Article Discusses Democrat's Refusal to Address 9/11

Dems and Integrity, the Moon and Green Cheese -- Detect a Pattern Here? - Dissident Voice

For those who continue to suggest the Democrats can somehow save our wretched and forsaken land, I beseech thee: Wake up and smell the corruption.
You are also clearly on the correct side, because if there were ever anything in this heavily gray area-tinged world that is laid out in stark black-or-white, right-or-wrong terms, it’s Us the Good Guys and Gals vs. the neocon-driven Bush Bastards.

But you have a curious -- and maddening -- blind spot that is a big-time time-waster, a non-starter, an energy sucker-upper, the Mother of All Dead-Ends: You still engage in the fantasy that if we work really hard, even harder then we all worked last time which was damn ass-busting hard, we can get the Democrats back in power, buy some breathing room and start the long uphill climb back to semi-respectability for America.

Ain’t gonna happen. No way, unh-uh, no how. Fuhgeddaboutit.
Tell me what Democrat has got the guts to stand up in front of the whoreporate media microphones and say: “You know what? The American people have been had. Our democratic republic does not exist. We are in the grips of murderous fascists who spit on the Constitution, or what little tiny scraps may be left of it, every chance they get. Not only that, but there’s every indication 9/11 didn’t go down the way we’ve all been led to believe it did and I demand answers NOW, no matter the implications.”

Oh, yeah, that would be something, wouldn’t it? Far too many questions remain about what really happened on September 11, 2001, a day that spread wide the gaping hellmouth of all gaping hellmouths and loosed the flesh-shredding monsters composing the Bush administration to wreak their uniquely gruesome brand of havoc on, oh, let’s see, everyone in the world who isn’t them.

An independent and open investigation of 9/11 -- truly independent and open -- needs to be conducted by a panel comprising experts in physics, aviation, engineering, construction, demolition, metallurgy, photography, insider trading, etc. The “official” explanations of that shockingly barbaric day are pure rubbish. As many have rightly queried lately in a multitude of finely-detailed and compelling articles: How can three skyscrapers, one of which wasn’t even hit by a plane, free-fall into their footprints in the same day? Why did even one of the WTC buildings collapse, considering no skyscraper before or since has ever been brought down by fire?

Allow me to suggest a slogan: WTC? WTF??

Thanks Carol for the heads up!

OT, but I'm wondering if

OT, but I'm wondering if anyone here is familiar with this BBC report from 2002 called "Fall of the WTC."

Information Clearinghouse has just today posted the video. I don't have 45 minutes free to watch right now, but thought I'd at least alert people here. It's gotta be propaganda, since it's mainstream media. Correct me if I'm wrong!

The Democrats, and the

The Democrats, and the Republicans play for the same team. There are VERY few "real" politicians in Washington D.C. right now.

I would the link list might include 10 people or so.

The fact of the matter is, if you're a "career politician", and have been in D.C. 20+ years, you are bought and paid for.

I would think the list might

I would think the list might include 10 people or so. Damn this non-editibility crap. Damn it to hell.

People on my board know that

People on my board know that I am a PERFECT typer. PERFECT I say!!!

The Dems are part of the

The Dems are part of the problem, and they have been so complicit in so many ways. I've given up on them.

You know things have taken a

You know things have taken a turn for the worse when you turn to C-Span for a good laugh.

I have tried to contact my

I have tried to contact my congresswomen Lynn Woolsey multiple times to no avail. I sent her an e-mail asking her to address the unanswered questions concerning 9/11 and she sent me a reply thanking me for supportin the impeachment of Bush. So I sent her reply saying I was upset that she would respond to my e-mail regarding something I didn't even say. Then she did it again!! She quoted me on something that I never said and continued to ignore what both of my e-mails said. Then today I called her office in D.C. and her staffer hung up on me! They have consistantly ignored me and now their hanging up on me. I called back and I talked to a girl who sounded exatcly the same but denied it was her and she told me to send her a fax. I sent her a fax saying that I do not want to deal with your staff please call me directly and gave her my cell. I'm gonna go ahead and say she won't call me.

