Opie and Anthony Yell At Jason Bermas About 9/11
(19mb MP3 - 40 minutes)
Opie and Anthony had Jason Bermas from Louder than Words, creators of Loose Change 2nd Edition, on their show today. Unfortunately the show was little more than a yelling match with little real discussion, but what else would you expect from such a show?
Here is a synopsis from Jason:
Yesterday, I was contacted by a gentlemen who said he was from XM radio who would like to set up an interview. This has become par for the course for Louder Than Words, we get several radio interview requests a day now. Seems more and more people are interested in the facts behind 9/11 rather than the fiction we have been spoon fed. They didn't identify who it was or who we were going to be doing the interview with. I also ended up doing an interview for LBC Radio in London at 4 am that morning!
Korey was supposed to be taking the interview at 10 am, but when I had arrived at the office at 10:10 he said he was under attack. I immediately took the phone to see what was going on. I was on a show where my mic was being cut, and I was being cursed at and associated with "Bigfoot" crashing a plane into the Pentagon.
Every time I would name a document or article, the hosts would try and discredit it entirely saying that paper has an agenda!!!! I even asked what evidence that they had the 19 Arabs carried out the attacks. They claimed the flight records!!!! However to my knowledge they were never listed on any of the flights or autopsies. At one point a caller said that building 7 was leaning on its side for 3 hours, this is just ridiculous.
There was a Glimmer of Hope though, callers were calling to agree with me much to the dismay of the hosts. The truth is coming out full force, and douchebags like Opie and Anthony who refuse to even listen to another persons argument are just going to have to deal with that.
Check out the show, and feel free to contact the Opie and Anthony show here.
For reference, you can listen to Jon Gold's appearance on the Opie and Anthony show in November of 2004 on 9/11 here.
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That's a hard show to go on
That's a hard show to go on guys... better luck next time!
XM Radio sent us a formal
XM Radio sent us a formal apology. Mwahaha. :D
What did it say?
What did it say?
this is crazy....how can
this is crazy....how can people be so CONSCIOUSLY BLIND!
Hey, everyone. I'm trying
Hey, everyone. I'm trying to brainstorm on a way to break through to people PSYCHOLOGICALLY.
I'll tell you where I'm coming from. I had a discussion with basically the world's foremost expert on psychohistory, the branch of pscyhology which deals with mass social movements, why wars start, why imperialism and fascism can take root in a culture, etc.
His opinion is we're basically screw%@. Reason: he said that child-rearing practices have been so bad, and abuse so wide-spread, that people won't wake up or things change because the majority of Americans are acting out their bad childhood, abuse, feelings of rage and powerless, etc. on the world stage.
Now he might be right, in an old-school thinking kind of way.
But we've got the creativity, passion, strength, smarts and (fill in the rigth adjective here) to do something NEW to break through this mass psychosis.
I won't accept defeat as a verdict.
Let's put on our thinking hats and figure out how to wake people the $&*#@$@#$*_@#$ out of their regressed into childhood dumbness, their acting out their issues on the political/military stage etc. etc.
Please have it on my desk by 8 am.
Unlike Jon, I'll accept the
Unlike Jon, I'll accept the report in English.
Ugh, why cant they get
Ugh, why cant they get somebody like mike ruppert or Steve jones on ffs.
Enough of this no plane bullshit, voice morphing technolgy already geez.
P.S. I don't always have
P.S. I don't always have time to check in here. So if you've got a great idea, please post it as a comment to anything on GeorgeWashington.blogspot.com, and I'll get it. Thanks.
this is crazy....how can
this is crazy....how can people be so CONSCIOUSLY BLIND! They are not blind. They are simply scared shitless. The truth about 9/11 is scary stuff. It's a hard pill to swallow when you find out your government is nothing but a crimminal enterprise. Most people will reject it and go into denial. It's the easy way out. It takes guts to face the truth.
I just wasted 35 minutes of
I just wasted 35 minutes of my life listening to that garbage they call a Radio Show. They didn't know what they were talking about. Pity.
this was
this was horrible...absolutely horrible. i really have to get more involved. but we really have to start finding some answers for those questions like: why didnt bush just plant iraqi's or why didnt they plant wmd's if its all about iraq. i have to preliminary answers..1.) because its about afghanistan and iraq and al qeda was a network they could blame for the complicated attack and 2.) wmds are traceable...i.. i dunno
this was bad..just bad
I think you need to focus on
I think you need to focus on the facts and those other questions about what didn't he do it this way -- we're talking about criminal minds here. . Cheney is the brains behind it, Rove the means, Bush is a puppet and he is a dumb, clever criminal and nothing more.
I think that the callers
I think that the callers were plants. I would ask who the callers were.
Re Building 7, know what FEMA said about building 7.
That will rebut the claim that Building 7 was massively damaged.
With lying ignorant types
With lying ignorant types like Opie and Anthony, I would use the mantra "people should look at the facts for themselves"
Maybe some people will watch and wake up.
Q: Why don't they blow up
Q: Why don't they blow up embassies or plant WMD's overseas?
A: They don't control the investigation.
The last thing they'd want is unbiased international investigators exposing their hoaxes.
That was the dumbest show I've ever heard. Another reason not to get XM.
WTC7 leaning on one side for
WTC7 leaning on one side for 3 hours? Ha...what a load of crap. All 4 corners of the building fell straight down and evenly.
We live in a nation of 5 year olds where we get yelled at and labelled mentally ill for challenging the official conspiracy theory. Some people just rather leave the blinders on and stick with the government's lies because it's more comforting for them.
Wow, those guys really
Wow, those guys really mastered the art of on-air dickheadedness.
Opie and AntoneÂ…?
Who are they anyways?
Sounds like a good name for an old funnel cake and chilidog porn shack on the outskirts of Nevada or something.
Given the fact that they even mentioned falafel Bill OÂ’Leilly when signing off in giving the last word, this clearly validates the irrefutable assertion that theyÂ’re closet case neocons who can't be taken seriously.
Like Faux news; all entertainment, all propaganda, all the time.
I bet they even circle jerk to Ann the Man CoulterÂ’s book.
With that said though, I'm still in awe of the sheer magnitude of ignorance those guys publicly pontificated. I mean, they must have spent arduous days and nights locked away in a cold damp basement with one another to carefully craft the art of talking to themselves and convincing one another that they were right and everybody else was wrong, which sounds like a lot of fun considering theyÂ’re basically able to continue doing the same thing for a living.
When people like that get on the air, they do a great job at keeping their job. ThatÂ’s it.
Take a look at Jon Gold on
Take a look at Jon Gold on the Ron & Fez show:
At least these two guys were willing to discuss the topic.
I agree with maddog that
I agree with maddog that many people will be scared to know the truth about 911 and they will resist. But for some reason, there was enough pressure to force the US House to re investigate the Kennedy assassination in 1978 and contradict the Warren Report. And that was a Democratic US House looking back on a Democratic President (Johnson). If the Democrats take over Congress, they are going to be under pressure to use that subpoena power and to investigate many things and who knows what might come out of the woodwork.
As to why Bush didn't just put Iraqis on the planes, thats because the vision is much broader than that. Thats why the term "Islamofascism" is so useful, throwing women wearing burqas into the same hopper with Saddam gassing the Kurds and whoever is running Iran at the time. Remember the Defense Advisory Board Power Point briefing by Laurent Maurawiec of Rand Corp in 2002:
Iraq is the tactical pivot.
Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot.
Egypt the prize (emphasis added).
Those hosts are just
Those hosts are just straight degenerate scumfunkers, I think anybody listening who's actually got a brain would feel the guys from loose change came out on top there. And like how blatant was it that one of those pricks just left the studio to pretend like he was a genuine caller screaming abusive crap.
LOL and what get's me most is one of the fools goes "I think Kennedy was actually assassinated by the government".... I mean like wtf that's straight TREASON right there!
Complete professional jokers, they don't know shit from shaving foam.
