jimd3100's blog
Why No Shootdown Order Issued During 9/11 Attacks?
The famous document authorizing shoot down of planes dated 1 June 2001. It's been said this was changed just before 9/11, in June, to give the Sec of Defense authority to order shoot down aircraft. Actually it was updated from 1997 and hardly anything changed from the 1997 order but this is an important document nontheless..........
"1. Purpose. This instruction provides guidance to the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO), National Military Command Center (NMCC), and operational commanders in the event of an aircraft piracy (hijacking) or request for destruction of derelict airborne objects."
"NMCC is the focal point within Department of Defense for providing assistance. In the event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The NMCC will, with the exception of immediate responses as authorized by reference d, forward requests for DOD assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval."
"(1) When notified that military escort aircraft are needed in
I'm Not a Lawyer But I Know How To Read
I'm Not a Lawyer But I Know How To Read
The Charges are Obstruction of Justice and Treason Concerning the Attacks of 9/11
The Charge of Obstruction of Justice:
"Law Encyclopedia: Obstruction of Justice
The criminal offense, under common law and according to the statutes of many jurisdictions, of obstructing the administration and due process of law."
"This entry contains information applicable to United States law only."
"A criminal offense that involves interference, through words or actions, with the proper operations of a court or officers of the court."
"Obstruction of justice in the federal courts is governed by a series of criminal statutes (18 U.S.C.A. §§ 1501-1517), which aim to protect the integrity of federal judicial proceedings as well as agency and congressional proceedings. Section 1503 is the primary vehicle for punishing those who obstruct or who endeavor to obstruct federal judicial proceedings."
NIST - The Other Cover Up Investigation
Two 110 story buildings gone before our eyes in less than 10 seconds. The following... IMO is the normal reaction as it happened, and the reaction I had at the time...from a CNBC anchorman on 9/11.....
Several hours later the cover up and lies were officially entered into the record when President Bush went on TV to address the nation.....
1:06 mark..."terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. America was targeted for attack because we are the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world and no none will keep that light from shining."
Treason in the White House: History Will Expose You
Why did Bush stop The Senate And Congressional Intelligence joint inquiry investigators from interviewing an Informant who was the landlord of some alleged hijackers who the CIA "accidentally" let into the country?
"The Administration has to date objected to the Inquiry’s efforts to interview the informant in order to attempt to resolve those inconsistencies. The Administration also would not agree to allow the FBI to serve a Committee subpoena and deposition notice on the informant. Instead, written interrogatories from the Joint Inquiry were, at the suggestion of the FBI, provided to the informant. Through an attorney, the informant has declined to respond to those interrogatories and has indicated that, if subpoenaed, the informant would request a grant of immunity prior to testifying."
Because our fearless king is a traitor who is protecting Saudi Arabia.
9/11 - "Official Documents, Mainstream Sources, Indicate Treason, Foreknowledge
To believe the Government had advanced knowledge of 9/11 and allowed it to happen or even helped facilatate it is rather hard to believe for some, and debunkers of "9/11 truth" would rather believe official Government documents, and reports, along with mainstream media coverage for their information on wether or not there is any truth of advanced knowledge.
Trying to convince someone that the WTC was blown to pieces with explosives is impossible for some to grasp and understandibly so. In order to even start to believe that you have to believe that it was known that there would be an attack, and have detailed knowledge of it.
So for those that don't believe it could be an "inside job", I will use these official government reports and mainstream media reports to show it is not irrational to come to this conclusion, but rather logical.
"Nobody in our government, at least, and I don't think the prior government, could envision flying airplanes into buildings on such a massive scale."-Pres G Bush
Coincidences of Building 7 and 9/11
It's a good thing Salomon Brothers took such a huge lease on WTC seven because Silverstein was in a bit of a bind before the building was even completed. Originally a billion dollar deal was about to be completed where the entire building would be leased to Drexel Burnham Lambert. But it didn't work out when things went bad as the junk bond market tanked.
"The investment bank Drexel Burnham Lambert (best known for its star dealer, the notorious "junk bond king" Michael Milken) was to become a tenant in 1986 but backed out."
"Drexel Burnham Lambert, the investment house, agreed only two months ago to take an equity interest in the project and also lease the entire building for 30 years."
And then Salomon Brothers comes to the rescue. Not leasing the entire building but well over half.
"Salomon said it would sign a 20-year lease on slightly over one million square feet, or just over half the space in the tower. A Billion in Rental Fees...
Ivins Didn't Do It
from: http://wwplanet.blogspot.com/2008/09/ivins-didnt-do-it.html
Ivins Didn't Do It
Bruce Ivins is not responsible for the 2001 anthrax letter attacks. How can I be so sure? Because the facts say he didn’t do it. Let’s examine the FBI’s “evidence” against Ivins:
Using a new process, the anthrax material has been genetically traced to the beaker (the murder weapon, as the FBI calls it) that Dr. Ivins controlled. Sounds convincing, doesn’t it? Sounds like there’s undisputable scientific evidence that points to Ivins, right? However, this new genetic tracing process has never been peer reviewed. This means it has never been objectively tested. No independent scientist has reproduced the kind of accuracy that the FBI is claiming. Beyond the FBI saying it works, there is no evidence that it does work. Had there been a trial, this vaunted genetic evidence against Ivins would have crumbled under cross-examination. With the genetic evidence gone, the link to Ivins’ lab and to the “murder weapon” beaker is gone.
Dr Ivins-Anthrax-and why I don't believe the FBI
The FBI has now after only 7 years and and 2 wars declared the Anthrax case solved. "See that dead scientist? Yea, he's the guy that did it. All by himself. Too bad he's dead huh?" This just caps off what could be one of the most disastrous criminal investigations in U.S. History. And that says a lot when you include 9/11. And you should as they are related, and on some level I think nearly everyone knows this.
The evidence the FBI says it has and that we will go through, they admit is all circumstantial but they said they have won cases just on circumstantial evidence alone, which I don't doubt, but they would not have run on this case. Very convenient, and extremely creepy that he wound up dead and did them such a tremendous favor.
He died a slow death. Took too much Tylenol and died of Acetaminophen poisoning." Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Poisoning Symptoms......
after taking an overdose of acetaminophen, you may have no symptoms from taking a toxic amount. You may remain symptom free for up to 24 hours after taking a toxic overdose of acetaminophen.
How the FBI Obstructed Justice on 9/11
Two of the alleged hijackers were reported to be living with an FBI informant. Lets look into this interesting fact. By ways of the public record..............
First off, the CIA were tracking the hijackers and knew they were mujihadeen and associated with so called terrorists. They deliberately let them into the U.S.
"A former landlord of two of the September 11 hijackers was an FBI informant at the time, knowledgeable sources confirm to CNN."
"U.S. intelligence officials said that in January of 2000, when Almidhar and Alhazmi attended a meeting of known terrorists in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, that fact was communicated by the CIA to the FBI."
So the high ups in the FBI were told of these guys already, but the FBI wants to play dumb. Soon they will just flat out show corruption.