GeorgeWashington's blog
WTC 7 Was An Asymmetric Shape . . . So Why Did it Collapse Symmetrically?
(blog updated 8/23/2008 - 1345 Central)
World Trade Center building 7 was not a square or a rectangle, but a trapezoid:
As such, the larger side of the building would be heavier and more massive.
NIST claims that column 79 collapsed, leading to the collapse of the whole building.
Column 79 was located towards the larger end of the building (towards the bottom of the following diagram):
NIST Discovers Fire
NIST has solved the mystery of WTC 7, explaining that a brand "new phenomenon" was discovered, namely, that "thermal expansion" of the thick structural steel of WTC 7 led to its weakening.
In the process of discovering this new phenomenon, NIST also discovered another new phenomenon it calls "fire". (NIST explained that fire is hot). It was this new thing - fire - which led to the "thermal expansion".
In addition, NIST has discovered a third new phenomenon called "gravity". Gravity, NIST explains for the rapt press, makes things "fall down and go boom" really fast.
Debunking NIST's Conclusions about WTC 7: Easy as Shooting Fish in a Barrel
Debunking NIST's conclusions about WTC 7 is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
Symmetrical Collapse
NIST lamely tried to explain the symmetrically collapse as follows:
NIST: "Then a Miracle Occurs"
NIST's explanation for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11th follows the logic in the cartoon above.
Specifically, NIST claims that the collapse of building 7 is "the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building".
But then goes on to argue:
"The fires in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event"
WTC 7 Solved: It Was Ivins!
Following is a leaked version of NIST's August 21st announcement as to the cause of the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on 9/11.
The government destroyed the steel from ground zero, because we believed it might not have been allowed as evidence at trial.
However, we did ship one steel beam to someone, who sold it to a junk yard in China for scrap metal, which melted it down to make Olympic trinkets, one of which was shipped back to us yesterday.
After testing that steel using very secret, super-advanced, but Incredibly Accurate new methods, we have determined that residue on the steel matches certain aspects of Ivins' desk in his lab at Fort Detrick (true, it also matches the desks from at least 16 different laboratories throughout the world, but our super-advanced testing has shown that we do not need to talk to anyone at those other labs).
Top Anthrax Expert: "Maybe There's Two Groups" of Anthrax Killers
William Patrick is the leading U.S. expert on weaponizing anthrax, and has multiple patents in anthrax weaponization.
Patrick made an interesting point in a November 2001 article in USA Today:
Further complicating things, the spores contained in the first attack, on a Florida media company, have been described by investigators as a clumpy powder, which would make a poor aerosol. Only two weeks later, the finely prepared Daschle-letter spores appeared. Those spores were ground so fine that they apparently drifted across offices and contaminated other letters in the mail. The same strain of anthrax was used in all the attacks, suggesting a common source.
The FBI Admits It Has No Case Against Ivins
The FBI has admitted that it has no case against Ivins.
As summarized in an article today in the Washington Post:
The FBI has had a difficult time making its case to a skeptical public and scientific community. A hair sample snagged from a Princeton, N.J., mailbox linked to the attacks turned out not to match that of Ivins.
Some Congressional critics have questioned whether one man could really have carried out the elaborate attacks.
But FBI officials continue to press their case.
"I don't think we're ever going to be able to put the suspicions to bed," said Vahid Majidi of the FBI Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate. "There's always going to be a spore on the grassy knoll."
This is very telling.
Parallels Between the Anthrax and 9/11 Investigations
Preface: If you question the FBI's anthrax investigation, but don't want to read anything questioning the government's 9/11 investigation, please read this first.
There are numerous parallels between the anthrax and 9/11 investigations. This essay will touch on a couple of them.
1. Continuously-Changing Story When Caught in Misstatements
The government has continuously changed it story each time it has been caught in a misstatement in both the anthrax and 9/11 investigations.
FBI Admits It Destroyed Evidence In Anthrax Case
Advisor to FBI in Anthrax Investigation Says Attack Was False Flag Terror
We all know that the bioweapons expert who actually drafted the current bioweapons law (the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989) - Francis Boyle - has said that he is convinced the October 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people were perpetrated and covered up by criminal elements of the U.S. government, and that the motive was to foment a police state by killing off and intimidating opposition to post-9/11 legislation such as the USA PATRIOT Act and the later Military Commissions Act.
But a new article reveals an interesting fact: Professor Boyle "advised the FBI in its initial investigation of the anthrax letters."
In other words, an FBI advisor himself believes that the anthrax attack was a false flag operation.
Why People Who Question the Anthrax Attacks Won't Question 9/11
I think I've figure out why many people who question the government's explanation for the anthrax attacks don't question the official story about 9/11.
- 9/11 involved much greater loss of life - while 5 people died in the anthrax attacks, close to 3,000 died on 9/11
- While none of us have seen gruesome images of the victims of the anthax attacks, we watched horrific images of 9/11: planes slamming into buildings, people jumping out of the Twin Towers, the Towers collapsing . . .
- 9/11 was the first attack on the U.S. by "foreign terrorists". As such, it was the point at which America took the fork in the road away from traditional notions of liberty, justice and the Geneva Convention and towards the "war on terror"
9/11 and the anthrax attacks - and the government's "investigation" into both - were actually very similar in many ways, as I will show in my next essay.
My Lai, Zapruder and 9/11
It is obvious that the government is hiding evidence regarding 9/11. For example, the government has claimed that no flight recorders were recovered from the airplanes which hit the Twin Towers. However, firefighters stated they did recover the flight recorders. And Dan Rather confirmed that they were recovered.
9/11 activists have repeatedly demanded that the government reveal the videos, photographs, and other documentary evidence so that we can assess the truth for ourselves (see this, for example).
Same As the Old Boss: Both McCain and Obama's Advisors Want War in Georgia
Georgia is located in Eurasia, is a gateway to other Eurasian countries, and possesses important oil pipelines.
For months previous to the start of hostilities in the Georgia-Russian war, American trainers have been getting the Georgians ready for war.
As revealed in a July article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution: "A large contingent of Georgia Army National Guard soldiers flew to the Republic of Georgia on Sunday for joint military exercises at a time when tension is brewing in the region".
And you won't hear it on the tv news, but Georgia started the war.
CIA Had Killer Anthrax
We previously heard that 16 labs possessed the RMR-1029 anthrax used in the 2001 attacks. It appears that we should now add the CIA and its contractors.
A December 2001 Washington Post article states that the CIA had Ames anthax.
Indeed, the articles states that "The FBI is focusing on a contractor that worked with the CIA".
The contractor could very well have been Battelle Memorial Institute, a long-time CIA contractor which had carried out anthrax experiments for decades. As the BBC noted:
Proof that Government Spying Is Not To Protect Us
The government claims that it is spying on Americans to keep us safe from terror.
Is that true?
Well, let's look at the facts: