MiddleEast.Org mentions widespread 9/11 skepticism in America


When pressed in public American officials say they are not building 'permanent bases' in Iraq. But then just what is the definition of 'permanent bases' and just where are all those billions going and what are all those contractors doing in Iraq? Americans officials have certainly earned considerable skepticism and disbelief about what they say -- to say the least! Nearly half of the American public do not even believe the official 9/11 story and when asked by pollsters says another investigation not run by government is needed.

Thanks to Erik for sending this in.

Bush Says 9/11 Drives U.S.

Since they keep mentioning

Since they keep mentioning 911...
Be sure to catch 'Scott Durr' [inside CIA whistleblower] and his comments suggesting the continuation of evil doing.
Funny how whistleblowers 'Scott' and Richard A Grove both uncover info on H.A.A.R.P. and and questions about disasters.

help spread this link via

help spread this link via the forums, it is of Dr. Jones recent interview with Alex Jones regarding thermate:


Does anyone know if there is

Does anyone know if there is a site (or sites) that has at least approximate info on what the mounting $ billions upon billions for the Iraq war are being spent on?... ie, any kind of breakdown?
Thank you.

Answering my own question :)

Answering my own question :) ...

Here's a site that begins to break it down, but doesn't seem to get into the nitty gritty of particulars:

Here's one that shows what COULD have been done with htose billions for
U.S. citizens:

Wanna throw

"To attack someone's

"To attack someone's statements, but neglecting to address how the person backs them up, is a classic media technique for delegitimizing or even dehumanizing an opponent."

Um, the media didn't even report the Jersey Girls' response except for Editor & Publisher.

Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?

Has anyone bought and

Has anyone bought and received "Improbable Collapse"? If so, how long did it take to get?

Bicycle blogging. Why

Bicycle blogging. Why didn't I think of that years ago? I just took a little ride with Sibel Edmonds pasted over my reflector. Hopefully, people will be curious enough to investigate. David Ray Griffin or Steven Jones next?

Or Ray Mcgovern?

Or Ray Mcgovern?

Skeptic magazine reviews

Skeptic magazine reviews D.R.Griffin's 9/11 book

What have you done outside

What have you done outside of the internet today to spread the message? Stories of what we have done are inspiring. I went bicycle blogging and I will again tonight.

Can we say Blatant

Can we say Blatant Treason?
US military honoured in secret by Britian.


I just sent the following

I just sent the following 911 truth letter to my local paper. Hopefully, they'll print it (will update if they do). I'm showing it here because those of you in the U.S. can copy it, and replace my local county information on the cost of the Iraq war with your own counties' info. You can easily find your counties' cost by going to: http://costofwar.com/index.html
By giving your letter a localized slant, I'm betting that the editor will be more likely to print it:

Dear Editor:

As of 6/21/06, the cost of the war in Iraq to Erie County alone is well over a BILLION dollars and counting (source: costofwar.com).

From the start, the Bush administration has used 9-11 as justification for this mounting quagmire of pointless death and destruction. Therefore, it is imperative that we, as responsible Americans, investigate what really happened on that horrific day.

Did you know that:

1 Five or more of the 19 "hijackers" are alive?
Source; BBC News Sept. 23, 2001

2. The FBI says there is: "No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9-11". Source: Rex Tomb,
Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI, Source: http://www.teamliberty.net/id267.html.

3. Our trillion dollar US Air Defense System completely failed on 9-11, and that NO one has been held accountable to this day. Source: cooperativeresearch.org, many others.

4. Besides the Twin Towers, a third tall building, WTC 7, also
collapsed in a controlled-demolition like manner (vertically, in it's own
footprint) - but was NOT hit by a plane. Source: National media, st911.org.

5. No other steel framed buildings in history, before or after 9-11, have
completely collapsed due to fire. One of countless sources: 911truth.org

The list goes on and on. I challenge anyone reading this to
prove the above claims wrong. Google "911 truth" or go to 911truth.org
for more sources of information. Then help take our Country back.


human beings are always

human beings are always afraid "to stick their head out" in fear of being singled out. we are social animals (those that aren't = sociopaths).

