Dr. Joe Hawkins Weighs in on Chicago Conference from Stoplying.ca

One Night In Chicago - stoplying.ca

So here I am, its 1:00 AM and I'm chowing down on some shrimp at the Empress Hotel in Chicago. I am typing into home base (stoplying.ca) with the state of revolution in America. That is to say, the conference here on the truth behind 911. My plane arrived late and I didn't waste any time taxing in, checking in and registering in. No arrests, no issues and no trouble. Happy to report.

This is much more than a "conspiracy convention", these people can't be more serious about the state of affairs for the empire of America. Arriving late, it was standing room only for Alex Jones, the kickoff guest speaker for 911TRUTH.org's main event since its inception. Further, we can easily say this is a historic day for America, the first time a conference of this nature is being held with such focus on truth about the real situation in America.

The first evening of the conference started out with a blast by Alex Jones, and ended with a stunning expose of wit by Meria Heller. Many may not of herd of her, but you soon will. She struck a cord with the 911-truth movement, encapsulating the essence of what this movement is all about. Speaking the truth, with wit and flare, she didn't hold any punches and rather delivered a proper knock out. The mood of the crowd was clearly ready for action, information, and guidance. All three were being delivered with first class speakers, information booths, and a clear sense of purpose in no short supply.

Ugh. I'm back from

Ugh. I'm back from celebrating my birthday - which was a nice break by the way - only to find out that blogger.com is still having issues. i just posted this entry and was about to post a few others only to find that blogger.com was down again.

in any event, sorry for the lack of articles tonight - myself taking the night off, along with blogger.com having major problems the last 2 days, has caused us some issues.. i will get a writeup of Dr. Steven Jones up tommorrow night, and we will do our best to do a grab bag of everything once blogger.com is back up.

and for the record, 911blogger.com version 2.0 started initial development last night - it is time to rewrite the website and build on our first year, if you have any suggestions you would like considred as we get into this new development phase please send in your suggestions via the 'submit comments' link on the left panel - just include 'new site suggestions' in the subject so we can sort them out.

sorry again, we do what we can!

Happy Birthday dz !

Happy Birthday dz !

If this is a real q & a with

If this is a real q & a with this Andrew Grove, we should be very very suspicious. He's promoting the "no planes hit the towers/it was most likely fake cgi" and he's saying there's many cointel agents in the 9/11 truth movement. that's big red flags right there:


Btw, has there been any new

Btw, has there been any new Nick Berg research? His dad is in the news today, and I just can't shake the feeling he had more to do with "al Qaeda" then we've been led to believe.

Why They DIDN'T Use A 757 To

"sorry again, we do what we

"sorry again, we do what we can!"
You're doing great... and thank you.
Keep it up. If I knew where you were, I'd bring the coffee and the bagels.

blogger comments seem to be

blogger comments seem to be down on many sites. No biggie. We'll just start using carrier pidgeons - of course, the long haul from here in Australia is a worry.

Alex Jones just got busted

Alex Jones just got busted in Canada. Check this out. http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=f67cbe75-4eed-4da... It seems the NWO boys are getting nervous.

pockybot, you are always

pockybot, you are always mighty quick on the draw with the we should be very suspicious crap as regards the people (there are many) who feel that it is obvious that the images of 175 hitting wtc2 were cgi. maybe a little too quick? here is some of your nonsense from the last thread and my response:

Thats why there's giant burned out fuselages and pnae parts litering the streets of New York.

ya? bust out a photo of one.

It's obvious that the Alex

It's obvious that the Alex Jones team was taped prior their arrival by coordinated efforts from within the US/CAN security apparatus..

So, without being paranoid its obvious that the same is most probably going in the background of the entire 9/11 truth movement. Nice global police state already..

Grove mentions "there

Grove mentions "there could
have been missiles/drones/707s on remote control out of Stewart AFB,
etc. nobody knows."
So, he is not ultimately stating no planes, etc.
Thanks for the link. Good Luck to Jones dealing with the goons.

There are a lot of spelling

There are a lot of spelling mistakes in this piece.

I am amazed that in a

I am amazed that in a country like the USA -- you can phone anyone -- such a huge conspiracy can exist.

The fact alone that there is NO PROPER reliable information available. that there is no investgative body that has subpoena power...

Is this Uzbekistan or the USA?

Has there been no age of enlightenment over there?

Have you got no courts, no police?

Don't your policemen start to laugh when they are told that terrorists are a "national security threat"??

How many terrorists are there? Are they more than the L.A.Police department?

So what's wrong with media

So what's wrong with media covering Bilderberg? G8 is always covered...very odd.

House rejects Net neutrality

net nutrality was the only

net nutrality was the only thing protecting free speech on the internet.

It going would mean that sites such as this will be inevitably choked by the corperate death-grip.

It wont be long before all 9/11 truth sites mysteriously 'fail to load' on your pc.

this is absolutely

this is absolutely ridiculous? what can we do? WHAT DA FUCK CAN WE DO?
I cant believe this shit is happening right before our eyes...i cant believe it.

Welcome to united states of

Welcome to united states of fascism.

you know

you know something...sometimes i can understand why some groups use extremely aggressive physical ways to get their point across

IMO, those were real

IMO, those were real aircraft that struck the towers & the Pentagon. However, they were not AA11, UA175, nor AA77.

" IMO, those were real

" IMO, those were real aircraft that struck the towers & the Pentagon. However, they were not AA11, UA175, nor AA77.
Anonymous | 06.09.06 - 11:12 am |"


If this is a real q & a with

If this is a real q & a with this Andrew Grove, we should be very very suspicious. He's promoting the "no planes hit the towers/it was most likely fake cgi" and he's saying there's many cointel agents in the 9/11 truth movement. that's big red flags right there:

http://forum.myspace.com/ index.c...638CB6419005114
pockybot | 06.09.06 - 1:32 am | #
i agree, we gotta be careful. and that mother fucker Bush just used the term "islamofascism" on national television.ugh. THE PROPAGANDA IS GETTING THICK!!!!!!!!!!! god this is frustrating.........

The problem is you yanks are

The problem is you yanks are total cowards.

In vietnam a buddhist set himself alight.

oh i forgot.

In texas a guy laid down on the tracks of a ammo train and had his legs chopped off.

yesterday I watched a bit of vendetta.

our FEAR is their greatest weapon.

welcome to the United states of Angst.

u2r2h, where are you from?

u2r2h, where are you from? and when are YOU gonna set yourself on fire or lay on train tracks?whos the coward now dickhead?