 9/11 Air Problems

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A top White House official on Wednesday defended the government's handling of post-Sept. 11 air contamination at ground zero.

"In all instances, federal agencies acted with the best available data at the time, and updated their communications and actions as new information was obtained,'' James Connaughton, head of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said in prepared testimony to a Senate panel led by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Clinton, D-N.Y., has sternly criticized the government for not doing enough to protect ground zero workers and lower Manhattan residents from the tons of toxic dust released by the collapse of the World Trade Center.

An internal government investigation found the Environmental Protection Agency offered public assurances in the days after the attacks without scientific data to back up those claims.

Simulation shows effect of insulation in collapse of buildings on 9/11

Looks like the Purdue University computer simulation story has made it to USA Today. Time to post in the comments section!


Simulation shows effect of insulation in collapse of buildings on 9/11

A new computer simulation supports the argument that the impact of the airplanes sheared off the insulation and weakened the structure of the World Trade Center before the Twin Towers collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001, according to the Associated Press.

"The report concludes that the weight of the aircraft's fuel, when ignited, produced 'a flash flood of flaming liquid' that knocked out a number of structural columns within the building and removed the fireproofing insulation from other support structures," Christoph Hoffmann tells the wire service.

Hoffman tells the AP that this was the first time 3-D animation was used to simulate the impact and the aftermath of the attacks. He says it shows insulation is a key part of fireproofing.

You can watch a simulation on YouTube.

Posted by Mike Carney at 09:48 AM/ET, June 20, 2007 in Nation, Terrorism | Permalink

9 - 11 Living In the Matrix


9 - 11 Living In the Matrix

Peter Zaza

June 19, 2007

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

Have you seen the movie, "The Matrix"? A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality, and his role in the war against the controllers of it.

What is the true nature of our reality? Of course everyone's definition is going to be different, but reality and facts are not really subjective, only interpretations. Two months ago, my reality was diametrically opposite to what it is now. I believed what I was told, what the media reported, what I thought I saw happening on 9-11. Now, when I express my opinion, I'm ridiculed, scorned, and labeled as a crackpot. My interpretation of the facts may be different from two months ago, but the reality of events on 9-11 have remained exactly the same as on the day they occurred. I was simply too ignorant of the facts to realize that what I was told by those that I trusted, was a complete lie.

Worst loss of firefighters since 9/11


Posted on Tue, Jun. 19, 2007

Worst loss of firefighters since 9/11


Firefighters wept this afternoon as they read notes left with wreaths and bouquets outside a furniture warehouse, where a fire collapsed a roof and claimed the lives of nine of their colleagues Monday night.

The deaths were the worst single loss of firefighters since the attacks of 9/11, according to a spokesman from the U.S. Fire Administration, which tracks fire deaths and injuries.

The fire began at about 7 p.m. at the Sofa Super Store and warehouse, located off U.S. 17 just south of Charleston. One employee in the building was rescued quickly from the blaze, and firefighters punched a hole through a wall of the warehouse to reach the other.

Firefighters, police officers and other rescue workers saluted as the firefighters' bodies were carried from the warehouse during the night.

Thompson Links Reid To 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists, Claims He Is ‘Encouraging Our Enemies’

Note: There are many links in the original source for this article.



Bob Geiger's response:

Thompson Links Reid To 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists, Claims He Is ‘Encouraging Our Enemies’

In his latest ABC News podcast, former senator Fred Thompson suggests that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) criticized outgoing Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Peter Pace last week to appeal to “fringe” anti-American elements “who think the 9/11 attacks were an inside job.”

Reid “made his statement about General Pace on a conference call with fringe elements of the blogosphere who think we’re the bad guys,” Thompson says. “Whether he means to or not, he’s encouraging our enemies to believe that they are winning the critical war of will.”

9/11 widows demand release of CIA's Inspector General report


9/11 widows demand release of CIA's Inspector General report

06/18/2007 @ 3:23 pm

Filed by RAW STORY

A group composed of widows of 9/11 victims are demanding the release of a key CIA report.

"The report, prepared by the CIA's inspector general, is the only major 9/11 government review that has still not been made publicly available," Michael Isikoff reported in January. "When it was completed in August 2005, Newsweek and other publications reported that it contained sharp criticisms of former CIA director George Tenet and other top agency officials for failing to address the threat posed by Al Qaeda, as well as other mistakes that might have prevented the attacks."

In a statement obtained by RAW STORY, September 11th Advocates Patty Casazza, Monica Gabrielle, Mindy Kleinberg, and Lorie Van Auken write, "Almost six years have passed since the attacks of September 11, 2001, yet critical information continues to be withheld from the American public regarding the attacks.