I wonder if Americans are

I wonder if Americans are aware of the fact that most Europeans consider both the republicans and the democrats to be in the (far) right of the political spectrum, and the bipartisan character of American politics to be undemocratic. Apart from a lot of other issues, the ferocious lobbying culture is particularly unequaled in European politics. Other than that, I think obvious conflicts of interest like Cheney's ties with Halliburton would not stand for a week in Europe. It doesn't mean we Europeans are in political heaven though, I guess in terms of corruption and unaccountable policies we are all pretty much fucked :)

senator obama refered me to

senator obama refered me to the 9-11 commission report

dc has been bought and paid for

and they are going to grant amnesty to thier brother lawbreakers, the illegal aliens

there is a team and if you

there is a team and if you don't play ball, that team makes your twin engine plane crash somewhere.

i think jews who were not

i think jews who were not involved in the attacks should really start shouting the truth

sterotypes exist for a reason

backlash wont be bad as long as all involved get punished

bill maher makes me sick

"I think jews who were not

"I think jews who were not involved in the attacks should really start shouting the truth."
How about EVERYBODY who was not involved start shouting the truth?
"sterotypes exist for a reason"
Yes, the reason is bigots like you.
BTW, if you're implying that Maher is Jewish, I believe you're incorrect.

like Dan Rather said,

like Dan Rather said, questiong something so sacred as 9/11 in the public eye is the equivelent of putting a burning tire around your neck. You become a marked/man woman. Essentially it is career suicide to do such a thing. Sadly (but understandly) these people hold their jobs as more important than bringing the truth to the american people. And also you have to realize how much cognitive dissonance they are experiencing. They are trapped in the left-right bubble just as much if not more than the general public. Most democrats and far left representatives buy the incompetence theory :-(.

Andy White, way to fight

Andy White,
way to fight buddy!
try sending her a 9-11 DVD.
if you don't have one, email me
and you will soon have one.
btw, great article by Dissident Voice

"like Dan Rather said,

"like Dan Rather said, questiong something so sacred as 9/11 in the public eye is the equivelent of putting a burning tire around your neck. You become a marked/man woman."

Yes, it was Roveian of them to have the entire crime solved within a day or two, so if anyone asked any questions besides "Osama did it" he/she was instantly labeled a traitor who hates America. (Amazing how they immediatley knew exactly who did it, yet they had no idea it was going to be done???)


pw!! Hat tip! We 'uns up

pw!! Hat tip! We 'uns up nawth hyeah in South Cahlina done got 1600+ DVDs out since last June, a few active downline duplicators going, and a new downline just offered his studio duplicator.

The flashpoint cometh [music].

spread the truth freewayblogger style

Am I alone in feeling

Am I alone in feeling dissapointed, really dissapointed and surprised that not one Hollywood actor or director, with the honorable exception of Ed Asner, has come out in support of Charlie Sheen?

Where all you all?

Now is the time to speak, not in one month or six months' time. This is a critical moment in the history, not just of your country, but the world.

I'm thinking of Rob Reiner, who made A Few Good Men.

Jack Nicholson, who was so brilliant in that film.

Tim Robbins, who was in Dead Man Walking.

Susan Sarandon - come on, love , you're half-way there already.

Will Oliver Stone deliver a knockout? Will he be allowed to? I doubt it.

Stephen Soderbergh?

Stephen Sondheim , for that matter , in fact the whole frigging Broadway community?

Writers like David Leavitt?

In the UK, we have an army of leftist darlings like Harold Pinter, Alan Bennett, Vanessa Redgrave, Richard Attenborough, Jonathan Miller, Nick Hytner.
They all bang the anti-Bush drum loudly enough, but where are they to be found when the chips are down?

Darlings, it's time you got up from your dinner tables in Camden and sniffed that single estate
fairtrade bird-friendly coffee you like so much.

Get real!

I agree with Mark 100%. The

I agree with Mark 100%. The entire government is corrupt. I see no difference between Democrats and Republicans. Just different sides of the same coin. We the people have to take our country back at a grass roots level. Then we need to fill the jails with the corrupt politicians.........I can dream can't I?

freewayblogger awes

freewayblogger awes us.

Forgive and forgayut!

Ron Paul seems like he's

Ron Paul seems like he's worth something.

Yes, the Democrats are

Yes, the Democrats are worthless and selfish but if they get one House of Congress in the elections this year, they get subpoena power and you never know what will come out and where it will lead. Bush is below 40 in the polls with a war on his hands and the only thing protecting him is the Republicans in Congress. Wasn't Butterworth's testimony about the WH tapes a surprise?

OT, but I'm wondering if

OT, but I'm wondering if anyone here is familiar with this BBC report from 2002 called "Fall of the WTC."

