dtg86's blog

911debunkers.blogspot.com removed

I went to check for any new updates at JM Talboo's http://911debunkers.blogspot.com/

It says the blog has been removed. I tried emailing JM (we've corresponded in the past) and my email was returned undeliverable. Unable to write him from Blogger's contact page (not authorized to access it), I hope everything is all right? A great advocate with a great resource. Anyone else heard anything?


Richard Gage appearance on Infowars 10-9-2015

..every single terrorist incident [in US] has been a false-flag..

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the business model of the war on terror ... in the second half, Max interviews former CIA agent and open source advocate, Robert David Steele, about false flags and moral hazard.

Great interview. More about Mr. Steele's project

Together in truth

The Inside Information That Could Have Stopped 9/11

Good confirmation of the presence of CIA Minders during commission interviews.

Original Source Link:

By: By Jeff Stein / January 14, 2015 9:24 AM EST

Just before Christmas, former FBI special agent Mark Rossini greeted me with his usual good cheer when we met for drinks in a midtown Manhattan restaurant. He told me his life had finally taken a turn for the better. He’s spending most of his time in Switzerland, where he works for a private global corporate-security firm. “Life’s good,” he said.

Good, but with a few major changes. Rossini was drinking club soda instead of the expensive cabernets he quaffed when I first knew him as a high-flying FBI official in Washington a decade ago, when he was a special assistant to the bureau’s chief spokesman, John Miller (now with the New York City Police Department). “I’ve cut back,” he said. “Feeling good.”

Bankers killing bankers for the insurance money and another look at 9/11

Although the following article doesn't really discuss banker suicides much, Max Keiser's Op-edge article provides some unique insight to the insider trading that was occurring in the week prior to the 9/11 attacks. He is surprisingly candid about Jim Rickards conclusions about the source of the insider trading origins being foreign and opaque. Max claims there is overwhelming evidence that airliner insider trading originated at the CIA although he doesn't cite any specifically. Very interesting reading indeed.
Source link: http://rt.com/op-edge/158988-bankers-killing-suicide-fraud/#.U3XcDlwfJeE.twitter

Bankers killing bankers for the insurance money and another look at 9/11
by Max Keiser Published time: May 14, 2014 19:12

Two big, macabre stories came out of Wall Street recently: the rash of banker deaths by apparent murder and/or suicide, and speculation that bank CEOs themselves are behind the trend to cash in on the insurance.

Michael C. Ruppert, Feb. 3 1951 - April 13 2014

Sadly, one of the great warriors of the truth movement (not just 9/11) has passed away from an alleged self inflicted gunshot wound. From his website collapsenet.com website


I have been informed that MCR has committed suicide. I am devastated, and very, very sad...

We'll report more as information becomes available.


MCR was my friend, my client (I was his attorney) and business partner in CollapseNet. We will gather and report THE FACTS about MCR's death, and nothing else. On my honor, the truth of MCR's death WILL BE TOLD, and his memory will be honored.

Media inquiries should come right here, to me, via ceo@collapsenet.com.

Rest In Peace Mike. I am so sorry that you are gone. You fought the greatest of fights, you opened thousands of eyes and you have earned your place in history, and in our hearts.

Much more to come...

Wesley T. Miller

Jim Rickards/Max Keiser discuss 9/11 Insider Trading

In this episode of Max Keiser's show Kesier Report, Jim Rickards confirms that insider trading of airline stocks was taking place. To his discredit he distances himself from accusing any governmental involvement I understand he feels he must take that stance in order to maintain his "status". I don't have a problem with this per se, but he uses statements like "individual trading at Alex Brown is irrelevant" but in the same breath, describes how tracing down the initial transactions are crucial to determining those involved. Really? I wonder how many muslim terrorists Mr. Rickards thinks own airline stocks if any stocks at all? Does he think they logged into their E-trade account from Afghanistan? Did KSM have a trading account? What if the initial transactions were started at Alex Brown? HMaking a statement such as this, IMHO, is equivalent to the 9/11 Commission's statement that the financing of the attacks is of "little practical significance."

To Max's credit he stuck to the connections between Buzzy Krongard, Alex Brown, and his CIA connections. This is two part interview and the second part has not posted yet. Will post it here when it becomes available.

Kurt Sonnenfeld video collection being released by Loose Change

According to the Facebook page for the film Loose Change

"We just found this guy's [Kurt Sonnenfeld] footage on an old hard drive. 580 minutes, almost 10 hours. Some say he killed his wife, some say it's an elaborate attempt to frame him because of what's in the footage. Should we put it online and let the public decide?"

And apparently the decision was made to upload it.

Loose Change: A 9/11 Truth Film: "It is now uploading, one clip at a time. No guarantees how exciting it will be, but as far as we know it's all of Kurt's footage unless he comes forward to state otherwise."

The process is still ongoing. The footage is being uploaded on Loose Change's youtube channel.

Loose Change Facebook link:

Loose Change Youtube link:

NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake admits WTC 7 a controlled demolition

In an interview conducted by OpEdNews.com founder Rob Kall and posted Jan. 22, 2014, entitled "Whistleblower Former NSA Exec Thomas Drake On Obama's Speech, Bengazi, 911 and more- part 1 (&2), Thomas Drake makes the claim that WTC 7 was brought down because of the damage it received from the destruction of the twin towers. In an interview spanning many topics from Benghazi to 9/11 foreknowledge, Mr Drake is asked specifically about the destruction of the WTC complex. He was asked around the 50:00 mark of part 1. However, his evaded responding until just after the 24:00 mark of part 2. He states he remains unconvinced and adamantly proclaims there is "no evidence" that the twin towers were brought down by controlled demolition. But in a stunning admission he adds quote "...and building 7, by the way, came down in part..they had to bring it down because it was severely damaged from the towers falling"

PBS NOVA Ground Zero Supertower. The sellout continues.

