
New 9/11 website and video

got a head's up from phil at letsroll911.org about a new website..


they have alot of free videos to download including a 20 minute short film that i hadnt seen before.. while it starts off a bit harsh, it is deifnately a well made introduction to several of the 'conspiracy' theories surrounding 9/11..

go here to download

catching up for the week..

welp, i was out sick for the later half of this week, so there is quite a bunch for me to catch up on.. here we go..

new Christopher Bollyn article:
THE HIDDEN HAND OF THE CIA - 9/11 and Popular Mechanics

OP-ED from The Nation on yahoo news:
Wolfowitz To Rule the World (Bank)
this is linked here primarily because it references wolfowitz's plans for iraq before 9/11, and how he continued to try to connect iraq to 9/11 as a motive for the war..

Freedom of Information Act request for confiscated Pentagon Videos

Just came across this site which is chronicleing a series of requests for the video footage of the Pentagon attack on 9/11. As most of you may know there were video tapes confiscated from both the on-site gas station as well as the nearby Sheraden hotel. There are also camera's all along the edge of the roof of the Pentagon, but I don't see reference to these in these requests.

The FOIA requests were denied due to ongoing criminal investigations, so the owner of this website has filed a lawsuit to try to get their hands on the footage.
This is a great effort, because whether you think the Pentagon was hit by Flight 77 or not, this could bring out new footage that proves, or disproves, the different theories..

Another PM related article, and another whistleblower

here is another article to refute the recent Popular Mechanics article on 9/11:

and here is a whistleblower apparently focused on green cards being given to morocans tied with al-queda:

Followup on Cynthia McKinney statements

the nice people over at 911CitizensWatch posted an article about Cynthia McKinney's recent discussion with Rumsfeld and Myers.. the article also has a link to c-span's archive where you can watch the footage itself:
Gen. Myers, Sec. Rumsfeld and DoD Comproller Grilled on Missing Money, War Games and Sex Trade

Cynthia McKinney talks to Myers, Rumsfeld about 9/11 wargames (again)

i saw cynthia mckinney on cspan last night.. it wasnt a rerun.. it said 'today' in the corner.. she was asking both rumsfeld and myers about the wargames, and they responded back.. i cant seem to find the transcript from the DoD's website or hers..

basically myers said the wargames helped the response time, not hurt it.. she also asked him if that day was declared a special day of intrest, to which he asked if she meant before or after the attacks, to which she said before.. he said he didnt know, then looked at rumsfeld and shook his head like he had no idea of what she was getting at..

if anyone knows where i might find the transcript please let me know..

A few daily links

the guys over at whatreallyhappened.com wrote up an article comparing the collapses of WTC 1, 2, and 7 to the recent massive fire in madrid.. you can find that article here

alex jones released a clip from his daily radio show in response to the recent 'interview' with chertoff from popular mechanics on art bell's coast to coast.. you can listen to that clip here

Christopher Bollyn from American Free Press has released a new article (and has another about to be posted) continuing the feud that has erupted from the same popular mechanics magazine mentioned before..

Reopen911.org and Loose Change DVDs ready to go!

Big day in terms of 9/11 related videos..

first off, the video 'Confronting the Evidence' from Jimmy Walters at reopen911.org is finished, and is on its way to press. he is giving away this 4+ hour DVD on 9/11 for free, as well as making it available for download. You can download the video and/or order your free dvd at the link below:

secondly, enigs has announced that his new video Loose Change is done, and off to press, you can pre-order this video, and watch a preview, from the link below:

Really neat online web app

i came across this app today, and man is it cool.. basically it shows you a company, and its board of directors.. then from that board of directors you can see what other companies a person is a member of..

anyways, check it out.. it is really insightful in understanding how closely tied some corporations are.. be sure to use the 'load' function to load the most popular connections, such as how the energy companies relate, and a bunch of others..


anyways, i used it to make a real quick example of how Thomas Kean from the government's 9/11 investigation sat on the same board of directors with members of the Bush 1 administration, and the clinton adminsistration.. the picture links to a much larger example:

Are we really searching for bin laden?

check out this clip from last night's daily show:
(special thanks to overspun.com for the clip)

does it look like goss thinks we are actively searching for bin laden? it doesnt to me.. to me it looks like he thinks what bush is saying is a joke, and completely removed from the truth..

so, if we arent really searching for bin laden, why not? perhaps they know something they would rather the public not know, like we dont really want to find him, or we already have, or he is dead, etc..