burnice's blog

Upcoming radio appearances for Conspirathon 2006

Here's some upcoming radio appearances in which I'll be promoting Conspirathon (http://conspirathon.com):

Tonight, 11/28, just after midnight (CST) on Truth Net Radio with Mike Chambers; check out the listen live links here: http://www.tnrlive.com/main/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=30

Thursday, 11/30, just before 8am (CST) on Oklahoma's First News with Mullins in the Morning (local clear channel station) http://ktok.com/pages/mullinsinthemorning.html; listen live link at top of page.

Starting to get nervous now!!!

911 Freedom Walk - what a crock

Ok, so this is obviously my first attempt at a blog. Here in OK, it's been heavily promoted that OKC is to host a "911 Freedom Walk" on the 5-year anniversary of the 911 crime. Even the governor and ex-governor joined forces to announce the event. It is scheduled to begin at the OKC bombing memorial and will end at the Bricktown Ballpark (corporate name omitted!).

See, the thing is that I've been wanting to get a big 911 protest cooked up in OKC for years. I even went so far as to call for one a few years back, but all the people I informed about it didn't show up. So there I was, on the corner of 23rd and Classen, all by myself with my "Expose the 911 cover up" sign. It was actually kinda fun.

After doing a little digging around about this "freedom walk" they have planned, I came across this site:


One word: WOW. So the DoD and military (note the .mil in the addy) are promoting these "freedom walks" all over the country. You can even volunteer to host one in your own city. So I say to myself, "This is a great opportunity for 911 truth seekers to show up and hand out truth materials, they have basically planned our nationwide protests for us!" I tell all of my local 'truth group' and they are all pumped to go stage our own counter-march at this thing. Then, I get online and start telling people about it.