Rescue Worker Drops New 9/11 Revelations
great interview up on with Sgt. Matthew Tartaglia, a rescue worker at ground zero..
its a pretty long interview, but is a very very interesting read.. good stuff.
Rescue Worker Drops New 9/11 Revelations
edit: download the interview in mp3
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The top 15 reasons to doubt the official story of Sept. 11, 2001
i see that has finally put up their article 'The top 15 reasons to doubt the official story of Sept. 11, 2001'.. they had the link saying 'coming soon' for a while, but it looks like their first version of it is up.. it definately will be an evolving project.. best of luck to them!
here is the link:
The top 15 reasons to doubt the official story of Sept. 11, 2001
here is a quick copy/paste of the top 15..
Background Issues: The Abiding Truth Deficit
1) The 9/11 Commission Fraud: Conflicts, Collapse and Cover-up
9/11 and the public's right to know
came across a blog entry thanks to it is a hyperlinked article complaining about the government's unwillingness to release 9/11 related material.. anyways, here is the link:
i think it's only appropriate to relink to and their FOIA request for the confiscated pentagon attack videos..
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New details on FBI aid for Saudis after 9/11 (and a followup)
NYTimes: New Details on F.B.I. Aid for Saudis After 9/11
Now, newly released government records show previously undisclosed flights from Las Vegas and elsewhere and point to a more active role by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in aiding some of the Saudis in their departure.
doesnt much intrest me, but its 9/11 related.
and a followup on the release of the firefighters' tapes from 9/11:
FDNY ordered to release most Sept. 11 tapes
catchin up again..
a few new articles, no time to comment now, so ill just dump the links
The San Francisco Bay Guardian:
We're all paranoid - Sure, the people with the 9/11 conspiracy theories are a little odd. But not everything they're saying is entirely crazy.
Court prevents release of most September 11 emergency calls
The Nation:
The Haunted Archives
911 Citizen's Watch:
Major 9/11 Commission Report Omission cited in Open Letter to Sec. Norm Mineta is all over 9/11
i hadnt looked at this site in a while, but i came accross it today because of this article:
Religion and 9-11
Is religion to blame for 9-11? Absolutely not. Are the people who refuse to question 9-11 to blame for it? Absolutely, because people who refuse to question something, regardless of its glaring irrationality, encourage it to continue.
this article is great, altho controversial it really hits home in talking about how the majority of people refuse to even review what happened on 9/11, read some books, do some research, its frickin 9/11!
David vonKleist article
vonKleist has posted an article on, you can find it below:
It's the Flash Stupid
glad to see him point out the flash over the 'pod'.. the flash is there, and the 'pod' theory has been a divisive topic for 9/11 researchers.. hopefully this article will perhaps put it in perspective.
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Further followup on McNiven story
Alex Jones has done an interview with Greg Szymanski from American Free Press about the recent McNiven story..
you can listen to this interview here:
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Followup on McNiven story
apparently Timothy McNiven from the previous posts has a website.. he has video and mp3 of a 'WWU Presentation' he did here..
he was definately involved in the RICO lawsuit, and i dont yet doubt his credibility.
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Quick mention of
here is an article about and their recent '9/11 On Trial' series:
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