Each time they attack the
Each time they attack the messenger (you are only 22), name another messenger (Griffin, former German Defense Minister and Minister of Technology Von Buelow, Micheal Meacher, Dr. Robert Bowman. etc) until they get tired of the game.
Mention the CNN poll as social proof.
I wrote Norton and Ben and
I wrote Norton and Ben and asked to be on again. If I get on again, you're going to see someone go on the offensive... "Hey dipshits, you ready to get torn a new asshole?"
Sometimes you have to fight
Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire when you're dealing with dimwits and knuckle-draggers; tell them they have a slave mentality, tell them that they're acting like an abused wife who won't say anything bad about her husband, tell them they're doing for Bush what Monica did for Slick Willie, ask them why they bitch about taxes if the government and the military-industrial complex is so honorable, etc.
Facts simply don't matter to some people.
I would just tear into
I would just tear into them... "The President said the reason we invaded Iraq was because of 9/11, so your point from my previous appearance is moot. The President recently said we will protect Israel, again confirming something I said, proving you were wrong, and I was right. The President said we must prevent the oil fields from falling into "Terrorist" hands, again confirming something I said on my previous appearance. You were wrong, and I was right. It seems to me you guys don't know what the hell you're talking about."
Shock-jock radio shows like
Shock-jock radio shows like Opie and Anthony are not interested in educational debate. They just want lots of yelling & screaming to entertain the simpletons who increase their ratings.
These useless douche bags don't care if stupid one-liners like "WTC-7 was leaning for 3 hours" & "the passenger lists prove al-Queada did it" are true or false, they just want to provoke heated arguments.
One answer to why didnt they
One answer to why didnt they just plant the weapons of mass destruction is that not everybody is corrupt and they probably couldnt have gotten away with it. I suppose one might respond with... So you think they pulled off 911 but couldnt plant WMD's? Still its a good answer, an inner network of corrupt individuals can only reach so far and its alot easier to access the WTC when your relatives run the security company than it would be to heist a WMD to plant it.
As I said on the Ron & Fez
As I said on the Ron & Fez show, "they tried".
"They come in the summer of 2003, bringing in Iraqis, interviewing them," the UN source said. "Then they start talking about WMD and they say to [these Iraqi intelligence officers] that "Our President is in trouble. He went to war saying there are WMD and there are no WMD. What can we do? Can you help us?"
This is the email I sent
This is the email I sent them.From your comments above: are these guys always using such profanity ?
Wake up guys,smell the roses,you are in denial cos you are closeted.Spend some time looking at the details.Obviously you are part of the sheeple.Just think how stupid you will look later on when this is uncovered.Buildings falling into their footprints.WTC 7 a smoking gun.bet you did not know your government has a secret agenda eh ? Of course not you are one of the masses of brainwashed citizens.
The fact that you have to scream at the person Corey and over power him shows you do not want to know the truth.Go ahead believe the gov't,they like that disinfo you spread.As for the bad language you use I suppose thats hip,well it stinks and it shows.
Good luck believing the lies,they got ya ! If you really cared about America it would be because you wanted to know the truth,but you do not as you are afraid of losing your comfy jobs and yes alienating your listeners.Just think what will happen if the truth comes out.Which side of the fence will you be on then ?
a concerned citizen for the Truth
I tried sending Opie an
I tried sending Opie an email, but it got returned saying his mailbox was full.
Guess they really got some hatemail from that show.
Nah, their email box was
Nah, their email box was full as a result of all the illicit love letters from Bill O'Reilly.
Why would they need to plant
Why would they need to plant "proof" that Saddam had wmd's, when the lie that he had wmd's worked so well?
What's been done about that
What's been done about that lie? Nothing!!
And to top it all off, some
And to top it all off, some people still believe we might find wmd's in Iraq.
So what do you think some
So what do you think some people will think about the biggest lie ever sold?
Bush has got some peoples
Bush has got some peoples minds fxcked!!!
Without education, our minds
Without education, our minds at birth are ready made to accept this nationalistic bullshit.
This is really scary to know
This is really scary to know that there are people who believe this web of lies. By the way, I mean all of you.
I'm so glad people like you
I'm so glad people like you exist.
If it weren't for you, none of the citizens of our fine country would be able to find a perfect example of the term whack-jobs. Just out of curiosity, was it just one or two people who created all these supposed facts you have? Also, why is it that you can sit back and claim that the government has conspired to present the attacks in a certain way, yet you don't like the assertation that you all have basically done the same thing? It's akin to Michael Moore's version of 9/11. Just a piece of fiction, borrowing from real events, changing the contexts of actual facts, in order to display them in a completely erroneous setting.
Another interesting point is that nobody seems to know why (if this WAS an event created by the US in order to gain support for Afghanistan and Iraq invasions) we didn't use one of a thousand other less deadly, less costly, less elaborate schemes in order to win the public support needed to invade? There are a hell of a lot of other ways the end result could have been achived.
Even better, blow up a non-essential factory in the middle of North Dakota, stage a video from Al Qaeda claiming that the event was a warning shot, and then get support for invading.
Seems like your theories are completely void of sensibility or practicality. Do you honestly believe that Bush and his cronies decided; we want this war, we want Al Qaeda, so fuck it, lets take down the two tallest buildings in America (also major financial hubs for the country) and let's even hit the Pentagon.
Does that sound logical in the least? Not to mention the fact that they would need to plan this attack (in order to cover every single shred of evidence that would point back to them) over a few years, not a few days. I'm no fan of the president, and I don't think he's an intellectual giant, but saying the administration would look at this idea and say "Wow, that's perfect. Damn fine plan, congratulations. I see a raise in your future...yuk-yuk-yuk", is COMPLETELY beyond the realm of reality.
I'd have a much easier time believing that Elvis and JFK conspired with Jimmy Hoffa to blow up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. That's ok though, go re-re-edit video footage and get more information from 'annonymous sources' and keep trying. Eventually you'll stumble across something that actaully sounds believable.
Hey assheads who frequent
Hey assheads who frequent this webpage, THERE ARE NO RATINGS ON XM OR SIRIUS. Get it, NO RATINGS.
Opie & Anthony didn't NEED for your patriot asshead to come on their show to boost their "ratings", THERE ARE NOT RATINGS ON SATELLITE.
Got a conspiracy theory for that you bunch of twats?
Haha you ass, those calls
Haha you ass, those calls that agreed with you were JOKES. You sounded like a complete buffoon on there, just like every other 9/11 conspiracy lunatic.
By the way, idiots, grab some news footage from 9/11, they were reporting that building 7 was leaning dangerously for HOURS before it fell over.
I heard the whole interview
I heard the whole interview and he was not being attacked 10 mins in. They let him say his piece (which by the way took longer than 10 mins) and when they asked him for proof he asked them for proof that he was wrong. Thats when it got frustrating, Im not saying there arent any legit conspiracy theories out there, but for christ sake people, talking in circles does not help when trying to prove a point, and putting the burden of proof on those you are trying to convince of your theory is ludicrous. Simply stating why your theories might be plausible does not make them believable. ItÂ’s a shame all you have to push your theories is the fact that everyone else is uninformed, it is neither the listeners job nor the show hosts to disprove a guest theories it is the guests job to prove them. I implore the gentlemen from louder than words to come a little bit more prepared with actually facts rather than hearsay next time they do an interview, so they donÂ’t sound like such jackasses next time. and no I didnÂ’t vote for bush.
