The Big Lie: 9/11 and the Government's Complicity in Mass Murder

Here's a well written and incredibly detailed document written by our own Rebel Patriot, spread it around:

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Covers 9/11 with emphasis on controlled demolition theories,
Establishes a pattern of using various historical examples of US government malfeasance in Depleted Uranium, human experimentation, chem-bio experiments upon civilians, Project Paperclip and U.S.-Nazi collaberation in WW2 and from 1930's, MKULTRA, Vietnam and Pearl Harbor, etc, to portray the the US govt as a psychopthic entity.

New material added for WTC demoliton - Cast Blasting technique from mining - Original research. Added more about free-fall collapse, physics, etc.
Additional development and recent news added for police state, general world govt conspiracy, Bohemian Grove, corruption of the press, cognitive dissonance. Comments about societies and individual denial of "open secrets."
Some chapters are still under development, and have place-holders.

Please, distribute freely. Send me emails if you have comments, corrections, typos, or suggestions for additions, etc.

If this book doesn't entertain your particular 9-11 angle, or "who really did it" theories, I encourage you to invest the time, research, and effort to write your own articles and books. I don't have time or feel it is appropriate to cover ancillary issues beyond what I have already discussed in this e-book.

rebel, you may want to check


you may want to check out, they do 'self publishing' (kind of like spreadshirt or cafe press, but for books).. you could have your book bound and sold there..

gunna check it out now, thanks for sharing.

thanks for the tip. wooo

thanks for the tip.

wooo hooo, my work is published here on 911 blogger, whom I did mention in my Resources credits.

thanks guys.

I wonder if this puts me on the Red list or the Blue list now.

First thanks to the

First thanks to the messenger, because thats one part i play,somebigguy and dz thank you for posting this very good work.....
Rebel Patriot, all i can say is WOW
what a peice....thank you so much

The Big Lie: 9/11 and the Government's Complicity in Mass Murder
Here's a well written and incredibly detailed document written by our own Rebel Patriot, spread it around:

dz, you may have to think of

you may have to think of adding this
to the top of your site...LOL LOL

Rebel Patriot... I just

Rebel Patriot... I just managed a twenty-minute skim... this looks like a wonderful contribution!! The writing looks good, good historical context, a bit of the all-important epistemology perhaps, and bountiful references... hey, you even got Smedley and Klink and Jack in! I look forward to reading this. Sell it if you can-- otherwise may your gratification be great indeed.
Thank you: Rebel Patriot!!

I am honored that you guys

I am honored that you guys have chosen to post this e-book to your site, and also honored that the others who have posted their kind remarks.

It's been a priviledge to share this with you, and it's not even done yet, there are some chapters yet to be filled out, notably chapters 3-4, plus I tend to update this as news develops and I discover more.



I had the pleasure of

I had the pleasure of reading Rebel's document several months ago and was blown away by the amount of detail. Good job Rebel!!!

good shit Rebel, keep up the

good shit Rebel, keep up the good work.

page 62 : "...literally(sic)

page 62 : "...literally(sic) combed . . ."


An amazing compilation, but weakened by occasional hyperbole. Cleaner is stronger.