"mainstream" is the code word for "not too cold and not too hot" and is useless as a guide post.

inorder to understand what people will do, you have to understand the human being - recommended book

"The Denial of Death" by Ernest Becker (pulitzer prize)


New York Times Book Review

...a brave work of electrifying intelligence and passion, optimistic and revolutionary, destined to endure...

most of the horrible shit that's happened on this planet is caused by people who cannot accept their own mortality and try to sculpt an alternate world (anti-nature) where there is no death - in our case, people die unseen usually in hospitals.

this book is my bible, is my koran, if you know the heart of man, then everything is quite predictable

What have you done outside

What have you done outside of the internet today to spread the message? Stories of what we have done are inspiring. I went bicycle blogging and I will again tonight.
itsaputon | 06.21.06 - 3:40 pm | #

I've made a '9/11 = Inside Job' poster that I carry around with me in my car. Where I'm from, there's lots of people driving around with those damn 'W' stickers. Every time I see one, and I can get within' the driver's eye sight, I honk and hold up my sign. As you'd expect, I get a lot of middle fingers, but hey, just doin' what I can...

>I've made a '9/11 = Inside

>I've made a '9/11 = Inside Job' >poster
>DP | 06.21.06 - 4:05 pm | #

Good tactics. The simplicity is what strikes - there was/is this Giuliani critic, an artist, R.Lederman. He made 100dreds of signs&paintings stating only "GIULIANI = POLICE STATE". And it made Giuliani MAD!!!

bicycle blogging is

bicycle blogging is brilliant. i made a 9/11 - Inside Job? T-Shirt and hung it on the clothes rail in our common laundry room in my building. Everyone saw it and no one removed it because it was someone's clothes. I left it there for 3 days.

I realized today that people

I realized today that people have to be introduced to the names and they will be willing to do some investigating themselves. I was hitting people over the head with 9/11, but now I realize we have to use honey to draw the bees, not vinegar.

Everyone should email that

Everyone should email that jellyfish Alan Colmes ahead of time to get him to help out Fetzer tomorrow when Hannity attacks.

Another seeming propaganda

Another seeming propaganda article is being reported over at Huffington Post: AL QAEDA: 20TH 9/11 HIJACKER... There are already 92 comments.

Over at Think Progress: Bush

Over at Think Progress: Bush the Diplomat: ‘For Europe, September 11 Was a Moment. For Us, it Was a Change of Thinking.’ That sounds like the sort of subtle Freudian "slip of the tongue" that someone with a bit too much confidence in his own power would say.

Hey folks, I'm writing a

Hey folks,

I'm writing a little essay on 9/11 and the media (for people who still believe the official story, to show them -- in a way that starts from square one -- that they haven't gotten the full story from the MSM).

Please let me know if you know of good links for this purpose.

It's a sign! It's a sign!

It's a sign! It's a sign! Wow!

O'Reilly vs Malkin on crooksandliars.


"Hey folks, I'm writing a

"Hey folks,

I'm writing a little essay on 9/11 and the media (for people who still believe the official story, to show them -- in a way that starts from square one -- that they haven't gotten the full story from the MSM).

Please let me know if you know of good links for this purpose."





Jon -- where should I look at CR?

Is Hannity and Colmes a

Is Hannity and Colmes a call-in show?

i dont think so GW.

i dont think so GW.

This news should not

This news should not surprise many. After all, we do live in a country where lies become truth and truth become lies. Israel would never have been created if there was no natural resource to steal in the middle east.

Why didnÂ’t they show us the 9/11 plane wreckage?

Planes do not simply vaporize.


and good job writing about

and good job writing about the media, i always stress to people about how 9/11 could easily be covered up with the media the way it stands today.if i was a better writer, i would go with the media angle as well. ive only seen a couple of articles about the structure of the media and how easily something like 9/11 could be whitewashed and spun on a massive scale.



Jon -- where should I look at CR?"

Pick a story. Any story that the MSM hasn't covered at the level they should have.

