kawika's blog
Richard Gage in NYC--9/9 & 11/2012
Architect Richard Gage will present Blueprint For Truth at the following location
Walker Stage
56 Walker Street
NY, NY 10013
Sunday SEP 9 -- 1-8 pm
Tuesday SEP 11-- 8 pm
More events to go to:
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1964--New Weapons For a 1970 Battlefield
Title: Unconventional Weapons for the 1970 Battlefield
Date: July 1964
See the list of References beginning on PDF page 73.
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Thanks To 9/11 We Have This--Congratulations!
Don't turn away. Don't make excuses.
The 9/11 Justified War on Terror up close and personal.
Put your daughter or son into this picture. HOW DO YOU LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any mofo who pays taxes for this obscenity has blood on their hands. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AMERICA is NOT a Democracy!
Not a Democracy!
Debbie Lewis, DebLewis87@gmail.com
Columbia MO, May 9, 2012 - We do NOT live in a Democracy...there, I said it! The mainstream media and the news seem to want us to believe we do, but we do not. The GOP and the Democrats would like for you to believe it, as well. In fact, even Chief Justice John Roberts, as Paul Sheridan has so eloquently pointed out, wants you to believe it and our school system preaches it like it's the gospel truth.
Wouldn't that be nice? Making this viral is no big deal. Please spend a few minutes to grow this to huge proportions.
UPDATE: The original petition was taken down so this version was recently submitted.
PLEASE spread this around to resurrect the enthusiasm that was driving the first one.
Architects and Engineers Translation Team
Check out this brand new production by the A&E Translation Team.
Well done!
STOP CISPA From Undermining Internet Privacy
Please sign this petition. Just like the roundly defeated SOPA and PIPA this new bill seeks to strip us of Internet Privacy.
Over 100 Members of Congress are backing a bill (CISPA) that would give private companies and the US government the right to spy on any of us at any time for as long as they want without a warrant. This is the third time the US Congress has tried to attack our Internet freedom. But we helped beat SOPA, and PIPA -- and now we can beat this new Big Brother law.
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NYC Financial District Preps For Terrorist Attack A Week Prior to 9/11.
Just another coincidence, of course.
One week prior to the 9-11 attack, MTA (Metropolitan Transit Authority ) and NYC OEM (NYC Office of Emergency Management) had been preparing a tabletop exercise to develop plans for recovery of operations and business continuity in the Financial District after a terrorist attack. Discussions and plans for a program known as BNET (Businesses Networking) had been tested in Buffalo, New York
BNET link:
What this amounts to is a private, special access identification program to get business people past security checkpoints after a disaster.
RIDE THE WAVE--Stop Internet Censorship Petition Nears 1M
795K and rising by the second. Petition to Stop ACTA
9/11 and Aftermath
Magnum Photographers relate their 9/11 stories and concerns about the results of the War On Terror.
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Kurt Haskell Decides Underwear Lawsuit Futile
Christmas Day Two Years Later and the Current State of the U.S.
by Kurt Haskell
Change of Plans?
What is this? UA93 requested a change of flight plans? From San Francisco to DC? (at mark 3:15)
In Black and White
Watch at mark ~:10 right face, the even white ejections along one floor about one third up into the damaged area..
This cannot be smoke because what was leaving there just prior was dark. This is lighter, and evenly forced out across the face.
This cannot be naturally produced concrete pulverization because there is nothing from above doing the crushing. The building has not begun to move downwards.
It cannot be natural pressure forcing it outward because there is a gaping hole from the aircraft on the left face. There is no way for pressure to build up with a vent opened as it is.
Question and Answer--Live with Richard Gage-DEC 4th, 6pm
Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers For 911 Truth, will be joining us in The 911 Truth Movement Paltalk Room at 6pm eastern on Sunday December 4th
UPDATE--Susan Lindauer will be in the Paltalk Room at 4 pm eastern ahead of Richard Gage. She will bring us up to date on her recent attempt to bring evidence to her elected representatives.
What is Paltalk?
This is a live, two hour Question and Answer session--Your opportunity to ask Richard Gage questions and hear him bring everyone up to date on what AE911TRUTH has accomplished recently.
Richard joins us on the first Sunday of each month.
Paltalk is a cool way to interact with other 911 activists through voice and text chat. You can also split off from the main room and engage in private chat sessions, as well as share files and video.
The 911 Truth Movement Room has over 200 important videos in its library.
PC users--- http://www.paltalk.com/g2/group/1127367608/Download.wmt?pagc=2403779&ref...