Taking It to the Streets--A.M.E.N.


I am sitting home watching cnn international and witnessing the illegal immigrant marches being staged across our country. Impressive.

What I find ironic is that these men, women, and children are not even American citizens, and yet they have galvanized, mobilized, and organized their sentiments to create quite a movement. Even more impressive is that these protestors are here illegally and risk the real threat of being herded up, detained, and deported while participating in such mass protests.

And yet, they are out there in the streets having their voices heard. Without taking a stand on the immigration issue in this blog, I will say that I admire their incredible unity and courage.

As a 9/11 activist who has tried in vain for the past four years to wake Americans up to the sad and dangerous state of affairs in this country, I have never seen such a well organized and massive turnout.

To me, it is a shame that so many American citizens seem to have lost the passion of their beliefs. Our country is literally going to hell in a handbasket and nobody takes to the streets, nobody organizes a rally/march/sit-in/walkout, etc.

Frankly, I would love to know who organized and got the illegal immigrant population out into the streets of America practicing our democracy. Because, to me, we Americans have a few things to learn from them.

They are willing to make their collective voices a force to be reckoned with. They will be heard by our Congress and President. And most likely Congress and President Bush will be forced to reconcile the immigration issue. When that happens, the immigrant population will have had a much larger effect on our country and our president than any of the rest of us full-blooded American citizens who only seem to be able to cobble together piecemeal activist platforms.

My thoughts? I think we should all come together and have our voices heard. If you are unhappy about healthcare, come join us. If you are unhappy about social security, come join us. If you are unhappy about education issues, come join us. If you are unhappy about foreign policy and national security, come join us. If you are unhappy about environmental issues and alternative energy issues, come join us. If you are unhappy about corruption, secrecy, and lack of accountability in government, come join us. If you are unhappy about campaign finance reform, come join us...

The time has come for all American citizens who are unhappy with this current Congress and Administration to join together in our one common belief--that our country needs to change and that we must spark that change. A. M. E. N. *

But hey, since we are in the habit of "outsourcing" our nation (think port security, debt, etc.), maybe we should just outsource our protests, too? Because, demonstrably, they seem to be doing a much better job than us.

* Americans Must Engage Now-->to be continued...



I don't disagree in theory,

I don't disagree in theory, but I marched in DC last September with about 300,000 other people and it barely registered in the media. Not only is the killing continuing in Iraq, but we are still building permanent bases there, the Patriot Act was reauthorized, and things are worse if anything, regardless of whether Bush is a lame duck. He's just a dumb, smiling face on an evil bureaucracy anyway, not the mastermind.

By the same token, Bush still has the support of at least a third of the American public, and that doesn't count the third that just doesn't give a rat's ass about anything except church, shopping, and TV.

I guess my question would be who demonstrations would hope to "wake up."

She is 100% correct people.

She is 100% correct people. We are a sorry bunch of so called, "citizens". One person can't do it. Two people can't do it. Not even three. We need those who care about this country to take to the streets like the citizens you proclaim to be.

Granted, it would be much easier to get everyone to take to the streets if Kristen would just SAY IT, but... she is right nevertheless.

The problem is... the American people don't know what to think. The pundits on Television are telling them to support the President's actions, and the people who read know better...

We NEED someone like Kristen to speak up about the complicity...

She only needs to do it

She only needs to do it once... let us take care of the rest.

India Should Ask For

India Should Ask For International Monitoring Of ISI: Rajnath

"there was also prior information of the 9/11 attacks in the US"

More evidence of ISI

More evidence of ISI involvment.

Jon, leave her a message on

Jon, leave her a message on her blogger, I just did.

Since most of the earth's

Since most of the earth's surface is probably under satellite surveillance at any given time, isn't it likely that there is a satellite photo of NYC or DC on 9/11/01 that would provide evidence of what was in the air that morning?