What the hell is wrong with
What the hell is wrong with all of you idiots, get off your soap boxes and see things for what they really are, I am not gonna sit here and post an attack on what your 911 beliefs are, but I will defend a show I listen to, O&A offered this idiot so many chances to state his point and he came up with nothing, basically all your boy did was make your group look silly and paranoid. As for the neo-con accusation, obviously you are all sitting here close minded with blinders on, because none of you have ever heard this show before, any radio show that has gotten canceled due to a radio stunt that involved a couple having sex in a church can not be called neo-con or anything close to it for that matter. These guys basically look at both sides of a situation and make their own intepretation of it, just cuz their against your way of thinking doesnt mean that they are supporting the republican party, or love bush, or whatever potential ridiculous idea you may have floating through your heads. As anthony said of this john character, "if you tell him its raining outside, he will say 'back it up' without wanting to look out the window" again I am not attacking your belief on what you think happened that eventfull day, and frankly i dont care what you think, i just want to attempt to open your minds a bit, because alot of times people of the left like to accuse the right of being close minded meanwhile they are guilty of the exact same offense. But what does it matter, im sure some mod on this site will instantly police this message and erase it just so it stays within how he wants it to go.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Shouldn't the last
Shouldn't the last half-dozen or so posters (or is it the work of 1 jackass) be in Iraq murdering women & children right now?
So that's why Bush blew up
So that's why Bush blew up the twin towers? So that he could send the military overseas to murder Iraqi women and children? And it hasn't been one poster, it's different people who listened to this fool on the radio yesterday and even took the hour to watch the movie. Do you really believe that United 93 was landed in Cleveland and the people have disappeared? That they faked the calls to their loved ones using voice altering machines? How did they get samples of the voices of the passengers that would fake out their relatives? How can you believe that demolition crews set up explosives inside the twin towers to set a controled implosion and nobody has ever said that they were party to it? That Rumsfeld would be "safely" on the other side of the pentagon if he knew it was about to be hit by a "missle"? All of you have an anti-government anti-Bush mentality... fine, go ahead. 65% of the country hates them. But to think that they could set up the biggest conspiracy in history in their first 8 months in office really sounds insane.
"Shouldn't the last
"Shouldn't the last half-dozen or so posters (or is it the work of 1 jackass) be in Iraq murdering women & children right now?"
Thanks for proving their point by illustrating the amount of dishonesty and intellectual fraud that goes into supporting the type of self-serving dogma that this blog and its regular readers represent.
You guys have great ideas on here. Enlighten your opponents by calling them "knuckle dragging slaves" and "sheep." It's a shame you haven't "opened your eyes" from being "consciously blind" and realized that despite the conservatism of the far right that you critcize, you have also absolutely failed to think for yourselves. As a result you fall into the same trap as those sociopathic goosesteppers.
Stop automatically subscribing to the idea that "the establishment is evil, maaaaaan," and start realizing that reality is more complex than that.
"So that's why Bush blew up
"So that's why Bush blew up the twin towers? So that he could send the military overseas to murder Iraqi women and children?"
I had like 6 other questions
I had like 6 other questions in there that you decided to ignore. You're against the war. I get it. Can you answer any of the other ones? No, you're self important college student who thinks he's enlightened that can't answer my questions.
Sorry buddy, but Anthony
Sorry buddy, but Anthony tore you a new a$$hole. You guys are so dilusional and you got your a$$es handed to you. And today they are still making fun of you and so is everyone on the message boards. Even conspiracy theorists on our message boards are making fun of you guys. You got OWNED.
Hey, cromagnon O&A Stern
Hey, cromagnon O&A Stern rip-off fans. How 'bout this?
You think a guy who was such a bad pilot he couldn't fly a single engine Cessna a month before 9/11 pulled off a miracle 330 degree spin and tucked that 757 into the side of the Pentagon?
You think Sibel Edmonds is getting gagged for no reason?
You think the firefighters are lying when they say they found 3 of the 4 WTC black boxes?
You think it's no big deal that the head of Pakistani intelligence wired Mohammed Atta $100 grand before the attacks and met with our congressional intelligence leaders on 9/11?
Or, that it is a coincidence that a bunch of wargames were going on at the exact time that the hijackings took place?
Or, that Mo Atta showed no behavior indicating he gave a damn about Allah - he was dating a stripper, snorting coke and constantly getting drunk.
Keep putting your heads in the sand, idiots.
I just couldn't resist. I
I just couldn't resist. I had to comment again. Hey, I like pot too, but apparently you are all proof that people can smoke themselves retarded.
Oh, and I just saw this on Google headlines:
"Evidence names Bush as Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman murderer."----See, I knew OJ didn't do it. It was a plot by the US government to discredit OJ Simpson.
One more question for you, since you all seem to be bound together by your hatred for Bushco, why not band together to go after him with factual things; abuse of powers, war crimes, misappropriation of funds, etc? Why are you grasping at straws created by half-truths and speculation (I still find no credible information in all your ramblings)?
Frankly, I pray to god that O&A let that half-assed spokesman Corey back on the show because it was some of the funniest shit I've heard in quite some time. Maybe he can explain in greater detail where the passengers on the flights went after the planes 'landed' inside the WTC. Maybe he'll have some new information, like the footage of the planes flying into the building was done on the same soundstage that the moon landing was produced on. Hell maybe he'll at least explain in complete and actual detail (not loosely joined speculations) the reasoning for a President destroying two national landmarks, killing 3000 people, and creating an atmosphere that is contributing to severe and sometimes lethal health complications from the high amounts of asbestos and toxic material that was spewed all over the surrounding areas.
Although, I think we'll have a greater chance of being able to prove the conspiracy concerning Bush's use of a top secret weather machine to create two massive hurricanes in the Gulf Coast last year, in order to reduce the number of blacks in the southern US.
Jon, maybe you should spend more time NOT watching X-Files (and I don't mean replacing it with Dr. Who). Corey, next time you want to debate your position, make sure it's a position that can be backed up by facts, not speculation. Christ, I can speculate that there is no such thing as the sun, but that doesn't mean it's true.
As for the rest of you, you should all go back to doing what you do best, supplying Gary Glitter with his photo collection. Encouraging these people is like whispering 'your fat' into an bulimic's ear.
"Hey, cromagnon O&A Stern
"Hey, cromagnon O&A Stern rip-off fans. How 'bout this?"
HA, that's funny, but if you wanted a rise out of the pests you should have called us Stern fans instead of 'Stern rip-off fans'.
Meanwhile, before I answer your questions, please site every source for every point you make. Feel free to email me with your sources, and I'll be happy to answer them...after I know you are using credible sources and not something you found 'exclusively' at evilgovernment.com.
I'd love to take you at your word that these are all completely credible instances, but after listening to shitdick yesterday, offer up nothing but speculation presented as fact, I just can't trust a thing you say.
That he couldn't fly a
That he couldn't fly a single engine Cessna, when they took over the plane the pilots already had it flying. All he had to do was steer it. Yes, he could do the turn because he wasn't doing 500 miles an hour when he did it. Sibel Edwards didn't have her job until Sept 20 2001. She translated information from as far back as 1999 and says "In her review, Edmonds said the documents clearly showed that the Sept. 11 hijackers were in the country and plotting to use airplanes as missiles." She has highly sensitive information about people who want to hurt this country and it's best that some things aren't public knowledge. But she does say that "hijackers" and not "demolitionists". They couldn't even find bodies, how would they find the black boxes? I would say that the military runs wargames everyday. They train to protect the country, you have to train for that. That Atta wasn't strict with his religion does not mean that he's not a terrorist. That's what I'd say. Now, could you give me answers to the questions I asked earlier? Your questions don't prove any kind of government conspiracy to blow up our own country.
I think what really needs to
I think what really needs to be looked into is how much the Bush Cabal is paying companies like XM to be their attack dogs!
Look at the facts, man. The government puts satelites in space and can take them down. If XM doesn't keep the party line, there's leverage over them.
Also, Clear Channel, who owns a large percentage of XM is the same company that syndicates Rush Limbaugh! Like, come on, man, that's all the prrof you need.
