August 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit

911 Media Recap

Dem Bruce Lee Styles has been busy converting and uploading videos for our use. These are all available at Google Video and 911podcasts, however, DBLS is asking you to view and promote the ones on Google Video first so that they move up in the rankings. Here they are:

Behind Every Terrorist, There is a Bush
Google Video
| 911Podcasts

San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11
Google Video | 911Podcasts

David Ray Griffin at Congressional Black Caucus
Google Video | 911podcasts

For more information on each of these videos as well as their corresponding hyperlinks, you can also visit DBLS's blog entry here.

Several new entries have been added to the Visibility 911 Podcasts available here:

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I'd like to direct everyone's attention specifically to the August 14 episode which featured an interview with Ed Haas and discussed the pending 9/11 debate as well as the members of the 9/11 Truth debate team. Considering recent events in the 9/11 Truth Movement, is anyone concerned about certain members on the team?

Finally, new entries have been added to the Synchronicity 911 Podcasts available here:

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9/11 Reinvestigation Starts By Voting

We are not interested in electing officials of the Republican, Democrat or Independent Parties this November or in the future. None of that matters anymore. What matters is that we have the reinvestigation into the events and crimes of 9/11 and this starts by voting our conscious. We need to look at what elected officials in Congress are not pushing for the reinvestigation of 9/11 and vote against them to make examples in order to instill what ''We The People'' demand. We must restructure Congress with members who will represent the American people and not members who are invested in war defense and oil corporations.

The perfect example is Senator Hillary Clinton from New York who.....

Read the rest of this blog at

Here's How They Got the Bombs Inside The Towers

Forbes reported that over the weekend of September 8-9, 2001, floors 50 and above of the South Tower experienced a power down, meaning that all electrical currents were shut off for about 36 hours.

Because there was no electric power above the fiftieth floor there were also no security cameras or security locks. There were many outside engineering personnel, however, coming and going in and out of the tower all weekend.

Click below:
The 9/11 Chronicles: Destroying a Crime Scene

How to uncover & destroy disinfo/COINTELPRO agents.

The 911/truth movement is threatened by the sickos at work for the alphabet agencies, spreading their disinfo & misdirections.
Read this & learn.

Flight 11

We just were subjected to the Canadian Flight 11 bullshit official narrative dramatisation here this evening.

Here is the email I sent on to my State Broadcaster.

"Flight 11 -- Part 1

By Me.

"Flight 11" hitting the North Tower wasn't broadcast until the next day, 12th Sept. It was accidentally captured on film by Jules and Gideon Naudet. The "Naudets", who were "just by chance" filming NYFD on a routine gas leak in Duane St - which just happens to be an anagram of Naudets.

Here is that film from two distinct and reputable sources.

As you can see it clearly was NOT a 125ft long, 145ft wide, 110ton Boeing 767-200ER that hit the North Tower.

Antidote to No-Plane Spammers

Like a gang of kamikaze straw men the no-planers are attacking this forum and having their desired effect, which is that other issues are not being discussed. I appeal therefore to all other truthers to brainstorm--use this opportunity to collect your thoughts and re-focus the forum onto the issues that are important to us. Here are a few ideas just meant to stimulate new discussions:

1) What is the state of the impeachment campaign?

2) Any progress on creating a comprehensive list of truth candidates or of creating a fund for them?

3) Has the Popular Mechanics kid done any more interviews? Has Charles Goyette gotten answers to the questions of what DNA was used to compare to the crash scene DNA in the case of the hijackers?

4) Does anyone doubt that the '08 elections will feature Clinton/Obama versus McCain/Giuliani? We know either way America loses, but which pair would win?

5) So far these are pretty boring topics...

6) Anyone seen the ghost of Ken Lay anywhere?

OK maybe it *is* more fun to bash no-planers and their sci-fi than it is to change the subject. Why have we reached this impasse? Have we pretty much exhausted the subject? How about brainstorming about different ways to get 9/11 truth more exposure?

Movie: Behind Every Terrorist There is a Bush

Watch on Google Video here

Watch on 911Podcasts here

"Behind Every Terrorist There is a Bush” is in my opinion perhaps one of the best 911-Truth productions out there. I’ve seen the other great documentaries from "Loose Change Second Edition" to Barry Zwicker’s excellent “The Great Deception”. But “Behind Every Terrorist There is a Bush” is something else. It does something that none of the others, despite being great in their own right, have been able to do. Because it shows the audience that there’s a movement out there. It shows people that there’s a rational, valid and organised voice rightfully questioning the “war on terror” and the event (9/11) that sparked it.

Kentucky Plane Crash

I couldnt help noticing how cagey all the reports about the aircrash in Kentucky appeared. All I saw were some helicopter shots, which showed nothing but a bunch of trees. There were reports that the plane came down virtually intact. Others said that the "hot fires" caused the deaths. But the reports we saw here showed NO wreckage. Is this to become a common feature in US aircrashes?

Then yesterday two men with Black Boxes appeared on the tV - still no wreckage though.

Did anyone else notice anything strange?

Flight 77 - What Hit the Light Poles?

UPDATE: The person who originally obtained the animation below has sent in some scans to help authenticate things on his end. Attached find a scan of his letter from NTSB in answer to his FOIA request and a scan of the mailer sent to him in the UK. Recently, posted some acquired FOIA data. Maybe the trick is to do all FOIA requests from the UK. Get busy UK911Truthers! See attachments at bottom. I blurred the signature of the NTSB employee, the person who submitted these scans blocked his name and address.

If this animation is a true account of the final moments (minus impact) of Flight 77, why is it too high to clip any light poles? You can see the roadway down below. WAY down below. When compared with the CCTV frames that depict "something" hitting the Pentagon, why does this animation not reconcile with the strictly horizontal approach captured by the security camera?

The Moussaoui Trial

The reason I'm posting this is because the Washington Post released a story today that talked about how Bin Laden has not been charged with 9/11. What do you think would happen if Osama Bin Laden was charged for 9/11? What about the alleged "mastermind" KSM, who we supposedly DO have in custody? Why hasn't he been brought forward? Basically, when the United States is challenged to provide evidence that the "terrorists" were involved with 9/11, they refuse to cooperate. They try to withhold information. They try to coach their witnesses. Essentially, it becomes a big show. I want to see the evidence linking Bin Laden to the attacks of 9/11. I want to see KSM brought forward to answer for his crimes. Unless of course, the United States has something to hide...

White House Opposes Moussaoui Appeal

US Seeks October Trial For Moussaoui

Moussaoui Planning To Admit 9/11 Role Judge Will Weigh Mental Capacity