thoughtcrime7's blog
My Letter to TVO
I just watched your program, “Conspiracy Anyone” on The Agenda, TVO, August 1, 2008.
Thank you for addressing the issue of conspiracy. It seemed that more focus & time was spent theorizing on the mindset of conspiracy paranoia than the details of any of the conspiracies themselves.Two of the four panel experts could not swear by the official theory of the JFK assassination so I assume they suffer from the same conspiracy paranoia which they attribute to the majority. I did not hear them discuss the details of their doubts. If such a malady as “conspiracyitis” could infect the minds of 70+% of the population, it is noteworthy, but the panel was as vague about the science of this psychological phenomenon as they were on any of the conspiracies mentioned. No studies in the area of mass paranoia were cited.