Now, do you see what I just did?
a) make an accusation
b) follow it up with something that looks like it might have validity on the surface, but it's really just a suposition based on nothing
c) after that, just make up stuff, because you've already hooked in people that are inclined to agree with you
d) enough people go around quoting the same supositions, half-truths, and lies that it is accepted as 'fact' within that community
Also, please send all of
Also, please send all of your hate mail, complaints, and pictures of male genetalia to ben.sparks@xmradio.com
You Opie and Anthony apes
You Opie and Anthony apes should pick up any of the books by Daniel Hopsicker, Nafeez Ahmed, David Ray Griffin, Michael Ruppert, or Webster Tarpley.
FBI agents got so upset
FBI agents got so upset their superiors wouldn't listen to them about what was coming that they hired David Schippers (a guy who prosecuted Clinton - certainly no leftie nut) to pass the word to higher ups. Schippers tried to contact John Ashcroft several times and was ignored. I'm sure there's no reason for that, though.
if you dead your research like you actually claim to do you would see that Clear Channel actually owns a small percentage of stock, and from what I have heard (I admit its hearesay unlike what you have done) I hear its around 5%, now fucko they also have a deal in which they supply two channels with materials, that my friend is no ownership. Shitface, and if you check Sirius also has a similar deal with Viacom or whatever the hell its called now with a similar percentage of ownership. How is that for facts, you load that should have been shot into a sock and flung against the wall.
How about the anthrax
How about the anthrax attacks? It makes a lot of sense that the government can't prosecute anyone for mailing military weapons grade anthrax that (coincidence!) was sent to Dems and media members. Can't you morons see what is happening?
oops, sorry i got very
oops, sorry i got very heated at that clear channel post and didnt realize there was more to it, sorry mr. battle
I'm sure Indira Singh is
I'm sure Indira Singh is just some crazy bitch for saying a company with direct links to terror installs software throughout our government and that she was told she should be killed for trying to expose this information.
The Flight 93 crash site
The Flight 93 crash site makes a lot of sense, too. Debris spread for miles. I forgot that airplane parts bounce like superballs.
if ruppert et al are so
if ruppert et al are so dedicated to the "truth movement", you'd think they'd put all of their books online so the "truth" could spread more easily.
i've laughed at you jackoffs on various message boards for a long time, and i know what makes you tick. your lives are utter dogshlt and so you need something that makes you feel special and enlightened, something like "hey maaaaaan you know that the government is evil maaaahnnnn". to ask any of you to use common sense is pointless, because common sense is your enemy.
example: a quote from a flight school employee claiming that the pilots "couldn't fly". if one of your students can take off and pilot a plane, but can't land it worth a shlt, then you would not say he could fly. you'd say he's a shltty flier and a shltty pilot, because what good is a pilot that can't land? unless....
common sense.
but this habit of isolating a quote and trumpeting it as "proof" of something is not uncommon. its the same with diebold, silverstein, and pnac. he said he wanted to "DELIVER" votes to the president, he said that the building was "pulled", they said that "a new pearl harbor" would do this and it would do that, all blatantly exposing these dastardly conspiracies....right to a room of 100 people, the mainstream press, or anybody with access to public documents.
grow up, and make nice with mommy and daddy. you still have the opportunity to live your life like a real person.
unless they're dead, lol.
That goddamn leftie whack
That goddamn leftie whack job Weldon.
In the first open hearing about the existence of an intelligence cell that may have identified the ringleaders of the Sept. 11 attacks a year before they happened, lawmakers sat back and let Rep. Curt Weldon (R-Pa.) run the show.
"How can we trivialize what these people have said?" Weldon asked Cambone. "It's about just giving the story. I am not a conspiracy theorist."
"I do not understand - it is frustrating to me," he added. "I am not going to stop here. President Nixon had to resign over a third-rate burglary," while 3,000 people died in the Sept. 11 attacks.
"Maybe neither administration [Clinton or Bush] wants to know what happened," Weldon said. "Maybe I am offending everyone."
It's not like there was
It's not like there was foreknowledge or anything.
I know I shouldn't be flippant about this, but jokes were actually made that the key FBIHQ personnel had to be spies or moles, like Robert Hansen, who were actually working for Osama Bin Laden to have so undercut Minneapolis' effort.
Presidential Daily Briefing "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US."
The Federal Aviation Administration received repeated warnings in the months prior to Sept. 11, 2001, about al-Qaida and its desire to attack airlines, according to a previously undisclosed report by the commission that investigated the terror attacks. The report by the Sept. 11 commission detailed 52 such warnings given to FAA leaders from April to Sept. 10, 2001, about the radical Islamic terrorist group and its leader, Osama bin Laden.
International warnings.
August 2001: Russia Warns US of Suicide Pilots
Russian President Vladimir Putin warns the US that suicide pilots are training for attacks on US targets. [Fox News, 6/17/2002] The head of Russian intelligence also later states, “We had clearly warned them” on several occasions, but they “did not pay the necessary attention.” [Agence France-Presse, 10/16/2001] A Russian newspaper on September 12, 2001, will claim, “Russian Intelligence agents know the organizers and executors of these terrorist attacks. More than that, Moscow warned Washington about preparation to these actions a couple of weeks before they happened.” Interestingly, the article will claim that at least two of the militants were Muslim radicals from Uzbekistan. [Izvestia, 10/12/2001]
Riiiight, because the 93
Riiiight, because the 93 bombing wasn't enough to let us know that they had it out for us.
Get educated, and realize that there are thousands and thousands of these types of warnings to sift through at any given time.
Then use your head a little bit and let it sink in that there might not be a whole lot the government can do to disarm the blacklisted weapon of mass destruction that is piloting skill.
Congratulations, you proved
Congratulations, you proved that intelligence and security was lax before 9/11 and bureaucracies are inefficient. Groundbreaking.
You are Ronaldo, seer of everything past. Your 20/20 hindsight is astounding.
"Get educated, and realize
"Get educated, and realize that there are thousands and thousands of these types of warnings to sift through at any given time."
Keep putting your fucking head in the sand.
You piss on 9/11 Truth, you
You piss on 9/11 Truth, you piss on the victims' families.
Please put that stupid piece
Please put that stupid piece of shit back on OnA. I laughed my ass off at the ignorance.
I will not say that the government does not plot, scheme and do some dirty shit. Please look at the underhanded things they have done in the past. ItÂ’s all about the money. The reality is that a lot of people lost money by the skyscraper load. Money makes our government work and the loss of the world trade center cut into their profits for a long time. People that have learned how to embezzle the way our government does, are not proned to make elaborate costly schemes that are going to cost them even more.
Tell O&A to invite David Ray
Tell O&A to invite David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, or Michael Berger on the show.
Can you guys tell me where
Can you guys tell me where Elvis lives?
Not a very good segment. The
Not a very good segment. The hosts combative manner SUCKED. Its like they knew the referenced documents would BLOW away the official theory. I think the hosts needed to COME up with a new gimmick cause right now their bit is as empty as a HUMMER in a gas crisis.
"Rock LOBSTER!" - B52s
I'm no fan of Bush in fact I
I'm no fan of Bush in fact I despise him but come on look at the man for Christ's sake. This guy couldn't find his ass no less plot the most elaborate scheme in recorded history. You are all pathetic and I do wish a painfull cancerous death to you all,but what I'd like most of all is for you or Corky to go back on O&A. Put up or shut up.
I agree with Spazz Mellinda.
I agree with Spazz Mellinda. I was irritating hearing the hosts trying to impress each other in a "LOVE ME DADDY" kind of way. Instead of letting the guest talk they SPEWED MOUTHFULLS of JUNK. Chin NUTS is right however, a return to the show is needed. Lets have them COME on and bring things up to a BOILING point. Give so much information the hosts are GAGGING on it instead of SPEWING their nonsence like they did before.
ok,i think weve proved our
ok,i think weve proved our point, im still waiting to see some facts from these so called 'experts'. The reponsible adult thing would be to ignore them, but... I think we know where this is going...
RAMONNNNNNNNE bring me some
I was IN the North Tower
I was IN the North Tower when it got hit, you fucking jagoffs. Guess what? It wasn't a controlled explosion or any of that crap. Jet fuel went everywhere, and caught all the paper, rugs, and carpets on fire. Some of it even spilled down the stairs.
