jonathan mark's blog

H1N1 Swine Flu "National Emergency" Warning!

This following was released today with information from Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, which relates to our discussion at a recent 9/11 Truth Leaders Teleconference. Minutes - October 28, 2009 is posted on 911blogger..

Tetrahedron Publishing
Health Science Communications for People Around the World

[ For Links and other resources, go to original post: ]


Obama's National Emergency Advances Conspiracy to Advance Media Hype, Deadly Vaccinations, and Profitable Depopulation.

Los Angeles - The news media spreading Swine Flu fear is partnered with H1N1 vaccine makers financially-linked to officials advancing global depopulation, according to new evidence presented on YouTube by Harvard-trained health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz.

The new findings indict American health care reformers including Sen. Jay Rockefeller, whose Internet suppressive legislation targets enemies of the drug industry advancing an H1N1 Swine Flu conspiracy that is obviously genocidal.

Click on image to view YouTube video.

Imperium Watch: Flying Girders, Falling Towers

The following is coverage in the widest circulation weekly alternative paper about Richard Gage's recent presentation in Northampton, MA on October 10th.

Please check it out and comment at the Valley Advocate web site, too:

Imperium Watch: Flying Girders, Falling Towers

Is the public ready to consider evidence that controlled demolition brought down the World Trade Center skyscrapers?

Thursday, October 22, 2009
By Stephanie Kraft

In the lofty auditorium of Northampton's First Churches on October 10, an audience of perhaps 200 listened as San Francisco architect Richard Gage presented evidence that the World Trade Center's Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 were brought down on Sept. 11, 2001 by controlled demolition­by planted explosive charges, not by the impact and resulting fires when the buildings were hit by hijacked airplanes.

An open letter to Justice Edward Lehner on denying 9/11 justice

An open letter to Justice Edward Lehner on denying 9/11 justice
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor

Oct 14, 2009

Justice Lehner of the New York State Supreme Court: When did the call come to decide against this ballot initiative, or was it simply your own thought to rubberstamp Referee Louis Crespo’s recommendation that the decision to establish a local commission to investigate the events of September 11, 2001, not be put before the voters? This is despite the fact that 80,000 New Yorkers have already signed and submitted a petition to do so via NYC CAN. Obviously, now it can’t, at least not for a while.

"The demise of the dollar"

We now know for sure that the invasion of Iraq failed to control the oil-specialized wealth domain by corrupt criminal Administrations. This following excerpt by Robert Fisk explains the current predicament and threat for more hostilities.

"Iran announced late last month that its foreign currency reserves would henceforth be held in euros rather than dollars. Bankers remember, of course, what happened to the last Middle East oil producer to sell its oil in euros rather than dollars. A few months after Saddam Hussein trumpeted his decision, the Americans and British invaded Iraq."

In my opinion from a perception of being active in campaigns to stop the escalation of endless war for more than ten years, World War II never really ended. This is why I appreciate the work of Christopher Story, who has been investigating international corrupt criminal monetary systems. Yet it has been the aggressive military program of the US that is threatening everyone, and other countries are responding.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

October 6, 2009
The demise of the dollar
By Robert Fisk

Richard Gage, AIA, New England Awakening Weekend

9/11: Blueprint For Truth -
The Architecture of Destruction

Richard Gage, AIA, to Appear in Three New England Area Events

South Church,
229 State Street, Portsmouth NH
Friday October 9th, 8 PM

First Churches of Northampton,
129 Main Street, Northampton, MA
Saturday October 10th, 7 PM

First Parish Church,
Mass Ave and Church St., Cambridge MA
Sunday October 11th,
4:30 PM

Richard Gage invites you to attend an important presentation on the collapse of the 3 World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11.

Richard Gage, AIA. is the "founder of the organization Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth which is a fast-growing collaboration of 899 architectural and engineering professionals and 4,945 other supporters. The last few years have witnessed the emergence of mounting scientific evidence that the collapses of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 were not adequately explained by the official theories outlined in the 2002 FEMA and 2005 NIST reports. The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth call for a new, fully funded unimpeachable Congressional investigation with subpoena power.