Who posted the

Who posted the O'Reilly/Malkin video? What a crock... "They pretend the killing of Zarqawi never happened."

Hello pot, this is kettle.

9/11 anyone?

I'm not referring to their

I'm not referring to their use of the event of 9/11. In that regard, they're more than happy to discuss it. I'm referring to talking about the event itself.

9/11 can be attributed to

9/11 can be attributed to the British Yiddish Axis. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 marked the joining-up of the Tory and Zionist factions in an uneasy alliance. Before that, they were working against each other (Britain was pro-Czar, the Zionists were anti-Czar).



Hey, what do you think about

Hey, what do you think about the MSM's failure to report on the Fetzer, Berg, Nelson press conference on the steps of the Massouai courthouse? Media was THERE (including CNN), but no one said a word.

Is that good for my media article?

I've also got Tucker Carlson

I've also got Tucker Carlson refusing the show the WTC7 clip.

I don't completely

I don't completely understand the premise of your article. Email me.

Do you want to see my

Do you want to see my collection of hit pieces? I have a whole bunch of them.

If people want to do

If people want to do guerrilla 9/11 activism...I say get going on some real shit. Hanging big "Question 9/11!" banners over major freeway overpasses. Put big "Question 9/11" or "9/11 They Knew" or "9/11=Inside Job" posters on walls in public places, or stickers at busy intersection polls and tollplaces. I wish there was a 9/11 truth street team for major cities...I wish there was an "OBEY" graffiti/graphic design artist stencilling 9/11 truth in new york.
Where is the anti globalization, anti war youth and guerrilla activists on 9/11 Truth? It's seriously frustrating...they claim they hate Bush, but believe the official 9/11 story? Get real. I wish they had "thetruth.com" anti smoking guerrila style ads on tv, cept for 9/11 truth.

Also, why is the towers,

Also, why is the towers, "hijackers still alive"(questionable in my mind, sorry) and pentagon ALWAYS the main thrust? Thats why I agree 100% with Jon Gold in that the proof in the pudding is FBI obstruction, Pakistani ISI shared complicity, standdowns, etc.

Jon, when you have a chance,

Jon, when you have a chance, could you list a few points on why Sibel Edmonds is important to 9/11. (Come on man, share your knowledge with others. You know new people are always lurking on this blog.)

GeorgeWashington, Hey, what


Hey, what do you think about the MSM's failure to report on the Fetzer, Berg, Nelson press conference on the steps of the Massouai courthouse? Media was THERE (including CNN), but no one said a word.

You might want to point out their refusal to cover their asking of Zelikow to resign, or how the Jersey Girls called the commission a hollow failure..

i'll tell you, the issue i'm having today.. Coulter railed the Jersey Girls like the media just ate up everything they said, when in reality they really didn't get much coverage at all once the commission was formed..

GW- Here's how I'd attack


Here's how I'd attack it:

People will readily admit today that the MSM does a horrible job at actually informing the people.

http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/714.html (fox news viewers are more misinformed)

(44th freest press in the world)

Ask people where they get their news now (probably online).

Ask them when their distrust of the media began. Did they trust it back in 2001? Knowing what you know now about the MSM, would you unequivocally trust 9/11 coverage on Cable news and traditional media outlets??

Personally, I just blindly accepted everything they said. I had no reason to believe the media would try and pull a fast one. Now at this time, I do very much believe that they helped shape our perception of what happened.

On a second note: the reporters on the scene were doing their job, just look at all the news footage shot on the day of the attacks (any good 9/11 documentary should have that). It must have come from higher up to stop running the segments or discussing certain issues.

GW, ifyou haven't done yet,

GW, ifyou haven't done yet, you must see Orwell Rolls in His Grave: http://www.911podcasts.com/display.php?vid=103

I'm looking forward to read your essay. Peace.

"Jon, when you have a

"Jon, when you have a chance, could you list a few points on why Sibel Edmonds is important to 9/11. (Come on man, share your knowledge with others. You know new people are always lurking on this blog.)"

A Lesson In 9/11 Research