The whole building groaned from the explosion, and we could feel it move.
As we ran outside, people were hit by things on fire and killed. There was a wierd grinding sound, and then the building came straight down, and people who went outside of other buidlings to look were hit by chunks of rubble, office furniture, etc. and killed.
But, I know. That isn't what happened, because I was there, but you have all the evidence.
You should all be jizz-moppers at a peep show.
Holy shit, this thread has
Holy shit, this thread has been invaded by a bunch of talking bowel movements!
Seriously though, you A & O guys are talking out of your asses. At least watch a 9/11 video like Loose Change 2 before you talk shit here.
Take this nonsense of yours for example:
..."The reality is that a lot of people lost money by the skyscraper load. Money makes our government work and the loss of the world trade center cut into their profits for a long time. People that have learned how to embezzle the way our government does, are not proned to make elaborate costly schemes that are going to cost them even more."
The WTC centers were obsolete, under-occupied offices with loads of gov't clerical tenants needed to fill them. They where white elephants that were loaded with asbestos that needed to be removed at a cost of 1 or 2 billion $$$! Guess what, asbestos gone, buildings gone + insiders made huge $$$ on over-insurance, construction rackets & kick-backs, etc. + pretext to invade Afghanistan & Iraq.
Let me repeat some more bullshit:
"I was IN the North Tower when it got hit, you fucking jagoffs. Guess what? It wasn't a controlled explosion or any of that crap. Jet fuel went everywhere, and caught all the paper, rugs, and carpets on fire. Some of it even spilled down the stairs.....blah, blah, blah.....
So then millions of tons of redundant steel turned into jelly & both towers exploded & erupted like a volcano & fell like an avalanche, with no resistance, at free-fall speed. Of course, all modern steel buildings have a "tipping point" that makes them come down like a landslide of cascading dominos when contained fires are dying out.
(Same controlled demolition was done to WTC-7, which was 350+ feet from the nearest tower, wasn't hit by a plane & had small, scattered fires.)
Lets Dance
"(Same controlled demolition
"(Same controlled demolition was done to WTC-7, which was 350+ feet from the nearest tower, wasn't hit by a plane & had small, scattered fires.)"
WTC 7 was engulfed in sheets of flame, and leaned over at an angle for about three hours before it came down.
The steel did not turn to "jelly." It was all still there, all twisted and broken from the heat and impact.
I was right there, you loonies, and I lost 12 of my friends that day. I LOVE how you trivialize eyewitness accounts.
Only a top-flight college education could produce such a level of invincible stupidity.
You would have benefitted greatly at this point in your lives from a really thorough beating on the playground as young children.
bwahahahahahahahaha, dude
bwahahahahahahahaha, dude dude, i do coke with mohamad ata,
YouAllSuck--You are a
YouAllSuck--You are a boldfaced liar.
Scores of FDNY, PDNY, EMT, etc., heard series of numerous explosions/devices going off in the towers. (I'll take their word over a broken-down drug addict like yourself any day.)
WTC-7 had small, scattered fires on a few floors, it never "leaned" anywhere, and it was "pulled" by your shyster uncle, Larry Silverstein for insurance fraud, among other things.
Tim you absolutely kill me.
Tim you absolutely kill me. Keep it up. Fucking hysterical.
pocky--"I agree, that a lot
pocky--"I agree, that a lot of things in Loose Change are most likely false..."
I know we're surrounded by *ssholes on this thread, but do you mean "a lot of things"? Perhaps a couple of minor things are inaccurate in Loose Change 2. What do expect from something that comprehensive done on a shoestring budget.
Ramone... Get me a hammer
Ramone... Get me a hammer and some chloroform, I need to come up with a new conspiracy!!!
Sounds like the kid with the
Sounds like the kid with the girly voice had nothing for the first half of the interview so they rightfully decided to smash him and cut him loose. Haha good job, this was funny.
korey had said some real
korey had said some real bullshit to throw the other day. based on the one comment that bin laden construction was suppose to repair the Cole, a ship that has the latest technology on board and is so highly protected from espionange, this fuckface wants us to believe a constuction company, not a ship building company was gonna repair this ship. hey stupid, my car broke so i'm taking it to edison elementary school cause the kindergarten is soo smart.after all, they are from edison. corey, stop trying to find fault with the gov't, and come to understand that the world is full of assholes that want us dead.
Ramone, give corey a
Ramone, give corey a nightlight so he can really see the boogyman exists
Another comment on your
Another comment on your movie Jon, Corey and Jason. At the end when you're talking about the gold that's missing from under the trade center, you mention a number. $160 billion. And you say "Rumor has it that over $160 billion dollars in gold was stored in the World Trade Center." Rumor has it? That's what you use to prove that there's $160 Billion dollars in gold missing? Rumor has it?
Just for fun...
JD, you're taking out of
JD, you're taking out of your ass. The 9/11 Truth movement is far, far beyond, "a cop said there was damage to WTC-7 and that's why it collapsed." That enormous, modern, steel-framed bidding was as sturdy as a pyramid. The shyster lease-holder, Silverstein, said he & the NYFD decided to "pull-it." He's on a PBS video saying this, you dishonest ass*hole!!!
"You said that it was completely impossible that these people even exist. Have you even fucking SEEN the barbarism that some people are capable of? Have you seen the beheading videos? Have you heard about mass graves? Have you seen the Palestinians blowing themselves up for decades just to kill Israelis? Did you see the f*cking savages in the former Soviet republics who TOOK OVER A GODDAMNED ELE-F*CKING-MENTARY SCHOOL?!?!?!?!?!?!? You are telling me that it is impossible that these people exist?"
Read these websites & their links. I don't have time to spoon-feed truth to closed-minded fools.
OK, well I just found this
OK, well I just found this link for you to read since I don't have time to be spoon fed either.
This website says the holocaust didn't happen.
This website say that the loch ness monster is absolutely real.
This website say that the moon landing never happened.
Come on. All the sites you want to point us to are 911truth.com, 911truthemergence.com and st911.com. These are sites created by other conspiracy theorists to prove the point that you blindly agree with. Point me to something from CNN.com or MSNBC.com or any REPUTABLE site. Till then read this site.
this site says that you guys are nuts.
The Smoking Gun Building
The Smoking Gun
Building 7:
You dummies can't handle the
You dummies can't handle the truth that your boy got clowned?
please, all you idiots, i've
please, all you idiots, i've posted at least 10 posts here with nobody answering me. Someone who's privy to the conspiracy please give me ONE answer to the NUMEROUS questions i've asked. TY
I personally like the part
I personally like the part where he talks about the B-52 hitting the Empire State Building on July 28, 1945. Ummmm.... yeah.
"...As the war worsened in Korea, the Air Force, in 1951, designated the B-52 the country's next intercontinental bomber and approved an initial production order for 13 B-52s. The first B-52A flew Aug. 5, 1954." - www.boeing.com/history/boeing/b52.html
"With a 185-foot wingspan, a length of more than 160 feet and a gross weight of more than 480,000 pounds, the B-52 earned the nickname BUFF, short for Big Ugly Fat Fellow." - http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/...0th/index.html
Span: 185 ft.
Length: 156 ft. 6 in.
Height: 48 ft. 4 in.
Weight: 450,000 lbs. max.
Armament: Four .50-cal. machine guns in tail plus bombs--nuclear or up to 60,000 lbs. of conventional
Engines: Eight Pratt & Whitney J57s of 12,100 lbs. thrust ea. with water injection
Cost: $7,000,000
Maximum speed: 638 mph.
Cruising speed: 526 mph.