NYC CAN - VIDEO - 21 September 2009:
Van Jones Petitions For Peace

The above link is to a youtube video for the "March For Answers"
supporting a referendum vote to investigate 9/11, sponsored by
New York City Coalition for Accountability Now -



Special Report - Published by Veterans Today




Casualties are mounting in Afghanistan while the situation is rapidly deteriorating from hopeless to a word the English language has yet to create. Everone under heaven has told us that fighting in Afghanistan is insane. Nothing can be won with terrain beyond our technological grasp, porous borders and a civilian population with hundreds of thousands willing to give their lives to convince us to leave.

With no public support at home or anywhere in the world, no support in Afghanistan, a country whose Army has actually gone backwards with billions in supplies and training and Karzai's open theft of an election, mirroring that of his neighbor in Iran, no situation could be worse.


Veteran Gordon Duff, author of the recent truth breakthrough article, "The 9/11 Commission Rejects Own Report As Based On Government Lies" follows it up with another mind blowing cover-up exposing article:

Special Report: OUTFOXING THE 9/11 COVERUP
Posted on September 24, 2009




When 9/11 Commission Chief Counsel, John Farmer, released his book, The Ground Truth, debunking his own 9/11 commission report and was supported by Chairman Thomas Kean and commission member Senator Bob Kerrey with no dissent, the cover story of 9/11 died.

FBI False-Flag Goes Bust in NYC

I have not been able to confirm these reports yet.. and would appreciate all comments and feedback on it.. thanks..

FBI False-Flag Goes Bust in NYC
By: Richard on: 21.09.2009 [20:25 ] (6456 reads)

NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly disrupts FBI's False-Flag Operation and there is now a war between the FBI and the NYPD.

Original post:

This is unfolding as we speak. Here is what happened:

The FBI on 9/10 alerts the NYPD to an upcoming "terrorist attack." But they went too far with their hype. They tell the NYPD that they are on the trail of something really big, "on the scale of September 11th" or something to that effect. They describe to the NYPD a Denver-based al Qaeda terrorist cell of Afghanis and Pashtuns in the employ of Osama bin Laden who are about to strike, providing some details about the men but little in the way of what they are planning. The important element is the timing and the hype. BIG BIG TERROR ATTACK BY OSAMA BIN LADEN AND AL QAEDA ON 9/11 ANNIVERSARY!!!

Sept 11 Treason + Vaccine

Flyby News (notes and items listed) in today's issue, follows. Note the affidavit by Dr. Len Horowitz appealing to the FBI to investigate swine flu deception and connection to 9/11 criminals.

Also, political prisoner, Native American, Leonard Peltier, writes on his parole denial.

Flyby News -
Editor - Jonathan Mark
September 19, 2009 - Sept 11 Treason + Vaccine * Peltier

"The world is a dangerous place,
not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on
and do nothing."

-- Albert Einstein

1) September 11 Breakthrough for Treason
- - NYC CAN's Historic MARCH
- - Senior Officials Question 9/11
- - The Mysterious Collapse of WTC 7
- - Dr. Steve Jones - DVD - Nanothermite -
- - 9/11: Blueprint for Truth World Premiere
- - Sibel Edmonds & Nuclear Trafficking
- - Why Propaganda Trumps Truth
- - Charlie Sheen - President Obama
- - Barack Obama Abandons Missile
- - U.S. Death Squads Roam The Globe
- - Ex-CIA Chiefs Halt Interrogations Probe
- - "Anthrax Wars" with filmmaker
- - Reviews An American Coup
- - Evidence of Treason...

FBI Appeal - 9/11 Swine Flu

This following is from Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, who I first learned about from his film documentary called: "In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism." Dr. Horowitz is the author of "Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional?"

