USAToday Talks About Loose Change

Conspiracy film rewrites Sept. 11 -

Called Loose Change, it is being downloaded from the Internet and shown in small screenings here and overseas. It is not alone in the genre, and it is not unusual in American history either to offer simplistic explanations or demonize opponents. Presidents from Andrew Jackson to Lyndon Johnson were accused by their contemporaries of massive government conspiracies.
Professors and researchers of film and politics say the Internet is making it far easier to spread such theories because the traditional media are losing their hold on the news. The immense coverage of controversies and accusations surrounding the war on terror has created fertile ground for people who assign their own interpretations to photos, footage, eyewitnesses, investigations and newspaper accounts of what happened, they say.
Made by Rowe and friend Dylan Avery, 22, from Oneonta, N.Y., on a laptop computer for less than $10,000, the film contrasts sharply with United 93, a film opening Friday that portrays the struggle for the jetliner that crashed in Shanksville, Pa.

Internet chat rooms are full of promos for screenings of Loose Change in such locales as the Santa Cruz Veterans Memorial Building in California; the Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec; Graz, Austria; and a theater in London's Soho district.

"It's been breaking like nobody's business the last two months," says Taub, 36, who is sponsoring a showing Tuesday night in Oakland. "It's all over the place."
"They aren't truth-tellers looking to save the world," she says. "They're con artists hoping to sucker conspiracy-theory paranoids or anti-government malcontents into shelling out their hard-earned dollars."

Some college students who saw Loose Change and are promoting it say it's good to raise questions.

The film offers "at the very least suggests that we don't know the whole truth, and that some things are quite fishy," says Matt Latham, a freshman at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Kind of sucks that in their books listing on the left panel they leave out Dr. David Ray Griffin's work. Send in some feedback, and post some comments.

Thanks pockybot for the heads up!

This is utter lies: "They

This is utter lies:

"They aren't truth-tellers looking to save the world," she says. "They're con artists hoping to sucker conspiracy-theory paranoids or anti-government malcontents into shelling out their hard-earned dollars."

I never had to pay for Loose Change, and I never had to pay for any other information about 9/11. The truth comes for free.

""They aren't truth-tellers

""They aren't truth-tellers looking to save the world," she says. "They're con artists hoping to sucker conspiracy-theory paranoids or anti-government malcontents into shelling out their hard-earned dollars."

Sounds accurate to me...

Sorry terrence. As Matthew

Sorry terrence. As Matthew just stated yours is a glaring lie. Thanks for highlighting the lie.

Terrence said: " Sounds

Terrence said:
Sounds accurate to me..."

Hey Terrence, regarding your

Hey Terrence, regarding
your view that were all con artists, liars and tinfoil hat idiots:

Would you mind telling that to the face of General Wesley Clark, Reagan chief economist Paul Craig Roberts, Bush econcomist Morgan Reynolds, director David Lynch, actress Janeane Garafalo, former Clinton prosecutor David Schippers, FBI agent Robert Wright, House Reps Cynthia Mckinney-Dennis Kucinich-Curt Weldon, 27 CIA veteran Ray Mcgovern, former Bob Dole adviser Stanley Hilton?

Maybe youd want to tell that to
FBI translator Sibel Edmonds,
Advanced Space programs/Reagan DOD
head Robert Bowman, FBI agent Samet,
the architect of the World Trade Towers, the head of the company that
oversaw the steel in the WTC,AND
HUNDREDS of 9/11 families and survivors. I can provide ya email for a lot of these people if you want to call them conartists and tinfoil looneys.

It has always been my

It has always been my understanding that the USAToday is the one of the more tarted up mouthpieces of the CIA... this article fails to address any of the questions, and frankly doens't mean a whole lot of anything.

The people who run these

The people who run these 9/11 conspiradroid sites all seem to have something to sell. Meanwhile, those of us who are outraged at the perversion of the truth are selling nothing on our blogs.

Sounds like a conspiracy to me...

for the record, i haven't

for the record, i haven't made a single penny off of anything related to 9/11, and i never will. in fact ive spent a few thousand..

wish i didnt have to work, i'd like to write a reasonable response to the article..

"The people who run these

"The people who run these 9/11 conspiradroid sites all seem to have something to sell."

How many worthless neocon and Bush worshipping blogs are there selling something ?

"those of us who are outraged at the perversion of the truth.."

Terrence, as far as I can tell you haven't yet had a truth, it's something the world is still waiting for. The 9/11 Commission was a disgrace and sham and an insult to the familes.

Intead of writing here Terrence, why don't you campaign for a new truly independent (perhaps international) investigation into 9/11 ?

Hey Terrence, what about

Hey Terrence, what about him?

Is he a nut? Do you think he knows what he's talking about?

There is also the claim

There is also the claim that because jet fuel burns at up to 1,500 degrees and steel melts at 2,750 degrees, the World Trade Center's infrastructure could not have been brought down by the airliners. However, as reported by the Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, steel loses 50% of its strength at 1,200 degrees, enough for a failure

Here the article implies that flame temperatures and steel temperatures are synonymous, ignoring the thermal conductivity and thermal mass of steel, which wicks away heat. the highest recorded steel was 650

This is a big break of the

This is a big break of the truth movement. This article no matter what it said, will bring our cause more into the mainstream. I believe it will generate more intrest into the facts of 9/11. And eventually cause the majority of America to question the offical version given by the goverment. So I would say DONT PANIC to those who are worried about being called "con-artist". In time the facts will speak for themselves. All we want is for America to wake up and smell the coffee. And I believe it is happening because of articles such as these.

This article is great news.

This article is great news. Loose Change is mainstream.

As to the substance, what kind of complicated explanation for 9/11 is 19 Arab hijackers run by a man in a cave in Afghanistan? The writer has a lot of contempt for the American people.

You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Looks like we're in the last phase.

Yizzo, yeah, people forget


yeah, people forget that metal is a good dissipater of heat.. i cool my P4 3.0ghz (running at 3.6ghz) using just heat pipes, and it works incredibly well..

this is pretty close to what i have:

ahern29, I agree with your

I agree with your post 100%. United 93 is bringing 9/11 back up to the public conscience. Unless they have another anthrax scare to divert everyone's attention, people are ready to do look at things more critically. The heroes story from Flt 93 is of a piece with the Jessica Lynch story: way overdone.

Its like the Blackhawk Down movie that the military must have thought would be a recruiting tool for them. But it was the opposite.

My favorite lines from the

My favorite lines from the article:

"The information revolution now gives us access to too much information,"

Too much information. Wow. Coming from a Communications professor.

"Internet chat rooms are full of promos for screenings of Loose Change"

Is that what journalists think blogs and forums are--chat rooms?

"Conspiracy theories are a kind of secular religion,"

That makes absolutely no sense. The definition of a moron--I mean oxymoron.

"We're always ready to believe something about which we know nothing,"

We know nothing? This has been all over the news and has been investigated by most of the world for 5 years. We know a lot. What we don't know is only the information that has been withheld by our own government.

While I slightly believe that as far as 9/11 truth, "no publicity is bad publicity" at this point, the article was anything but neutral. In several places, statements supposedly disproving the movie are put forth without citing any sources. And 90% of the article portrays Loose Change negatively, or downplays its significance condescendingly.

(please don't feed the Terrence)

does anyone know if this

does anyone know if this article appears in the print version of USA Today? or is it an online exclusive? thanks.

(please don't feed the

(please don't feed the Terrence)


"The only thing they (the

"The only thing they (the filmmakers) seem to have gotten right about the Sept. 11 attacks is the date when they occurred," says Debra Burlingame, whose brother was the pilot of American Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon.

hmmmmm, the sister of the "pilot" of Flight 77 bashing 9/11 truth? see a connection?

Without Precedent: The

Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission (due in August, Knopf, $25.95) by Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton. The authors, the 9/11 panel's chairman and vice chairman, respectively, give a history of the commission.

looks like the head liars got another book deal.this should be an intresting read, i wonder if they will delve into WTC7 this time.

"hmmmmm, the sister of the

"hmmmmm, the sister of the "pilot" of Flight 77 bashing 9/11 truth? see a connection?"

For goodness sakes, do you clowns see a conspiracy behind EVERY door?

nope, it was actually just

nope, it was actually just an observation, but it went right over your head as expected.

how did Dylan make WTC7 fall

how did Dylan make WTC7 fall straight down like that for his film.

i guess when you're a millionaire filmmaker you can pull these kind of things off.

i have to wonder what kind

i have to wonder what kind of personal life a guy like Terrence or S.King has based on the fact that they spend so much time trying to "refute" the 9/11 truth you guys have jobs? girlfriends? friends? a life of any kind? what EXACTLY is your motivation for "refuting" us? what do you get out of it? we try to refute the governments "official" story because its the right thing to do, thats our motivation. what is YOUR motivation? what EXACTLY do you get out of shilling on this website every day? (seriously, get a job)

do you think your going to

do you think your going to "convert" us into thinking the government told us the whole truth about that day? and if so, what do you get out of that? im just trying to understand your motivation for being here.

"Without Precedent: The

"Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission (due in August, Knopf, $25.95) by Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton. The authors, the 9/11 panel's chairman and vice chairman, respectively, give a history of the commission."

It seems like these 9/11 hucksters always have something to sell.

In this case; a "public myth".

yeah, and the shills of the

yeah, and the shills of the world are saying 9/11 truthers are trying to exploit people and make money.HA.

You think Dick Cheney & Co.

You think Dick Cheney & Co. didn't make $$$ on Iraq?

are you trying to tell me

are you trying to tell me that Dick has more cash than the zillionaire filmaker huckster Dylan?

you crazy pearanoids will do anything to push your T-Shirts.

Terrence, S. King: Why did

Terrence, S. King:

Why did Bush remain surrounded by children, in his previously publicized schoolhouse location, long after it was clear that 2 planes had struck the WTC & America was under attack???

Why did WTC-7 implode in a controlled demolition, despite the facts that it was 350 feet from the nearest tower, had very little damage, & a few scattered fires??? Why did Silverstein, the leaseholder, when confronted with this inexplicable “collapse”, claim that he & the Fire Dept. pulled it???

Because 9/11 was an inside job, that's why!

Missed a line: "Gypsy Taub,

Missed a line:

"Gypsy Taub, a mother of three from Oakland, does not believe that 9/11 happened. At least not the way the government said it did."

The lead-in on the story lies right in the first sentence. She doesn't believe that 9/11 didn't happen. It's obviously designed to draw the reader in, but it's irresponsible journalism, because it's untrue.

It also could associate 9/11 researchers with holocaust deniers. In fact, that's probably what made the author think to write it that way, whether it was their intent to smear or not.

if someone could please tell

if someone could please tell me who our government is. and don't say "us" because i just ate breakfast.

The article is a sham. It

The article is a sham.

It may point people towards Loose Change, which is a good thing.

Unfortunately, it ends here...

People believe in conspiracy theories because the truth "is either too simple or too remote," says sociologist Clifton Bryant of Virginia Tech University, who has made a study of "deviant logic" and behavior.

"We're always ready to believe something about which we know nothing," he says.

Similarly, as others pointed out, the list of "FILMS, BOOKS GIVE THEIR TAKES ON 9/11" is extremely thin, especially since Against All Enemies is the most "radical" of the bunch.

Where's Dr. Griffin's works, or Ruppert's "Rubicon"?

It's okay for USA Today to bring up conspiracy material as long as they paint all 9/11 skeptics with the same brush, and use a sociologist who specializes in "deviant logic" to back it up.

Oh well...

Something is better than nothing.

I just heard that Professor

I just heard that Professor Jones challenged Frank Greening from to a debate, and he refused. is dead.

From MSNBC: "United 93"


"United 93" movie includes invented details

...But the movie, which opens nationwide today, is a dramatic re-creation that includes scenes and images that go far beyond what is known about the attacks. Those scenes raise questions: How far can a dramatic movie go in imposing its own reality before it distorts the public's understanding of the event?...

Look at the end of the

Look at the end of the story, remember this is just a story portrayed as truth.

Contributing: Oren Dorell, Kasie Hunt in McLean, Va.

Dorell and Hunt are CIA media plants.

Where is the Central Intelligence Agency's headquarters? Is it in Langley or McLean, Virginia?

Technically, you could say CIA headquarters is in both. "Langley" is the name of the McLean neighborhood in which the CIA resides.

The town of McLean was founded in 1910, but before then, the area where CIA Headquarters is located was known as Langley.