I'm thinking back to that Soviet reconaissance photo of Area 51 that proved the government was lying when it said that it didn't even exist. It might have just been a place to develop the Stealth bomber and other black projects, but it's an example of how the government line can be discredited with physical evidence.

i am going to start posting

i am going to start posting about boycotting AMERICAN AIRLINES and United Airlines

Boycott American Airlines

Boycott United Airlines

they dont careabout thier customers, but all got paid after september 11th

all greedy pigs will hang

Cnn moved showbiz tonight to

Cnn moved showbiz tonight to 11pm eastern only

charlie sheen fallout?????????

Having marched against going

Having marched against going into Iraq on a rainy Los Angeles day with huge numbers that where effectively ignored by both the LA times (whose building we marched past), local and natnional media(scant coverage, only one days worth at most). All of this attention given to the immigration protests smells to me like divide and rule. The oldest play in the book.

Nov. 2006 is an

Nov. 2006 is an election...RUN FOR CONGRESS...take a video camera and DVD's with you to a campaign event, talk to people face to face. Donate DVD's to your local library...hold screenings...talk to church leaders...All of us here are on the same page...we don't need to hear it; "they" need to hear it...get out from behind your computer...if they had computers in the 60's do you think they would of marched on Washington.

National coverage. man how

National coverage. man how did I miss that?

I posted a message... let's

I posted a message... let's see if it takes.

I don't see marching in the

I don't see marching in the streets for this issue. There was no marching in the streets to call for a reexamination of the Kennedy assassination but it happened. The 1978 House Committee on Assassinations contradicted the Warren Commission and probably if you did a poll even today, it would show a majority of Americans have doubts about whether Oswald was a "lone gunman" and EVERYONE knows that the belief that there was a wider conspiracy is widespread.

What needs to happen is for there to be polls of the American people showing a widespread skepticism that we know the truth about 9/11. That people are not accepting that NY Times editorial I saw quoted the other day that "We can know what happened without knowing what happened." The New York Magazine article had something about a poll of New Yorkers already tipping 49% to distrusting the official version.

The official version can't stand the light of day and distrust of this administration is building day by day.

Jesus Hi did the NYT really

Jesus Hi did the NYT really say that? My God that is absurd.

We don't have the catholic

We don't have the catholic mafia behind us.

Having marched against going

Having marched against going into Iraq on a rainy Los Angeles day with huge numbers that where effectively ignored by both the LA times (whose building we marched past), local and natnional media(scant coverage, only one days worth at most). All of this attention given to the immigration protests smells to me like divide and rule. The oldest play in the book.
RC | 04.11.06 - 9:57 am | #

BINGO was his name O :)

It's easy to say "run for

It's easy to say "run for office," but the simple fact is that if you're not willing to invoke God in every public utterance, or if you've had a life that involved any "youthful indiscretions," your candidacy won't make it out of the gate. That leaves politics to the geeks and religious nerds.

It's official. I'm running

It's official. I'm running for President.

the timing and coincidence

the timing and coincidence of these organized protests is very strange. Just when george bush and company are facing the most heat and lowest poll numbers in the history of them taking office, the "most organized protest since the civil rights movement" (so the media claims) occours. This immigration bill is a distractionary threat meant to take everybodies minds off of whats really going on.
If the democrats were truely in disagreement with Bush's policies they would be calling for impeachment right now, what the hell are they waiting for?

Jon, you've got my vote.

Jon, you've got my vote.

Someone told me Fox News is

Someone told me Fox News is talking about government playing video of plane hitting Pentagon at Massoui trial. I'm away from a TV.

Can someone watch?

Knowing how the MSM has kept

Knowing how the MSM has kept Bush's Nazi grandfather a secret for over 60 years


It makes me wonder why the immigrant marches are not marginalized or ignored by the MSM?

Immigrants and their offspring would make good cannon fodder for Cheney's endless wars.

Remember to keep in mind that 9/11 was a US military shock and awe psyop program and not a terrorist event.

WESCAM is a military camera system.


Amanda -- are you Nico?

Amanda -- are you Nico?

GeorgeWashington, are you

GeorgeWashington, are you Nico?

No, I'm not :)

No, I'm not :)

Amanda, are you a blue

Amanda, are you a blue sreen/no such person as Mark Bingham disinfo agent?



