Griffin, Fetzer, and Reynolds on Coast to Coast AM - Open Thread

9-11 Theories - James Fetzer, David Ray Griffin, Morgan Reynolds - Coast to Coast AM

-9-11 Theories- James Fetzer David Ray Griffin Morgan Reynolds
Expert on conspiracy theories, James Fetzer, will review recent hypotheses of what really happened on 9-11, based on physical evidence. He'll be joined by David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor in the second hour, and Morgan Reynolds, former chief economist for the Labor Dept., in the third hour.

First Half-Hour: Jonathan Moseley, Exec. Dir. of the US Seaport Commission will comment on the port controversy.

You can find a variety of ways to listen to the show here. If someone can record the show we will be glad to host it.

Update: The audio of the interview can be downloaded off of or directly here (19mb MP3).

on a related note, David Lee

on a related note, David Lee Roth is a jackass.

Yet another plug for XM

Yet another plug for XM Radio, my new favorite toy, Coast to Coast is broadcast on XM-165 at 1 am EST.

i wont be staying up all

i wont be staying up all night for this, any chance your XM records?

Oliver Stone defends 9/11

Oliver Stone defends 9/11 film

no 911 truth film makes it through the hollywood machine with marquee names and promotion etc. Not in Israel´s best interests. Instead we get Syrianna which poses as gritty and real yet makes no mention of Israel, Moore´s F911 same deal, and Munich, another Israel as perpetual victim flick. nuff said.


the glowing amazon reviews

the glowing amazon reviews of the Zelikow 911 Whitewash commish report keep coming in, the latest dated 2/23 plugs 911blogger near the end,

Amazing stuff, "John Doe

Amazing stuff, "John Doe II"!

Definitely recommend a look at the Team8Plus Doppleganger research.

WTF am I doing up this

WTF am I doing up this late.

Fetzer sure is an animated front-man, isn't he?

He's a great frontman....the

He's a great frontman....the Diamond Dave of the 911 truth

I've sent a request to have him come up to Canada to speak on the issue after a Loose Change screening for fire fighters in honor of the fire fighters who lost their lives on 911.

Not too impressed with

Not too impressed with Fetzer...he's far too emotional and loud and consistently forgot to mention Building 7 at key opportune times. I'd rather listen to Reynolds and Griffin over Fetzer who is just too confrontational in trying to get the truth out.

Fetzer certainly had the

Fetzer certainly had the hosts attention and was able to answer his questions.

XM Radio does record and I will next time.

I think it's unfair to

I think it's unfair to characterize Fetzer as emotional when what he really is, is passionate about this massive injustice. Both are excellent speakers but Fetzer brings an outrage to the discourse that people don't necessarily feel after listening to Dr. Griffin. His is much more matter-of-fact and 'oh well' about 9/11 where I believe Fetzer motivates people to do something about it.

DLR has his photo next to

DLR has his photo next to rockstar in the dictionary. He was the best "frontman" ever in the history of rock'n'roll and definately the guy you want as the mouth piece for your band. I agree he's clueless on the geopolitical scale....but frontman, hell ya :)

On a related note...Fetzer declined the invitation due to his demand in the US after the coast to coast gig.

Anyone record the show last night?

There is a link for the

There is a link for the coast to coast broadcast on the website.

All the best

Question: I saw some new

Question: I saw some new video (2 new videos really) from camera planet on website 9/11 fraud. Is it for real?

Al Qaeda answers CIA's

Nemo, I agree -- Fetzer is

Nemo, I agree -- Fetzer is on FIRE and it's great because not only is he angry, he's also VERY well versed in the facts and the arguments.

I love David Ray Griffin too -- he's a big hero and my favorite 9/11 author/spokesman.

These two guys together are unbeatable. Very encouraging.

Just from an entertainment

Just from an entertainment perspective, Alex Jones is by far my favorite 9/11 truth personality. Sure, he's like an over the top wrestling manager...but he's able to get in a soul crushing wrapup of things in 30 seconds whereas it takes 2 hours for some speakers to grasp it all that. I'd love to see Alex Jones speak somewhere, definately beats the crap out of Michael Moore by an ocean and a planet when it comes to speaking and motivating.

Ed Haas:

World Trade Center Building 7 demands tenacious public scrutiny

Very good reading!

I like to hear these

I like to hear these theories but am very suspicious of people like the guests on Coast to Coast last night. IF there was a conspiracy, trust me there would be no loose ends for anyone to grasp onto and make a big deal out of. If Bush and Cheney are the devils these people want you to believe they are, weapons of mass destruction would "appear" in Iraq by now. IF they are a part of the globalist network running the world, Bin Laden would have been found by now.

The perfect crime is a

The perfect crime is a outright fantasy, or, short say, ever a conspiracy theory, because there couldn't be a proof, elsewhere it wouldn't be perfect.

But their plan wasn't perfect, and at least not new. That's the reason we knew so much about it.
They took some Reichstagsfire, some kind of Hitlers great lie concept, their normal Straussian government of deception and mixed it up with some old plans, building up an enemy, find some patsies, divide et empera, concept of fear via terror (gladio!), and present a solution, with a patriotic own president-hero who solves all problems.

great link Sitting Bull. DLR

great link Sitting Bull. DLR is a jackass, he has a radio show here in Philly, and when he starts to talk politics or terrorism/war i feel like vomiting.and to pocky, Alex Jones will always get major respect for the simple fact that he had his fans call the White House before 9/11 and tell them not to blame the next terror attack on Bin Laden. that was fucking bad ass.