In 1719, Thomas Lee purchased a tract of land from the sixth Lord Fairfax (for whom Fairfax County, the county in which McLean is located, was named), and he named it "Langley" after his ancestral home in England. Though Lee never lived on the land, the Langley area soon became home to many European settlers. A few were wealthy people whom England had granted land, and they established large plantations in the area.

During the War of 1812, President James Madison and his wife Dolley fled the British siege of Washington to the safety of family and friends in Langley. Langley was a Union stronghold in Virginia, a southern state, during the Civil War and had two forts, Camp Griffin and Camp Pierpont, which housed soldiers who helped protect Washington.

With the building of the Great Falls & Old Dominion Railroad, 1903 was a defining year for Langley. John McLean, president of Washington Gas Light Company and, later, editor of the Washington Post, and Senator Stephen B. Elkins of West Virginia collaborated on construction of a railroad which would bring vacationing Washingtonians to nearby Great Falls and provide people who worked in Washington the choice of living outside of the city. In 1906, the railroad began operating, and the population of Langley and nearby Lewinsville quickly grew. In 1910, the post offices of these towns closed and, named for the man who helped the area grow, a new post office named "McLean" was opened. In 1959, the Federal government broke ground for the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters. Construction was completed in 1961, adding another chapter to McLean's long history.

Despite the name change in 1910, the name "Langley" still lingers to describe the McLean neighborhood where the CIA is located.,%2070...

Here is a good example of a CIA media plant

" is

" is dead."

Hardly. Solid facts backed up by evidence from people who actually saw it. Categorical. Name something on his site that is inaccurate.

Kasie Hunt is on the Elliott

Arianna Huffington is

Arianna Huffington is getting slammed by truthers on her own blog re: her rave review of Flight 93!

Arianna is friggin blind.

Arianna is friggin blind.

" is

" is dead."

Hardly. Solid facts backed up by evidence from people who actually saw it. Categorical. Name something on his site that is inaccurate.
Terrence | Homepage | 04.28.06 - 10:44 am | #
then why is the guy who runs the site so deathly afraid of debate? he cant be that "solid" if hes such a coward.

It takes too much courage.

It takes too much courage. Denial is fervent and poisonous. Like ufos, for some this is too much too handle. Brains break under less.
Press on nonetheless. I have been pushing shirts questioning 9/11 for a year and a half. If you want to wear it. I can help.

USAT:Professors and

USAT:Professors and researchers of film and politics say the Internet is making it far easier to spread such theories because the traditional media are losing their hold on the news.

RP-"Thats because we have years and years of proof that they lie and distort. Sounds like good news for democracy and critical thinking,but bad news for media monopolies and their manipulators in power. "

USAT:The immense coverage of controversies and accusations surrounding the war on terror has created fertile ground for people who assign their own interpretations to photos, footage, eyewitnesses, investigations and newspaper accounts of what happened, they say.

RP: ' Oh my God! People are thinking for themselves and calling us on our lies and distortions. The citizens are actually becoming involved! Newspaper profits are down! We better stop this tide before we have a real democracy with intelligent citizens, accountable leaders and a free press."

USAT:"The information revolution now gives us access to too much information," says Jonathan Taplin, who teaches at the Annenberg School for Communications at the University of Southern California. "Our problems are that we're just overwhelmed, so in some sense we just basically don't even know where to turn."

RP:" Please tell us where to turn. Protect us from any distrurbing revelations from open and honest inquirery into the news. How about stories of simple good and evil, and we're on the good side. That we make us all feel better."

USAT: "You would say, come on, I can't even buy that as a movie script," Smith says. "All of this feeds this readiness for paranoia."

RP: "Or it could feed a readiness to openly question the official version and all of the wars and fascist policies upon which it is based.'

USAT:Conservative writer David Horowitz, a former 1960s radical, says conspiratorial thinking can offer a world view that is somehow less scary than reality.

RP: Oh yes.....believing our own Government would kill its own citizens for geo-political gain, is much less scary than believing in that man in the cave in Afganistan with his soldiers armed with box cutters'.

USAT: "Conspiracy theories are a kind of secular religion," he says, adding that campus faculties sometimes encourage anti-government feelings. "People feel great anxiety ... by the thought that nobody's in control."

RP: Mr. Horowitze, what about the vast liberal conspiracy to take over our universities which you have been promoting and personally fighting against for years now? I guess you can stop now David and go see a therapist for those 'anxiety' issues which motivated you".

USAT:People believe in conspiracy theories because the truth "is either too simple or too remote," says sociologist Clifton Bryant of Virginia Tech University, who has made a study of "deviant logic" and behavior.

RP: "deviant logic' = ' logic not officially approved by those in positions of power. i.e. thought crimes. He's not saying its not logical just dangerous to our accepted beliefs and the powers that rely on them. To suggest that skeptism of the official 911 story is some how connected to "deviant logic and behavior almost makes us sound like deranged perverts.....Wait...all those truth bloggers on 911 spend alot of time on the internet and we know what people do on the internet....look at child porn sites!......OH, it looks like the government is already exploiting this angle to stop all this 'deviant logic' from spreading.

"We're always ready to believe something about which we know nothing," he says.

RP: We've been saying this to people who believe the official version of 911 for years!!!!!!!!!!

It's interesting that this

It's interesting that this movie about flight 93 has focused the media on the alternate theory. (Which means that you guys are doing a great job for simply showing that there is an alternate theory that has gained viewership and even more incredibly, they are stating unintentionally I'm sure, that this low budget movie is somehow running neck in neck and worth comparing to this Hollywood movie). Keep it up.

PT Barnum said (and I'm paraphrasing) all publicity is good publicity as long as they spell my name right.

" is

" is dead."

Hardly. Solid facts backed up by evidence from people who actually saw it. Categorical. Name something on his site that is inaccurate.

Ok. He inaccurately described the conflicts of interest within the 9/11 Commission...

Oh wait, he didn't talk about the conflicts of interest within the 9/11 Commission.

How convenient for him.

He inaccurately portrayed Sibel Edmonds' story.

Oh wait, he didn't talk about Sibel Edmonds' story.

How convenient for him.

He inaccurately explained Norman Mineta's testimony.

Oh wait, he didn't explain Norman Mineta's testimony.

How convenient for him.

I like how in the "Foreknowledge" section they list, and debunk each of the MANY warnings received by foreign intelligence.

Oh wait, you say he didn't do that.

How convenient for them.

I could go on and on Terrence.

The fact that no one within that organization is willing to debate the people they're trying to discredit shows that they themselves have NO CONFIDENCE in the information they post.

9/11 myths is pathetic. Of

9/11 myths is pathetic. Of course, it has to be. Whatever group is responsible for writing it can't change the laws of physics.

this is major how many

this is major

how many people in airports buy the usa today

i hope the truth spreads like bird flu

Kasie Hunt is listed in the

Kasie Hunt is listed in the March 10, 2006 issue of the Daily Alert prepared for the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

Maybe the Presidents Conference needs a little 9/11 truth:

i got my usa today big

i got my usa today

big feature on page 3a, just open the front page and boom there she was

my sanity is now being restored

It's better than

It's better than nothing.

The 93 flick may even start forcing the mainstream media to address the 9/11 issue seriously and if that becomes a trend they may even be forced to consider how a B-757 was supposed to have zoomed into the wall of the Pentagon at 530 miles per hour virtually hugging the ground. Maybe the Baltimore Sun could check the photo at its web site and explain the extremely light damage at the scene and total lack of any plane debris and pristine lawn after that 757 crashed into the wall at virtually ground level at 530 miles per hour.

At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour.61 All on board, as well as many civilian and military personnel in the building, were killed.

Funny how the name Kasie

Funny how the name Kasie Hunt is associated with the CIA.

Scroogle "Kasie Hunt CIA"

it is not unusual in

it is not unusual in American history either to offer simplistic explanations or demonize opponents.


Wow, they get it finally. That's exact the way they did with Osama!

Offer no evidence, just show the picture of the mad-man over and over again, and the attacks seem so reasonable!

Arianna Huffington is

Arianna Huffington is blocking my 9/11 truth post to her blog! (Probably doing this to many other truthers too!)

Since no one can offer up

Since no one can offer up any evidence that the facts of 911myths are in doubt - I assume you agree with what he says.

If you cannot, name something on his site that is inaccurate.

Funny how the name Oren

Funny how the name Oren Dorell is associated with the CIA.

Scroogle "Oren Dorell CIA"

Terrence, S. King: Why did

Terrence, S. King:

Why did Bush remain surrounded by children, in his previously publicized schoolhouse location, long after it was clear that 2 planes had struck the WTC & America was under attack???

Why did WTC-7 implode in a controlled demolition, despite the facts that it was 350 feet from the nearest tower, had very little damage, & a few scattered fires??? Why did Silverstein, the leaseholder, when confronted with this inexplicable “collapse”, claim that he & the Fire Dept. pulled it???

Because 9/11 was an inside job, that's why!

Ok Terrence... ItÂ’s

Ok Terrence...

ItÂ’s claimed that many of those named as hijackers are still alive

"Once the FBI released their official list of hijackers, complete with photographs (on the 27th September), these stories disappeared."

The list of hijackers was released on 9/14/2001, not 9/27/2001, and those stories did not disappear, they were just never mentioned again by the media.

Obviously, if I'm able to still post story, it has not "disappered".

Also, I see NO retraction in the story.

That's just ONE inaccuracy,

That's just ONE inaccuracy, misleading statement Terrence... there are a MULTITUDE of others that I would have been MORE THAN HAPPY to point out in a debate. Unfortunately, he was too afraid to do so.

Here's the

Great info Jon! Yeah, they

Great info Jon!

Yeah, they had all these specific details on the "hijackers" 3 days after 9/11, yet they had no clue that they would crash planes into buildings!

Has it been confirmed that

Has it been confirmed that this article is actual in the newspaper and not just on the web site?
I hope it is, because it is an open door to rebut their "obvious evidence". They don't even try to answer our many questions. The steel example is classic. Just quick and misleading facts to make the general public, which might be questioning 911, feel comfortable and reassured.
Once again, looking at what and how the MSM attack and attempt to discredit :and what issues they avoid is the best indication of where we should focus our energies to expose 911.

So Terrence, how did that

So Terrence, how did that 757 manage to approach the Pentagon virtually hugging the ground at 530 miles/hr. (around 800 feet per second) before hitting the wall of the Pentagon at virtually ground level at 530 miles/hr.? Since the govt. is unable to explain exactly how that was supposed to have happened maybe you can help them out. 634945.jpg 634698.jpg 200109114a.jpg

At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour.61 All on board, as well as many civilian and military personnel in the building, were killed. re...1Report_Ch1.htm

I mean, it's not like the

I mean, it's not like the media doesn't follow up on BIG NEWS...

Kasie Hunt is listed on this

Kasie Hunt is listed on this page too.

If the media went after 9/11

If the media went after 9/11 with the veracity that they covered the "Swift Boat Veterans", this would have been over a LOOOOOONG time ago.

The name Kasie Hunt appears

The name Kasie Hunt appears again

President Bush begins a two-day focus on national security with his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Sharon at the Crawford ranch.

On the hijackers: The 9/11

On the hijackers: The 9/11 Commission just used the original list unchanged complete with those still alive. That is an absolutely disgrace.

Not only was Bush not

Not only was Bush not evacuated, but what about the failure to evacuate the entire Booker school? Hijackers are targeting buildings, it is known the president is to be there, and they don't even evacuate the school and the kids? Even after Bush left, they still should have evacuated it, since how would some hijacker piloting a plane know he had left?
More gross negligence.

More CIA propaganda by Oren

Terrence: "The only thing

Terrence: "The only thing they (the filmmakers) seem to have gotten right about the Sept. 11 attacks is the date when they occurred," says Debra Burlingame, whose brother was the pilot of American Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon.
Do we see conspiracy? I do! The sister of the pilot who just retired from the USAF a year before and had just completed an excercise where a plane crashed into the pentagon. Then his plane is hijacked and flown into the pentagon? Yes I see conspriracy. And why is she the only one I ever read about in mainstream from that day??

Melissa Lafsky's Flight 93

Melissa Lafsky's Flight 93 blog on HuffPo is being blocked just like Arianna's! (Unlike Arianna, Lafsky makes comments that indicate that she may well be a truther!)

Sorry, for second read:

Sorry, for second read: minute.

So, how about it Terrence?

