Judicial Watch Pushes for Pentagon Strike Videos

Judicial Watch sues DoD for Videos of Attack on Pentagon

Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the Department of Defense for withholding a video(s) that allegedly shows United Flight 77 striking the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The Pentagon claims it cannot release the video because it is "part of an ongoing investigation involving Zacarias Moussaoui," but this is a specious argument. Moussaoui already pled guilty in April 2005 for conspiring with al Qaida to fly planes into U.S. buildings.

[snip] The death penalty phase of his trial is underway with jury selection nearly complete. What's left to investigate? Moreover, while the Freedom of Information Act does allow an exemption for ongoing law enforcement investigations, the Defense Department does not even have law enforcement authority over Moussaoui. That belongs to the Department of Justice or the FBI. One reason we're seeking the information to help put to rest conspiracy theories that a government drone or missile hit the Pentagon rather than the hijacked United airplane. Stay tuned.

It seems like the FOIA requests by flight77.info which have been consistently been rejected are starting to get noticed. Judicial Watch is requesting the videos which recorded Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon to be released to 'put to rest conspiracy theories..'.

Be sure to contact Judicial Watch and thank them for trying to fight for the release of what should undoubtedly be public record. Perhaps if you decide to contact them you can ask that they look into a few other 9/11 related issues, feel free to post some suggestions in the comments.

i was hoping they could look

i was hoping they could look into the general destruction of evidence on 9/11..

-pentagon lawn was marched by non-investigators to pick up all peices instead of leaving crime scene intact

- majority of steel of WTC buildings was rapidly destroyed by shipping it to china for recycling

- evidence of plane parts and peices have not been properly archived and held on to or made public..

any other legal type issues we can email Judicial Watch to look into?

They also have an anthrax

They also have an anthrax case going....

Report on Question 9-11- A

Report on Question 9-11- A Call to Action Event


I can't keep up, and I LOVE IT.

This regulation provides

This regulation provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian prison camps on Army installations.


I can't wait for these

I can't wait for these videos to be released; in that they can be analized and put to rest once and for all an issue I believe has severely divided the 9/11 truth community. Then again, Im also waiting for the supposed video tape of missles bringing down TWA Flight 800...like that'll ever happen.

"Judicial Watch is

"Judicial Watch is requesting the videos which recorded Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon to be released to 'put to rest conspiracy theories..'."

Yes, good idea to keep pressuring the Feds on these missing/stolen videos. But 4+ years is ample time to doctor-up the images. (Anyone who murdered 3,000 people is certainly capable of committing FOIA video fraud.)

Whan needs to be made clear

Whan needs to be made clear to everyone especailly mainstream public is that even disproving the "no plane pentagon theory" is by far nowhere near "puting to rest conspiracy tehories about 911"
The problem is that only the pentagon case has been vivid in the mainstream public as evindence questioning the official story. If the plane really hit the pentagon (as some in 911 thruth moivement claim) than realeasing the video to the public would hit a devastating blow to the entire movement.

as long as we got WTC7, we

as long as we got WTC7, we got plenty of ammo for our side. in my opinion.

What's up w/ the

What's up w/ the 911CW/Judicial Watch memo post? It's dated Feb 24, 2005. JW's press release on their own site says for immed. release Mar 4, 05. http://www.judicialwatch.org/printer_4303.shtml



are there any debunks of the site above? Do people here believe a 757 did hit the Pentagon? What are the best sites for info?

If the plane really hit the

If the plane really hit the pentagon (as some in 911 thruth moivement claim) than realeasing the video to the public would hit a devastating blow to the entire movement.


@ David: Don't worry. There's no way the alleged flight could hit the Pentagon. You have to search for reported flight route changes and when they'd been reported. Like german 911 researcher and team8+ member Christian Walther did.

does anyone know when

does anyone know when Judicial Watch is gonna have a posting on their site about Flight 77 videos?

Without getting into the

Without getting into the "plane or no plane" debate, I'd like to hear the government explain how/why they knew in advance where the security cameras outside the Pentagon grounds were, and how/why they were able to have a crew on scene to confiscate the tapes within an hour of an event that no one supposedly had foreknowledge of.

It seems unlikely that seizing those tapes would have been a priority for the FBI under the circumstances--chaos, fire, fear of other attacks--if the official story is true.

nobody knows?

nobody knows?