
Nicholas Levis - CoFounder of NY911Truth on Korean TV

As one of this movement's most eloquent spokesmen for truth, Nicholas Levis was one of the founding members of the New York movement. He has organized many of the most visible events and actions in New York City, and continues to research and write prolifically on the subject of 9/11.

I caught this interview with Korean television on my minDV on the same day Levis conducted interviews with German TV and two visiting Korean TV networks.

Oliver Stone says "conspiracy-mongering on 9/11" a "waste of time"

In case anyone thought maybe someday Stone will realize his mistake with "World Trade Center":

"I think that conspiracy-mongering on 9/11 is a waste of time," he said. "The far greater conspiracy occurred after 9/11 when basically a neo-cabal inside our government hijacked policy and went to war. That was as broad a conspiracy as we can get and it was about 20, 30 people. That's all, they took over and all these books are coming out and they are pointing it out," said Stone.

Even Michael Moore is asking about the Pentagon's security cams!

I saw Fahrenheit 9/11, obviously its somewhat of a whitewash...but even michael Moore is questioning why the government hasn't released the security camera's to show Flight 77 hitting the building!

What is wrong with 911 thruth?

I know many of you might take offense for what I am about to write, but nevertheless it is what I believe to be the ultimate truth. In my humble opinion the 911 truth movement has already created and went beyond “critical mass”. More than 5 percent believe in your concerns regarding the official story (fraud) given to us by the Philip Zelikov commission. I read that somewhere between 35 to 40 percent are more likely to believe your truth than the official story, given these numbers, I wonder why this have not translated into a massive demonstrations like the civil rights movement, Vietnam and so forth.

I have been reading your post for the last couple of weeks and came to conclusion that you guys are honest and passionate in what you believe, but in my opinion I have the impression that the 911 truth community is more concerned with being right about 911, than mobilizing the masses. You have to understand that the truth is already on your side, because you have proven that the official story is a lie and that is commendable, but the 911-truth community has failed in translating the awakening of many into a cause that many will strive for a change.

In my opinion the middle class America (what is left) is apathetic to 911 truth, because they benefit from the status quo and rather than accept the truth, they will rationalize and find comfort in our mediums of propaganda and deception. They have fancy cars, homes, and good jobs. These middle class individuals ultimately work for the global corporations that are the roots of our nation’s problem. When you shatter the middle-class reality, they become aggressive and vicious with denial and will accept the most ridiculous opposing view.

9/11 Pentagon Explosion video and BOMB comment from Donald Rumsfeld

Here is video of an explosion in front of the Pentagon at 9:45 the morning of 9/11 complete with a quote from Donald Rumsfeld about what the "plane crash" felt like at 9:37. The video comes straight from the History Channel's documentary, "The 9/11 Commission Report" and can be found one hour and four minutes into the movie.

It can also be found here...

If that doesn't work email me at and I'll send it to you personally.

Details on Upcoming Site Downtime

I mentioned last week that we would be switching servers to better keep up with site traffic. I am going to begin that transition tomorrow afternoon (Friday Sept. 29th). I'm not sure of the exact time that the site will be taken down, it may be as early as 6PM or as late as midnight.

The site switch is going to require us moving to a new VPS host, and is going to require a DNS switch. Likewise the old site will have to be taken down and moved over to the new site, so the site will be unavailable for a period of time during which I move over the data and the DNS propagates. In other words, the site will be down Friday evening for a few hours.

The new site should provide us with a lot of room to grow, and should get rid of the 'CPU Quota' errors that currently occur whenever the site has 50+ people hitting the site concurrently. Likewise this switch should prevent the site from going down during periods in which our traffic greatly increases (like it did on the 5th anniversary). The switch to the new site may be somewhat bumpy, but I have done what I can to ensure that the downtime is as minimal as possible. I would really appreciate it if everyone could be patient with us during the transition this weekend.

Once the new site is up and running I will be getting back to some of the other pressing issues on the site, specifically the need for user based content moderation and promotion.

On a side note, we are going to be running a new bunch of ads once the site is back up. If you have any suggestions for what sites to run ads on, or what the focus of the ads should be feel free to post them.

The Secret Government

It aired on PBS in 1987 and is as good as anything on the tape (must see). Moyers is a very respected TV journalist who also worked for ... all » Lyndon B. Johnson and has a very professional approach. He interviews many different people involved with the CIA and other government agencies. His documentary gives quite an overview of what has actually happened in the last 50 years regarding the CIA and the cold war (including Iran, Guatamala, Cuba, Viet Nam and Chile). He features such people as Ralph McGeehee and Phil Retinger (both former CIA agents), Rear Admiral Gene La Rocque (Ret. U.S.N.), Theodore Bissell (active in the CIA at the time), Sen. Frank Church and many others. Moyers is so very credible. The full video "The Secret Government" is 90 minutes - this segment is edited by Frank Dorrel to 20 minutes.

Pastor responds to follow up letter. Truth WINS!!!