Range: 8,338 miles unrefueled
Service Ceiling: 49,400 ft." - Source: United States Airforce Museum
"At 9:49 a.m. on Saturday July 28, 1945, a B-25 Mitchell bomber accidentally crashed into the north side between the 79th and 80th floors, where the offices of the National Catholic Welfare Council were located. The fire was extinguished in 40 minutes. 14 people were killed in the accident." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empire_...45_plane_crash
"More than 9,800 B-25s were built during WW II. The airplane on display was rebuilt by North American to the configuration of the B-25B used on the Tokyo Raid and was flown to the Air Force Museum in April 1958.
Span: 67 ft. 7 in.
Length: 52 ft. 11 in.
Height: 15 ft. 9 in.
Weight: 28,460 lbs. loaded
Armament: Five .50-cal. machine guns; 5,000 lbs. of bombs
Engine: Two Wright R-2600s of 1,700 hp. ea.
Cost: $96,000
Serial Number: 43-3374 (B-25D)
Displayed as (S/N): 40-2344 (B-25B)
Maximum speed: 275 mph.
Cruising speed: 230 mph.
Range: 1,200 miles
Service Ceiling: 25,000 ft." - Source: United States Airforce Museum
Yeah.. that's a hell of a weight and speed difference there.. buddy. I'm thinking Arby's.. I mean if a B-52 HAD hit the empire state building, it would have made a helluva mess.. do everyone a favor.. DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH NEXT TIME YOU WANT TO SHOOT A CARTOON LIKE THIS ONE.. faggot.
This is just one example of his dreck, I posted quite a long one on Friday's thread.. check it out. If you can't find it, shoot me a message and repost it here.
it was hilarious to hear
it was hilarious to hear Norton get so upset. He was obviously trying to save face because it was his idea to bring the loose change guy on the show.
does anybody else get the
does anybody else get the impression that people who so violently oppose the possibility of 9/11 coverup can do nothing but resort to Ad hominem attacks?
im not surprised. I would definitly be ego crushing if these people decided to look up information on their own.
"shitdick" so far you've
so far you've used over 10 homosexual related insults. This speaks volumes about your own closeted sexuality. just thought i'd let you in on this (because you seem blatantly unaware)
although i shouldnt talk. I
although i shouldnt talk. I had a gay gang-bang with ron jeremy
"P.S. With all the time
"P.S. With all the time you're wasting here, I'm starting to think you are disinfo/intimidation agents appearing as some Anthony & Opie losers."
your giving them too much credit.
I dont think disinfo agents would so craftily reveal their closeted homosexuality by using mostly homosexual related instults.
real opie and anthony fans however do have this tendency (to hide their true sexuality and barrage people with insults like "faggots" "shitdick" etc).
come to wackbag.com for
come to wackbag.com for GREAT convo
i encourage all 911bloggers to go there, the people will be really open to what you have to say.....
I saw the towers come down,
I saw the towers come down, seen the second plane hit the building, saw them fall.
Your theories make no sence.
Prove to me, to US all, that Atta and the others didn't do it. Prove to me the pentegon was not hit by a plane, prove to me that the passangers of those planes didn't die. Prove to me my friends mother and husband was not killed in that senceless attack.
You are talking about a conspiricy that would have to involve thousands of people, and then have to dispose of thousands more to keep the cover up. It makes no sence.
If the government was to do something just to start a war they could have done it much better and without involving so many people that it would risk the cover up being exposed.
Say what you will, tell me about this and that. But the burdon of proof is on you and this site that this was a conspiricy. It should not be up to us to prove that it was not a conspiricy.
You have a better chance of proving Rosswell was a cover up then proving 911 was a cover up.
Now you want us to belive you but you are a minority, an albino black midget that has Full Blown Aids type minority.
I was willing to look at your site, check what you have. But when you started trying to push your agenda down our throats I relized you guys just wanted attention.
Well, I do think you will get that attention you so missed from mommy and daddy. But don't worry, the Pest will give you plenty of attention.
I think Ramone is calling you.
You guys are like a bunch of
You guys are like a bunch of 40-something-year-old adolescent punks. Grow up for Christ's sake.
By the way man I am 26, and
By the way man I am 26, and full grown, and allowed to enjoy such things as the ladies, alcohol, and good times. Sorry if that upsets people. By the way I am never trying to offend any of the family members. Lata guys who like to impersonate others!!!!!
I agree with Spazz Mellinda.
I agree with Spazz Mellinda. It was irritating hearing the hosts trying to impress each other in a "LOVE ME DADDY" kind of way. Instead of letting the guest talk they SPEWED MOUTHFULLS of JUNK. Chin NUTS is right however, a return to the show is needed. Lets have them COME on and bring things up to a BOILING point. Give so much information the hosts are GAGGING on it instead of SQUIRTING their nonsense like they did before.
Were these two the wacky DJs who were fired for having relations with each other in church? I recall hearing about this on the net.
Oneonta is weak compared to
Oneonta is weak compared to 5-10 years
ago...town has died out compared to the 90's. Too bad.
Not a very good segment. The
Not a very good segment. The hosts combative manner SUCKED. Its like they knew the referenced documents would BLOW away the official theory. I think the hosts needed to COME up with a new gimmick cause right now their bit is as empty as a HUMMER in a gas crisis.
Wackbaggers! Take the
Wackbaggers! Take the discussion over to wackbag. At least there the words "Lobster" and "Spazz" are forbidden and we wont have it rubbed in our faces like shit at happens over here
I can't believe you guys
I can't believe you guys come on here and actually try to defend that show. They had a bunch of fake callers on and act like they just got out of the lockerroom whipping each other's asses with towels and getting off on it.
If anything, the show just showed how dismally low the intelligence level of their listeners is. And their viewers posting on here shows that there really are people who are permanent trolls. They go through life just being trolls. They go on forums always being trolls. Why would anyone even want to begin to discuss something with a troll?
You don't do any research. You don't stay on one topic for more that the 5 seconds you're capable of holding a coherent thought for. You're incapable of having civil debates about anything or treating your adversaries with enough respect to avoid flame wars. So what are you worth?
Quote from their board: The
Quote from their board:
The reason why the towers fell the way they did "in a controlled manner" was simply because of the way the were built. At the time I beleive they were the tallest buildings ever made(i might be wrong but it doesnt matter they still tall niga) Anyway the support for the buildings were born from the outer walls. Because traditional ways to support it would have just been inneffcient and just about impossible to achieve those heights. The walls were the support the inside was more or less hollow to accomodate for office space and elevator shafts.
No, the inside of the building was a core of 47 columns, which, combined with the 240 exterior columns, supported the building.
The middle was the weakest part of the structure therefore that is why the floors pancaked on top of each other.
So ridiculous.
Another quote: Guys, you
Another quote:
Guys, you gotta remember, blogs are written by people who are agenda driven. This means they will have bias and leave out facts or make convient facts up and therefore come to false conclusions about mostly everything.
Also, many of them are insane.
Posted on a forum of an agenda-driven O&A website. WTF is wrong with these guys. Hypocrits. They don't think some "convient"--er, convenient facts are left out on their board while they're busy calling everyone douchebags.
I think this faggot should be in the next beheading video they send over. As a matter of fact, I'll help foot the ticket to send him over to them, complete with camera, a tape and postage so I can see the fucking video first.
Well that just shows what type of person we're dealing with.
Another well informed member
Another well informed member of their crew:
MAybe Ant can post the real facts he uncovered. Even post them on Korey's site. I can't find the info because I am search enginely challenged.
Tons of problems in the
Tons of problems in the Richard Berg beheading too:
Well, thanks to "jim norton"
Well, thanks to "jim norton" et al for the link to the wackbag board. Now we know why this site here has received the "honor" of being inundated with these people's nonsensical posts.
First post in their thread "9/11 douchbag's synopsis of his interview" says, and I quote:
"I thought this was worthy of its own thread. If you check out the comments section, the conspiracy theorist's are trying to bash the bbboys. attack If the mods dont think this deserves its own thread or its been posted already... you know what to do."