How was that 757 supposed to have hit the pentagon wall at vitually ground level - meaning it had to approach the building at ground level - at 530 miles per hour ?

The damage to the Pentagon

The damage to the Pentagon right after something hit it was very light as per these AP photos at Baltimore Sun and Newsday.

"""At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour.61 All on board, as well as many civilian and military personnel in the building, were killed."""

How is a 757 supposed to have hit the pentagon at 530 miles per hour leaving such minor damage ?

CIA propagandist Oren Dorell

CIA propagandist Oren Dorell writes again:

Joe Cuff, who sells gifts and Bush souvenirs at a Crawford shop called Main Street Place, says protesters “should voice their opinion and go home” instead of holding a rally every time Bush is around. “It's just becoming a nuisance,” he says. “All they want to do is see the press.”

Guys, you better save those

Guys, you better save those AP pics along with the links while they're still up. LOL.

Where is the wreckage? Where is the damage from a 100-ton plane crashing there at 530 miles per hour?

Look Terrence, we're talking very serious business here. Sooner or later the people concocting the Pentagon nonsense will be forced to answer. Then we'll go into execution mode all the way from the TSA up to the White House. Isn´t it better to get all that messy business out of the way NOW so we can move on ?

My favorite part about Bush

My favorite part about Bush at Booker was his later comment that he didn't want to scare the children by talking about the "accident". But he had no problem later having his photo op with all the kids behind him endangering all of them.

Politicians are a dime a

Politicians are a dime a dozen. So are media whores and others who have helped cover this mess up - a good chunk of Democrats included. It won't be the end of the world after all that lot is executed. Why prolong the inevitable?

"Not only was Bush not

"Not only was Bush not evacuated, but what about the failure to evacuate the entire Booker school? Hijackers are targeting buildings, it is known the president is to be there, and they don't even evacuate the school and the kids? Even after Bush left, they still should have evacuated it, since how would some hijacker piloting a plane know he had left?
More gross negligence.
frank rega | Homepage | 04.28.06 - 11:52 am | # "

Yes Frank. But I believe it was far more than gross negligence. Bush isn't the brightest guy in the world, but the Secret Service & others who were there new that the school was not part of the INSIDE JOB that morning!

Rumsfeld is seventy

Rumsfeld is seventy something so he´s basically croaking already, Cheney is a walking corpse and Bush is what 60 and he´s brain dead. So there'll be no great loss really. Let's get it over with and move on.

quick question, how mush

quick question, how mush concrete was in the towers again? How many Tons?

hey dz, maybe you could post

hey dz,

maybe you could post this audio clip...

i remixed condi-

let me just add that you

let me just add that you should probably host it yourself... thanks

"We must hold the Sudanese government accountable for the attacks they have supported on their own citizens in Darfur,"

Why can't it say...

"We must hold the American government accountable for the attacks they have supported on their own citizens in New York, D.C. and PA"

Oh and do you know how much

Oh and do you know how much was used on the core of the towers? Thanks

CIA propagandist Kasie Hunt

CIA propagandist Kasie Hunt is listed on the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association and Foundation website.


BYLINE: James Kitfield, Sydney J. Freedberg Jr., George Cahlink, Mark Kukis, Gregg Sangillo, Michaela May, Kellie Lunney, Jennifer oar, Quinn McCord, Neil Munro, Corine Hegland, Kasie Hunt, William Beutler, Daniel Pulliam, and Mike Memoli

Throw all the facts to

Throw all the facts to terrence, he's still going to cling on the official story like flies on poop.

Jon Gold...are ya serious that mike from 911myths declined to debate with Steven Jones? about folding like a wet tortilla.

Anyway here is cool computer animation of a building imploding, just press detonate and you'll see how similiar the way it collapsed to WTC7. Hope this will be useful in your debates on WTC7. Have fun with it!

And a good site with scientific data on thermal spots surrounding WTC if you havent seen it yet...

on Discovery Channel right

on Discovery Channel
right now is the Demolation show

cool gifs to look

CIA propagandist Kasie Hunt

CIA propagandist Kasie Hunt writes again:

Hunt, Kasie
National Journal

Title: AL HURRA: The State Department's Arabic-language TV station and its sister radio network, Radio Sawa, are coming in for incre. . .
Byline: Hunt, Kasie

"Jon Gold...are ya serious

"Jon Gold...are ya serious that mike from 911myths declined to debate with Steven Jones? about folding like a wet tortilla."

No, it wasn't Michael Williams, it was Greening who declined.

Michael declined to debate

Michael declined to debate me.

Contributing: CIA

Contributing: CIA propagandist Kasie Hunt in McLean, Va.

the Colbert/Kristol

the Colbert/Kristol interview is up. this was the best thing Ive seen on TV in a long time. Colbert is my new hero. he seems to know whats up.

he asks more hard hitting questions than any "real" reporter Ive seen but veiled in his "conservative" character. just brilliant!!!

Ha make that two wet

Ha make that two wet tortillas.

I saw the 2 part tv series of building implosions on discovery channel a while ago. Coincidently it was shown right after an episode of mythbuster.

Terrence, 911Myths

Terrence, 911Myths prominently exhibits the essays of Frank Greening purporting to explain the pancake collapse of the Twin Towers.

However, Professor Steve Jones has debunked Greening, shown his faulty assumptions, and conducted new experiments which debunk Greening.

Look at the website, for starters.

2 new essays: Protection

You're never going to get

You're never going to get much support from the main media, in fact you can expect more articles like this one. It's not on that level that the truth movement thrives. They will forever be writing that crap, because they are part of the Matrix.

While looking into the

While looking into the writings of CIA propagandist Kasie Hunt, I found this.

School Ministries, Inc. is the Registrant Organization for who created their website 9 days after 9/11.

And look who is on the board of directors!

I've noticed most people who

I've noticed most people who support the pancake theory usually leave out the 47 steel column cores in each of the towers in their argument to make the pancake theory sound more plausible.

Anything they say about WTC7 would be hypothetical because the NIST still has not come to a conclusion as to why it collapsed. The only most logical explanation of the way it collapsed and NIST's delays is that it was brought down with explosives and we have overwhelming evidence to back up our claims. NIST is just covering it up.

I just saw the

I just saw the Colbert/Cristol interview. Absolute Brilliance !!! (LOL)

Where so Terrence and Sky

Where so Terrence and Sky King have so many IP addresses anyway?

And someone should make a 9/11 myths ommissions site. If they can't argue all of it, then they have no credibility.

Any protests of United 93

Any protests of United 93 planned for today or this weekend?

United 93 is officially the

United 93 is officially the best reviewed movie of 2006, and it's so well reviewed it's very likely to stay that way. Luckily, it isn't predicted to be a giant blockbuster despite the reviews. Either way, it's disheartening.

re the pancake theory of the

re the pancake theory of the collapse and the 47 steel columns:

I'm not a scientist and hardly ever took any science courses but science is not magic. Everyone observes "physics" in every day life. The public has gotten mystical magical explanations for those freefall collapses like the jet fuel in the elevators causing intense fires that couldn't be seen from the outside.

The mainstream media calling any attention to the specifics of those collapses will cause problems to the official version. As Mrs. Kleinberg, 9/11 widow, said a few weeks ago, the events weren't investigated, they were "glossed over." Because they had to be glossed over.

And for good measure, the media hyped the "biological terror" and we got the anthrax stuff. Who was telling the reporters about biological terror being the next big thing right after 9/11?

Whenever an article attacks

Whenever an article attacks the messengers instead of refuting the message, we gain momentum.

Kristol mentioned 9/11 three

Kristol mentioned 9/11 three times...

geggy: ...NIST still has not


...NIST still has not come to a conclusion as to why it collapsed....

Any guesses as to what they will come up with to explain the collapse? Can they really blame it on fire ?


Man, I'm sorry guys. If I'd

Man, I'm sorry guys. If I'd known it was a hit piece I wouldn't have said a damned thing. At least they just quoted me on something retarded :

WTC7 collapsed because of

WTC7 collapsed because of its sympathy for its brethren. It simply committed suicide. Many people would rather believe in complex conspiracy theories than except simple answers. Its too hard for them to accept that solid steel structures can simply collapse into white powder.

Ask people: "When did the

Ask people: "When did the lying begin?"

I think this article is a

I think this article is a very good thing. They can no longer ignore this story so their new tactic is trashing the truth. Obviously they won't write a fair even handed article about it becuase their not concerned about being good journalists. The truth is spreading fast and they are looking for new ways to surpress it. I think their latter strategy of ignoring it would be better than trashing it. Some people will read this article and watch the video for themselves. This is a sign of desperation.

AVIRIS, They will blame it


They will blame it on the debris hitting the building and blowing off the fireproofing - I kid you not.

There is a video no 911podcasts about WTC7 that was aired on some tv channel recently, and they said all the fireproffing was blown off when it was hit by debris from WTC1.

"I'm not a scientist and

"I'm not a scientist and hardly ever took any science courses..."

Yet like the rest of the conspiradroid nation, you think you know more than people who actually took a few science lessons and saw the evidence close up.

And you folks wonder why you are still on the fringes...


ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (CNN) -- The judge in the sentencing trial of al Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui reminded jurors Friday to avoid looking up words in the dictionary after learning a juror looked up the definition of "aggravating" on an Internet dictionary.

The Judge better pray the jurors aren't using google!

anonymous, sadly I'm not

anonymous, sadly I'm not even surprised. One does expect pretty much anything from the Bush Gang and those it controls.

Well, something has been holding them up for years now though as WTC-7 is concerned.

I heard they had a competition where the public could suggest theories about the collapse and that is no joke apparently... :-)

"Yet like the rest of the

"Yet like the rest of the conspiradroid nation, you think you know more than people who actually took a few science lessons and saw the evidence close up.

And you folks wonder why you are still on the fringes..."

I know more than you do. A LOT more than you do.

Terrence, you actually

Terrence, you actually believe this:

At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour.61 All on board, as well as many civilian and military personnel in the building, were killed.

resulted in this:

which makes you excessively gullible to put it mildly. Viewed in this light your contentless hubris is comical and that's all. :-)

It never ceases to astound

It never ceases to astound me that many activists actually believe that any media attention is better than no media attention. What is this opinion based on (or are they government agents trying to dupe others into actually believing that?)

There are respected people in this movement who have been warning about this very scenerio. These mischaracterizations will continue as long as Loose Change and the no planers are allowed influence in the very big tent.

How anyone can think that the truth is best served by giving the media tools to successfully paint 911 skeptics as unintelligent whackos is beyond me. Far better to let americans draw their own obvious conclusions on a slow path.

As for myself, I would rather stick with sound science information like Hoffman's (who seems to have cancelled his appearance at 911Truth's Chicago event after getting more details).

dena, i hope hoffman didn't


i hope hoffman didn't cancel :(

interesting story from rawstory:

apparently flight 93 ads were bought on all of the 'conservative' blogs, and not a single 'liberal' blog.. jeez.

Hoffman believes that

Hoffman believes that this:

At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour.61 All on board, as well as many civilian and military personnel in the building, were killed.

resulted in this:

which puts him in the club of the excessively gullible alongside f.ex. Terrence. :-)

It's really a shame since Hoffman has made some good points regarding WTC. But as the Pentagon is concerned he has no clue at all which makes him somewhat suspicious.

Check out my correspondance

Check out my correspondance with the author of the Loose Change hit piece at

mr. white, no problem. thanks for the thoughful note. just needed more
to go on for the letters page. thanks again. rick

>>> Andy White 04/28/06 12:23 PM >>>
Yes I did attack your article. Just like your article attacked Loose
Change. While Loose Change is not my favorite 9/11 documentary, it
contains alot of relevant information. I appologize for being so rude
with my first e-mail. To be perfectly honest I did not expect you to
respond. So I hope you accept my appology for that. But I think you
are overlooking the contents of Loose Change, namely the part about
World Trade Center Building 7. This 47 story skyscrapper was never hit
by a plane and collapsed in less than 7 seconds onto its own footprint.
This is the objective of a controlled demolition. Heres what FEMA
said about this collapse.

"The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the
building to collapse remain unknown at this time. Although the total diesel
fuel on the premises contained massive potential energy, the best
hypothesis has only a low probability of occurrence. Further research,
investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this issue." (FEMA,
2002, chapter 5)

The 9/11 Commision report which proceeded the FEMA investigation did
not even mention this building. As if a 47 story skyscrapper
collapsing for no reason isn't a big deal. This has never happened in history
outside of a controlled demolition. So how is it crazy to ask
questions about this building. My objective isn't to get you to run my
letter, you can if you like, I just want you to be skeptical of both what I
am saying and to the same degree what the government is saying. I
garauntee if you do your research you will come to the same conclusion.
9/11 Revisited is in my opinion a better film about 9/11.

