synergist's blog

Judgment begins: Dutch govt declares Iraq war unlawful in first "Emperor has no clothes" report

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You’ll be so embarrassed in the near future if you have to admit you never learned the laws of war to add your self-expression to this “Emperor has no clothes” historical judgment of early 21st Century US history.

Imagine telling your children and grandchildren, “Nope. I just believed George Bush and then Obama. I didn’t think dying people in the Middle East worth my time to understand the issue clearly. That’s all the love I had in my heart, all the responsibility I carried for my citizenry, all the attention I had outside my little self.”

Ending mass-murder is something you want to do as soon as humanly possible.

Like now.

The government of the Netherlands commissioned a study to answer the question of legality of the US-led armed attack of Iraq (here, here, here). Their conclusion is unanimous among their panel of legal experts: there is no legal justification; the war is unlawful.

Reality check: If China "liberated" US like we "liberated" Iraq, here’s how we would look

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How bad is the death and injury toll in Iraq since the US invasion? Let’s extrapolate the data from Iraq onto the US and see the effects. Imagine that China is playing the role of the US and the US is in Iraq’s position. Several areas of data might need updating; I welcome your suggestions for any improvement.

The data: According to the John Hopkins School of Public Health published in the esteemed Lancet Medical Journal using the best academic and professional methodology, as of October, 2006, over 650,000 more Iraqis were killed since the US invasion than would be expected in pre-war conditions.[1] Despite this being the only peer-reviewed study, the US government dismissed this study without giving reason, saying that less than 100,000 Iraqis died.[2] Today, the number of violent Iraqi deaths is probably 1.4 million.[3] From these deaths, the Iraqi government reports that five million children have become orphans; horrific even if overestimated by a factor of two.[4]

Pakistan: unlawful US drone war kills 140 innocent civilians for 1 CIA-alleged terrorist

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Pakistan’s government reported US drones killed only civilians in 39 of 44 attacks on their country in 2009; with over 700 innocent civilians killed. Pakistan has repeatedly publicly denounced the US attacks, making the US guilty of War Crimes as they do not have explicit permission from Pakistan’s government.

Senator and 2008 Republican Presidential choice John McCain called the unlawful program effective and that it should continue. In Orwellian conclusion, Mr. McCain said, "We are always with Pakistan and the people of Pakistan, and our relationship does not have time limitation.” Mr. Obama must be in agreement for this prima facie unlawful program, as more drone attacks have occurred in the first year of his presidency than all years of his predecessor.

Afghan govt. demands arrest of US "death squad" who handcuffed, executed 8 children. US refuses

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Kai Eide, UN Representative to Afghanistan confirmed the Afghan government’s investigative conclusions that US troops handcuffed and then executed eight students enrolled in grades 6 through 10 in a night raid on December 27, 2009. The US military and NATO responded the troops involved were non-official. The most likely source of para-military “non-official” troops in Afghanistan is Blackwater/Xe.

President Hamid Karzai demanded arrest of the US troops engaged in the break-in and mafia-style execution of their children. The US responded to the Afghan demand of January 1 by rejecting the findings of the Afghan government and UN with a vague promise of their own self-investigation at some later date.

For further analysis, I suggest here, here, here, and here.

Policy response: Gandhi and Martin Luther King advocated public understanding of the facts and non-cooperation with evil. I’m among hundreds who advocate:

National Guard ad revives Nazi oath to Hitler: "Always place mission first," not US Constitution

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In 2003, the US Army adapted the “Soldier’s Creed” to program soldiers to shift their Oath of Enlistment from “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” to the heel-clicking, non-thinking, dictator-obeying, “I will always place the mission first.” This fascist propaganda is highlighted in the National Guard’s new 2-minute ad playing in movie theaters, shown below.

Brain-washing soldiers to place the mission first, that is, “just follow orders” given by der Fuehrer (“the leader” in German) rather than being responsible for obeying the Constitution and laws of war dramatizes the US shift into fascism.

Nazi German soldiers had such an oath:

If US government says an American citizen is a "terrorist," the Constitution is gone, torture is on

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An American citizen with a bachelor’s degree from 2003 earned from Brooklyn College in Political Science protested as a student against US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He appropriately earned his master’s degree in International Relations in a different country, at a London university, and continued lawful political protest against unlawful US and British wars.

In 2006 this American was arrested as a “terrorist.” The evidence: a defendant under a plea-bargain deal to reduce his sentence testified that the American loaned his cell phone as needed when the defendant stayed at his apartment while travelling through London. Among the defendant’s calls is at least one to alleged members of al-Qaida in Pakistan to arrange delivery of a few raincoats, ponchos, and socks in the defendant’s luggage.

That’s the evidence of criminal activity: lending his cell phone.

Iran again offers to halt uranium enrichment for fuel swap; why won’t US and Obama declare peace?

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Will Nobel Peace Prize winner President Obama declare peace with Iran upon their second acceptance of a nuclear fuel exchange program? Will the US corporate media headline this resolution? Will “leadership” of both US political parties announce peaceful victory?

The answer to all three is no. What will happen over the next few days and weeks is government pronouncement that this offer is unacceptable; that Iran must surrender nuclear material in exchange for a promise to receive fuel a year or so in the future from France, in direct violation of Iran’s right to an international-inspected nuclear energy program. What corporate media will not mention is France already owes Iran 50 tons of nuclear fuel, and has for 30 years. Iran’s offer to exchange unprocessed nuclear material for processed fuel they are already owed by France is more than fair. So far, an anonymous US official has rejected Iran’s offer.