Information Clearinghouse has just today posted the video. I don't have 45 minutes free to watch right now, but thought I'd at least alert people here. It's gotta be propaganda, since it's mainstream media. Correct me if I'm wrong!

http:// informationclearinghouse....rticle12643.htm

That video is bullshit and its old. and J. Hoffman already debunks this shit

I like this

I like this one:

Need some 9/11 ones...

After Iran-Contra, I

After Iran-Contra, I recognized that it was the job of Republicans (I still thought of Dems and Reps as separate entities back then) to betray and shred and trample on the Constitution ever time they thought no one was looking. Which meant that it was the job of the Democrats to oppose such behavior.

Which is why I do not feel betrayed by Reps over 9/11, but I do (well, did) feel betrayed by Dems (for failing to do what I formerly saw as their job)!

The only thing more revealing than the content of Bush's repeated incriminating 9/11 witness statements is the total non-reaction to them by Democrats!!!! (It doesn't take a majority, or a subpoena, to merely ask a question, raise an issue...)

(And the only thing more revealing than that is the way so many of the gatekeeping self-proclaimed leaders of the so-called 911 truth movement devalue/dismiss and cloud, shroud, obfuscate, and otherwise tell lies about Bush's repeated incriminating 9/11 witness statements!)

If I ever get the chance to ask Bush a question (as did Harry Taylor on Thursday in North Carolina, who didn't ask a question but scolded Bush instead), you can bet it will be about Bush's repeated incriminating 9/11 witness statements!!! (most people still remain unaware of them...)

Outspoken apparent 911 truthers such as Bob Bowman and Carol Brouillet who are running for Congress should take a pledge that, if elected, they will ask that question and raise that issue. In fact, I propose that as an honesty test for all candidates.

George W. Bush hoist himself by his own petard, and 'everyone' (including many self-proclaimed 911 truthers!) is letting him slide off the hook and get away with mass murder.

I don't know how recently

I don't know how recently they've done polls on it but I remember that at the time of the Oliver Stone movie, over 80% of the American public believed that there was a wider conspiracy. Remember, earlier than the movie, the House Committee on Assassinations DID reinvestigate JFK's assassination and contradicted the Warren Report, to wit that there was a shot fired from the grassy knoll.

JFK's death was one man and the next president was of his own party. What did it really change? 911 is so much bigger and the truth really is out there, in the science.

What I mean to say is that there was a point where 80%+ of the American public was paying attention and wrapped their skulls around it enough to say they didn't believe the official version. Today, I think its conventional wisdom that the American people don't accept the Warren Report.

It only has to start happening with 911 and it will snow ball. Martin Luther King often said, "Truth crushed to earth shall rise again," I believe. Yes, there's been a lot of obfuscation but I have a lot of hope. Only 3 years ago, they were all crowing and gloating about the Iraq War.

I have to disagree with Hi.

I have to disagree with Hi. 11/22/63 was a major coupe that changed everything. It was far worse than 9/11. This is when,as Tarpley calls it, the "Shadow Government" took over our country. Had JFK lived there would have never been a Viet Nam. Kennedy was in the process of pulling out the "Military Advisers" from South East Asia after consulting with retired Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur. Kennedy was going to rip the CIA to shreads and scatter it to the winds. Kennedy was also doing away with the Federal Reserve. I remember when he issued Silver Certificates. This is why JFK was murdered. Tarpley states in his book that Bush 1 was part of the plot. Had Kennedy lived 9/11 never would have happened. We wouldn't be in the mess we are in.

Maddog, that JFK stuff is

Maddog, that JFK stuff is fascinating!

"I'm thinking of Rob Reiner,

"I'm thinking of Rob Reiner, who made A Few Good Men.

Jack Nicholson, who was so brilliant in that film.

Tim Robbins, who was in Dead Man Walking.

Susan Sarandon - come on, love , you're half-way there already.

Will Oliver Stone deliver a knockout? Will he be allowed to? I doubt it.

Stephen Soderbergh?"

unfortunately the actors/directors you list are extremely generically liberal and most likely believe the "incompetence theory" which is the theory created by the 9/11 comission/bush as a trap for liberals/democrats to fall into. It is designed so all the democrats can all point and say "look at bush he's so stupid, he couldnt even stop 911!!!"

"I have to disagree with Hi.