Again, I appologize for my rudeness, it wasn't necessary. Thank you.


Rick Barrs wrote:lies? you must be either
stupid or high. do you actually believe that the whole 911 thing was
made up by that idiot bush and his butt-buddies? that's just crazy. as
much as i'm against the iraq war, that just doesn't make sense. in fact,
it would be impossible. explain to me why that film, by a bunch of
naive kids, is true? have you even seen it? send me a real letter and
i'll run it, but your stupid little attack doesn't suffice.

>>> Andy White 04/28/06 11:22 AM >>>
Whats the matter? Is it too hard to answer this question? When your
advocating lies thats generally the case.

Rick Barrs wrote: get back on your meds...

>>> Andy White 04/27/06 11:28 PM >>>


April 27, 2006, 11:28 pm MST

Goofball Shockumentary

This article is disgusting. Absolutely sickening. Nice straw man
attacks, thats hard to do, not. If their so wrong surely you can write
another article explaining why World Trade Center building 7 collapsed.
Heres my e-mail, I'll be waiting for it.

You gotta read bottom to top

You gotta read bottom to top

As a result I recommend

As a result I recommend Hoffman be assigned to the sidelines at least until he has displayed some understanding of the pentagon incident.

Pentagon is actually the soft underbelly of the official theory which is why some people try very hard to distract you from it.

AmandaReconwith, NIce work


NIce work on Kasie Hunt in McLean, VA. Knowingly or unknowingly, she is clearly working for the CIA, and "oh my gosh" right here at home no less (whoops, there not suppose to be doing that). I wonder if they still have those "blind" vendors selling hot dogs at lunch or are things a little less dramatic in Langley/Mclean these days. Here's a quote to ponder...

"The CIA, after all, is nothing more than the secret police of American capitalism, plugging up leaks in the political dam night and day so the shareholders of US companies operating in poor
countries can continue enjoying the rip-off."

-former CIA Agent Philip Agee in his 1974 book
"CIA Diary"

They had a team of people

They had a team of people put this hti piece together, I had TWO seperate 20-25 minute interviews with another male reporter which covered a GROSS amount of detail. In a sense I'm glad they didn't quote me on anything important if they're just going to make fun, but we covered a fuckton of material which didn't get published in any sense.

"As a result I recommend

"As a result I recommend Hoffman be assigned to the sidelines at least until he has displayed some understanding of the pentagon incident.

Pentagon is actually the soft underbelly of the official theory which is why some people try very hard to distract you from it."

In my opinion AVIRIS, I feel that there isn't enough evidence to conclude either side is right. I dont think a plane hit it, or a missile, or either, I just don't know. I wasn't there to witness it and I haven't seen the footage and until I do so I will not have an opinion on this. To me it doesn't make sense to argue this because we don't have the footage. We have lots of footage of WTC 1, 2, & 7 and thats why we know it was a controlled demolition.

Hoffman seems to have some

Hoffman seems to have some understanding of energy sinks as per his WTC dust cloud theories but that goes straight out the window when he deals with the Pentagon and suddenly he appears totally clueless:

At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour.61 All on board, as well as many civilian and military personnel in the building, were killed.

Terrence, I don't think we

I don't think we are on the fringes. Theres a lot of unease in this country about all the lies. Did you ever see a poll on the Kennedy assassination? Most say they don't believe the official version.

The Warren Commission had scientific "experts" behind that magic bullet theory, too.

Andy, you just have to

Andy, you just have to explain how that 757 was supposed to have approached the Pentagon at 530 miles per hour to hit the wall virtually at ground level. Since there are both entry and exit holes and they are horizontal it follows that what hit the building flew into it horizontally i.e. was virtually hugging the ground at 530 miles per hour. If you can, fine, I can´t wait to hear it. Otherwise we should be discussing executions of lots of people. Remember that only one part of the official needs to be disproven and it's off to the gallows for the criminals.

The siteowner has asked that

The siteowner has asked that speculation on 9/11 be taken to another site. You will find that there are many to choose from.

It is the siteowner's right to determine content of his blog. No amount of insults to him or other posters will persuade him to change his mind.

Please keep your posts respectful to other commenters.

Thanks for your cooperation.
Site Monitor | Homepage | 04.28.06 - 12:09 pm | #

i got banned yet again for dicussing 9/11 on says a lot about the owners of C&L.cowards.

The ISSUE is whether the

The ISSUE is whether the official theory about the events of 9/11 2001 is true or not. It's as simple as that. As a result we need to attack it's soft underbelly, the most nonsensical part of the fable and it's without doubt the Pentagon.

im hearing that Jon Bolton

im hearing that Jon Bolton got screamed at by a reporter today, and she was yelling about PNAC and lies. anybody got the video?

[deleted] Site Monitor here:


Site Monitor here: You have repeatedly ignored the siteowner's request to not discuss this on this blog and further, you have repeatedly insulted the siteowner for this request and others who don't share your view. You are banned.

Edited By Siteowner
Chris | 04.28.06 - 9:01 am | #
not only banned, but they purged the section of all of the 9/11 truth related comments i put up.fuck C&L.

I've never piloted a 757 so

I've never piloted a 757 so I wouldn't say what it can or can't do. Theres a site I saw a while ago of a guy whos trying to get the footage released through the freedom of infomation act. If I myself were to spend time researching the pentagon I'd spend the time trying to get the government to release this footage.

AVIRIS, I hope you will


I hope you will re-check out Hoffman's pentagon research, I believe he updated it 2-3 weeks ago.

The pentagon is not a case closed, but it is a division point, and I fully understand both sides of the arguement. Hoffman's work does a great job showing how 77 may have hit the pentagon, just as other's work do a great job making the counter-arguement.

the point is, there are a lot of people whom I respect on opposite sides of the discussion, so don't be so quick to throw out Hoffman because of his opinion based on his research - he very well could be correct - or incorrect ;)

And why is she the only one

And why is she the only one I ever read about in mainstream from that day??
SS | Homepage | 04.28.06 - 11:56 am | #
i often ask myself the same thing.where are the family members that took those phone calls?

This is a crime

This is a crime scene:

This is what created that crime scene,
according to the official theory:

At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour.61 All on board, as well as many civilian and military personnel in the building, were killed.

Well, the theory obviously does not fit the crime scene so that theory would be thrown out of any court immediately. In fact no prosecutor with a modicum of self respect would present such bunk at any court. :-)

Chris, don't piss the C&L


don't piss the C&L guys off too bad, maybe when it finally does break into the mainstream they will have the balls to cover it ;)

Since Hoffman writes about

Since Hoffman writes about energy sinks he needs to explain why he believes that such ridiculously light damage was caused to the Pentagon by a 100 ton plane hitting its wall at 530 miles per hour. Otherwise he doesn´t have any credibility at all.

ahern29 wrote, " This is a

ahern29 wrote,

" This is a big break of the truth movement. This article no matter what it said, will bring our cause more into the mainstream. I believe it will generate more intrest into the facts of 9/11."

The problem is that your "movement" has a high disregard for the facts and evidence. The more 9/11 is discussed, the more that fact becomes apparent.

"And eventually cause the majority of America to question the offical version given by the goverment."

That is a standard evasion. As I have long told you all, the government never had control of all the evidence to begin with. It never had control of the eyewitnesses. It never hid the evidence from independent investigators.

You're going to have to do a lot better than that if you think you have any evidence to offer.

fuck C&L, you should hear

fuck C&L, you should hear the policy over there. you cannot even QUESTION the official story without getting the comments deleted. its the worst i have ever seen. worse than even rightwing sites.

Q. Why haven't we heard

Q. Why haven't we heard cockpit recordings nor seen the flight-data recording from the other three flights?

A. Government agencies have insisted that the "black boxes" (actually orange) found at the Pentagon were too badly damaged, while the four in New York were never recovered, which was a first.

However, the Daily News reported in 2004 that two Ground Zero rescue workers claimed they helped the FBI recover three of the four "black boxes" there. Last year, Philadelphia free-lance writer Dave Lindorff reported that a National Transportation Safety Board source told him: "Off the record, we had the boxes. You'd have to get the official word from the FBI as to where they are, but we worked on them here."

Remember that any discussion

Remember that any discussion about the pentagon must focus on the plane hitting it at 530 miles per hour virtually hugging the ground and then damage to the building must be deduced from this. Hoffman totally avoids this and the question is why.

Always keep your finger on

Always keep your finger on the fundamentals of the case and work from this. Don´t be distracted by empty thought stoppers. Demand that people put their finger on the fundamental argument.

The most important fundamental as the pentagon is concerned is of course the official theory which states that a B-757 hit its wall at 530 miles per hour. Well, this is at stupendous velocity and the energy release would be STAGGERING.

Can anyone AT ALL point to the effects of that staggering release of energy here:

Jon said: "I know more than

Jon said:

"I know more than you do. A LOT more than you do."

What you are unable to grasp is why it is that your views are not more widely known and accepted - and no it's not a media conspiracy.

The reality is that those of us who have seen all the evidence and viewed your "theories" cannot help but realize that you and your fellow "truthers" all come from the same place.

You are people who start from a desired conclusion -- US Govt complicity in the attacks -- and then search for facts to support that conclusion.

For you, it all seems perfectly logical that bombs were somehow installed all over the WTC without anyone noticing, that the Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile without thousands of eyewitnesses seeing it and that five years later, not one single person involved in the conspiracy (which would have required massive amounts of people to exucute and cover up) has come forward.

To the majority, your theories sound illogical and preposterous and that is why they such little support.

That Jon is - as a start - what I know...

there was a power down

there was a power down shortly before 9/11 that went unexplained. care to explain that to us Terrence? people noticed. people are ignored.

Hey shills, Aviris has

Hey shills, Aviris has totally dismantled the Govt. Pentagon fable and retired some 9/11 lights to boot. LOL

Terrence, why don´t you

Terrence, why don´t you gather up some courage and try to defend the Pentagon fable you believe in, LOL.

Sking wrote: 'The problem is

Sking wrote: 'The problem is that your "movement" has a high disregard for the facts and evidence. The more 9/11 is discussed, the more that fact becomes apparent'

Replace 'movement' and '9/11' with *9/11 Commission* and those 2 sentences actually make sense.

Chris wrote, "i have to

Chris wrote,

"i have to wonder what kind of personal life a guy like Terrence or S.King has based on the fact that they spend so much time trying to "refute" the 9/11 truth movement.

I don't have to refute your movement, Chris. You are the ones that have to refute the facts and the evidence. Terrence and I are here to point that out. I have a great life, a great job, and do this to help educate you about the necessity of backing up your claims.

"what do you get out of it?"

The same satisfaction educators get teaching students. There is some resemblance to boot camp to get you guys to pay attention.

"we try to refute the governments "official" story because its the right thing to do, thats our motivation."

You claim it is the right thing to do because that fits your political agenda. And people like Terrence and I recognize the bull coming from your movement. And that, Chris, is entirely based on assumptions and assertions that 9/11 conspiracists make but can't provide evidence for. You believe it like a religion but when we come along and tell you that its up to you to provide credible evidence for things like "controlled demolition" you get bent out of shape.

I will tell you what every structural engineer will tell you: there is nothing unsusal about the way the towers fell - all three of them. But everyone here runs to their favorite 9/11 conspiracy site to pick out another debunked claim from another "true believer" and claim they know more than the world's structural engineers.

That is precisely why there is to correct the record. But look how everyone here, including your own Jon Gold reacts: is ruining your movement, to hell with the truth wherever the truth leads.

"what is YOUR motivation? what EXACTLY do you get out of shilling on this website every day? (seriously, get a job"

The REAL question is why you get bent out of shape, call us paid shills and whine when we come along with evidence that refutes you or demsonstrate that your facts are erroneous.

Unfortunately for people

Unfortunately for people like Terrance. The majority of individuals who watch films like Loose Change see the truth and continue to do more research. And the rate of Loose Chnage viewership is increasing faster and faster as evidenced by its constant position on the google video top 100 and recent articles written about it in various mainstream outlets.

shills, you talk big but

shills, you talk big but still people here notice how you avoid those Pentagon arguments. Your credibility remains at zero. LOL

S. King, since Terrance has

S. King, since Terrance has fled tail between legs maybe you could take some time off from those thought-stoppers of yours and address the Pentagon fable you believe without reservations.