This is from his Sept. 17, 2009 newsletter-
"FBI Request for Investigation Letter"

Dear Concerned Friends:

Please copy, paste, and forward the following letter to your local FBI headquarters, and to others in your network. Perhaps if we, en-masse in solidarity, urge the FBI to attend to the evidence Dr. Horowitz and Sherri Kane compiled for Dr. Horowitz's AFFIDAVIT, we can obtain an injunction to stop the deadly H1N1 Swine Flu vaccinations.

Thanks for doing this for humanity.


Dear FBI Investigators:

I am writing on behalf of hundreds-of-thousands of Americans attending this communication through an extensive media network and a team of attorneys who support this NOTICE OF URGENT REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION into matters stated herein.

Brasscheck TV: The Great Distraction - Pandemic

The following comments and video link is from Brasscheck TV..

We must be ready for such an internal attack.. The evil-doers are getting desperate.. and have shown their cards..

I became an affiliate of Dr. Len Horowitz's product OxySilver for treating Lyme and it has been very helpful.

I recommend all truthers get a bottle to have on hand, and become an affiliate to help distribute
and benefit from this more effective and safer product than colloidal silver -

dr. len developed this product as an alternative to vaccinations and conventional antibiotics..

and it works! here is my oxysilver affiliate web site -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From Brasscheck:

How do you keep a population from going berzerk when they realize that the thieves at the top
have sold them and their country out from under them? (aka Great Depression II)

You employ a distraction.

A new war? Another "terrorist" attack? - Nah. Been there. Done that.

How about a "pandemic?"

The timing is certainly convenient.


- Brasscheck

As Obama Golfs with UBS CEO Days After Firm Avoids Criminal Prosecution, UBS Whistleblower Given 40-Month Jail Term

Check out this telling broadcast-transcript on financial fraud injustice, (and a threat to all whistleblowers); aired 27 August, 2009 on Democracy Now!

As Obama Golfs with UBS CEO
Days After Firm Avoids Criminal
Prosecution, UBS Whistleblower
Given 40-Month Jail Term

On the first day of his vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, President Obama spent five hours golfing with UBS executive Robert Wolf, an early financial backer of Obama’s presidential campaign. As the pair teed off, another UBS banker, Bradley Birkenfeld, had just been handed a forty-month prison sentence after pleading guilty to assisting a client evade taxes. It was the first sentence in a wider scandal that has seen UBS admit to helping wealthy Americans dodge their tax obligations. On his own initiative, Birkenfeld blew the whistle on UBS. His disclosure and cooperation with US authorities provided inside information into the bank’s conduct and sparked the massive federal investigation. [includes rush transcript]



Swine Genocide * 911coup

Flyby News -
Editor - Jonathan Mark
August 20, 2009 -
Swine Genocide * 911coup

"Those who attacked America on 9/11 are plotting to do so again. If left unchecked, the Taliban insurgency will mean an even larger safe haven from which Al Qaeda would plot to kill more Americans."
-- President Barack Obama
Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Phoenix (8/17/09)

"It is already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government."
- David Ray Griffin

"We're trying to change the paradigm of human democracy, of human governance, and that’s what this [NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative] is all about, changing the paradigm of human governance right here in New York City by asserting that you saw something wrong that took place, and you want to address it through using the tool of the Initiative, the legislative power of citizenry to go after that fundamental change."
-- Mike Gravel
Former US Senator
Democracy Now! June 17, 2008

Blackwater Chief Accused of Murder, Threats

Democracy Now! had two important interviews regarding policies of corruption and terror in today's program:

"In Explosive Allegations, Ex-Employees Link Blackwater Founder to Murder, Threats"

In sworn statements, two ex-employees claim Blackwater’s owner, Erik Prince, murdered or facilitated the murder of individuals cooperating with federal authorities investigating the company. One also charged Prince “views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe.” We speak with investigative journalist and bestselling author Jeremy Scahill, who broke the story for The Nation magazine.

[includes rush transcript] -


"British Lawmaker David Davis Challenges US Threats to Suppress Evidence of CIA Torture".