Another photo displayed to the jury in Alexandria, Virginia, taken by a parking-lot camera showed the explosion of the jetliner striking the Pentagon building. Sixty-four people on the plane and 125 military personnel and civilians in the Pentagon were killed. FBI Special Agent Jacqueline Maguire, who investigated the crash of American Airlines flight 77, described the photos for the jury.

they showed a photo (not video) and it didnt show the plane, just the explosion.. hrm.

I'm sure there were all

I'm sure there were all types of surveillance at the pentagon besides a parking lot video camera. (Including one or more hi-resolution geo-synchronous satellites permanently trained on it.)

GW - I watched Faux for

GW - I watched Faux for almost 9 minutes before nausea overwhelmed me and I flipped to a Daily Show rerun - didn't see anything about it. I like your essays.
I also am not Nico.

watching fox is hazardous,

watching fox is hazardous, especially damaging to your empathy glands.

I thought all of the

I thought all of the Pentagon bodies vaporized? Well, maybe these are people who died on the ground...

i wish someone would do a

i wish someone would do a harvard lampoon on the official 911 theory.

caption to a picture: "don't pay attention to ISI agent with 100K in a manila envelope.

"see the jet . . . yes you do . . .its right there . . . what? you a terrorist?

I'm not Nico either.

I'm not Nico either.

Isn't there a little Nico

Isn't there a little Nico deep down inside all of us? :)

I'm not Nico and so is my

I'm not Nico and so is my wife :)

The Beloved Cynthia

The Beloved Cynthia Mckinney
A White Ex Cop Speaks Out About a Georgia Congresswoman
by Michael C. Ruppert
April 11, 2006

Welp, I'm outta the race.

Welp, I'm outta the race. As soon as I announced I was running for President, 20 ads came on T.V. here from the Swift Boat Fascists Against America.

Speaking of running for

Speaking of running for president, whatever happened to Karl Schwarz?

He dropped out.

He dropped out.

7 degrees of Nico?

7 degrees of Nico?

"Frankly, I would love to

"Frankly, I would love to know who organized and got the illegal immigrant population out into the streets of America practicing our democracy."

The Illuminatti along with their friends in the Masons organised the event - they used Black helicopters to transport the immigrants to NWO headquarters and from there to Washington - all overseen by Bigfoot himself...

"The Illuminatti along with

"The Illuminatti along with their friends in the Masons organised the event - they used Black helicopters to transport the immigrants to NWO headquarters and from there to Washington - all overseen by Bigfoot himself..."

Hi Terrence, how are you doing? Fuck off.

Why is it that you

Why is it that you conspiracy boobs have no sense of humor?

Terrence, this board is best

Terrence, this board is best for people with an IQ above 80. If you can't see that stirring the immigration issue is a Roveian diversion to mask the Iraq disaster & the growing 9/11 truth movement, you are a fool.

P.S. Are you Nico?

"Why is it that you

"Why is it that you conspiracy boobs have no sense of humor?"

Why is it that you fascist lovers have no brain?

I agree. The immigration

I agree. The immigration protests are given good air time because it is in Bush/the cartel's interest to increase the number of accepters of low wages and to avoid increasing US minimum wage, just as global warming with its exposure of oil drilling opportunities is in their interest.

"Why is it that you fascist

"Why is it that you fascist lovers have no brain?"

Poor John must have taken the short bus to school. I never voted for Bush - either of them - and I oppose the war in Iraq. That doesn't mean that I've lost my senses and now believe in flying saucers, the Lochness monster or your inane 9/11 conspiracy.

Face it, America thinks you stooges are the clown-shoes of the nation...

"Why is it that you fascist

"Why is it that you fascist lovers have no brain?"

Poor John must have taken the short bus to school. I never voted for Bush - either of them - and I oppose the war in Iraq. That doesn't mean that I've lost my senses and now believe in flying saucers, the Lochness monster or your inane 9/11 conspiracy.

Face it, America thinks you stooges are the clown-shoes of the nation..."

I hate feeding the trolls, but I'm in a mood.

