June 2008

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

A plea to Bloggers...HELP RICHARD GAGE ...email Architects

Wow! Today, (Wed. June 25th) on the Alex Jones show was an interview with Kevin Ryan and Richard Gage. Kevin explains how the characteristics from the analysis of thermite samples connects to the companies involved with the NIST coverup. It is pretty dynamic. I am sure someone will post an audio of that interview.

I want to emphasize a point which Richard Gage is desperately trying to make with all the people in the 9/11 Truth Movement. He is asking us to please, please email architects (and engineers). This is simple. He explains it on ae911truth.org. Let's support Gage !!! Let's help him out.

The action is simple. Get the email address of an architect or an engineer. Email a message similar to this:

"I know that you are an expert on these kind of things. I ran across this short TV interview with an architect.
http://www.ae911truth.net/omnitv_interview.htm And I also visited this website supported by many architects. www.ae911truth.org
What do you think about Building 7? "

Ray McGovern on the Alex Jones show warns of "false flag attack" and possible nuclear strikes on Iran

June 24, 2008

Ray McGovern and Alex Jones discuss the possibility of an attack on Iran, to the benefit of the Neocons and Israel.

McGovern openly warns of a naval False Flag attack as one possibility to get things started.

32:14 7.49MB

Infowars | Alex Jones

Perception Management

Consider the vast difference between PM and PR, urges David Baldacci in his current best-selling thriller, "The Whole Truth." In the Author's Note at the end of the book he writes that perception managers are not spin doctors because they don't spin facts. "They create facts and then sell them to the world as truth" (with emphasis on "create"). The story revolves around a weapons manufacturer/war profiteer who enlists the professional services of a perception management company. Various schemes are developed to engender antagonism between Russia and China, both of whom become customers of the weapons contractor. If you plan to read this novel, expect total immersion of your attention in the fascinating action. Beyond the high entertainment value, however, Baldacci has a point to make, and he spells it out very clearly in his Author's Note: "Many of the techniques [of perception management] outlined in the story are standard operating procedures for these folks....

Midwest Pilot Almost Hit Plane On 9/11 (Touching History)

Wait; are they suuurre that wasn't a missile surrounded by a hologram? Well, it's just establishment propaganda anyway; i do hope someone or many are checking it for new info, contradictions, lies, distortions, slip-ups and the like, i don't have the time (or the brains)


Midwest Pilot Almost Hit Plane On 9/11
Associated Press

MILWAUKEE - Midwest Airlines pilot Gerald Earwood was flying about 100 miles west of New York when he first noticed what seemed like wisps of smoke coming off the World Trade Center.

Roughly 15 minutes later, Earwood and co-pilot Eric Fjelstad were frantically maneuvering their DC-9 jet to avoid colliding with United Airlines Flight 175, the second airplane to hit the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Their work, following orders from air traffic controllers, saved the lives of about 30 passengers and five crew members of Midwest Flight 7.

A minute or so later, United 175 -- which also came close to colliding with other planes that morning -- struck the south tower of the World Trade Center.

Silvio Berlusconi's 'iron fist' laws approved

Hmmm. I'm beginning to see a global pattern...

Silvio Berlusconi's 'iron fist' laws approved
By Malcolm Moore in Rome
Last updated: 7:48 AM BST 25/06/2008

Soldiers could be sent into Italy's cities, illegal immigrants will be imprisoned and all non-serious court cases will be frozen for a year under new measures approved by Italy's senate.

The senate voted 166 to 123 to approve a wide-ranging package of measures which will allow Silvio Berlusconi to govern Italy with an iron fist.

Mr Berlusconi, 71, will now be able to use as many as 3,000 soldiers for up to six months in order to fight crime. Previously, the use of the army had to be agreed by the parliament beforehand. The first destination for the troops is likely to be Naples, where Mr Berlusconi faces violent opposition to his plans for dealing with the city's rubbish crisis.

Commit terror, to incite terror… in order to react to terror

Absolutely brilliant article about the "Worldwide Attack Matrix", confirming what we have been saying here and elsewhere about false flag terror, and how deep the rabbit hole goes. These criminals must be stopped and put in jail. The simplest way to unravel all this global mess is a REAL 911 criminal investigation. URGENT: SUPPORT THE NY BALLOT INIATIVE FOR A NEW 911 INVESTIGATION.

Global Research, June 25, 2008

State-Sponsored Terror: British and American Black Ops in Iraq
by Andrew G. Marshall

Shining Light on the "Black World"

Olbermann Says Terror Attack Before November Election Would Be An "October Surprise" (Directly implying "inside job")

If you don't know what the term "October surprise" means, it refers to a dirty trick used by a political campaign at the last minute to swing an election in their favor. This is the most frank implication that the next terror attack might be a republican inside job that I've ever seen coming from anyone in the mainstream media.

Follow the Money? God forbid.

(Interesting article, we mirrored this when it first came out in January of this year. -rep.)

Why was the cashing out of billions of dollars just before the 9/11 attacks never investigated?

Had an investigation been done into the crime of failing to file the “currency transaction reports” in August 2001, then we would know who made the cash withdrawals in $100 bills amounting to the $5 billion surge.

by Jim Hogue

It's been over six years since 9/11, but U.S. regulatory entities have been slow to follow through with reports about the complex financial transactions that occurred just prior to and following the attacks. Such research could shed light on such questions as who was behind them—and who benefited—and could help lay to rest the rumors that have been festering.

McCain's 'big advantage'

by Lewis Seiler,Dan Hamburg
San Francisco Chronicle
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Charlie Black, senior adviser to John McCain, caused a fluff by saying that a terrorist attack on U.S. soil would be a "big advantage" to his candidate.

No one mentioned that eight years ago, the Project for a New American Century called for "a new Pearl Harbor" that could move the American people to accept the neoconservative vision of militarized global domination. Then 9/11 happened, lifting George W. Bush from the shadows of a disputed election to the heights of a "war presidency."

Continue reading:

Government Agent Infiltrates Peace Group (Flashback to "Fahrenheit 9/11")

I had several times looked for a youtube video of just this one clip alone but it didn't seem to exist. Now, I just checked out MichaelMoore.com for the first time in a few months and he's showcasing the clip on his front page. It just reminds us of how things are and can be a good warm-upper for those friends and family of ours who just have a psychological resistance to anything that smacks of "conspiracy garbage." ;)