Finally: Michael Moore embraces 9/11 Truth


Finally: Michael Moore embraces 9/11 Truth

posted at 3:31 pm on June 19, 2007 by Allahpundit

Lightly, of course. The full Truther bear hug asserts that 9/11 was an inside job; Moore’s practicing the “mainstream” version, which confines itself to “just asking questions.” It’s the spirit of free inquiry, man. Asking questions — who could be against that?

He’s been looking for an alternate explanation since, literally, the day after. It reminds me of a piece published last year in the Times explaning how Iran has made anti-Americanism a de facto tenet of Islamic doctrine. Same with the far left: the idea of the United States being victimized, particularly by third-worlders and in so horrendous a fashion, contradicts the dogma too starkly. Even the usual compensation, that we “deserved” it, doesn’t quite account for office workers having to nosedive onto asphalt from 100 stories up. So they make the only cognitive move they can. (Chomsky, notably, is an apostate on this subject.)

I doubt it’ll cost him a single ticket purchase for “Sicko.”

Michael Moore: 9/11 Truther


Michael Moore: 9/11 Truther

Jun 19 2007 12:00AM

Not surprising, given that this is the same guy who once compared the terrorists in Iraq to America’s “minutemen” revolutionary fighters. The same idiot who claimed that “there is no terrorist threat.”

Michael Moore went on record this week to tell and reporters that three years after the release of his film Fahrenheit 9/11 he now has many more questions about 9/11 and does not believe the public have been told “half the truth” about what really happened

At an event to preview his upcoming film SICKO, Moore told our reporters that many firefighters have since approached him and told him the same story about hearing explosions going off inside the buildings prior to their collapse

Moore also made it clear that he believes the attack on the Pentagon has is being covered up and kept secret from the public and that videos of the impact of flight 77 into the building will “provide answers” to what really happened.

RINF News Reveals Hotel That Banned 9/11 Hero

William Rodriguez


RINF News Reveals Hotel That Banned 9/11 Hero

Press release from: RINF Alternative News

Published date: 06-18-2007 12:40 PM - CET

Five times honoured hero and last man out of the Twin Towers, William Rodriguez, was scheduled to speak in Peterborough, UK, until event organisers were forced to cancel.

William Rodriguez is currently embarking on a European tour, covering much of the UK.

The event venue in Peterborough, the Bull Hotel, has been inundated with telephone calls and emails requesting an explanation from annoyed members of the public, as it is completely unacceptable to ban a real hero who saved hundreds of lives during the horrific events of 9/11.

9/11 survivor calls for new inquiry

Video and Source:

9/11 survivor calls for new inquiry

18 June 2007 | 12:16


CONSPIRACY theorists marched through Ipswich town centre campaigning for an investigation into the 9/11 terror attacks.

Around 15 people from the Ipswich Truth Campaign took part in the march on Saturday where they denounced the official story of the 2001 atrocity as a “pack of lies”.

The event was also designed to raise awareness of a talk being given in Ipswich by William Rodriguez, a janitor working at the World Trade Centre on September 11 who was later decorated for his heroism in rescuing survivors.

Mr Rodriguez claims he heard an explosion prior to the plane striking the North Tower and believes it was in fact the US government which was behind the attacks.

Carl Friar, march co-organiser, said: “There should be a reinvestigation into 9/11 because we don't have all the information.

Bin Laden backer blasted

On the defensive...Australia's new Mufti, Sheik Fehmi Naji el-Imam refuses
to accept Osama bin Laden was responsible for the September 11 attacks on
the US. / The Daily Telegraph


Bin Laden backer blasted

By Mark Dunn and Evelyn Yamine

June 12, 2007 03:01pm

THE refusal by Australia's new Mufti to accept Osama bin Laden was responsible for the September 11 attacks has sparked a mass brawl online.

In his first day in the job, the cleric Sheik Fehmi Naji el-Imam stuck by his long-standing view questioning whether bin Laden was behind the 2001 attacks.

"What evidence?" he said when asked if he now accepted bin Laden's role in the atrocity.

Two years ago, when asked the same question, he said: "How would I know? He's unable to be found."

More than one hundred outraged readers have written to this website to protest - while others are backing his call.

Like Hariri Tribunal, UN Must Help 'The Americans' To Establish 9/11 Truth with Open Public Investigation Immediately


Like Hariri Tribunal, UN Must Help 'The Americans' To Establish 9/11 Truth with Open Public Investigation Immediately To End Global 'War on Terror'!

Thursday June 14 2007 11:15:44 AM BDT

Deepak Sarkar, Canada

Like Hariri Tribunal, UN Must Help ‘The Americans’ To Establish 9/11 Truth with Open Public Investigation Immediately To End Global ‘War on Terror’! (Deepak Sarkar, June 11, 2007, )

[NORAD: North American Air Defense; NEADS: North Eastern Air Defence; FAA: Federal Aviation Authority; NMCC: National Military Command Center; NRO-National Reconnaissance Office ]