US lies about Flight 253 "crotch bomber" patsy: summary of the evidence; Yemen attack implication

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The US government who lied for wars in other resource-rich countries are lying about what happened on Delta Flight 253 with an alleged underwear/crotch bomber. Below is a summary of facts reported at this time, along with a 4-minute news interview from Webster Tarpley, followed by an extensive interview of Mr. Tarpley by Alex Jones.

The longer explanations of the following bullet points are in the reporting from Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff, US Intelligence Examiner Fred Burk, Prison Planet, 9-11 was an Inside Job, American Everyman Scott Creighton, and Citizens for Legitimate Government Lori Price.

Before the flight to the US:
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab traveled to Yemen to meet with “terrorists.” However, his mother also lives in Yemen, which could also explain the visit.

Goldman Sachs: Record of $23 billion in bonuses for 2009; explaining their economic parasitism

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Goldman Sachs is among the most visible financial parasites. Their executives have a revolving door through the US Treasury Department. They profit through “trading,” much like Enron did; including selling investments represented as AAA while simultaneously betting the value of those investments tank. Their CEO says they’re “doing God’s work,” as Enron’s CEO said, “We are on the side of angels.” A US Senate report puts the parasitic cost to Americans at $2 to $4 trillion every year. To put that figure into perspective, that’s an almost unbelievable $20,000 to $40,000 added cost per US household every year. Goldman Sachs is so happy with their “trading,” they’ll pay out a record of $23 billion in bonuses to their top employees for their 2009 work.

There are professionals in economics and finance using the term “parasitism” in its literal sense to describe our US economy.

HR 4173: Congress promises banksters $4 trillion without hearings next time they cry, "Bailout!"

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Prominent financial futurist Gerald Celente calls what the oligarchic collusion of government and banksters are doing to the American public as economic rape. Bailout overseer and Harvard law professor Elizabeth Warren calls it reckless gambling. After the year of the world’s largest transfer of wealth from US taxpayers to banksters, Congress is telling the US taxpayers, “TARP off,” by guaranteeing the banksters another $4 TRILLION next time they claim they’re holding the US economy hostage. The bill also limits debate to 10 hours, which could be eagerly construed to mean no hearings.

$4 trillion is ~$40,000 per average US household. The last so-called bailout also didn’t have any hearings; that is, expert testimony of how the public interest could best be served through public policy. Are we being financially raped? Are we feeding gambling addicts in a tragic-comic Ponzi scheme? And most importantly, is there an answer that ends the crisis and moves America forward?

What is the alternative to our economic slavery? Powerful response in the film Zeitgeist Addendum

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Zeitgeist Addendum is the 2008 follow-up to the 2007 100 million Internet-viewed Zeitgeist. The film focuses on humanity’s fundamental problem of a viciously antagonistic relationship among ourselves and its reflection in economic structures. The solution presented is to understand three areas of money and economics, and one area of philosophical creative potential:

1.The mechanics of our fractional reserve monetary system that only and always creates debt that is impossible to ever repay.
2.Our corporatocracy governments that enslave nations under unpayable debt to control resources and profit.
3.The option of upgrading our economy from a scarcity and profit-based paradigm to a resource and technology-driven paradigm.
4.The philosophy of emergence and symbiosis to embrace humanity’s interconnectedness and constant evolution.

Let’s proceed with an examination of Zeitgeist Addendum’s analysis of humanity’s economic past, present, and future.

Marjorie Cohn: Obama's Af-Pak War is not just deadly and counterproductive: it's illegal

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Attorney and law professor Marjorie Cohn is at the forefront of legal argument that current US wars are unlawful. Below is her latest article as another voice to mine explaining how these wars are not even close to the legal qualification of self-defense.

Two analogies:

Exposing myth of Christmas an entry to broader truth? For the ready, sure. If not, another reason to call us crazy

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History is the academic field to answer with evidence who did what, when, where, and provide contextual facts to construct analyses for the subjective question of why. One paradox of Christmas and Christianity is despite American reliance on historical tools to understand every other aspect of life, most people who say their religion is important to them have never examined the vast professional historical work concerning Jesus. A second paradox is that although the history shows a different view of Jesus than people like to believe, none of the history may matter. A final paradox is how unknown the striking similarity of the story of Jesus to other ancient myths related to astronomy and the winter solstice is among Christians.

Obama bombs Yemen: no report of attempt for peaceful resolution; US needs Department of Peace

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Orwellian Peace-prize winner President Obama approved US cruise missile use in Yemen with no report he attempted peaceful resolution against alleged “terrorists.” The attacks killed 63, including 28 children. Below is a 2-minute news video.

Despite the obvious need, the US has no “Department of Peace.”

US policy does include obvious torture and Supreme Court refusal for prosecution against the US for torture. Despite the declassified evidence showing the US government lied to wage unlawful Wars of Aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq, American government-sponsored mass-murder continues.

Policy response: Gandhi and Martin Luther King advocated public understanding of the facts and non-cooperation with evil. I’m among hundreds who advocate:

Iraq Veterans Against War: the real enemy is US government for lying, waging unlawful war

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Please watch the following 4-minute video of Mike Prysner, a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War in his accurate and moving testimony that current US wars are unlawful, evil, and must be stopped if we value virtue over American fascism.

Policy response: Gandhi and Martin Luther King advocated public understanding of the facts and non-cooperation with evil. I’m among hundreds who advocate:
1.Understand the laws of war. These were legislated after WW2 and are crystal-clear that only self-defense, in a narrow legal meaning, can justify war. This investment of your time takes less than an hour and empowers you to legally stand for ending these Wars of Aggression.