GeorgeWashington's blog

The Anthrax Attack Was a Classic False Flag Operation Targeting Arabs

Whether or not Bruce Ivins had a role in the anthrax attacks, trying to now blame him alone for the attacks is ignoring the elephant in the room: the anthrax attack was a classic false flag attack blamed on Arabs. For example:

Anthrax Suspect Was Committed to a Psychiatric Hospital Shortly Before His Death

Bruce E. Ivins, the anthrax researcher who supposedly committed suicide, and who the government is now trying to blame for the anthrax attacks, was involuntarily committed to 2 psychiatric hospitals shortly before his death.

Specifically, a month before his death, he was involuntarily committed to the Frederick Memorial Hospital and then transferred to Sheppard Pratt, another psychiatric facility.

Was Ivins crazy? Maybe.

Or maybe he was sent to a psych facility for the same reasons that the Soviet Union committed dissidents to psych hospitals. Maybe Ivins couldn't stand it anymore, and was about to blow the whistle on the real anthrax killers, so they ginned up some claims that he was dangerous and had him hospitalized.

Government Tries to Bury Anthrax Story

The government is trying to bury the 2001 anthrax attack scandal (the anthrax came from a U.S. military base) by claiming that one of the key suspects - Bruce E. Ivins - was a "lone nut" who committed suicide. Case closed.

There are just a couple of loose ends:

Demand Local Law Enforcement Uphold Their Oath to Defend the Constitution . . . and Prosecute Bush and Cheney for Murder

I spoke with one of the leading constitutional scholars in the United States (he teaches at one of top law schools, and has literally "written the book" on constitutional law).

I asked him if there was any way the American people can force Congress to perform their constitutional duties to impeach Bush and Cheney.

He said no.

I persisted, by arguing that the founding fathers could never have envisioned Congress being so complicit with a rogue White House that they refuse to impeach, and instead cover up their crimes. I said there's got to be a way to force them to follow their duties, or to impeach or remove the congress people who are obstructing the rule of law.

He responded no. His last words to me were: "That's the way the constitutional cookie crumbles".

I was very disappointed, to say the least.

Is All Lost?

Trillions of Dollars Are Invested in "Socially Responsible Investing" . . . Why Not Invest in Freedom, Justice, 9/11 Truth, and

There are many good people spreading a lot of good messages of liberty and justice.

But trillions of dollars of investment capital is working against us and powering efforts to undermine freedom and justice. Specifically, trillions are invested into defense companies who push for new wars, and companies that torture on behalf of the U.S., and companies that spy on us, and companies that drive up food prices, destroy food safety, kill bees, and otherwise mess with our food supply.

In other words, all of the talk in the world won't turn things around if all of the money is working against what we're demanding.

Millions of us raised our voices and demanded that the U.S. not launch the Iraq war. Millions of us wrote to Congress and demanded that Bush and Cheney be impeached. But Congress listened to the large defense contractors and other well-financed companies (and flush lobbying groups, such as AIPAC), not to the American people. Actions speak louder than words, and money is

The Good News

Congress Should Rescind the State of Emergency Declared by Bush

The White House suspended the Constitution and implemented Continuity of Government Plans on 9/11, based upon a declared state of national emergency. Bush has continually renewed the declared state of emergency up until today. See this.

The White House has done everything it could to scare people and convince them that America is under attack, as a way to justify the yearly renewal of the declared state of emergency and the continuing unconstitutional seizure of power by the executive branch.

But Congress has the power to revoke the state of emergency.

Top Advisor to U.S. Military Confirms The War on Terror Is a Hoax: "There is No Battlefield Solution to Terrorism"

A leading advisor to the U.S. military, the Rand Corporation, just released a new study called "How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering al Qa'ida".

The report confirms what we have been saying for years: the war on terror is a hoax which is actually weakening national security (see this, this and this).

As today's press release about the study states:

Beyond "Right-Wing" and "Left-Wing"

The murder of liberal unitarian churchgoers by a right-wing nut is truly horrible. The killer - Jim Adkisson - apparently was influenced by such right-wing talking heads as Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity.

But let's put this in perspective . . .

Fearmongering As a Form of Warfare

We often think of psychological warfare as meaning disinformation.

But psyops also includes inducing and spreading fear, because fear immobilizes people more than any other emotion. We all know about false flag terror. And many people argue that the government's real reason for torturing innocent people is to spread fear and intimidation.

And we already know that the Pentagon employs bloggers to spread its propaganda (indeed, even private companies appear to do it).

I've increasingly recently run across a form of fearmongering psyops on the web. Specifically, whenever anyone posts a hopeful idea or a promising strategy for fighting tyranny, someone will post a fear-inducing comment like:

Huffington Post Confirms Censorship of 9/11 Truth

Arianna Huffington admitted in an interview with Politico:

“There are certain obvious things we have, certain specific things,” says Huffington. “Conspiracy theories — we don’t allow conspiracy theories. If you thought Sept. 11 was caused by the Bush administration, your comment is not going to appear unless it is a mistake.”

Can you spell g-a-t-e-k-e-e-p-e-r?

Nancy Pelosi, How Do You Plead?

Nancy Pelosi was secretly briefed on torture many, many years ago, and yet did nothing to stop those unlawful programs. Indeed, she egged the torturers on.

As the Washington Post revealed:

We Don't Know How Close to Victory We Are

History shows that people usually don't know when we are about to win. We are lousy at knowing whether we have a chance at victory.

When people struggling for liberty and justice face seemingly overwhelming power and impossible odds, they can suddenly breakthrough and win when things seem most hopeless and they least expect victory.

Why We Underestimate Our Chances


Beating High Energy and Food Prices

Energy and food prices will keep going up (due to the printing of gzillions of dollars by Helicopter Ben to pay for the Iraq war and the bailout of Freddie, Fannie, Bear et al, the biofuels subsidies, and other idiotic financial policies).

How can we protect ourselves against this threat to our wallet?

Perhaps by producing more of our own energy and food. Now, this article is not about getting back to the land and singing Kumbaya. I'm writing simply on how to stay afloat financially in a very unstable economy.


Due to high oil prices, major breakthroughs in energy production are happening every day.

For example:

Forget Morality, Humanity or Legality: Torture DOESN'T WORK

A recent poll showed that 44% of Americans support torture on "terrorist suspects".

Why so many?

A key architect of America's torture program, Doug Feith, testified under oath to Congress today that torture is necessary because - otherwise - we couldn't get any information out of the "bad guys". Several Congress people agreed.

Why do any Congress people support this argument?

Because many people mistakenly assume that torture works, and is thus a necessary evil.

Let's put aside questions of morality, humanity, and legality . . . Let's just focus on one question: does torture work?

In fact, the professional FBI, CIA and army interrogators all say no.

Confirmed: The Pakistani General Who Wired $100,000 to Mohammad Atta Met with Wolfowitz, Feith and Other Neocons the Week of 911

In response to a Freedom of Information Act Request submitted by Kevin Ryan, Mick Harrison and Paul Smith, the government has disclosed documents confirming that Pakistani ISI General Ahmed - the guy who wired 100,000 dollars to lead hijacker Atta -- met with Wolfowitz, Feith, Peter Rodman (PNAC), and others the week of he week of 9/11.

All credit goes to Kevin, Mick and Paul. I'm just reporting on their efforts.