Jon said: "I know more than

Jon said:

"I know more than you do. A LOT more than you do."

What you are unable to grasp is why it is that your views are not more widely known and accepted - and no it's not a media conspiracy.

Really Terrence? You're telling me that the media isn't controlled? Your statement, in and of itself shows how little you know about how the world works.

The reality is that those of us who have seen all the evidence and viewed your "theories" cannot help but realize that you and your fellow "truthers" all come from the same place.

Obviously you haven't seen all of the evidence. As a matter of fact, I guarantee you haven't even looked at any evidence. Just like your precious hasn't bothered to either. As I showed you earlier.

You are people who start from a desired conclusion -- US Govt complicity in the attacks -- and then search for facts to support that conclusion.

You are such an idiot. You mean like the 9/11 Commission only examined what the Government told them. 19 hijackers with boxcutters.

For you, it all seems perfectly logical that bombs were somehow installed all over the WTC without anyone noticing, that the Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile without thousands of eyewitnesses seeing it and that five years later, not one single person involved in the conspiracy (which would have required massive amounts of people to exucute and cover up) has come forward.

Actually dumbass, I think Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. I KNOW WTC 7 was controlled demolition. Anyone with half of a brain can see that.

To the majority, your theories sound illogical and preposterous and that is why they such little support.

All of you trolls like to say, "The majority", however, EVERY poll taken regarding 9/11 has shown to favor the 9/11 Truth Movement.

That Jon is - as a start - what I know...

As I said, you don't know jack shit.

S. King, The "high

S. King,

The "high disregard for evidence" has got the MSM, and Government officials very nervous. So nervous that they are beginning to talk. And the more they talk, the more we will pick apart the "official fiary tale". Remember, a few short months ago it was taboo for mainstream media to talk about 9/11 conspiracies. But now that more and more people in America and throughout the world learn the truth it can no longer be kept under the table. Now they are trying to marginalize the movement by calling us "nut jobs" and "con artist", but that won't work for long. What will eventually happen is the American public will look at the Facts of 9/11. And it is already obvious for millions of people our government and the mainstream media told us a big lie. Thats what got them so nervous!!!! P.S. No matter what you say, we're going to KEEP ON KEEPING ON, UNTIL THE TRUTH COMES OUT!!!!

"That is precisely why there

"That is precisely why there is to correct the record. But look how everyone here, including your own Jon Gold reacts: is ruining your movement, to hell with the truth wherever the truth leads."

Yeah, sorry S. King, but we dismantled already. You're going to have to find another site.

OK Jon Gold, I can´t wait

OK Jon Gold, I can´t wait to see you explain how this:

was caused by this:

At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour.61 All on board, as well as many civilian and military personnel in the building, were killed.

S. King... Answer this one

S. King...

Answer this one question for me. If you choose to ignore the question completely, or decide to address the question as if it had anything to do with Controlled Demolition, then you will again, out yourself as a liar, and a shill.

Why didn't the Bush Administration want to investigate 9/11?

Usually people are capable

Usually people are capable of explaining with arguments why they believe such and such unless of course it's a question of blind faith :-)

AVIRIS... sorry, I don't

AVIRIS... sorry, I don't play that game.

Andy White "I've never

Andy White

"I've never piloted a 757 so I wouldn't say what it can or can't do.

This guy has... Nila Sagadevan is an aeronautical engineer and a pilot.

Quote :

At any rate, why is such ultra-low-level flight aerodynamically impossible? Because the reactive force of the hugely powerful downwash sheet, coupled with the compressibility effects of the tip vortices, simply will not allow the aircraft to get any lower to the ground than approximately one half the distance of its wingspan—until speed is drastically reduced, which, of course, is what happens during normal landings.

In other words, if this were a Boeing 757 as reported, the plane could not have been flown below about 60 feet above ground at 400 MPH. (Such a maneuver is entirely within the performance envelope of aircraft with high wing-loadings, such as ground-attack fighters, the B1-B bomber, and Cruise missiles—and the Global Hawk.)

Full Article :


AVIRIS, How many more times


How many more times are you going to repeat the same thing about the pentagon in this thread? we get your points, you are preaching to the choir.

and, if you look at hoffman's recent update on the pentagon you will see a reasonable counter-argument.. that doesn't mean you have to change your mind, but you can at least respect those who have different opinions.

i don't think those that don't think flight 77 hit the pentagon are crazy, just like i dont think those that do think 77 hit the pentagon are crazy.. we need more evidence, we need an open government, and we need a real investigation, hopefully we can at least agree on that.

btw, i dont believe hanjour could've flown a crop duster let alone a passenger plane..

Jon, either you can put your

Jon, either you can put your finger on the argument or you can´t. This empty thought-stopper of yours doesnt work. People who revert to empty cliches faced with fundamental arguments aren´t really capable of intelligent discussion.

"I will tell you what every

"I will tell you what every structural engineer will tell you".

Hey S. King,

Since your speaking for every structural engineer, How many structural engineers are there? How do you know what they would all tell me? and why isn't every structural engineer listed on your website? There must be thousands at the very least in the U.S. alone. That's a pretty BOLD and REACHING claim don't ya think?

"Jon, either you can put

"Jon, either you can put your finger on the argument or you can´t. This empty thought-stopper of yours doesnt work. People who revert to empty cliches faced with fundamental arguments aren´t really capable of intelligent discussion."

I guess I'm an idiot then. ;)

AVIRIS... my email address

AVIRIS... my email address is

Please... send me the video you have of a missile hitting the Pentagon.


anonymous, I'm going to do

anonymous, I'm going to do it until someone here can explain how that plane was supposed to have hit the wall of the Pentagon at 530 miles per hours and resulting to only light damage to the building. So far the people here who have stated that they believe this have been unable substantiate their belief. I think this is very strange since usually people are able to explain why they believe such and such.

I would rather focus on how

I would rather focus on how a plane could even hit the Pentagon, 34 MINUTES AFTER THE SECOND TOWER WAS HIT than focus on that which I could never prove, but hey, that's me.

OK, clearly Jon Gold belongs

OK, clearly Jon Gold belongs in the dust bin of 9/11 research along with Hoffman and other similar detractors.

Chris, C&L is one of those

C&L is one of those sites that only care about the election. They think that discussing 9/11 might hurt the Democrats in the election. Three years ago, the were all Deaniac insurgents but now they're making their livings off something very establishment and they can see the prospect of getting a lot more if the Democrats win in November so don't rock the boat.

I hope the Democrats win one house of Congress in November because they will be pressured to investigate Bush and you never know what might come out. But I don't think it will be the "liberal blogs" that will pressure them; I think it'll be the mainstream media.

"OK, clearly Jon Gold

"OK, clearly Jon Gold belongs in the dust bin of 9/11 research along with Hoffman and other similar detractors."

Did I insult you, and your continuous posting of pictures of the Pentagon?

Not at all Jon. It's just

Not at all Jon. It's just that you use the typical tactics of some other 9/11 detractors.

Tell me AVIRIS... if a

Tell me AVIRIS... if a missile hit the Pentagon, then how was this "Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Student Identity Card" that supposedly belonged to Moqed found in the rubble, and PLEASE tell me it's fake.

Didn't former Sen. David

Didn't former Sen. David Boren say that he was having breakfast with George Tenet (CIA director) on 9/11 and when the planes crashed the WTC, Tenet told Boren it was obviously the work of Bin Laden. (Althought I don't think there were any bin Laden hijackings prior to that).

So, it was the government that had a theory by 9:00 am or so and worked backwards.

Chris wrote, "do you think

Chris wrote,

"do you think your going to "convert" us into thinking the government told us the whole truth about that day?"

LOL. I don't say anything about what the government claims or doesn't claim! That's purely your defensive canard to bottle everyone who points out your errors that there is some "official story" we are supposedly protecting.

What I discuss is the physical and scientific evidence of the WTC towers collapses and the Pentagon attack. You claim the government was behind the 9/11 attacks. I say: prove it with scientific evidence.

And as much as you all claim along with Prof. Jones and his crew that the towers could only have come down with "controlled demolition" you can't find any structural engineer or forensic scientist who agrees with you, i.e., you have no evidence.

"and if so, what do you get out of that? im just trying to understand your motivation for being here.

Education. Both for you and me. I want to understand why beliefs become so overpowering that some people ignore reason, logic, evidence, and qualified experts to hold on to those beliefs.

what the heck happened to

what the heck happened to the Liberty Forums. I can see threads but when clicked my browser stalls (Mozilla on PC/ Safari on Mac). Anybody else having this problem?

"Not at all Jon. It's just

"Not at all Jon. It's just that you use the typical tactics of some other 9/11 detractors."

And you use the typical tactics of trolls like AmandaReconWith, S. King, and Terrence.

AVIRIS... next time you want

AVIRIS... next time you want to pick a fight, make sure you find out who you're picking a fight with.

Be back on later.

Be back on later.

To anyone who believes a

To anyone who believes a plane hit the Pentagon:

Where are the titanium engines that measure 9-feet in diameter? Where did the engines hit the building? Where is the wreckage?

"I will tell you what every

"I will tell you what every structural engineer will tell you".

I'll ask again....

Hey S. King,

Since your speaking for every structural engineer, How many structural engineers are there and how do you know what they would all tell me? and why aren't all these structural engineer's listed on your website so i mail e-mail them and ask? There must be thousands at the very least in the U.S. alone. That's a pretty BOLD and REACHING claim don't ya think?

Poor ol' Jon said: "I KNOW

Poor ol' Jon said:

"I KNOW WTC 7 was controlled demolition."

Yet he cannot seem to find a single structural engineer anywhere in the US (or anywhere else for that matter)to agree with him. Does that give him pause? Of course not - Jon is a "true believer"...

A logical person would ask themselves; "given the evidence could I be wrong?" But not our Jon -to him 9/11 "truthing" is like a religion - in spite of the lack of evidence, faulty logic or one single conspiracist talking - our Jon is still a believer.

He "KNOWS"...LOL...

anonymous wrote, "Why did

anonymous wrote,

"Why did WTC-7 implode in a controlled demolition, despite the facts that it was 350 feet from the nearest tower, had very little damage, & a few scattered fires??? Why did Silverstein, the leaseholder, when confronted with this inexplicable “collapse”, claim that he & the Fire Dept. pulled it???"

The real question, anonymous, is why you believe you need to repeat debunked nonsense.

Jon Gold wrote, "I just

Jon Gold wrote,

"I just heard that Professor Jones challenged Frank Greening from to a debate, and he refused.

" is dead."

LOL, Jon.

It's actually good news for the truth. Like with your need for a debate, Jones now admits he needs one too!

As we know that you can't refute, we now know Jones can't refute Greening - months after Dr. Greening showed the physics and math that the WTC 1 & 2 could easily collapse without the need to introduce "controlled demolition." Not that it matters since structural engineers already knew that.

You realize, of course, that we have been asking Jones and Fetzer for months to refute Dr. Greening on the physics and they have refused.

That Jones wants a debate is a definite sign of weakeness for a professor, just as it is for you, Jon.

i always like it when people

i always like it when people just wave their hands like their batting flies and say "oh, that stuff has all been debunked."

Show me the debunking and I don't want to see another explanation about how people can't accept the simple answers.

show me another building like WTC7 that fell straight down.

come on, be a man or a woman or whatever you are.

links please!

"You claim the government

"You claim the government was behind the 9/11 attacks. I say: prove it with scientific evidence."

We are just normal people, we don't have access to subpeona and examine the evidence of that fateful day.

We do know that most of the evidence was destroyed.

We know the 9/11 commission was a sham.

Here's a link showing how the members of the commission were BRIBED:

We do know that Bush and his cronies repeatedly lie.

We know that everything they do is because we live in a "post 9/11 world" and "oceans no longer protect us".

Oh yeah, and we also know they would LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and to the world in order to START A WAR IN ORDER TO ENRICH THEMSELVES AND THEIR CRONIES.

They've used 9/11 over and over again for their own political gain.

To me the main pentagon

To me the main pentagon story is that some kind of aircraft was allowed to hit the pentagon in the first place. The secondary story is whether or not it was the passenger jet. So even if videos to be released in the future might show that it was flight 77, the main issue is still, why was it allowed to hit the pentagon at all.

