jonathan mark's blog

9/11 Truth Leader Teleconference

9/11 Truth Leader Teleconference
By Jonathan Mark

A coalition of 9/11 truth leaders and groups has been communicating on a monthly basis (via teleconference) about supporting critical campaigns to expose the US government and media cover-up on what really happened September 11, 2001.

Sept. 11 * CIA-Vaccine

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . .”

- Robin Cook
Former British Foreign Secretary

Flyby News -
Editor - Jonathan Mark - July 21, 2009 -
Sept. 11 * CIA-Vaccine * Peltier * Moon

1) 9/11 Cover-up by three U.S. Presidents
- - Coalition for a new official probe of 9/11
- - Treason reported to Judge
- - Rob Balsamo, Pilots for 9/11 Truth a
- - The September Eleventh Advocates
- - 9/11 Mass Murder By 3 U.S. Presidents
2) CIA Assassinations & Depopulation
- - Immunity for swine flu vaccine makers
- - Flu Oddities CLG Breaking News
- - OxySilver – A New Way to Fight Disease
3) Leonard Peltier Parole for July 28, 2009
4) Moon landing tapes got erased

Space for Peace and Sept. 11

Space for Peace and September 11
A flyby perspective
By Jonathan Mark

One of the stranger events that happened near the end of the 20th Century was when NASA conducted two “flybys” around Venus on a journey towards Saturn. A flyby is a maneuver in frictionless space using gravity from a planet for a slingshot-acceleration effect. The strange part regarding “Cassini” was that it had 72.3 pounds of radioactive plutonium on board, and was scheduled for an Earth-flyby on August 17/18, 1999, while traveling at around 10 miles per second. Fortunately there was no inadvertent collision with Earth’s atmosphere, but why would NASA risk life on Earth while exploring the solar system?

Summary of White House/Treasury Financial Terrorisml

Summary of White House/Treasury Financial Terrorism
Flyby News
Editor - Jonathan Mark
02 July 2009 - Alert

Notes: Latest article by Christopher Story updated at Flyby News

Financial Analysis - World Reports - Global Intelligence
01 July 2009
Negotiated Settlements Deceit Sharply Rebuffed

Summary of White House/Treasury Financial Terrorism:

"..instead of facilitating the G-7-Approved Private Sector fully transparent taxable, revenue-generating US Dollar Refunding Programme, which requires ZERO Government input and yields a cascade of ongoing tax revenues which will be more than enough to finance all of Obama's programmes and to resolve all US financial issues, while at the same time reliquefying the banks ON THE BOOKS, the Obama White House prefers instead to pursue a flawed strategy of Fraudulent Finance based upon a Ponzi-model False Prospectus to revive the dead derivatives horse so that these people can continue indefinitely to control trading (as they see it). This is a flawed policy that is destined to fail and collapse, as well as representing a wanton act of Financial Terrorism."

For the complete article, see:

Transforming Health-care and Criminal Justice

Affordable universal health-care and more can be achieved by first recognizing the importance of a not-for-profit health-care system. This way we are all headed in the same direction, towards getting healthier. But granted, any new program at this critical juncture will require many dollars to work. However, the solution can get bigger than the problem when transforming multiple industries at once.

The U.S. prison population dwarfs that of other nations. In 2008 the International Herald Tribune documented that - "The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population. But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners.

Paranoid Reality & USS Liberty

Flyby News -
Editor - Jonathan Mark
June 1, 2009 - Paranoid Reality * Liberty * Peltier Parole

"You can never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes
the existing model obsolete."

-- Buckminster Fuller

1) Bush Hidden History Coming Out - Family Secrets
- - LA Times covers (Bush) Family of Secrets ‘paranoid style’
- - Family of Secrets The Bush Dynasty – Russ Baker audio
- - Paranoid Shift Confronting Reality
- - Obama administration sides with Saudis in 9/11 suit
- - Vote for Answers - VIDEO - Heartfelt 50 seconds
- - The Hidden History of 9-11
- - Fake Terror - The Road to War and Dictatorship
2) Torturing Democracy - USS Liberty Silver Star - Missing H-Bomb
- - Bill Moyer Journal on special documentary - "Torturing Democracy"
- - USS Liberty Veteran Receives Silver Star
- - Defending Israeli War Crimes
- - The Case of the Missing H-Bomb
3) Parole Letter for Leonard Peltier; time for freedom
4) Critical Breaking News

Editor's Notes:

Obama--torture - NYC CAN video

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark
May 13, 2009 - Obama--torture - NYC CAN video

“I am not asking for vengeance; only that the truth
should be made known so that nobody in the future
should have to endure what I have endured.”

-- Binyam Mohamed
23 February 2009
former Guantanamo detainee

Notes: The following includes updated links at Flyby News. - "At issue is whether the British courts will disclose a seven-paragraph summary of the treatment of Binyam Mohamed, a former detainee who was released from Guantanamo Bay prison in February."

Obama threatens to limit US intel
with UK over Guantanamo torture

The case of the admission from the Pakistan government of who created the Taliban is most revealing.

CIA and ISI together created Taliban

Financial War Update + NYC CAN

Flyby News Alert - (sent to subscribers 08 May 2009 via email)
Editor - Jonathan Mark. Join list at bottom of

Being an individual is as independent as one gets. Awakened by world-domination-crazy-people running the show, independent or citizen journalism can take on a whole new spectrum during this Internet-connected age. We can witness at the same time: mainstream media-government-academic-medical spin, and independent voices, researchers, organizations, revealing treachery and theft on a global basis.

