Mekt_Ranzz's blog
Pennsylvania to cover cost for security at 9/11 site
Pennsylvania to cover cost for security at 9/11 site
By Daniel Lovering The Associated Press
The Denver Post
Article Last Updated:06/13/2007 01:17:43 AM MDT
Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania will pay for security at the Flight 93 crash site to end a dispute over a donation box at the memorial to the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the governor said Tuesday.
Landowner Mike Svonavec said he installed the box to cover security costs at the site near Shanksville. But the cash box angered victims' families, and the National Park Service covered it with a black plastic bag.
Gov. Ed Rendell announced a $120,000 grant to pay for security at the site for two years, saying the victims' families should not have to raise the money themselves.
"It also eliminates any need for donation boxes, which transformed this hallowed ground into something less dignified," Rendell said in a news release.
JPMorgan to build bank tower at 9/11 site
Last night I saw Richard Gage's presentation on Google Video about the collapse of the WTC. It was the first time I heard that insurance companies covering buildings were able to hike up their premiums by 2000% after 9/11. No wonder they don't want to tangle with Larry Silverstein. Each and every one of them has everything to gain by remaining quiet and everything to lose through infighting.
Thursday, 14 June 2007
JPMorgan to build bank tower at 9/11 site
JPMorgan Chase & Co plans to move its investment bank to a new tower at the office complex to be built on the "Ground Zero" World Trade Center site, a source familiar with the situation has said.
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the government agency that controls the site, said in April that it was negotiating with the No. 3 US banking group about building an office tower just south of the complex that was destroyed on September 11, 2001.
New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer alerted reporters in an advisory that he was holding a news conference on Thursday about a "major economic development announcement."
The 9/11 Solution - The Big Clue Everybody Missed
Google Video:
Published by Scary at Jun 13 2007 - 6:55pm
The 9/11 Solution - The Big Clue Everybody Missed
Two major 9/11 anomalies have been thoroughly documented, specifically:
1) The stand down of US air defense on the morning of 9/11 that permitted commercial jet aircraft to fly erratically and in restricted air space without challenge
2) Overwhelming physical evidence that World Trade Center buildings #1, #2, and #7 were brought down by controlled demolition
A third significant anomaly has not been discussed, let alone acknowledged: the reporting by the major US TV news networks in the first few hours immediately after the attacks.
1. MSNBC presented an elaborately detailed story about the lifestyle and anti-US philosophy of Osama bin Laden - while both towers were still burning and long before Bin Laden had been accused by anyone.
9/11 Truth Group Protest At Parliament
As part of the 11th of Every Month Action Campaign, a London 911 Truth group held a protest at Parliament Square, yesterday.
9/11 Truth Group Protest At Parliament
Mick Meaney | 13.06.2007 13:40 | Terror War | London
Among the protesters, last man out of the Twin Towers and five times honoured hero, William Rodriguez with ex MI5 officer and co-chair of the 911 Truth Campaign (Britain & Ireland), Annie Machon.
The protesters apparently received a good reception from the general public and the group hopes to double its numbers by next month, when another event will take place, again on the 11th.
No conspiracy
No conspiracy
Chico Enterprise-Record
Article Launched:06/12/2007 12:00:00 AM PDT
I am not a propagandist. I have no agenda. I have faithfully reported what I have observed. And I share some of letter writer and 9/11 Truther Paul Ellcessor's exasperation.
Shame on the Fox News Channel for abusing Ellcessor's intellectual peer Rosie O'Donnell over her bold statement, "It's the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel." Fox lowering the bar on rational, scientific discussion is entirely unhelpful.
Of Crazies, Neocons and the Enemy Within
Of Crazies, Neocons and the Enemy Within
by Manuel Valenzuela
An all too familiar and ominous echo is reverberating through the American landscape, once more blasted into the airwaves, and our minds, through the Ministry of Propaganda and its merry bunch of sycophants and stenographers. For yet another consecutive year since three monolithic towers were demolished, imploded and systemically brought down onto their own footprints in a catalyzing event unleashing a new American century, Americans are hearing the fiery rhetoric of imminent danger, a cocktail of fear, terror and warmongering fed our enemy-addicted culture, aimed both at stirring conflict with Iran and conditioning our minds into accepting the coming attack on yet another Muslim nation that poses no threat to the mighty Empire.
The Conspiracy Widens
June 13, 2007
The Conspiracy Widens
By George Monbiot
[ZNet editors note: see related debate between Cockburn, Monbiot and others here]
So at last, and after only seven requests, we have some references. And, to no gasps of surprise, they reveal that the "papers" on which Alexander Cockburn bases his claim that carbon dioxide doesn't cause global warming have not been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In fact they have not been published at all.
Cockburn appears not to understand the implications of this. Aware that I might as well argue with a tree stump, let me explain - again and for the last time - what it means. If these papers have not been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, they are not science. They carry no more scientific weight than an article in the National Enquirer.
Scientifically Based Animation of 9/11 Attack
JPG Photo:
A team of researchers from Purdue has created a scientifically based video animation of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. The animation shows that the façade of the World Trade Center north tower provided little resistance to the aircraft used in the attack. The visualization of the attacks will help civil engineers develop buildings that are more resistant to terrorists, the researchers say. (Purdue University image/Voicu Popescu)
Scientifically Based Animation of 9/11 Attack
By: Purdue University
Published: Jun 13, 2007 at 07:26
Although most Americans believe they know what brought down the World Trade Center twin towers on Sept. 11, 2001, civil engineers are still seeking answers to questions that could save lives in the future.