S. King, you ignored my

S. King, you ignored my question again, and did exactly what I said you would do. Thanks.

Chris wrote, "then why is

Chris wrote,

"then why is the guy who runs the site so deathly afraid of debate? he cant be that "solid" if hes such a coward."

Jon Gold knows that asking for a debate is a true sign of weakness. Remember, Jon hasn't been able to refute Neither has Jones been able to refute Dr. Dr. Greening.

Scientists don't debate. They write papers. Dr. Greening has done so. Jones refuses to rebut him.

Dr. Greening knows that Jones is in a weak position scientifically. If Greening can write a scientific paper on the physics of the collaspes, then Jones can very well write one presenting his evidence too.

Debating is a political tactic, not a scientific one.

"Jon Gold knows that asking

"Jon Gold knows that asking for a debate is a true sign of weakness."

S. King knows exactly what goes through Jon Gold's head.

Challenging someone to a debate shows strength.

Don't put words in my mouth shill. I don't like the way shill words taste.

Dodging and ignoring

Dodging and ignoring someone's question, now THAT'S a definite sign of weakness.

Jon Gold wrote, "The fact

Jon Gold wrote,

"The fact that no one within that organization is willing to debate the people they're trying to discredit shows that they themselves have NO CONFIDENCE in the information they post."

LOL. I just put that canard to rest.

The fact that you can't rebut sticks out like a sore thumb.

hdog wrote, "9/11 myths is

hdog wrote,

"9/11 myths is pathetic. Of course, it has to be. Whatever group is responsible for writing it can't change the laws of physics."

It doesn't.

It reaffirms the laws of physics that no one here understands.

"The fact that you can't

"The fact that you can't rebut sticks out like a sore thumb."

I have. Shill.

Answer my question Shill.

Answer my question Shill.

Loose Change will be on CNN

Loose Change will be on CNN Situation room tonight at 7pm. This may be a hit piece!

Isn't the Situation Room

Isn't the Situation Room Tucker Carlson?

situation room is with Wolf

situation room is with Wolf Blitzer.

Jon said: "Tell me AVIRIS...

Jon said:

"Tell me AVIRIS... if a missile hit the Pentagon, then how was this "Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Student Identity Card" that supposedly belonged to Moqed found in the rubble, and PLEASE tell me it's fake."

Jon, I never stated that a missile hit the Pentagon just trying to get you believers of the official Pentagon theory to explain to me 1. how that plane got to the building at 530 miles per hour virtually hugging the ground and 2. why the damage at the supposed crash site isn´t in any way consistent with a crash of a Boeing 757 coming in at 530 miles per hour. I´m not picking any fights but if people believe something they should be able to argue for that belief. If they can´t, well..that does raise some questions about that belief and its foundations, doesn´t it?

Jon Gold, "That's just ONE

Jon Gold,

"That's just ONE inaccuracy, misleading statement Terrence... there are a MULTITUDE of others that I would have been MORE THAN HAPPY to point out in a debate.

Unfortunately, he was too afraid to do so."

Imagine Jon needing a debate to refute

You can refute everything right here, right now!

Unfortunately, you aren't even trying. I wonder why.

google video: 9/11 fireman,

google video: 9/11 fireman, "Bomb in the building, start clearing out."

__Days before official investigation begun:__
Titanic sinking - 6 days
Pearl Harbor - 9 days
JFK assassination - 7 days
Space Shuttle Challenger - 7 days
9/11 - 411 days

ahern29, there is 'the


there is 'the situation room' with wolf blitzer (on now), and 'the situation with tucker carlson' (11pm EST)..

any reference you can post?

"Jon, I never stated that a

"Jon, I never stated that a missile hit the Pentagon just trying to get you believers of the official Pentagon theory to explain to me 1. how that plane got to the building at 530 miles per hour virtually hugging the ground and 2. why the damage at the supposed crash site isn´t in any way consistent with a crash of a Boeing 757 coming in at 530 miles per hour. I´m not picking any fights but if people believe something they should be able to argue for that belief. If they can´t, well..that does raise some questions about that belief and its foundations, doesn´t it?"

Not really. I'm not a pilot. I know very little about planes in general. I do know that the Pentagon has defenses capable of taking out whatever tries to hit it. It's only the base for the ENTIRE United States Military, OF COURSE they have defense systems.

I'm trying to get you people who are trying to figure out what hit the Pentagon to focus on how a plane, monitored by Dick Cheney, 34 minutes after the Second tower was struck, can still manage to hit the Pentagon.

THAT'S what I want to know...

Bronco wrote, "So Terrence,

Bronco wrote,

"So Terrence, how did that 757 manage to approach the Pentagon virtually hugging the ground at 530 miles/hr. (around 800 feet per second) before hitting the wall of the Pentagon at virtually ground level at 530 miles/hr.?

Well, Bronco, I already asked you if you had checked with the hundreds of people who recovered the wreakage. Did you? What did they say?

What really brought me into

What really brought me into the fold of 911 Truth was the mainstream media. I'd recognized for several years now that it's all "aruba" and no "downing street memo". What I hadn't really considered was how long the media had been fellating the rightwing... but that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Back in Sept of 01, I had no reason to question the MSM.

Now I have very good reason to do so. I don't think it's a stretch to believe that the MSM pumped the "19 hijacker" theory while glossing over naysayers.

You can see, though, that much of the television and print media had decent coverage of this event as it happened. Loose Change v2 (and i'm sure other videos) shows the abundance of TV crews covering explosions in the towers and more... It was just that after the official version came out, the media stopped asking questions and starting spreading rumors.

Admitting that you, yes smartest one in the room you, may have been tricked into believing a falsehood. It has happened in the past.

Jon Gold wrote, "If the

Jon Gold wrote,

"If the media went after 9/11 with the veracity that they covered the "Swift Boat Veterans", this would have been over a LOOOOOONG time ago."

Gosh, I thought that was your job, Jon.

I wonder why it's not working.

As for shill... answer my

As for shill... answer my question.

The plane supposedly hit the

The plane supposedly hit the wall of the Pentagon at 530 miles per hour. This according to the official theory. Since what hit the Pentagon wall did so horizontally as evidenced by entry and exit holes at the scene it follows that what hit the building approached it horizontally and since those holes were basically at ground level it follows that what hit the Pentagon approached the building basically at ground level
at 530 miles per hour.

So, we have a Boeing 757 basically hugging the ground at 530 miles per hour approaching the pentagon. If you have any problems with the above arguments then do present them. If you can not I will continue this thought in a minute otherwise I will deal with your counter argument.

From Dylan's Blog... This

From Dylan's Blog...

This should be interesting.
Ok, this deserves it's own post.

CNN, The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, 7 PM tonight.

I believe we have a 45 second "Internet Spotlight" segment, or something to that effect. Jackie the producer chatted with me for a half hour, and just called to ask permission to show clips of the movie.

So we shall see. I asked her straight up if it was a hit piece (meanwhile voicing my disdain for the USA Today article's "debunking" efforts), and she said, "Oh no, I'm a reporter, first and foremost."

We'll find out what that means tonight.
posted by dylan avery at 1:43 PM

Bronco wrote, "Where is the

Bronco wrote,

"Where is the wreckage? Where is the damage from a 100-ton plane crashing there at 530 miles per hour?

"Look Terrence, we're talking very serious business here."

So are we, Bronco. Why do you repeat the canard there was no wreakage nor damage?

Haven't you checked with those hundreds of people who recovered the wreakage yet?

Did you lose their contact info? I'll be happy to provide it again.

What counter argument? I'm

What counter argument? I'm done AZIRIS... this is "infighting", and I don't do infighting.

Answer the question Shill

Answer the question Shill King.

I'll be over at my board

I'll be over at my board Shill King... if you have an answer, let me know.

Okay, in order for that

Okay, in order for that plane to hit the wall of the pentagon at 530 miles per hour basically at ground level horizontally it has to approach that wall basically at ground level at 530 miles per hour (at 800 feet per second).

If you have any counter arguments here please present them otherwise I will continue this thought in a minute or if you are able to bring any counter arguments I will address them.

911blogger... You do a great


You do a great job... I have never seen so many shill posts :)

I wonder if they will be so visible when the truth comes out...


Jon, either you are able to

Jon, either you are able to identify an argument here or you are not. If you are and you have problems with my reasoning you should counter it. Those evasions don´t achieve anything.

How come Terrence and S King

How come Terrence and S King only argue about the towers and pentagon theories, but not th eprovable foreknowlege and other CLEAR signs of complicity?

Oh and for those that missed it, Sander Hicks confronting Dick Cheney in person about 9/11 being an inside job:

Im going to go see United 93 today...I love a good work of fiction!

Lets hope some more big names come out to support 9/11 truth.
And not to take away from exposing 9/11, but I do feel exposing the situation in China and Sudan IS also very important.

Okay, now I want you to bear

Okay, now I want you to bear in mind that the pentagon is located in a depression relative to the surroundings. Remember that what hit the building approached it horizontally basically hugging the ground at 530 miles per hour or 800 feet per second.

"Jon, either you are able to

"Jon, either you are able to identify an argument here or you are not. If you are and you have problems with my reasoning you should counter it. Those evasions don´t achieve anything."

I have NO interest in talking with another "truther" who's OBVIOUSLY looking for an "argument".

"I will deal with your counter argument"
"you are able to identify an argument here or you are not"
"I´m not picking any fights but if people believe something they should be able to argue for that belief. If they can´t, well..that does raise some questions about that belief and its foundations, doesn´t it?"

I don't do "infighting".

George Washington

George Washington wrote,

"Terrence, 911Myths prominently exhibits the essays of Frank Greening purporting to explain the pancake collapse of the Twin Towers. agreed to host Dr. Greening's articles.

However, Professor Steve Jones has debunked Greening, shown his faulty assumptions, and conducted new experiments which debunk Greening.

Not according to reality. I am surprised you would make such a statement, GW.

Dr. Greening wrote this paper in Feb. 2006 demonstrating the physics of the collapsing towers did not require the introduction of explosive at all, thus agreeing with the world's structural engineers who already knew that.

Prof. Steven Jones was asked to address it in early March. He has ignored the specific request multiple times.

Dr. Greening also proposed a hypothesis about Thermite. He asked Jones to do an experiment.

Jones did an "experiment" improperly and Greening called him on it. Status: unresolved.

Now it is revealed that Prof. Jones wants to "debate" Dr. Greening rather than write a paper addressing Dr. Greening's original paper.

Dr. Greening, a scientist, has properly declined. Scientists don't debate, thus revealing Prof. Jones for the political hack most of us have known him as for a long time.

Sorry to burst your balloon again, GW, but let's stick to facts, ok?

Furthermore I want you to

Furthermore I want you to bear in mind that to this day no witness to these events has described a Boeing 757 approaching the pentagon at 530 miles per hour basically hugging the ground. By definition the testimony of any witnesses must fit the official version or it's 1. useless or 2. the official theory is a pack of lies. Either you take those witnesses seriously or you do not. If you take them seriously while none of them desribes the events according to the official theory well then you're in an obvious dilemma.

Jon, those evasions are

Jon, those evasions are useless.

OK guys got to run now but

OK guys got to run now but I'll be back.

AVIRIS Whilst I agree with


Whilst I agree with you that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon...

I think you are out of order, continuously pushing your theory in our faces...

If I was DZ etc I would warn you, if you persisited ban ya.

Let people believe what they will, you shoving it down their throats will not achieve anything except getting us all pissed off.


geggy wrote, "I've noticed

geggy wrote,

"I've noticed most people who support the pancake theory usually leave out the 47 steel column cores in each of the towers in their argument to make the pancake theory sound more plausible."

No, they don't not at all.

You're confusion comes from what "pancaking" means. Pnackaing refers to "pancaking floors", not the core nor the outer walls.

The panckaking floors severed the floor trusses attachment points to both the core and the outer walls. These floor trusses provided the rigidity to the buildings and without them neither the core nor the outer walls could remain standing on their own.

"Anything they say about WTC7 would be hypothetical because the NIST still has not come to a conclusion as to why it collapsed. The only most logical explanation of the way it collapsed and NIST's delays is that it was brought down with explosives and we have overwhelming evidence to back up our claims."

If any claims about WTC 7 are hypothetical, then you cannot conclude that it was brought down by explosives.

Neither can you claim that you have overwhelming evidence since none has been presented by anyone.

I like avaris here. Basic,

I like avaris here.