The following is an excerpt from the latest article by Christopher Story, publisher of International Currency Review since 1970. There is an extensive archive on his writings on the story behind the financial world crisis at World Reports.



Flu Conspiracy * NYC CAN * Rescue Me

“No other group in the world takes H5N1
Asian flu infected chickens, brings them
to Europe, extracts their DNA, combines
their proteins with H1N1 viruses from the
1918 Spanish flu isolate, additionally mixes
in swine flu genes from pigs, then ‘reverse
engineers’ them to infect humans. The end
product that Reuter’s describes could only
end up in Mexico via the United States from
Britain in care of the CDC. Ruben Donis at
the CDC had to have sent them to Novavax,
where Rick Bright’s team is now Implicated in
a conspiracy to commit genocide­ - the mass
killing of people for profit.”

-- Dr. Leonard Horowitz

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark
Flu Conspiracy * NYC CAN * Rescue Me

1) Flu Outbreak Implicates “Vaccine Pipeline”
2) Universal Deceit – 9-11 – NYC CAN
- - In The Age Of Universal Deceit
- - NYC CAN Update: Now 35,000
- - NYC CAN Executive Council
3) World To Be Punished for the Corruption

Editor’s Notes:

NYC CAN * Will Pepper * TARP

New York City voters have the power to legally mandate the formation of a new investigation with subpoena power by petitioning to place a referendum on the ballot in the November 2009 General Election. In September 2008, the petition reached a milestone of 30,000 signatures, the minimum number required to submit the petition to New York City Council for its approval. By June 2009, NYCCAN will eclipse the 45,000 signatures required to bypass City Council, ensuring its placement on the ballot. With the passage of this referendum New York City will take the first giant step towards truth and justice.


The 21 April 2009 Flyby News issue contains information on a most crucial campaign for truth, justice, and peace in 2009. William Pepper leads off with a written statement in support of NYC CAN -

I encourage you, too, to take part by donating funds to NYC ASAP to make this really happen. It is our best opportunity for peace and justice in the last eight years.

NYC 9/11 Ballot-Coaltion mtg 3/18; Sander Hicks update!

dear fellow activists.. finally.. the truth movement, especially in nyc, is starting to work together in a big way, thanks especially to Sander Hicks, on the ballot initiative for a new investigation.. Now it looks better than ever for a vote by we, the people, in nyc, nov. 3rd..

united we stand..

At 09:58 AM 3/18/2009, Sander Hicks wrote:

Hey Everybody.

Please come to an important meeting, tonight (March 18th), 7:30 PM, at St. Marks Church, which is the historic place on 2nd Ave, between 9th and 10th Streets, NYC. (131 East 10th Street, technically).

I have re-doubled my efforts to help out with the NYC Ballot Initiative. We have a new name for our group: The "Coaltion for Accountability, NOW!"

We already have 32,000 signatures, but we want to get a lot more, by the deadline of June 4. This is a really interesting activist project, because we have already made a lot of progress, and we have a head of steam.

Assassination Ring * Griffin * Killer Electrons

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark
March 15, 2009 - Assassination Ring * Griffin * Killer Electrons

"The evil that is in the world always comes of ignorance,
and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence,
if they lack understanding. On the whole, men are more good
than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. But they are more
or less ignorant, and it is that we call vice or virtue; the most
incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows
everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill."

-- Albert Campus
The Plague, Modern Library Edition, p. 120

Editor's Notes:

Real Transparency * Obama Ponzi

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark
February 25, 2009 -

“I am not asking for vengeance;
only that the truth should be made known
so that nobody in the future should have
to endure what I have endured.”

-- Binyam Mohamed
23 February 2009
former Guantanamo detainee

Editor’s Notes:

Secret Government 9/11 Advocate

Valley 9/11 Truth is presenting a free film screening of the 1987 PBS program: The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis - narrated by Bill Moyers - February 11th, 2009; 7:00 PM at the Media Education Foundation; Northampton, MA

Plus, and promoting this event, a weekly alternative news/entertainment paper, The Valley Advocate, published my following letter:

Advocate Off Target

The Alan Bisbort article "Truly Alternative: Giving our shared humanity a media voice" [Jan. 22, 2009] brought home some deep unsettled feelings. This well-crafted story-in-a-story also brought to light what I found missing in the Advocate. Cynthia McKinney was the keynote speaker at an event to honor Martin Luther King Day. This came on the heels of an international incident on a ship named "Integrity" that, while bringing mercy supplies to Gaza (with CNN and others on board), was rammed three times by an Israeli navy speed boat. It began to take on water. My website,, has links to youtube videos on this incident.

Leonard Peltier brutalized, life in jeopardy!

Leonard Peltier brutalized, life in jeopardy!

Following is an extremely urgent letter from Leonard Peltier's sister.

Please consider doing anything you can to help stop Leonard Peltier's murder in prison.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


URGENT ALERT! Leonard Peltiers safety is in jeopardy!
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 17:20:21 -0800 (PST)

Dear LP Supporters

I am so OUTRAGED! My brother Leonard was severely beaten upon his arrival at the Canaan Federal Penitentiary. When he went into population after his transfer, some inmates assaulted him. The severity of his injuries is that he suffered numerous blows to his head and body, receiving a large bump on his head, possibly a concussion, and numerous bruises. Also, one of his fingers is swollen and discolored and he has pain in his chest and ribcage. There was blood everywhere from his injuries.