9/11 Mentioned on the Sopranos

Thanks again to our good friends North of the Border at stoplying.ca. The conversation is pretty typical, someone points out the obvious and everyone else just shrugs their shoulders and moves on...


Meadow Soprano:

9/11, 9/11, Bush is using it as an excuse to erode our constitutional protections and you're falling for it!

Tony Soprano:

You oughta chill out about some of this.

was hoping "the obvious"

was hoping "the obvious" would be building 7...

Nah, more or less Meadow

Nah, more or less Meadow saying that 9/11 gave Bush the opportunity to take away all of our civil liberties. It's funny after that when Carmella defends herself for voting for Bush. There has been a terrorist sub plot in the series since 2001.

you're falling for it.

you're falling for it.

Meadow is going to get

Meadow is going to get capped for that.

"" Meadow Soprano: 9/11,

Meadow Soprano:

9/11, 9/11, Bush is using it as an excuse to erode our constitutional protections and your falling for it!

It's *you're*, not "your." As in "and you are falling for it."

What are use guys talkin'

What are use guys talkin' bout?

Tom Cruise to eat Katie's