Jon Gold's blog

Time To Rescue Our 9/11 Heroes Ill From Ground Zero Cleanup


Juan Gonzalez - News
Wednesday, September 9th 2009, 4:00 AM

"I knew right away they'd need ironworkers to cut through those collapsed beams," he recalled.

Picurro joined thousands of hardhats who showed up at Ground Zero that first night. They helped retrieve bodies, battle flames and clear debris.

Along with the cops, firefighters and other emergency responders, they were lauded as heroes then. Their selfless actions gave us solace and hope amid all that grief.

They did not know then about the toxic soup of chemicals in the dust and in the air. Federal and city health officials downplayed any danger at the time. They even dared tell the public the air was safe to breathe.

Now, Joe Picurro, 42, is dying. His family is destitute and his faith in our country's leaders has been shattered.

The list of ailments ravaging his body is stunning.

Guantanamo Photos Of Accused 9/11 Mastermind Hit Web

If you find them, please share them. Thanks. - Jon



Pictures of accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his nephew posing for Red Cross delegates at Guantánamo have suddenly turned up on the Web, offering a rare glimpse into life inside the prison's secret Camp 7 just days ahead of the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

The photo of Mohammed, on his knees as if preparing for prayer but staring straight into the camera, is the first public picture of the alleged arch-terrorist since his widely circulated capture photo -- showing him pulled from his bed in a torn T-shirt, with messy hair and in need of a shave. Pakistani security forces in Rawalpindi took that image at his March 2003 arrest and then turned him over to the CIA for interrogations that reportedly included 183 episodes of waterboarding to get him to spill al Qaeda secrets.

NYC CAN Submits 28,000 More Signatures To Get Referendum For 9/11 Investigation On The November Ballot

September 8, 2009
NYC CAN Submits 28,000 More Signatures To Get Referendum for
9/11 Investigation on the November Ballot
On Friday, September 4, the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN) submitted 28,000 petition signatures as a supplement to the 52,000 signatures submitted on June 24 calling for a citywide referendum on the creation of a local, independent commission to investigate 9/11.

Over the last 25 years, every ballot initiative in New York City has been blocked on grounds of legal technicality, with the exception of the 1993 initiative to establish term limits for NYC elected officials, whose supporters also had to go to court to prove the initiative legal. With 80,000 New Yorkers having signed this petition, the City’s ongoing attempt to stop this referendum from going on the ballot is yet another blatant affront to the democratic ideals upon which this great nation was founded.

State Hears "Blood Money" Case


By Jon Craig • • September 3, 2009

COLUMBUS - If lawyers for U.S. Rep. Jean Schmidt sought to prove that her congressional opponent, David Krikorian, wasn't precise when he claimed the Republican took campaign money directly from the Turkish government they did a decent job Thursday.

But if they hoped the controversy over taking $30,000 in campaign "blood money to deny the genocide of Christian Armenians by Muslin Turks" during World War I will go away soon, they failed miserably.

Either way, Schmidt's "false statements" complaints against Krikorian remain unresolved before the Ohio Elections Commission. Five commission members heard six hours of testimony and legal debate before adjourning the case until Oct. 1.

Why Conspiracy Theory Rhetoric Is Hurting Our Democracy


By Tim Hjersted
September 5, 2009

Shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, President Bush asked the American public to “never entertain outrageous conspiracy theories.” The irony of his statement is easily lost. Most people consider themselves reasonable, thoughtful individuals that don’t believe in crazy conspiracy theories, but the Official story of 9/11 – that 19 radical terrorists conspired for several years to hijack airplanes and fly them into buildings – is, in fact, a conspiracy theory. It just happens that this theory has the official endorsement of the U.S. government. So, believe our conspiracy theory, not theirs, Mr. Bush asks us. Don’t look at the facts. Don’t investigate for yourself. Just believe what you’re told.

This is, in effect, what the government and the mainstream media is asking us when it labels any idea a “conspiracy theory,” and we can see how incredibly effective this tool has been in stunting rational debate.

9/11 Family Member Manny Badillo And 9/11 Survivor Janette MacKinlay On Air America


Click Here

We are one week away from the eighth anniversary of 9/11/2001. Eight years ago next Friday, our world changed.

There are many unanswered questions, and many people who won't rest until they get the answers. During the first hour of tonight's show, I'll speak with two of them.

Manny Badillo lost his uncle in the World Trade Center on 9/11. Janette Mackinlay lived right across the street from the twin towers, and was in her apartment when the planes hit, and blew her windows out... and lots of debris in.

Both are now involved with the NYC Coalition for Accountability Now ( a non-partisan organization comprised of 9/11 families, survivors and concerned citizens committed to bringing about an independent, impartial investigation into the events of 9/11/01.

Van Jones Resigns; Left To Hang By Obama For Cursing Republicans And Signing 9/11 Truth Statement?


Rob Kall

Van Jones called Republicans what most of the people who voted for Obama call them. And he signed a statement calling for further inquiry and explanation of 9/11-- the original 9/11 truth document. Was he left hanging by the Obama Administration for doing what scores of millions of Americans would also do?