( link: http://www.wackbag.com/showthread.php?t=42720 )
So there we have it. Freeper tactics, plain and simple. "Go forth and flood that site". Question remains: to what end? Are they really hoping to convince anyone here of their uninformed views? And what's their point of asking "questions" any Google search can answer?
Ignore, I say. Yarrr. ;-)
I am not here to defend the
I am not here to defend the O&A show, I am here to tell you that you guys are just plain retarded.
Wackjob inbred said: I think
Wackjob inbred said:
I think this faggot should be in the next beheading video they send over. As a matter of fact, I'll help foot the ticket to send him over to them, complete with camera, a tape and postage so I can see the fucking video first.
Well that just shows what type of person we're dealing with.
Should send that shit in to
Should send that shit in to the DHS just so we can laugh at how their site was taken down while they are investigated for terrorist ties.
Raaaaamooooneee... give
Raaaaamooooneee... give Sirius the voice morphing technology so Howard fans can hear a show on Fridays!
Raaaamooooneee...I'm a
Raaaamooooneee...I'm a retard who sends my pests to Stern and other hosts' boards trolling and trying to bring the servers down.
See how much time we have on our hands (read: how little we get laid):
Someone anonymous wrote
Someone anonymous wrote "Scores of FDNY, PDNY, EMT, etc., heard series of numerous explosions/devices going off in the towers."
They did not say device you added that it. There would be no way for them to know with all that hysteria going on that they were controlled devices.
It does not make sense that "IF" bombs were placed in the towers "WHY" would they fly planes in the buildings and not just blame the bombs beginning planted by Iraqis?
I am a NYS certified EMT and interior firefighter so I do have an education in what I am talking about.
Lets all get this straight. It is Fact that 2 planes flew into each of the towers we can all agree with that and you have no choice to agree because thousands of people seen it with there own eyes and cameras.
Point #2 in order for a plane to leave the ground they need fuel and lot of it. The planes that were chosen were going long distances before reaching there destination which means more fuel.
Point #3 Fuel as we all know is flammable. Jet Fuel explodes when ignited. That explosion of the fuel is a major component to get the plane to fly.
Point #4
Now when an object moving at 500 miles an hour (an airplane) creating lot on energy hits a stationary object (a Building) made of a lot of steel that melts at high temps. The plane will damage the building and itself "ALOT". The plane will flatten out much like a bullet would. There are many ballistic articles that you can see and read about how this is "FACT" to prove my point. Now when a plane starts to flatten out the compartments that hold passengers, luggage and fuel no longer can because they are so badly damaged that those contents start to spill out.
Point #5
We have people who are still alive today that were inside of both towers when the planes crashed into them. That can account for seeing and smelling fuel which a has distinct scent. You absolutely not tell people what they did not see and smell from hundreds to thousands miles away on what they experienced.
O&A just ask for the facts that is all. We all would love to agree with you but you fail to get and give facts.
What are facts you might ask.
Facts are things that actually did happen. When you insert the words: might, could, and should they no longer are facts and are not valid until proven. Please LISTEN next time and you won't come out sounding foolish.
Lastly, to the person think Opies e-mail mailbox is full due to hate e-mails LISTEN to the show. It has been full for over a year he never reads e-mail. He has stated this numerous times on the show.
Sincerely your buddy,
BigBuffaloFan, that's great
BigBuffaloFan, that's great that you typed all that up and all, but you have no credibility here whatsoever because you listen to O&A and your fellow pests have completely and utterly destroyed any semblance of credibility.
Nobody except O&A junkies really care what repetitive, boring crap O&A do on their show. They have a lot of stuff that you'd know if you listened to the show all the time, but who really gives a crap?
What you don't seem to understand is that most people on this blog, which is fairly (although not completely) representative of 9/11 researchers in general, agree with all 5 of your points.
You will find some people that have alternate ideas about whether the planes were the exact flights we're told they were, but many people who believe the buildings were brought down with explosives also believe the 2 WTC buildings were hit by planes.
The plane crash doesn't explain WTC 7. It doesn't explain visible squibs running down the side of the building. It doesn't explain molten steel found in the basement. It doesn't explain the nearly perfectly straight down collapse at nearly free-fall speed, resulting in pulverized concrete and huge chunks of steel blasting up and out.
Some of this stuff you can see for your own eyes by just watching the news broadcasts and other eyewitness video. Some of it you have to rely on eyewitness FDNY, EMS, journalists, and other verbal or written accounts of what happened.
The more you dig though, the more questions you have. The victims' families have the same questions. They just recently called for the release of 911 tapes and got them. They had to push for the 9/11 commission to even be formed. Some have filed a RICO lawsuit against NY State, Bush, Giuliani, etc.
So if you can:
1. See inconsistencies yourself
2. Hear reputable firefighters, engineers, and other eyewitnesses mention anomalies
3. See that victims' families have the same questions
4. See that the government has done similar things in the past
5. See that they have motives to do such a thing
then how can you think that anything we are doing is wrong to do, in any way, shape or form?
I suggest if you have want real debate, rather than an introductory hand-holding walking you through the most basic stuff like this is, talk less, read more. Then ask specific questions that are on topic, or express your disagreement about a specific topic.
Also, Loose Change has at
Also, Loose Change has at least a few things in it that not every researcher agrees with. Picking apart one thing while ignoring the rest is easy to do. But it definitely doesn't answer all the questions.
There will always be some researchers that even fellow researchers will think are pretty far out there in their theories. If you look through even the past week's worth of comments you'd see that.
benthere wrote "The last
benthere wrote
"The last thing they'd want is unbiased international investigators exposing their hoaxes."
Yeah because we all know that international investigators are so unbiased. I can't wait till we tactically nuke Iran so I can hear you nuts scream how Iran had only peaceful intentions and that they were not trying to make weapons grade plutonium....idiots
I'm not going to bash Jason
I'm not going to bash Jason like everyone else has, but I just wanted to bring up one point:
"There was a Glimmer of Hope though, callers were calling to agree with me much to the dismay of the hosts."
There wasn't a single real caller who called up to agree. 'Steve from Yellowstone' and 'Poe from Jersey' are aliases of Jim Norton, the 3rd mic on the Opie and Anthony show. It's clear that the fact they 'agreed' is simply part of the gag before he cuts off the guest with the "Ramone!' comments.
If you're so oblivious to that fact, why should your 9/11 theories have any more credibility? You make such a clear mistake about a radio show, and yet we're supposed to just go along with radical conspiracy theories as if they're 100% true?
>benthere wrote >"The last
>benthere wrote
>"The last thing they'd want is unbiased international investigators exposing their hoaxes."
Yeah because we all know that international investigators are so unbiased.
You imply that I'm saying all international investigators are unbiased. Never said it. Just said the last thing they'd want is unbiased ones exposing hoaxes. See how you did that? You just twisted it around to say something I didn't.
We do control all our internal investigations. We don't control all international ones. What's so hard to grasp about that?
I can't wait till we tactically nuke Iran so I can hear you nuts scream how Iran had only peaceful intentions and that they were not trying to make weapons grade plutonium....idiots
Putting words in my mouth. You're definitely not looking any more credible with that.
Thanks, Annoyed Grunt. :-D
Thanks, Annoyed Grunt. :-D You're dumb enough to tell us that at least two of the "calls" weren't for real but part of the show?
How cheap ...
"We do control all our
"We do control all our internal investigations. We don't control all international ones. What's so hard to grasp about that?"
The fact remains that international are not, they would be controlled by someone or some agency. The corrupt UN is maybe what you had in mind?
And about the Iran comments, Anti-war advocates will generally be against any military actions. And since action against Iran I feel is pretty much a given, these hippies will make up conspiracies about that action just as they so about Iraq and 9/11
The fact remains that
The fact remains that international are not, they would be controlled by someone or some agency. The corrupt UN is maybe what you had in mind?
Doesn't matter. I don't give a fuck who it is. Not central to any argument I've made. You're arguing about nothing. Didn't somebody mention something about being agenda-driven? Fits you perfectly.