Not that we should expect anything more or less from a show produced by the propaganda masters. From the show's website: "National corporate funding for NOVA is provided by The Boeing Company. Major funding for NOVA is provided by David H. Koch, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS viewers." Not much more needs to be said.




September 11 News feed removed from infowars.com

So last week I visit infowars.com as I regularly do. I scroll down to see if there are any new 9/11 headlines only find the topic has been removed from infowars.com home page entirely and replaced with prisonplanet.com headlines. Before posting this blog entry, I did write to infowars editor Kurt Nimmo last week asking why this change. I haven't received any reply indicating he has read my concerns so I wanted to post it here to bring more attention to it. It would certainly seem from my viewpoint with recent happenings, such as Kevin Ryan's new book and the ReThink911 campaign, that infowars would provide considerable coverage of these events. However, we get just the opposite from a person who should be one of our biggest advocates.

AE911Truth to be discussed Buffalo/Toronto radio "The Edge" 6/11/13

As posted on my Facebook

"Gather up every one, pull up a seat and cop a squat at your nearest internet browser tomorrow at 1030am where I will be a guest speaker Architects and Engineer for 9/11 Truth on the "Shredd & Ragan" on 103.3 "The Edge" radio Buffalo/Toronto. Goto http://www.wedg.com/ and click on the Listen Live in the TR corner. It am told it will be around 5 - 10 mins so I am unsure how much talk I will get. I did inform them in our emails that I expect it "to be an honest discussion of the facts." It would be a great shame and public disservice if they choose to do so otherwise. They have a great opportunity here and public responsibility here. Let's all hope for the best and they do what is right.

Together in Truth
Peace everyone. "

Without much time I will just try to focus on the impossibility of freefall and let Sir Isaac Newton be my guide. I will certainly make the new Rethink911.org campaign gets a mention. Hope many get the opportunity to listen. I don't see an archive on the show's website, so I'll get a recording up when I can. Thanks for turning in.

peace everyone.

Letter: Group questions official story of 9/11

My letter to the editor of my local paper made it in for the Buffalo premiere of Experts Speak Out. It made the print edition too. Had a 250 word limit. Hope there is a nice turnout. I am heading there myself later. News of other events has been a bit scarce I'm sorry to say. I'll post how it goes tonight in Buffalo.

Peace everyone.


Posted: Friday, June 8, 2012 12:23 pm

Has anyone ever wondered why so many people do not believe the “official” 9/11 narrative? Well 1,700 reasons are coming to Buffalo today, at 9 p.m. at the Market Arcade Cinema in the form of a 90-minute documentary by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (ae911truth.org). See 911expertsspeakout.org for venue information or view it online.

Ae911truth is a organization of of 1,700 licensed and/or degreed professionals who petition for a new investigation, into the destruction of all three World Trade Center buildings that fell that day. Yes, that’s right, I said three, and those reading this who did not know three buildings fell that day need to be there the most. WTC 7 was a 47-story steel-and-concrete building that free-falls through itself for over 100 feet. It drops like a stone accelerating at the same rate as gravity. Many have never seen the destruction of WTC Building 7 and those who have, never see 9/11 the same again. They can suspend the Constitution but not the laws of physics. The official story is easily falsifiable. We must begin viewing 9/11 and the “war on terror” in a new context. These highly respected professionals in the fields of structural/mechanical engineering, architecture, physics, chemistry, and more risk everything by speaking out publicly about the glaring flaws in the NIST reports and the vast evidence ignored by investigators. See the facts and join the discussion.

FBI and CIA were too busy fighting each other to avert 9/11

Posted last week (3/28/12) on RT, It has been awhile since the old CIA/FBI Turf feud meme has been dusted off, but I haven't seen much discussion regarding this operation foxden so it seemed worth posting.


In 1999 the US had the opportunity to potentially stop the 9/11 attacks in New York City, but failed due to internal disputes between the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigations and National Security Agency.

In that same year the Taliban had settled on a license with an American company, Afghan Wireless Communications, to build a cell-phone and Internet system in Afghanistan.

The stealthy arrangement which was dubbed “Operation Foxden,” would have given access to the US government to monitor all al-Qaeda and Taliban phone calls and e-mails.

“Had this network been built with the technology that existed in 2000, it would have been a priceless intelligence asset,” said an unnamed former NSA official to David Rose a contributing editor for Vanity Fair.

A SEAL's account of how Osama bin Laden really died.

Posting for posterity from the Daily Caller.


Correcting the ‘fairy tale’: A SEAL’s account of how Osama bin Laden really died
Published: 12:42 AM 11/07/2011 | Updated: 3:28 PM 11/07/2011
By Vince Coglianese
email: vince.dailycaller@gmail.com

Forget whatever you think you know about the night Osama bin Laden was killed. According to a former Navy SEAL who claims to have the inside track, the mangled tales told of that historic night have only now been corrected.

“It became obvious in the weeks evolving after the mission that the story that was getting put out there was not only untrue, but it was a really ugly farce of what did happen,” said Chuck Pfarrer, author of Seal Target Geronimo: The Inside Story of the Mission to Kill Osama Bin Laden.

In an extensive interview with The Daily Caller, Pfarrer gave a detailed account of why he believes the record needed to be corrected, and why he set out to share the personal stories of the warriors who penetrated bin Laden’s long-secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.