You're in Philly Chris?

You're in Philly Chris?

I don't like promotion of

I don't like promotion of the missile theory.



"Flight 77 did not hit the

"Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon"...

To state that as fact is VERY dangerous.

Tell me why it's

Tell me why it's dangerous... I'm not going to tell you why.

"He's been carrying the

"He's been carrying the burden of this message himself for years now".

In regards to Jim Fetzer's comments about Dr. David Ray Griffin.

I don't agree with that statement.

Let me first say this... I admire Dr. Griffin more than any of you could understand. I recently sent Dr. Griffin a little note... part of it said this...

"I have no doubt that years from now, Dr. David Ray Griffin will be mentioned in the same breath as people like Benjamin Franklin, and Dr. Martin Luther King. No doubt whatsoever."

So if you have ANY doubt for my respect for Dr. Griffin, don't.

I don't agree with that statement because of one reason, and one reason alone.

Dr. Griffin wrote two absolutely amazing books.

However, ask yourself this...

How many people would have heard of those books if not for the people of this movement?

I wrote about it

Jon, why is it dangerous?

Jon, why is it dangerous? It's true.

You guys rock, BTW. Nice to follow the comments along with the radio shows. I'll be back.

Like the pics from the Truth Convergence back in July. I was there. Remember the guy with the big, yellow "9/11 Was An Inside Job" sign, hoisted by golf ball grabbers????

To state it as fact is

To state it as fact is dangerous because

1) It's one of those topics that people cling to in order to chastize us. "A missile.. are you fucking crazy... what happened to the people on the plane?"

2) There are enough witnesses of a plane hitting the Pentagon to bring reasonable doubt to the fold.

3) There is no video footage that's available to the public to show us what exactly hit the Pentagon. Therefore, stating something other than Flight 77 hitting it as fact, is wrong.

4) It's an unwinnable argument for the reasons that I stated. You can't prove one way or the other what hit the Pentagon. It's better to focus on the fact that Government is withholding evidence from the American people (the actual videos) than proclaiming you know what hit it. If you don't, then you will find yourself 40 years from now fighting with people about what might have hit the Pentagon (magic bullet).

Judicial Watch may have filed a lawsuit for the release of those videos. What happens if those videos show Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon? The 9/11 Truth Movement would then lose ALL credibility because the "What Hit The Pentagon Argument" has been one of the main arguments put forth by the majority of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

It's best to lay off the speculation, and focus on what we do know about the Pentagon. What we do know is incriminating enough without the speculation.

Also, why focus on things

Also, why focus on things like the Pentagon when you can show guilt by mentioning 3 facts.

1) Bush fought against the creation of the commission.

2) The Commission was compromised from the beginning to favor Bush.

3) No one has benefitted more from 9/11 than Bush.

yes, about a 40 minute drive

yes, about a 40 minute drive from Philly. West Chester to be exact.

I live in Plymouth Meeting.

I live in Plymouth Meeting.

And would LOVE to start a

And would LOVE to start a 9/11 group in this area.

Chris... email me if you're

Chris... email me if you're interested.

just tell me what i need to

just tell me what i need to do,and i'll do it. i would love to be involved in something like that.

Even still... email me, or

Even still... email me, or join my site...

Gold--"Judicial Watch may

Gold--"Judicial Watch may have filed a lawsuit for the release of those videos. What happens if those videos show Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon? The 9/11 Truth Movement would then lose ALL credibility because the "What Hit The Pentagon Argument" has been one of the main arguments put forth by the majority of the 9/11 Truth Movement."

Yes! And consider that they've had 4+ years to invent or enhance some bogus videos for us!

I'm not arguing that

I'm not arguing that sentiment, but as I said, there are other things stronger than the Pentagon argument that show guilt.

I haven't listened to it

I haven't listened to it yet, but...

I also do not deduct points from Fetzer for speaking passionately about such an important topic. DRG's dispassionate approach has its charms and strengths, but also one glaring weakness: where's the outrage?

It sounds to me like someone here is talking to himself, repeating RobinoHoff government-lie-favoring propaganda, in the hopes that it will scare some others into clinging to, or just not adamantly opposing, the government's wild, impossible claim that it was a Boeing 757 Flight 77 which hit the Pentagon. (Telling us how much admiration/respect we have for someone, and likening them to Ben Franklin, does nothing to further the cause of 911 truth. That is more about social cat-herding...)

Anyone who is more worried about having to explain what happened to "Flight 77" than in confidently -- even adamantly -- pointing out the holes in one of the government's biggest lies about 9/11 does not, in my humble opinion, have what it takes to be a [good -- what other kind is there?] 911 truther.

The Pentagon Video Frames hoist the lying government by its own petard, coming and going!!!

Perhaps having too much respect (respect is a gatekeeper!) for John Judge, who omitted this smokingest-gun omission of all from the 9-11 Commission Report in his own 149-page(!!) "Omission Report" prevents some people from grasping the obvious.

When we do not speak with certainty, it leaves room (the door open) for honest intelligent undecideds to conclude that this is not a black-and-white, round-vs-flat-earth paradigm, but just a matter of opinion, and everyone's entitled to their own, which enables The Big Lie to live on. That is no way to achieve a tipping point with the speed and impact necessary to make a difference.