And about the Iran comments, Anti-war advocates will generally be against any military actions. And since action against Iran I feel is pretty much a given, these hippies will make up conspiracies about that action just as they so about Iraq and 9/11
What does anti-war have to do with anything. The people here have a problem with 3000 Americans being murdered. Any specific relation to being anti-war is just your generalizations.
^ me
^ me
RAAAAMMMOOOONNEE - Not a very good segment. The hosts combative manner SUCKED. Its like they knew the referenced documents would BLOW away the official theory. I think the hosts needed to COME up with a new gimmick cause right now their bit is as empty as a HUMMER in a gas crisis.
you guys should change it
you guys should change it to:
you'd sound less retarded
I think you did best you
I think you did best you could under the circumstances. Unlike Howard Stern, O & A are not known for their interviewing skills. In fact in the industry they are known for being really bad at interviews and preparation. This showed by their screaming and yelling. They were not prepared for the interview so they could only respond by going into hysterics.
As a long time supporter and fighter for gay rights and NAMBLA member, I know what its like to be on the fringe so I congratulate your efforts
I agree with Spazz Mellinda
I agree with Spazz Mellinda and my fellow gay jrsaint. It was irritating hearing the hosts trying to impress each other in a "LOVE ME DADDY" kind of way. Instead of letting the guest talk they SPEWED MOUTHFULLS of JUNK. Chin NUTS is right however, a return to the show is needed. Lets have them COME on and bring things up to a BOILING point. Give so much information the hosts are GAGGING on it instead of SQUIRTING their nonsense like they did before.
Were these two the wacky DJs who were fired for having relations with each other in church? I recall hearing about this on the net.
I heard before the
I heard before the terrorists decided to use plane they wanted to use something called "bens hog" to take the towers down. Did anyone else hear this or am i just speculating on " Bravo Sierra"
you guys are making jokes
you guys are making jokes over the investigation of the deaths of 3000 of your fellow Americans.
w t f is wrong with you?
Raaaammmoonneee give this
Raaaammmoonneee give this man a clue
w t f is wrong with them?
w t f is wrong with them? Everything. They're doing a good job at projecting the image of the "ugly American" worldwide. They're so self-centered they don't realize that everyone around the globe has access to the internet and can read their junk.
They probably don't care what the rest of the world thinks, but I've got news for them: that's entirely mutual.
They should sign up at the nearest recruiting office and then try to convince the Iraqis that 9/11 was not an inside job. Good luck dodging the next mortar round.
Of course, they're too chicken for that.
Finally listened to this.
Finally listened to this. Korey really did blow it on this one. Not sure Id like him defending 911 Truth in another similar situation. Weak arguments. He did get his ass handed to him.
Isnt this an interview with
Isnt this an interview with Korey? Whats the headline of this post saying its with Jason? Who is Jason?
That wasn't "Korey".
That wasn't "Korey".
USA Today reported the FBI
USA Today reported the FBI believed bombs brought the towers down (Real Player file)
CNN reported secondary devices (from the New York Fire Department)
NBC also reported secondary devices (from the New York Police Department)
Videos of witnesses reporting explosions BEFORE the towers collapsed
Fire fighter 1: "Here we go again"
Fire fighter 2: "Bomb in the building, start clearing out"
Background voices: "Get the f@#% out of hereÂ…secondary device..."
Ah yes and my personal
Ah yes and my personal favorites:
12 seconds before WTC1 collapse, the tripod shakes, debris falls off the right side of the building
911 Eyewitness
Time frame 52:50 - 55:10, numerous explosions can be heard, and white smoke can be seen rising from the streets before WTC1 collapse
Yeah, bombs did bring down the towers.
Why do they call Jason Korey
Why do they call Jason Korey the entire interview and he doesnt correct them? Whatever.
Actually I think I'm
Actually I think I'm mistaken...the beginning did start off with Korey. His voice sounded like Jason though (from the Fox News 40 interview), so that's how I got mixed up.
Wow, I can't believe I just
Wow, I can't believe I just listened to all of that... the hosts were totally clueless. They didn't even know about NORAD + the War games. Alex Jones summarized it pretty well in one of his videos.
Please, answer the questions
Please, answer the questions I have brought up numerous times. $160 billion in gold. Faking the calls to the passengers of flight 93's loved ones. How a demolition team set up an implosion on any of the towers. That Rumsfeld would still be in the Pentagon if he knew it would be hit by a plane/missle. Why that in their first 8 months in office that the Bush administration would decide that killing 3000 American citizens was the best thing that they could do for the country. I've watched the movie and I'm not believing it. I don't think that flight 93 landed in Cleveland. I don't believe that squibs detonated 20 and 60 floors below the impact point on the south tower. I am putting the burden of proof on anyone who posts here. I've asked for 2 days for someone to answer any questions I've asked and nobody has stepped up. I've asked them again. Nobody will answer. I know that. Plus, the only people that are trivializing the murder of 3000 ameicans by terrorists are all of you. Good day to you sir. I said Good Day!
Tim go to 911revisited.com
Tim go to 911revisited.com and watch 911REVISTIED! Then go to question911.com and watch the doccumentary on the construction of the World Trade Center. It is not my intention to disrespect you but if you do these two things (less than a 90 minute investment just for kicks) and still dont see a major problem I dont think any of us can help you.
I invite any takers to post
I invite any takers to post more on this over on WACKBAG. Just please limit the discussion to the topic. DO NOT discuss Lobsters. PLEASE DEAR GOD dont mention the lobsters.
Jaybird, thank you. I have
Jaybird, thank you. I have now decided that inuendo is proof enough for you. There is no proof here, just theories. Occams' razor. Is it easier to believe that a group of terrorists took over 4 planes and attacked our country or that our own government used remote controlled planes, voice machines, controlled demolition of 3 buildings in NYC, a missle that hit the pentagon, that we not only killed 3000 citizens but also made the occupants of flight 93 "dissappear", and that the highest elected official in the government was responsinble for it? BTW, the 911revisited video doesn't work, just got audio. I did watch the other flash video. Thanks Jay.
Papa Steve told me to watch
Papa Steve told me to watch the loose change video. I did. The show didn't even come with popcorn or an gratuitous nudity. Definately not my favorite release of the year.
Tim you didnt watch the
Tim you didnt watch the video.
It seemed like the hosts
It seemed like the hosts were afraid of upsetting Bush. They have a real "LOVE ME DADDY" attitude. They dont agree to any conspiracy except the one where they ban any mention of "LOBSTER" from their show or toady websites.
The wackbag Pests were
The wackbag Pests were outside waiting for Stern Friday Morning. We were all toting stickers and signs and had a big fold out one and going to try to block Stern from getting in the underground parking. I think it was Irish John that was "testing a fire hose and turned it on us. Two of us went down like bowling pins. We looked like drenched rats and scurried away All Stern saw was a Clean wet street when he arrived
Can't wait to see the video lol. I hear there is a antipest squad that will be at the film festival that will not take a passive roll. Stern is trying to discourage them from them getting agressive , but I guess he has to say that anyways to keep liability away from him. Its the same guys who are showing up at all the Soldiers funerals to protect the family from the god hates fags group. Looks like these scary Mofos are going to have some fun on the gay arm
^ Impossible... stern doesnt
^ Impossible... stern doesnt work on fridays!
Yeah, we learned that later.
Yeah, we learned that later. Not a shinning moment for us Pests. HooHoo *sob*
Ok we give up. It was really
Ok we give up. It was really dirty pool to post things here about SPAZZ and MELLINDA and LOBSTER GIRL knowing that we couldnt say shit about it over on wackbag. Well consider this our surrender. We wont discuss this on our board again. We quit. The thread linking to this page will be deleted. Wackbag apologizes. Now stop with the LOBSTER talk
^stern zombie^ ... get a
^stern zombie^ ... get a clue