Well guys, it did not take long to get a response from my pastor and I must say, I am pleasantly surprised with his response. This is very shocking because this church is what I would consider a very conservative southern Baptist church. It just goes to show, there is no stopping truth! His response follows along with my 2 original letters, in case you missed them:


Blessings *****,

 It's great to hear from you. Yes, I am very aware of the perspective that indicates that the whole WTC disaster may have been an "inside job" to give this country a plausible reason to go to war. There are many inconsistencies within the stories regarding the Pentagon attack as well. I do not disagree with you on this, but Jesus is very specific with me on my responsibilities and focus for this church. It just so happens that the whole WTC incident is not a part of Jesus' plan for FBC****** at this time.

As far as what you should personally do about your concerns, for that I currently have no answer except to say that affecting those around us right now in our sphere of influence is my and I believe God's main concern. I'm not sure if I helped, but I will be praying that you find the answers and the peace that your looking for.


I just created an account today.Your site came highly recommended from another blogger.I hope to be a worthwhile contributer and benefactor in the search for the facts that will someday peel back the lies the neo-cons call truth and bring them to justice once and for all.I was born and raised in Amityville,Long Island,New York [yes,home of the horror] and one of my first jobs out of High School was with Otis elevator company and was assigned to a maintenance crew at the WTC becoming somewhat knowledgeable of the inner workings of the numerous elevators and their shaftways along with the location and distance of the core columns,having to learn the blueprints to better understand not only the state of the art shaftways,but also all inner support structures leading outward from the rails the elevators rode up and down on in order to locate important electrical junction boxes outside the shaftways that supplied electricity to the motor rooms on the top of each elevator shaft down to the individual elevators themselves. I worked with Otis for 5+ years before quitting in order to pursue a Degree in Law, and work in my uncle's law firm.When the attacks occured a piece of me went down into that molten pool too.

The world is in imminent Danger

Our beloved country USA is finnaly abandoning our constitution, Hope is our last resort, Close to torture treatments and Military tribunals withouth showing proof has been aproved: The world is in imminent danger without a doubt.

WASHINGTON - The Senate on Thursday endorsed President Bush’s plans to prosecute and interrogate terror suspects, all but sealing congressional approval for legislation that Republicans intend to use on the campaign trail to assert their toughness on terrorism.

The 65-34 vote means the bill could reach the president’s desk by week’s end. The House passed nearly identical legislation on Wednesday and was expected to approve the Senate bill on Friday, sending it on to the White House.

The bill would create military commissions to prosecute terrorism suspects. It also would prohibit blatant abuses of detainees but grant the president flexibility to decide what interrogation techniques are legally permissible.

for more:

Extended version of interview w/ Controlled Demo Expert Danny Jowenko confirming that Building 7 was brought down on purpose

A person who goes by the name of "einsteen" over on Loose Change's message boards has translated and posted a much more detailed and extended version of a recent interview conducted with Controlled Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko, in which he confirms that Building 7 was indeed brought down via controlled demolition.

Excerpts from this unedited raw footage first appeared on a Dutch television news program called, Zembla investigates 9/11 theories (2006).

PART 1 of 3

PART 2 of 3

The LIHOP/MIHOP Labels Are Divisive

Most people don't realize that if elements of our Government lifted a finger, a FINGER to help with the success of the attacks, they MADE it happen.

That INCLUDES making a conscious decision to do... absolutely... NOTHING.

We know they did a HELLUVA lot more than nothing, but other people don't.

A lot of people have a hard time accepting that our Government would have a hand in it. It's until they see all of the evidence that they eventually follow suit.

I just think of my own experience with 9/11. At first, I wanted to carpet bomb the entire Middle East. Then, I started to see the reactions of our Government, and although I originally agreed with the idea of invading Afghanistan, I now know it was wrong.

Then I saw how the families had to fight for the creation of the Commission... Because the Bush Administration opposed it. It's not rocket science at the point. "Hmmm... what are they trying to hide.", and generally at that point, most people are "off to the races" as they say.

Other people research differently, and other people require different amounts of information. They get to a certain point in their research where they've been convinced, and make a decision that the truth must be told. For some, it's a different point than others. For others, they have to know everything.

More 9/11 news bits

Here are a few interesting new bits about 9.11.

This one is straight from CNN and admits that the hijackers attended military school.

This one is from the 1st anniversary and shows what happens when prior knowledge is mentioned.

This last one is Alex Jones' July 2001 prediction of an impending attack.

Bye Bye Miss American FREEDOM pie...

Today im writing my rant. Bush and his regime is changing the American way of life, re-writing, instating, and changing our law's which directly or in some cases in-directly conflict with our rights set forth by our founding fathers. Since 9/11, our way of life has been changed for the worse, i hate to say it folks, but if we dont make a stand, and demand to be heard, and fight to keep our rights, we will end up as a communist country with the world wide impression that we are still "free' (though this seems true now adays). Our freedom and rights are constantly in major jeporady, and yet the american public sits back and "trusts" what the Inside terroists(bush & friends) tell us is real and true. I know for one it has taken me 5 whole years as a resident of NY to realize that they (bush & friends) are a bunch of self-contradicting jerk off's that lie to start off with, and when the truth is brought forth, lie again about their previous statements that were made such as;

"Sadam is confirmed to have Nuclear weapons of mass destruction"
Then after years in iraq....
"It is confirmed sadam had no Nuclear weapons, and had no direct or indirect ties with the taliban, alqueda, or any terrorist affiliations what so ever"