The 'Bloody Footprints' at 10 Downing Street

The 'Bloody Footprints' at 10 Downing Street
This article is primarily focused on the controversy surrounding 7/7, but it has a lot of 9/11 references as well.

..9/11 proved to be the catalyst for overturning long-held constitutional precedents, enacting regressive legislation (Patriot Act) and initiating a global resource war. In fact, there has been no downside to the Sept 11 attacks for Bush and Co. It almost seems like the entire tragedy was simply staged to meet the stated objectives of Bush's neocon base.
In the case of Bush, the official version of events simply makes no sense at all. Anyone who has studied 9/11 knows that the government account is utterly false. This may explain why Bush refused to appoint an investigative commission for more than a year, and then, insisted on 'hand-picking' every member on the committee. The results proved to be the absurd 'whitewash' that many expected from the beginning.

Does this mean that Bush was involved in 9/11? No, it simply means that the reasonable cannot exclude the possibility, especially when Bush and Co are the only ones to have clearly gained from the attacks.
But, whether Parliament fights or not, we have incontrovertible evidence (from the Downing Street Memo, the 'sexed up' dossier; the testimonies of Richard Clarke, Paul O'Neill, Scott Ritter etc) that both Bush and Blair lied on every issue of consequence leading up to the war in Iraq. This means that neither should be trusted in the current investigation and that we should anticipate that they will pollute the evidence in a way that will advance their agenda.