"I have to disagree with Hi. 11/22/63 was a major coupe that changed everything. It was far worse than 9/11. This is when,as Tarpley calls it, the "Shadow Government" took over our country."

while i respect Tarpley highly, i think it is very naive and miopic to think that assassination of JFK is when the "shadow goverment" took over. What about the self inflicted wound of "Remember the maine"? What about the freemasons that engineered and controlled the publics reaction to the British ownership of America? What about the FDR administration allowing pearl harbor to take place? America was conducting covert and unjust wars ever since the start of the country, for evidence of this check out the book "Killing Hope".

I really never understood people saying everything started with the kennedy assassination. In my opinion, things were way fucked up before 1963.

Kennedy was the one who

Kennedy was the one who really stuck us in Vietnam by engineering the assassination of the Diem brothers. After that, the US was responsible for Vietnam.

Kennedy's "pay any price, bear any burden" is the same kind of rhetoric that comes out of George Bush.

For those who are interested

For those who are interested in the Kennedy assignation please read Tarpley's "George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography" also check out what Alex Jones has to say on the subject. Another good source is The Meria Heller show. I have been researching the subject for years. Kennedy was put into office by "The Powers that Be" but wouldn't play ball. Remember Kennedy came from an Elite Family. I lived through Kennedy's "Camelot" years and can assure you this country was far different then. I remember when he visited West Germany. He was greeted like a rock star. Now Bush goes to Europe and they bring out Armies to protect him. I could go on and on but this is a 9/11 site and would like to stick to the topic. If anyone doubts what I say, please research the subject like I did.

Frank V,way to go

Frank V,way to go buddy
maddog,is right
so is Hi and robert martin when it comes to the assination of JFK ( google this "EO 1110")
but 9-11 happened on our watch and because of the internet (which the Bush/PNAC adm. did not count on, they lost power in 1993 and then regained it Jan 2001) common folks
like myself are able to get to the truth in minutes compared to "somtimes" years before the internet.
Frank V and i have a friendly contest
going on....see who can hand out the most burnt 9-11 DVD's.
I'm at about 1200 (200 so far for this year)

I must agree with maddog on

I must agree with maddog on the JFK thing. Ike warned about the Military Industral Complex in his fairwell address to the nation. 11/22/63 is when the MIC took power. Shadow Government is a poor choice of words. Before WW2 there was no MIC, just corrupt presidents. Truman formed the CIA and later regreted it. Nam started with the Gulf of Tonkin incident. LBJ moved troops to Nam 6 days after JFK was killed. He didn't wast time. He was part of the coupe. There has been no decent presidents since. The Kennedy brothers also prevented a Nuclear War with their handeling of the Cubin Missile Crisis effectivly ending the cold war and saving all life on Earth. They both were killed for their efforts. Obviously there would have been no 9/11 had those two great men lived.

Very well stated, iandi!

Very well stated, iandi!

iandi said: > There has been

iandi said:

> There has been no decent presidents since

I thought Carter was half decent. He seems to be right now anyway.

The Dems are pathetic and

The Dems are pathetic and acting out of complicity with the GOP. They do not represent the people's interests, only their own. Pelosi is only interested in her party's gaining power and how to market it correctly, not about what the people want. She blew off Impeachment. They are obviously all corrupt in some way. The GOP dragged the Dems into the mud with them and the only Dems I respect are Boxer, McKinney and a few other stray ones.

We have a corrupt government that isn't working on behalf of the people, paying lip service to things. They are selling out our country to the New World Order. They are taking our tax payer's money and misusing it on a grand scale, while sinking us into debt.

There is no hope, none at all. We're not pulling out of this one folks. It's downhill from here into more chaois and mayhem. Civilization as we know it is going to come to a close. Peak oil, etc., and greedy power mongers, want us all wiped off the planet.

I hate to depress you all, but there honestly is no hope for the future at all. Enjoy life while you can, because eventually it's going to be hell on earth.

I stand corrected zuco.

I stand corrected zuco. Carter was a moral man but he is so overshadowed by corrupt presidents that I overlooked him. To Cheryl, Don't loose faith. The American people will eventually wake up and end this madness. Fear is what is stoping them now but eventually fear will be replaced by anger then watch out. The sleeping giant will awake and kick some heavy ass. It is already starting to happen. 9/11 truth will be their undoing.

Has anyone read this book on

Has anyone read this book on the assassination of Kennedy?

The main thesis revolves around Kennedy's determination to prevent Israel from getting the nuclear weapon.