Van Jones has been the target of a vicious smear campaign for weeks. Tonight, he resigned his position as special adviser for green jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

Apparently, the White House and president Obama did not stand behind Jones, one of the most respected leaders in the ecological movement. The Washington Post reported,

'White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Friday that Jones "continues to work for the administration" -- but he did not state that the adviser enjoys the full support of President Obama, instead referring all questions to the environmental council where he worked, signaling the resignation was imminent.' Statement To The Press Statement to the Press

September 4, 2009

Numerous media outlets have contacted, asking us to "make sense" of Van Jones' "strange" behavior. We have issued the following statement:

As the eighth anniversary of 9/11 approaches, what doesn't make sense to us is that media outlets choose to impugn the character of the signatories rather than carry out your responsibility as watchdogs to call attention to the as yet unanswered questions raised in the 2004 statement. Five years later, we challenge you to finally print those same unanswered questions and pursue their answers with the same vigor with which you pursue the signatories.

A Good Theory

Jon Gold

"A good theory explains most of the relevant facts and is not contradicted." - Dr. David Ray Griffin

There are many theories concerning what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001. The reason these theories exist is because those who should be able to answer our questions, REFUSE TO DO SO. That being said, some of the theories promoted are contradicted by information, and a common practice in the movement is to proclaim those contradictions as "fake" or "planted." In my opinion, it is irresponsible to proclaim something "fake" or "planted" simply because it doesn't coincide with what you THINK happened. Especially if there is no information to suggest that something is "fake" or "planted."

The most common theory is that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon. There IS information that exists that contradicts this theory. To my knowledge, here are those contradictions:

You Have To Help Us, President Obama, Says 9/11 Survivors

Considering he said he would, it's the least he could do. - Jon


BY Michael Mcauliff

WASHINGTON - Widows and survivors of 9/11 are demanding President Obama stand with sick responders - and champion a stalled congressional measure to help them.

Named after NYPD Detective James Zadroga, who died from inhaling toxins, the bill would pay for the treatment of Ground Zero responders and workers sickened by their post-Sept. 11 service.

But it's been stuck in Congress over fears about its cost.

After eight years, the people who responded to the worst terror attacks on American soil are getting tired of waiting while more of them die, and have written Obama demanding he act.

"Their deaths have left a void in our families and have left us wondering why our country, and you, Mr. President, have not done more to help the heroes of 9/11," the letter says.

The Boiling Frogs Presents Joe Trento

Joe Trento discusses our history with Iran-from the Mossadeq Era to the recent twitter campaign, Zbigniew Brzezinski’s foreign policy strategy and objectives in the region, and he talks about Israel, Saudi Arabia’s backing of Pakistan’s pursuit of the nuclear bomb & AQ Khan, the terrible state of US Media, the prospect of ‘real change,’ and more.

Here is our guest Joe Trento unplugged!

Listen to the show.

For those who want to subscribe to the show in “itunes”, here is the subscription URL:

Susan Lindauer Reveals Facts About 9/11 Warning

Former Accused Iraqi Agent Reveals Facts about 9/11 Warning


By Michael Collins
Tuesday, 3 March 2009, 10:28 am

I first wrote about Susan Lindauer's struggle against the Bush-Cheney regime in October 2007, "American Cassandra: Susan Lindauer's Story." This was initially published in "Scoop" Independent Media (complete series) and carried by a wide variety of concerned Internet news sites and blogs. This interview follows the full dismissal of charges against her just before President Obama's inauguration on January 20, 2009 . This is the first in depth interview that Lindauer has offered regarding 911. Below is part one of the interview.

I asked Ms. Lindauer to make her own statement about why she's willing to go into detail now about 911 and the governments handling of pre 911 intelligence.

Could A Program Be Written...

To show what would have happened to those buildings? Make computer models of the buildings, built to scale, etc... and make them show how they would react to what happened on 9/11... and do it multiple times, etc...

Just thinking out loud.

The Poisoned Well

To Drink or Not to Drink


Sibel Edmonds

Once upon a time an evil witch visits a kingdom and poisons the central well with a potion that drives people mad. The next morning all who drink from that well go crazy. The king, however, knew about this in advance, and didn't drink from the communal well. The next day, those who drank the poisoned water came to the king and accused him of being the crazy one. The king, aware of what had transpired, was faced with a dilemma: drink from the well and lose his sanity like the rest of his subjects, but remain king; or don't drink, remain sane, but be swept from power by those who would view his very sanity as madness.
Today in our nation those who refrain from drinking from the well poisoned by the establishment witch are categorized, marginalized, and labeled mad, crazy, extremist, conspiracy theorists, and other adjectives along the same line:

Those driven by pure, agenda-free, and nonpartisan civil liberties motives are coined as die-hard unrealistic idealist liberals.

Top Sunni Rebel On Iran Death Row Says U.S. Ordered Attacks

Please read my article entitled, "A "Working Relationship To Fund, Train, And Use Terrorists For Terrorist Activities?" Also, here's a small collection of articles I've collected with regards to the below article. - Jon


Tuesday, 25 Aug, 2009 | 09:34 PM PST |

ZAHEDAN: A top Sunni rebel who is awaiting execution in Iran said on Tuesday that his militant group received orders from the United States to launch terror attacks in the Islamic republic.

Abdolhamid Rigi, brother of shadowy Jundallah (Soldiers of God) group leader Abdolmalek Rigi, told reporters his brother was an Al-Qaeda point man in Iran six years ago but that later the group broke off ties with him.