Video shows aftermath of 9/11 collapses
Video shows aftermath of 9/11 collapses
June 13, 2007
Purdue faculty members have created a scientific animation of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center that shows what happened to the towers after planes crashed into them. The project was funded in part by the National Science Foundation.
The animation shows how a plane went through several stories of the north tower and the effect the plane's body and fuel had on the structure as well as the effects of glass, dust and other factors in the destruction of the tower.
The simulation found that the planes peeled away shortly after impact and the engines flew through the building like bullets.
Confirming another simulation, the Purdue model showed that it was the 10,000 gallons of fuel that caused the most damage, knocking out essential structural columns and removing fireproof insulation.
From JFK to 9/11: Why People Believe in Conspiracies
From JFK to 9/11: Why People Believe in Conspiracies
By Dennis Prager
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Vincent Bugliosi's remarkable 20-year work on who killed John F. Kennedy has just been published. Containing about a million and a half words and thousands of footnotes, "Reclaiming History" is probably the most detailed examination of one moment in time ever written. It reconfirms that a man named Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing the American president.
As one who never doubted the original U.S. government report that Oswald acted alone, I am deeply grateful to Bugliosi for the service he has rendered our country. But I also regret that he had to.
Why did he have to? Because it was necessary to definitively refute all those who believe, despite bipartisan government reports and excellent books such as Gerald Posner's "Case Closed," that there was some conspiracy to kill President Kennedy and that Oswald was not the only shooter.
Student protesters say truth about 9/11 still not out
Student protesters say truth about 9/11 still not out
By Ryan Hutchins, Special to the Times Union
Last updated: 12:31 a.m., Tuesday, June 12, 2007
COLONIE - A small group of protesters from the University at Albany gathered, bullhorn in hand, in front of the Times Union building Monday afternoon, shouting that the truth behind Sept. 11 has never come out.
``The (9/11) Commission never really investigated it,'' organizer and UAlbany student Sean Muniz said.
Muniz's organization, a "loosely" associated chapter of, is a recognized club at UAlbany and even receives $250 per semester from the school's Student Association. The organization has been around since October 2006 at UAlbany and has 25 active members.
``This is something we're just starting to do,'' Muniz said of the protest. The protesters did not have a permit and Muniz said they did not need one because they were on a public sidewalk, at the corner of Wolf Road and Albany-Shaker Road.
US hero of 9/11 to speak at university
US hero of 9/11 to speak at university
Jun 12 2007
A HEROIC survivor of the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Centre is to give a talk at Warwick University this month.
American William Rodriguez was a janitor and the last survivor out of the North Tower of the building, and saved many lives.
He has been honoured five times at the White House, is the President of The Hispanic Victims' Group, and an internationally recognised peace campaigner.
As part of a European tour, Mr Rodriguez will talk about his experiences at the main lecture theatre of Warwick University's Social Studies Department on June 20 at 7pm.
Event organiser, Jack Morgan, said: "I'm delighted to be helping Mr Rodriguez to spread his message of courage, truth and justice here at Warwick University."
The event is free.
June 12, 2007 -- WASHINGTON - Former New Jersey Gov. Christie Whitman will be grilled on the government's environmental response to 9/11 at a congressional hearing June 25.
A House judiciary subcommittee headed by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan) will investigate violations of "substantive due-process rights" of people living and working near Ground Zero, with Whitman as the star witness.
Whitman, who was running the Environmental Protection Agency on Sept. 11, balked at testifying last month, when the panel first tried to call her.
But she has since agreed to face lawmakers and TV cameras in the first major congressional probe into Sept. 11 illnesses focusing on the EPA's response.
Deadline Approaching For 9/11 First Responders To Receive Benefits
Deadline Approaching For 9/11 First Responders To Receive Benefits
June 07, 2007
A group of city employees who worked at the World Trade Center site after the September 11th terrorist attacks gathered at City Hall Thursday to get the word out about applying for disability benefits.
The deadline is coming up and those who spent time in the pit, at Fresh Kills or in the temporary morgue are urging others to act before they lose their chance.
They say anyone who's feeling sick from working at those locations between September 11th, 2001 and September 12th, 2002 – and has documentation to prove it – is entitled to apply.
"There are thousands of rescue workers and recovery workers out there who need to get their paperwork in, to file to get their pensions changed from regular pension to disability pension,” said first responder Glen Klein.
"There've been different numbers, but about 113,000 people worked at Ground Zero,” said Sean Riordan, an attorney. “Approximately 13,000 – which was the last number given to me – had put in the notice of participation."
Heroes for 9/11 Truth, for Peace, for Impeachment
Heroes for 9/11 Truth, for Peace, for Impeachment
by Carol Brouillet
Thursday Jun 7th, 2007 1:43 PM
Heroes and Superheroes gather, sing, rally, march for Truth, Peace, Impeachment in Palo Alto. Master of Ceremonies, KPFA's Dennis Bernstein will pass out awards to Citizen heroes for 9/11 Truth- including Dr. Robert Bowman, Richard Gage, AIA, Janette MacKinlay, and Cosmos.