Bill Kristol, PNAC, 9/11 & The Media
To understand Bill Kristol, you have to examine his modus operandi – his devious ways of plying a nefarious art. Bill Kristol is a master neocon, a heartless warmonger and an accomplished charlatan. But Bill Kristol works behind the curtain. He sets the stage and pulls the strings, while others do his dirty work. And Bill Kristol, with little fanfare or publicity, is one of the most influential architects of George W. Bush’s wars. To know the man, you have to look behind his overt persona. Bill Kristol makes no secret of his views or his philosophy. He has never hidden his affiliation with of the Project for a New American Century PNAC), of which he is a founder. And yet, when introduced to the public, he is never, ever connected to that organization. He is always presented as the editor of the Weekly Standard, as benign an introduction as can be.
Together, they play good cop, bad cop with some very explosive and momentous issues. On September 26th, Kristol’s neocon magazine took on the McKinney inquiry into 9/11. Bunch was sent to Washington, D.C. to cover a series of panel discussions titled "The 9/11 Omission: Did the Commission Get it Wrong?" His approach was almost laughable. Unable to discredit the message at the conference, Bunch went directly after the messengers with a headline fit for the sleaziest of tabloids. It read: March of the Conspiracy Theorists: America’s nuts make the long journey to Washington.Even for the Weekly Standard, this was a substandard bit of reporting. Bunch gave a fairly accurate account of the panel and the topics under discussion. Strangely, he never once made an attempt to disprove a single allegation about 9/11. He offered no counter argument by anyone who supports the Kean Report. He made no substantive attempt to discredit the claims of the speakers, many of whom were highly respectable people with unimpeachable credentials.
A bit of background: In 1994, Bill Kristol and John Podhoretz, with financing from Rupert Murdoch, established the Weekly Standard magazine. In 1997, along with Robert Kagan, Kristol founded the Project for a New American Century, a neoconservative movement that openly advocated military action in Iraq to "protect our vital interests in the Gulf" as early as 1998. There is no doubt that the man, the magazine, and PNAC are inexorably intertwined. A subsequent PNAC plan written in 2000, was entitled “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century,†The treatise clearly showed that members of the Bush administration had planned to take military control of the Gulf region one way or another, long before the attacks of 9/11.Here’s how: The PNAC plan openly called for a “transformation†of the U.S. military into an imperialistic force of global domination. That was more easily said than done. The American people would have to go along with the idea, and that was a problem, but not an insurmountable one. Read the next line very, very carefully: “The process of transformation,†the plan said, “is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.†Let that sink in: like a new Pearl Harbor…like a new Pearl Harbor….like 9/11. Is there any question that 9/11 constituted a catastrophic and catalyzing event very similar to Pearl Harbor? Is there any question that the PNAC plan for war against Iraq became feasible only because of 9/11? Is there any question at all that PNAC got its new Pearl Harbor exactly at the right moment in history?
Let that all sink in and calculate the possibility of all this being sheer coincidence.
Dozens of individuals and groups have raised serious and pertinent questions about the flaws in the official version of events. Bill Kristol knows that, too. Maybe, just maybe, Bill Kristol and his neocon warmongers are getting nervous. The Congressional Black Caucus's annual legislative conference moderated by Cynthia McKinney was given fairly good publicity for its genre. Its airing on C-Span must have given Kristol a Prozac moment. It stands to reason he needed to make a move.
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I told ya so. ;)
I told ya so. ;)
DOH Bill Kristol, PNAC, 9/11
Bill Kristol, PNAC, 9/11 & The Media
the link to the original
the link to the original doesn't work
What does DOH mean?
What does DOH mean?
Sorry, link is fixed.
Sorry, link is fixed.
just trying to help
just trying to help
Isn't DOH what Homer Simpson
Isn't DOH what Homer Simpson always says?