Jon Gold's blog

Dr. Peter Dale Scott Endorses NYCCAN

I am writing to endorse the initiative. It is shocking that one of the greatest mass murders in the history of the United States has not yet received an adequate investigation. The limitations and shortcomings of the 9/11 Commission have now been widely recognized, and even its two chairmen have acknowledged that the commission was "set up to fail." Meanwhile this country continues to live under major legal and even constitutional changes flowing from an event which we still do not not adequately understand. It is not too much to say that the future of America as an open society will depend in large part on whether it can find the political will to determine what happened on that fateful day.

Peter Dale Scott

The Boiling Frogs Presents James Bamford

James Bamford discusses the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program, the ties between NSA and the nation’s telecommunications companies including the Israeli companies involved in intercepting highly sensitive communications for the U.S. government, the agency’s failings pre-9/11 and the relevant information blackout by the 9/11 Commission, the US mainstream media, President Obama’s ‘no change’ so far, and more.

Here is our guest James Bamford unplugged!

Listen to the show.

For those who want to subscribe to the show in “itunes”, here is the subscription URL:

The September Eleventh Advocates' Letters

Click Here (232KB)

Over the years, 9/11 Family Members Kristen Breitweiser, Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg, Patty Casazza, and Monica Gabrielle, or the September Eleventh Advocates, have written open letters about different issues concerning the 9/11 attacks. I have compiled every letter that I have (not every letter is written by all of them), and put them into one file for you to download. I figured that along with the report written by Lorie Van Auken, and Mindy Kleinberg regarding how well the 9/11 Commission answered the 9/11 Family Steering Committee's questions, as well as the new report on the nano-thermite, this could be printed, and handed out to people. Please spread this around, and thank you.

District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein - The 9/11 Judge

Over the years, I have posted numerous stories pertaining to Alvin K. Hellerstein. As far as I can find, this is everything I have regarding decisions he's made over the years. He is mentioned in several articles, but I wanted to focus on decisions specifically, so only those are posted.

9/11 Related - The YBBS
"A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit charging that the city's Office of Emergency Management helped cause the collapse of Seven World Trade Center on 9-11 by storing diesel fuel for its emergency generators in the 47-story building." [...] "The city Law Department hailed the ruling, which it says is the last property damage claim against the city related to 9-11. A statement from the department says the move by District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein "allows New York City to better plan for events like September 11th without being subject to liability based on hindsight." [Village Voice, 1/12/2006]

Cindy Sheehan Supports A New Investigation Into The 9/11 attacks

9/11 Family Member Manny Badillo and Cindy Sheehan


Cindy Sheehan

On April 4th, 2004, my son Casey was killed serving the United States Army in Iraq during the illegal occupation started by the Bush Administration.

That illegal occupation was made possible because of the attacks that took place on September 11th, 2001, resulting in the deaths of 2,973 people.

Since that horrid day, victims' family members have been doing everything within their power to seek justice and accountability for what happened, with little to no success. It is shameful that almost 8 years after the fact, they have been denied this. The official 9/11 commission report was a sham and a mockery of justice, not justice.

Bill Doyle, Father Of Joseph Doyle, Endorses A New 9/11 Investigation In NYC

July 15, 2009

For eight years I have lobbied and supported investigations and litigation in an effort to learn the whole truth behind the death of my son Joseph and the murder of so many others. I've always been hopeful we'd get the answers we deserve and that we'd see accountability exacted within the halls of Congress, the White House, DoD, CIA, FBI, State and Justice Departments.

However, there are still too few answers to too many questions even as promotions and medals are handed out rather than pink slips or prosecutions. Excessive secrecy and redactions still cover-up the truth and leave us in the dark about: terrorist financing from still unnamed foreign nations, suspicious pre-9/11 stock market activity, pre-9/11 warnings to the President, the Attorney General and others, the infamous 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry Report, The Holy Land Trial, Riggs Bank wire transfers, faulty NYFD radios that didn't work in '93, Ground zero toxins breathed by thousands, a 9/11 narrative derived from torture induced testimony, etc., etc. I could go on and on.

