March 2007

(For a historical archive of our old site visit

We The People's Moral Response To 9/11 Truth

Serb Hall Milwaukee 5101 W. Oklahoma Ave. Free To The Public & Free 9/11 Truth DVD When Leaving The Event Speakers: James Fetzer, Kevin Barrett & Gary Franchi

'We the people' sent out approximately 950 letters to Milwaukee and surrounding area churches with the hope of informing more religious leaders/people about the 9/11 Truth Movement and our 9/11 Truth Event. The letters contained a copy of the speech given by David Ray Griffin in Madison, Wisconsin on April 18th, 2005. The speech was titled: 9/11 and the American Empire: How Should Religious People Respond? We also sent out a flyer of the April 11th, 2007 event with 9/11 facts on it. We even sent over 200 letters with 9/11 truth information to fire and police departments, Milwaukee city councilman, the mayor and local news organizations informing them of our event. 'We the people' are now in the process of handing out over 5000 flyers in the coming days before the event. We hope to fill our rented hall which can hold over 500 people.
Matthew Naus
Founder of Take A Stand For 9/11 Truth
For Contact Email:

Media Matters Ignores Right Wing Attacks on Rosie O'Donnell

Another indication of media blackout on 9/11 issues:

Media Matters has failed to report on any of the recent "conservative" media's feeding frenzy on Rosie O'Donnell and their vitriolic attacks on her First Amendment rights, which include calling for her dismissal and execution. Media Matters just this week published a blog on the site defending the repulsive Ann Coulter:

With any other topic, Media Matters would have sent out press releases, blogged, and posted the information on their front page. They routinely monitor all Fox broadcasts and other Administration stenographic media personalities, calling them on misinformation, unprofessional conduct, and the like. According to their webpage:

AOL is holding their own Poll "view" of the Rosie/O'Reilly debate

There is a link from the Huffington Post to a "Rosie Opens 9/11 Conspiracy 'View' Debate - AOL News" link. There you can vote on these two questions:

"Should ABC fire Rosie, as O'Reilly implies?"
Results so far: Yes, she crossed the line 65%, No, It's free speech, 35%, total votes:123,238

"What do you think of this debate?"
Results so far: It's a ratings stunt, 60%, It's a valid one, 40%, Total Votes: 151,871

I think we all need to partake in this "poll" clearly, most of this side of the debate doesn't hang out at the AOL site.

Go to:
From there click on the link: Rosie O'Reilly feud over 9/11

I would give you the direct link to the aol site but it seems to only take me back to the results...keeps me from trying to vote again.

Good Luck!

A Message From John Feal

I already bought my ticket, and will be attending. If you can, please do the same. - Jon

Flyer To Hand Out With Other 9/11 Related Flyers
Click Here

Home: 631 724 3320
Cell: 516 901 7427
Fed tax ID#20-5187809
Founder John Feal
9/11 Responder

Cuban's Towering Lack of Judgment

Cuban's towering lack of judgment -

It's Mark Cuban's candy store, so in a free market of ideas, no one should question his Magnolia Pictures' right to distribute a conspiracy-nut film that says the U.S. government "might have been directly responsible" for the 9/11 attacks.

More at the link - story just over halfway down the page.

Mark Davis: The Right to Free Speech Taken Too Far

Mark Davis: The right to free speech taken too far -

Mark Cuban is wrong to distribute 9/11 conspiracy film 'Loose Change'

06:53 AM CDT on Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A couple of months from now, I believe, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban will bathe in the well-deserved glow of adulation that comes with winning an NBA championship.

Petition For MSNBC to Apologize For Bonaduce Death Threats

I am offended & appalled at the irresponsible and hate filled comments of washed up, drug addicted former child actor Danny Bonaduce on Scarborough Country on MSNBC. His calling for the execution of Rosie O'Donnell for questioning the events of September 11, 2001 crosses the line of free speech and is completely unacceptable. His venomous words are ironic as he claims to be a man fighting against terrorism, yet freely makes terrorist threats against O'Donnell and anyone questioning the events of 9/11. Here are some recent polls from various sources that asked large amounts of people whether they doubt the government's official account of what happened on September 11th or not:

1. SCRIPPS/HOWARD, July 2006
36% of respondents overall said it is "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that
federal officials either participated in the attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon or took no action to stop them "because they wanted the
United States to go to war in the Middle East."

2. ZOGBY, Feb 2006
49.3% of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall say
that some of our leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or

9/11 According To Sean Hannity

Taken from Dr. Bob Bowman's interview.

"No conspiracy theory...

And nothing else happened.

Call ABC for Rosie

You know that you’re doing something right if Bill O’Reilly makes you the subject of his evening’s hate fest. In a courageous attempt to bring to the public some of the glaring questions about 9/11, Rosie O’Donnell dared to question the official narrative on ABC’s The View.

In addition to going public with her skepticism of 9/11, Rosie recently wrote a blog entry encouraging her readers to research 9/11, in particular the building 7 demolition. Apparently questioning the official story was too much for Bill O’Reilly, who, never straying from his usual bullying tactics, predictably called for the network to fire Rosie, claiming she was irresponsible and disrespecting the people who died that fateful day.

If you are in support of Rosie O’Donnell’s comments please call ABC immediately to tell them and please pass this information along to others. Comments can be submitted via phone by dialing (818) 460-7477 then press #2 - then press #4 (for Daytime shows) then press #849 (for The View)

Freerepublic Encourages Viewers To Send Emails, Demanding they Fire Rosie

(Note to Mods: I wasnt sure if the word "asshole" was allowed on here or not. If its not allowed, Just replease it was "scum" or "fools" Or something like that, If its allowed, Then cool)

This is a lot of Imformation, But Please Go over All of this. Please Do whatever Necessary Steps, You believe it Right to Show Rosie your Support. Thanks

I hate these a**hole people over at

They had something to do with Charlie Sheen on Showbiz tonight Last March 2006, They told everybody to vote "NO" Cover Up, As it Result, It effected the Poll 20 Points in the beggining, Thats why only "65%" Said Yes to a Cover up

They get tons and tons of traffic, They are encouraging all there Viewers to Email, ABC, The View, Disney, Barabra Walters, and Demand Rosie be Fired, OR ELSE They are going to BOYCOTT ABC, TheView, and DISNEY.

I wish somebody could just crash there site or something, Anyways, We must Fight back, And let them know, How we want Rosie, How thats the Only Reason We watch the View, It it wasnt for Her, We wouldnt watch it, etc etc etc, blaa, ya know?

Let Barbara Walters know what you think of Rosie O'Donnell