Basic, elementary cause-effect reasoning. This sort of debater is very difficult since they insist on sticking to fundamental and provable issues and are very difficult to distract. Probably police or maybe military since they go straight for the soft spots of both the official theory and those who follow that theory.

Hi wrote, "I'm not a

Hi wrote,

"I'm not a scientist and hardly ever took any science courses but science is not magic. Everyone observes "physics" in every day life. The public has gotten mystical magical explanations for those freefall collapses like the jet fuel in the elevators causing intense fires that couldn't be seen from the outside."

No, science is not magic, but we rely on scientists and structural engineers who give us rational, not magical, explanations.

That's why they would say your claim of "freefall collapses" is magical and hardly factual or scientiic.

aviris is also very clever

aviris is also very clever at extracting sullen and contentless remarks from people who are frustrated by that basic elementary cause effect reasoning I mentioned. ;-)

Jon Gold wrote, "I know more

Jon Gold wrote,

"I know more than you do. A LOT more than you do."

Sorry, Jon, you don't know anything about physics and structural engineering as your posts well demonstrate. Including your beleif in Prof. Jones & Co.

play nice people, no matter

play nice people, no matter what your opinions there is no need to be hateful to one another.

this is one of the few blogs where 9/11 discussion is even allowed, so try to keep a decent mood, and not a distraction.. and feel free to take your individual arguements elsewhere, that isn't what these comments are here for.

Chris wrote, "i got banned

Chris wrote,

"i got banned yet again for dicussing 9/11 on says a lot about the owners of C&L.cowards.

I feel your pain, Chris.

a007, I wasn´t aware that

a007, I wasn´t aware that you had been appointed spokesperson for the rest of us. Avaris hasn´t been pushing anything in my face and those threats of censure and opinion suppression and bans are not in my name.

Please explain what gives you the power to refer to "we" when addressing this guy.

"I hope you will re-check

"I hope you will re-check out Hoffman's pentagon research, I believe he updated it 2-3 weeks ago."

I wonder why you think Hoffman is a credible source of scientific information.

"play nice people, no matter

"play nice people, no matter what your opinions there is no need to be hateful to one another.

this is one of the few blogs where 9/11 discussion is even allowed, so try to keep a decent mood, and not a distraction.. and feel free to take your individual arguements elsewhere, that isn't what these comments are here for."

Sorry dude... but we're WASTING our time here on shills. It's a distraction... when's the last time we talked about action... a march... anything?

"Q. Why haven't we heard

"Q. Why haven't we heard cockpit recordings nor seen the flight-data recording from the other three flights?"

Do holograms have flight recorders?

"""I think you are out of

"""I think you are out of order, continuously pushing your theory in our faces...

If I was DZ etc I would warn you, if you persisited ban ya."""

wrote a0007

I for one resent this behavior a0007.

AVARICE wrote, "S. King,

AVARICE wrote,

"S. King, since Terrance has fled tail between legs maybe you could take some time off from those thought-stoppers of yours and address the Pentagon fable you believe without reservations."

I'm real happy to hear your evidence that AA77 did not the Pentagon. After all, I debunked Gerard Holmgren in 2002 on that very subject.

Let's see whatcha got, A.

Jon Gold wrote, "Yeah, sorry

Jon Gold wrote,

"Yeah, sorry S. King, but we dismantled already. You're going to have to find another site."

That evasion wasn't very imaginitive even for you, Jon.

"Jon Gold wrote, "Yeah,

"Jon Gold wrote,

"Yeah, sorry S. King, but we dismantled already. You're going to have to find another site."

That evasion wasn't very imaginitive even for you, Jon."

I'm sorry, you didn't answer a question I asked you previously?

S.King Debunk this... Nila


Debunk this...

Nila Sagadevan is an aeronautical engineer and a pilot.

Quote :

At any rate, why is such ultra-low-level flight aerodynamically impossible? Because the reactive force of the hugely powerful downwash sheet, coupled with the compressibility effects of the tip vortices, simply will not allow the aircraft to get any lower to the ground than approximately one half the distance of its wingspan—until speed is drastically reduced, which, of course, is what happens during normal landings.

In other words, if this were a Boeing 757 as reported, the plane could not have been flown below about 60 feet above ground at 400 MPH. (Such a maneuver is entirely within the performance envelope of aircraft with high wing-loadings, such as ground-attack fighters, the B1-B bomber, and Cruise missiles—and the Global Hawk.)

Full Article :

Look forward to see what ya got ;)


i just banned both 'Manny'

i just banned both 'Manny' and 'Aviris'.. they were most likely the same person as they both were on the same IP address..

please guys, take the fighting somewhere else.. i don't care of voicing your opinions, but coming here just to start arguements, and then using multiple usernames to start a fight is pretty messed up.

i don't want to have to deal with this, don't mess up a good thing please.

Jon Gold wrote, "Answer this

Jon Gold wrote,

"Answer this one question for me. If you choose to ignore the question completely, or decide to address the question as if it had anything to do with Controlled Demolition, then you will again, out yourself as a liar, and a shill."

I've already made myself perfectly clear and you are unable to address it.

It's your ongoing problem.

"i just banned both 'Manny'

"i just banned both 'Manny' and 'Aviris'.. they were most likely the same person as they both were on the same IP address..

please guys, take the fighting somewhere else.. i don't care of voicing your opinions, but coming here just to start arguements, and then using multiple usernames to start a fight is pretty messed up.

i don't want to have to deal with this, don't mess up a good thing please."

It's the oldest trick in the book didn't you know...

"Jon Gold wrote, "Answer

"Jon Gold wrote,

"Answer this one question for me. If you choose to ignore the question completely, or decide to address the question as if it had anything to do with Controlled Demolition, then you will again, out yourself as a liar, and a shill."

I've already made myself perfectly clear and you are unable to address it.

It's your ongoing problem."

Shill not answering it?

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson wrote,

"Since your speaking for every structural engineer, How many structural engineers are there? How do you know what they would all tell me? and why isn't every structural engineer listed on your website? There must be thousands at the very least in the U.S. alone. That's a pretty BOLD and REACHING claim don't ya think?"

You're welcome to come forth with a bevy of structural engineers who disagree with the NIST report.

You can also tell us why 911 conspiracists have to rely on those who are neither structural engineers nor qualified to address those kinds of issues.

In other words, where are YOUR structural engineers, TJ????

s. king, i've been looking

s. king,

i've been looking over the 911myths site the last few nights.. so i have a non-arguementative question if you wouldn't mind giving your thoughts..

what is the white smoke at the base of the twin towers seen in this video? (there are a few other shots that show it i can post as well):

I know you say that the loud bangs heard over a mile away could be internal collapses of steel, but what about the white smoke?

I am not trying to start anything here, I am really just wondering your theory on it - i do look at everything i come across believe it or not ;)

Give us a break. Greenings'

Give us a break. Greenings' paper is a redundant, pointless and irrelevant joke. It is essentially yet another worthless, blinkered bunkum theory.

There's no mention of NIST's own work and their models, the paper is full of ludicrous assumptions, hilarious speculation and theories, arbitrary interpretations and unscientific shallow language.

It is just utter garbage in a sea of garbage, sorry someone has to tell you.

The real question remains: is the best hypothesis for all the data one of some structural failure because of essentially fires ? Or is a better, more rounded hypothesis based on the evidence available, that takes into account all of the data one of controlled demolition ?

Clearly it is the latter.

"i got banned yet again for

"i got banned yet again for dicussing 9/11 on says a lot about the owners of C&L.cowards.

I feel your pain, Chris.
S. King | Homepage | 04.28.06 - 6:43 pm | #

no you dont, your still here.

and S.King, you still didnt

and S.King, you still didnt explain why you spend so much of your time with us here. its pretty pathetic that you simply feel like a "teacher" and thats why you come here every day to "refute" us. i dont buy it for a second.

hey S.King, how do you feel

hey S.King, how do you feel about the Carlyle Group? do you care who its members are?
Chris | Homepage | 04.28.06 - 8:54 am | #

S King - the NIST report is

S King - the NIST report is bieng proven to be inadequate. it definately wouldn't hold up in a court of law.

The NIST had found themselves in quite a pickle after the NIST's Metallurgical Results had attested to temps of less than 250c in Oct of 2004. The reason: the findings had contradicted their initial findings that the steel was adequate (representative) for the needs of the investigation (whole technical investigation), and more importantly, at the same time the findings had contradicted their "Fire Weakening" hypothesis.

So what did the NIST do?


They, with a slight of hand, had changed their "adequate steel sample" from being adequate for the investigation (whole), to it only being adequate in determining the quality of the steel (final report).

The NIST did this even though in June 2004, before the "Steel temperature results" the NIST had clearly stipulated..

The collection of steel from the WTC towers is adequate for purposes of NISTÂ’s investigation (i.e., chemical, metallurgical, and mechanical property analyses as well as a substantial damage assessment and failure mode examination) to examine why and how WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed following the impact of the aircraft and ensuing fires.

As you can clearly see above, the NIST clearly states, the collection of steel was adequate for the needs of the investigation (whole) - Chemical, Metallurgical,and Mechanical property analyses as well as a substantial damage assessment and failure mode examination.

Moreover, the NIST details exactly what the Metallurgical Investigation consists of in other papers describing their investigation..

Collection and Analysis of Forensic Evidence: structural steel, material specimens and other forensic evidence to the extent they have been collected or are otherwise available; metallurgical and mechanical analysis of steel to evaluate quality and estimate maximum temperatures; analysis of fire and elevator control panels.

Hence, "The collection of steel is considered adequate for the needs of the investigation above"

Just in case more evidence is needed to ascertain the details of the investigation...

NIST is implementing its technical plan to address these issues (see A primary objective of the investigation is to determine why and how the towers collapsed after the initial impact of the aircraft. As part of this investigation, the Materials Reliability and Metallurgy Divisions in MSEL are studying more than 200 structural steel pieces from the WTC site. Progress in this study is outlined here..............

.......Task 3: Property data to support studies of structure performance and airplane impact modeling. Fourteen grades of steel were specified in the design of the WTC towers. All grades have been characterized for room-temperature mechanical properties, and initial high-temperature test results are complete. Testing at high strain rate is underway to determine the effects of strain rate on the mechanical properties of the outer columns, the inner columns and the spandrels. Chemical composition and metallographic examinations have been completed on the majority of the steels. Creep, or time-temperature-dependent behavior of some steels will be studied after the high temperature properties are developed.........

Task 5: Metallographic analysis of steel to estimate temperature extremes. Microscopic, macroscopic and metallographic analyses are under way to determine the maximum temperature excursions seen by the steel.

Hence as was stated before regarding task's 3 and 5...

---The collection of steel is considered adequate for the needs of the investigation above"---

So, as you can clearly see, the Metallurgical aspect of the investigation which the steel was adequate for, had consisted both of determining quality, and determining steel temperatures.

Last but not least, lets turn to the NAIL in the coffin.
The "Nail in the coffin" is evidence of the fact that the NIST had actually discussed changing their initial findings from the steel being adequate for the investigation to it being adequate to only part of the investigation (determining quality).

Note, this discussion had taken place on the very same day the results of the steel being less than 250c had been presented - Oct 19th 2004.

C: As John Barsom said, the statement is not accurate. The validity of the model question from yesterday speaks to this issue. I do not believe that we have enough forensic evidence. It may be okay to establish steel quality. There was no effort by the Building Performance Study team to systematically look at the steel.

C: The use of the term “adequate” needs to be revisited. There is no core column test to support the hypothesis. The floors came down, the slabs were pulverized. This was unprecedented. Exterior columns and core remained. The floors group will attack this finding.

In summary, the NIST had only focused on one, and only one conclusion throughout its entire investigation, and that one conclusion being the assumption that fires were the cause of the two buildings collapsing.

geez, do I smell or

geez, do I smell or something?....S. King answers everybody's questions but mine. I'm hurt. Perhaps the question is so ignorant and newbie as to be beneath him or maybe he just prefers the big time, duking it out with Jon Gold. In any event, I'll give it one more shot and see what happens, here's my wee little questions in reponse to a comment by S. King that began..

"I will tell you what every structural engineer will tell you".

Hey S. King,

Since your speaking for every structural engineer, how many structural engineers are there? (i've oftened wondered), a worldwide figure would be great but if you only know the U.S. total, that'll do (i'm guessing in the thousands at least). Secondly, How can you prove that all______of them would tell me what you're saying they would tell me. Did you survey them or ask each one individualy? If so, where are the results and how can I confirm via contact at least a dozen of them on my own. I don't think you've named any on your website. Don't you think your statement is just a wee bit Thank You.

ps. whoever did the condi/remix mp3, nice job!

hey where'd S King go.

hey where'd S King go. hahaha...effin shills.