I don't believe in Flying Saucers, or the Lochness monster. That's an assumption on your part.

What happens when you assume something? You make an ass out of you.

Instead of calling us names, associating us with fantasies, etc... why don't you tell us why we should believe the official story.

And there's no "h" in my

And there's no "h" in my name.

Terrence... I created a

Terrence... I created a thread on my board for us to discuss this... do you have what it takes?

Oh Terrence...

If you don't show up, then you prove yourself to be nothing more than a moron with a website.

Young fellow, if you think

Young fellow, if you think I'm going to go through the hassle of registering on another forum just to pound your sad ass into the ground - think again.

If you want me to humiliate you further, you can do it on my blog...

Just as I thought.

Just as I thought.

Ok. Answer this

Ok. Answer this question.

Why don't you tell us why we should believe the official story?

That doesn't mean that I've

That doesn't mean that I've lost my senses and now believe in flying saucers, the Lochness monster or your inane 9/11 conspiracy.

Nice try Terrance, tieing 911 to believing in flying saucers and the Lochness monster,... but it won't work. If your pathetic 'the government told us the whole truth" website is your best effort to discredit our legitimate questions about 911than..........WE WIN!!!!!!!

Your all american frat boy marketing is a little too obvious.

...."aren't the 911 truthers funny' heh...heh....heh...heh...the truth is scary and disturbing, so lets poke fun and act like we don't see anything unusual.....heh...heh...heh..

But .if things keep going like this you won't be the only frat boy working for the government......heh....heh... .

how about a draft and a deficit that your grand children will be working to pay off ......heh.....heh............................
forgot the joke?

You can't answer one simple

You can't answer one simple fucking question Terrence? You're owned.

Jon Gold | Homepage |

Jon Gold | Homepage | 04.11.06 - 9:11 pm | #



Jon, you might as well give

Jon, you might as well give up! I just went to his web site and the information he is using to "discredit" the 9/11 myths have been and can be debunked without any serious efforts.

For example.

"Facts: On September 9, 2005, Mr. Dara McQuillan, a spokesman for Silverstein Properties, issued the following statement on this issue:
Seven World Trade Center collapsed at 5:20 p.m. on September 11, 2001, after burning for seven hours. There were no casualties, thanks to the heroism of the Fire Department and the work of Silverstein Properties employees who evacuated tenants from the building.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducted a thorough investigation of the collapse of all the World Trade Center buildings. The FEMA report concluded that the collapse of Seven World Trade Center was a direct result of fires triggered by debris from the collapse of WTC Tower 1."


Jon, you might as well give

Jon, you might as well give up! I just went to his web site and the information he is using to "discredit" the 9/11 myths have been and can be debunked without any serious efforts.

For example.

"Facts: On September 9, 2005, Mr. Dara McQuillan, a spokesman for Silverstein Properties, issued the following statement on this issue:
Seven World Trade Center collapsed at 5:20 p.m. on September 11, 2001, after burning for seven hours. There were no casualties, thanks to the heroism of the Fire Department and the work of Silverstein Properties employees who evacuated tenants from the building.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducted a thorough investigation of the collapse of all the World Trade Center buildings. The FEMA report concluded that the collapse of Seven World Trade Center was a direct result of fires triggered by debris from the collapse of WTC Tower 1."

FEMA NEVER investigated why WTC7 fell. Nor does NIST. What this bozo claims as facts are merely opinion and have no merit behind them.

I could go on, but with something this simple it does not make sense to go further.



Huge turnout had lot to do

Huge turnout had lot to do with spanish speaking MSM. Radio DJs heavily promoted the marches, and internet resources like myspace have played big part with coordination. Energy of highschool students has contributed to the huge turnout.

The main thing this shows us

The main thing this shows us is the incredible poweer of radio to mobilize the masses. If the issue is an important one, and there's a lot on the line, radio can get people off their butts and into the streets. This is why it's so critical for activists to have friendly media. We have to build it ourselves, because the corporations and the right-wing nuts won't do it for us.

Let's be the media!