9/11 Families, First Responders, And Survivors Gather At City Hall To Endorse NYCCAN

9/11 Families, First Responders and Survivors Gather at City Hall to Endorse 2009 Ballot Referendum to Establish New Official 9/11 Investigation in NYC, Call on New Yorkers for Support

July 15, 2009*

*New York* - Outside City Hall today relatives of 9/11 victims, first responders and survivors of the September 11th attacks gathered to endorse a November ballot initiative to establish a new 9/11 investigation under the auspices of the city government of New York. Support on the street is high, the group says, and polls indicate a majority of New Yorkers wants a new investigation.

On June 24, the group leading the ballot initiative, the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN) filed a petition containing 52,000 signatures with the office of the City Clerk. The official filing initiated a 60-day period specified in Section 37 of the New York Municipal Home Rule Law in which the City Council is asked to review the petition and approve its placement on the upcoming November ballot.

Announcing Sibel Edmonds' Podcast With Co-Host Peter B. Collins

I asked Sibel if I could be a guest, and she said, "of course!" so we'll see. Good luck Sibel. I hope this makes the impact you are hoping for. - Jon



I am pleased to announce the launch of my Podcast show, ‘The Boiling Frogs.’

This site will present two in-depth interviews per month, one-hour each, with well-respected and controversial guests. My guest list will include:

  • Investigative reporters
  • Authors with controversial and bold track records
  • Courageous and legitimate whistleblowers
  • Well-respected academic and legal experts on our relevant issues

...and maybe even a few guests from the other side whom we have bashed. You can listen to the show on this site and discuss your take and views in the comments section.

Remember Those Saudi Flights After 9/11?

Jon Gold

A long time ago, I spent some time looking into the flights that took members of the Saudi Royals, as well as members of the Bin Laden family out of the country in the days, and weeks after 9/11. Here is what I found.

According to Richard Clarke during his testimony (yea, yea, call me lazy for linking to Michael Moore's site) at both the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the 9/11 Commission Hearings, he stated the following:

Health Guide For 9/11 Kids Is Released, With One Doctor Critical


By Julie Shapiro

The city’s new description of how 9/11 affected children downplays the serious health risks those children could face, one doctor says.

Dr. David Carpenter initially worked with the city to draft the document, which is designed to help pediatricians treat children who were exposed to toxins released with the destruction of the World Trade Center. But Carpenter said the city rejected many of his suggestions, and before the city released the health guidelines last week, Carpenter removed his name from the list of authors.

The guidelines were continually watered down,” said Carpenter, the director of the University at Albany’s Institute for Health and the Environment. “They were minimizing and trivializing things we felt were extremely important.”

9/11 First Responder Benefit Concert At Johnny Brenda's - 7/3/2009

Thanks to Mike and Marta Reis for putting this together. Everyone was extremely talented.

Supreme Court Rules With Saudi Arabia Over 9/11 Families


WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court has refused to allow victims of the Sept. 11 attacks to pursue lawsuits against Saudi Arabia and four of its princes over charitable donations that were allegedly funneled to al-Qaida.

The court, in an order Monday, is leaving in place the ruling of a federal appeals court that the country and the princes are protected by sovereign immunity, which generally means that foreign countries can't be sued in American courts.

The Obama administration had angered some victims and families by urging the justices to pass up the case.

In their appeal, the more than 6,000 plaintiffs said the government's court brief filed in early June was an "apparent effort to appease a sometime ally" just before President Barack Obama's visit to Saudi Arabia.

At issue were obstacles in American law to suing foreign governments and their officials as well as the extent to which people can be held financially responsible for acts of terrorism committed by others.

Military Coup In Honduras Led By "School Of The Americas (SOA) Graduate"

(Also see analysis at -rep.)

A military coup has taken place in Honduras this morning (Sunday, June 28), led by School of the Americas (SOA) graduate Romeo Vasquez. In the early hours of the day, members of the Honduran military surrounded the presidential palace and forced the democratically elected president, Manuel Zelaya, into custody. He was immediately flown to Costa Rica.

The Honduran state television was taken off the air. The electricity supply to the capital Tegucigalpa, as well telephone and cellphone lines were cut. The people of Honduras are going into the streets. From Costa Rica, President Zelaya has called for a non-violent response from the people of Honduras, and for international solidarity for the Honduran democracy.