kuumasauna's blog

9/11 Supercomputer Center

Why we need 9/11 supercomputer center?

I have no doubt that WTC towers were brought down by controlled demolition. Thanks to the excellent 9/11 researchers. Unfortunately main stream media has burned other ideas to the people's minds that are hard to change.

I propose a project to make scientific computer simulations of the WTC disintegrations. Indeed if explosives were actually used, there would be two revealing cases to simulate:
1. Simulate explosives in such places that simulation looks like the disintegration from the actual videos.
2. Simulate explosives (if any?) only in the impact zone in order to start collapses. I would expect from this some sort of partial collapse or fall off the upper part.

However simulations alone are not enough for brain washed public. We need also animations. The goal should be some kind of visually attractive documentary movie which explains simple physics behind the animations. I think this would be a huge leap ahead. People would open their eyes and understand how absurd the NIST progressive collapse theory is.