Fraser Tothus's blog

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Candice Miller (R-Michigan 10th) Office in Shelby Twp. A woman named Erik answered the phone. I was able to leave a message quoting Z.Brezinski's testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (2/1/07) in which he mentions "a plausible scenario for a military involvement with Iran" (in which he later lays out such a scenario involving Iraqi failure to meet benchmarks, etc, blame on Iran for the failure, then a(nother) 9/11-type event (with weapons of mass-destruction, this time?), either in Iraq, or in the US, leading directly to US attack on Iran.), asking that the Representative, in her capacity as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, as well as being on the House Committee on Government Reform, work toward convening a House panel or better, to convene hearings in the House, requesting that Mr Brezinski appear and tell the House and the American people why he believes the scenario is "plausible". I also request the Rep to not forstall or otherwise work against a re-opening of an investigation into 9/11, and, if possible, actively support a new 9/11 investigation in the House.

What we can do

After listening to Mr Tarpley, I again felt motivated to do something. This time, armed with the information about Brezinski's warning, and Putin's statement, I looked up on the internet the names and numbers of all the Senators and Representatives, and for two hours, called the offices of one after another, leaving my request for the opening of a House Panel (in the case of Rep's. of course) to call Brezinski before the House to explain why a new 9/11 scenario is "plausible" and what we can do to prevent it, ask that they pledge not to support using nuclear weapons in Iran, and that they ("pretty please") re-open the 9/11 investigation. I get the distinct impression, especailly when I am put on speaker-phone, that my words are not being written down for their delivery, but that this is a tactic designed to have me believe I am being heard.