The article says that

The article says that eyewitnesses saw a jet strike the Pentagon. But Gerard Holmgen has analysed the eyewitnesses,and NONE can be found who reported the jet until AFTER it had appeared in the news. So there has been contamination of so called 'eyewitness' reports.

Note that the USAtoday article does not raise the issue of the Gas station and Sheraton security videos!

I suggest that people email the evidence to the authors, which they seem to have left out!

Why does this excerpt from

Why does this excerpt from the USA Today article claim that the flight recorder from AA77 was found???

..."Among the assertions in Loose Change is that a missile hit the Pentagon even though eyewitnesses saw the jet, numerous pieces of wreckage were found including the flight recorder, and those on the flight and in its path at the Pentagon are dead."...

Oh, sorry. AA77 flight

Oh, sorry. AA77 flight recorders were supposedly found, but data is still being withheld.

dz wrote, "I am not trying

dz wrote,

"I am not trying to start anything here, I am really just wondering your theory on it - i do look at everything i come across believe it or not."

I don't have a theory on it, dz. It could be any number of things.

I look at ALL of the evidence.

Chris wrote, "and S.King,

Chris wrote,

"and S.King, you still didnt explain why you spend so much of your time with us here. its pretty pathetic that you simply feel like a "teacher" and thats why you come here every day to "refute" us. i dont buy it for a second."

I thought I explained quite clearly, Chris.

But then you believe in conspiracy theories so I'd expect your reaction.

Boast wrote, "S King - the

Boast wrote,

"S King - the NIST report is bieng proven to be inadequate."

By whom?

Certainly not the world's hundred of thousands of physicists, structural engineers, chemists, and forensic scientists, all of whom have had the freedom and opportunity to blast the NIST report if they disagreed with it.

Brian wrote, "The article

Brian wrote,

"The article says that eyewitnesses saw a jet strike the Pentagon. But Gerard Holmgen has analysed the eyewitnesses,and NONE can be found who reported the jet until AFTER it had appeared in the news."

That's a real funny statement!

Mr. A. sees a Boeing 77 hit the Pentagon. He is an eyewitness.

Mr. B. is a reporter. He finds Mr. A. talking with others about what Mr. A saw.

Mr. B. interviews Mr. A. "What did you see, Mr. A?"

Mr. A. states, "I saw a twin engine jet with American Airlines markings hit the Pentagon."

Mr. B. records Mr. A's statement.

Mr. B. submits Mr. A's interview to AP.

The next day, Mr. B's interview of Mr. A. appears in newspapers nationwide.

Gerard Holmgren, having read the news story, looks for Mr. A and finds him.

"Aha!", Gerard Holmgren realizes that he found Mr. A AFTER the story appeared in the news.

THEREFORE, Mr. A could not be a credible eyewitness.

GOOD thinking, Brian.

Now for the eyewitnesses. Anyone is welcome to refute them: They saw AA77

pockybot wrote, "How come

pockybot wrote,

"How come Terrence and S King only argue about the towers and pentagon theories, but not th eprovable foreknowlege and other CLEAR signs of complicity?"

So, pockybit, are saying that there is no way that the towers could have come down except by controlled demolition?

I asked Jon Gold the same question and he evaded it as usual.

Why don't you answer it?

Jon Gold wrote," "I KNOW WTC

Jon Gold wrote,"

"I KNOW WTC 7 was controlled demolition. Anyone with half of a brain can see that."

I have a whole brain and I know for a fact that you do not have any evidence for controlled demolition of WTC 7, Jon.

And I know for a fact you can't prove it.

So you've got a big problem with your statement, Jon.

I thought I explained quite

I thought I explained quite clearly, Chris.

But then you believe in conspiracy theories so I'd expect your reaction.
S. King | Homepage | 04.29.06 - 9:30 am | #
nope, as usual you didnt.

"I have a whole brain and I

"I have a whole brain and I know for a fact that you do not have any evidence for controlled demolition of WTC 7, Jon."

Larry Silverstein told me.

A while back, on one of

A while back, on one of these threads here, I made a long post directed to Terrence about the depth and breadth of issues re: 9/11. Yes indeed, there are a lot of people who want us all to get hung up on debating the minor specifics, but they can't provide any kind of coherent answer regarding some basic truths.

For example:

Bush and Cheney did everything in their power to delay, avoid or obfuscate any meaningful investigation.

To this day, no one in the Federal government can or will answer direct questions regarding any of the many issues.

Countless questions and issues were specifically disregarded in the 9/11 Commission process and report.

Evidence was destroyed.

Extensive efforts at misinformation and disinformation, some by the government itself, have been undertaken and are still ongoing.

And, as has been pointed out by others, "the dog did not bark".

Woof, Terrence. Woof woof.

Mssr.Jouet wrote, "A while

Mssr.Jouet wrote,

"A while back, on one of these threads here, I made a long post directed to Terrence about the depth and breadth of issues re: 9/11. Yes indeed, there are a lot of people who want us all to get hung up on debating the minor specifics, but they can't provide any kind of coherent answer regarding some basic truths."

So we can all breath easier that the destruction of the WTC towers and the Pentagon is only a minor issue for you 9/11 conspiracists.

Given that Jon, Chris, Pockybot, and the whole 9/11 Denial Movement has painted themselves into a corner on that issue, unable to provide evidence for controlled demolition, I can understand why you're engaging in a little historical revisionism now.

S. King, I don't know Jon,

S. King,

I don't know Jon, Chris, Pockybot and others, and I'm not denying anything. Nor am I here to sell a theory about anything having to do with planes or no planes, or pods, or holograms, or building collapses vs. the use of explosives. Like many people, I'm still looking at the arguments, the "evidence" or what is purported to be evidence, the essays, the articles, the books, and a lot of web sites.

The point of my post is simply this: There seem to be a lot of people who are ignoring the irrefutable facts that elements of our government have gone to great lengths not to let anyone look at the evidence, or the issues, or to determine the facts. There is a very long and irrefutable record which indicates massive FBI interference with pre-9/11 investigations. There is a very long and irrefutable record which indicates warnings that were apparently ignored, side-tracked, etc. There is a very long and irrefutable record that our government (military and others) were conducting "exercises" pre-9/11 built around scenarios of commercial hijacked aircraft being flown purposefully into buildings as terror attacks. Even Burlingame, the pilot of Flight 77, testified before Congress that he appreciated that a commercial aircraft loaded with fuel was, in essence, a missile. Furthermore, the well-documented problems with the 9/11 Commission's process and product are troubling.

So my question for those who are active in "de-bunking" theories is this:

Why don't you put your energy into examing the conspiracy theory about 19 Arabs with box-cutters?

Why don't you ask your government and the media about the myriad of unexplained and unanswered questions?

Why don't you ask who was in charge of the war games?

Why don't you ask why Chertoff and Frances Fragos Townsend helped derail investigations into terror financing?

Why don't you inquire who gave the order to have the WTC steel removed and melted down?

If you are not busy asking these types of questions, or providing answers for them, then your efforts can only be construed as further disinformation, cover-up, or ad hominem attacks on people who ask troubling questions. Your efforts actually only go to prove what many suspect... that there is a continuing and massive effort to hide the truth from the American people.


Mssr.Jouet, "If you are not


"If you are not busy asking these types of questions, or providing answers for them,..."

I have been asking all along for the 9/11 Denial Movement to back up their assertions with evidence.

You believe you have "questions." But you forgot to ask yourself whether those so-called "questions" have any validity when you can't produce evidence.

Sorry, I'm way ahead of you.

S. King: Where do you think

S. King:

Where do you think there is a lack of evidence for the following:

-- agencies, representatives and key leaders of our government have gone to great lengths not to let anyone look at the evidence or conduct an inquiry or answer questions directed to them;

-- massive FBI interference with pre-9/11 investigations;

-- warnings that were apparently ignored, side-tracked, etc.;

-- our government (military and others) were conducting "exercises" pre-9/11 built around scenarios of commercial hijacked aircraft being flown purposefully into buildings as terror attacks;

-- the well-documented problems with the 9/11 Commission's process and product;

-- the existence of a documented and concerted effort by agents of the government to plant misinformation and disinformation.

This is still the root of the 9/11 experience. How can you ignore these matters?

Make a case within these areas for support of the US government and its "official story".

As before, the burden of proof is not on me, or Jon, or any other individual involved in researching 9/11. The burden of proof is on the US government because it has used this event as the reason for a war that has cost us $275 billion, 2400 soldiers' lives, countless Iraqi lives, and the loss of our rights under the Constitution.

As before, your energy is misdirected. If you have any "proof" or "evidence" that can illuminate the above issues, please share it. Otherwise, STFU.

But you forgot to ask

But you forgot to ask yourself whether those so-called "questions" have any validity when you can't produce evidence.

I would point you to the thesis provided by Steven Jones.

IMO, he successfully questions the validity of the WTC NIST report to the point where not conducting an independent investigation should be considered obstruction ofjustice and very likely insurance fraud.

Most of the people I meet who insist on insulting those of us who have questioned the oficial 9/11 story seem to base their position on the fact that we are loons or nutcases.

If you are in agreement with the NIST models used to support the theory that the towers fell due to fire, you should state that, then state why you disagree with Jones that these modelas were tweaked in order to come to a pre-determined conclusion.

I'm guessing you've never put more thought into it than calling people morons.

well loosechange is a killer

well loosechange is a killer movie, Ive seen it plenty of times. I burn the movie and pass it on, all i ask for is a "Dollar for the Truth" to cover costs of the dvds and the cases. Im not looking to make any money and either are the guys that made this sweet movie. There just looking for and looking too, spread the truth.

i just saw loose change last

i just saw loose change last night. at my house - paid $17.95 for the cd. never watch movies - did not even know how to work the player - my son had to put it on. he watched, it was a real eye opener for him.

my hope is that the young men who did this wonderful film end up running this country some day. what incredible excrement my generation ended up producing. hopefully those who are profitting from their evil will soon find themselves and their families punished - no money - no property - jail time for those who actually did the dirty deeds. watch the film - and see if you attitude doesn't change. i dare you.

Below is an interesting

Below is an interesting e-mail exchange I had with JOM about the USA Today quote about the Steel. After I got this response, I e-mailed the author of the JOM article (Eager) and asked him if he still stands by his article given the research done by Prof. Steven Jones. He hasn't responded yet and that was about a week ago.

Dear Ms. Newhall,

The JOM article referred to in the USA Today was "Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation" by Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, from the December 2001 issue of JOM. However, it is important to note that this article was misquoted by USA Today. (See the section headed "The Fire," in particular the second to last paragraph, for more accurate information.) The original article can be found at the following web site:

Thank you for your inquiry.


Kelly Roncone
News Editor, JOM
Phone: (724) 776-9000, ext. 224
Fax: (724) 776-3770
Address: 184 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086-7514

Wendy, I read the JOM


I read the JOM article.

According to it's theory, if I lit a Kerosene Stove what would happen is this. The top of the stove would melt, and 'pancake' down into stove's own footprint, and would do this at the speed of 'free-fall'.

Obviously 911myth would say that the WTCs were completely different to Kerosene Stoves. But I say that steel is steel, kerosene is kerosene, oxygen is oxygen, and air is air, and physics is physics, and chemistry is chemistry.

I noticed that the JOM atricle didn't mention very much about the fully-clothed and still-very-much-alive people, standing in the impact scar, and looking down.
Perhaps some theory about how heat can buckle steel, whilst leaving cotton and flesh undamaged would be in order?

Information seeking from the

Information seeking from the experts.
Most Americans and Canadians believe that only two wtc towers collapsed. When they are informed that there were three,they give you the evil eye-as a nut case.
Watching the video,the two towers hit by planes--fall from the top. however WTC 7 crumbles from the bottom--what gives??
any experts comments-please!

it is ironic that those

it is ironic that those responsible for making loose change are the ones doing the investigating and the reporting, and the writer from usat who is supposed to be a reporter, is essentially publishing propaganda with the purpose of debunking the conspiracy theory/theorem. No real investigating on his part. Just some explaining away of the movie and those who might buy into it. Dylan should be writing for the usat, and the usat "reporter's" work should be found only on his blog.