Glenn Beck Tries to Justify WW3 with 9/11

The propaganda to push us into war against Iran and Syria is hitting super thick today, and un-surprisingly 9/11 is still the justification. Hopefully someone with a bit of inside information will step up to the plate to prevent this global catastrophe in the making.

Thanks to Neil from for the clip!

Get on the bandwagon for

Get on the bandwagon for World War III?

Wow! 9/11 used....again??? A

Wow! 9/11 used....again???

A good statement to 9/11 official story people is:

"If they lied about WMDs, NSA spying, and just about everything else, what makes anyone think we can trust them on what happened on 9/11?"

Who is this guy?

Who is this guy?

This guy is promoting world

This guy is promoting world war 3???!! Good luck, count me out.

An extreme example of the

An extreme example of the severe effects of cognitive dissonance.

Glenn Beck almost makes me

Glenn Beck almost makes me feel bad for our species.

I still can't believe this

I still can't believe this clip....WW3 like it's a day in the park. They're definately gearing up for something big....the entire atlantic fleet in the pacific....all the gargantuan bases now built and ready to launch from in the middle east...all the 9/11 evidence coming forward in the mainstream......we know global war is their plan in order to bring in the one world order....well, it's on our door step.

if we as a truth community have an alert level system.... I would say it's time to crank it up. Have your families ready for anything.

Interesting that this guy

Interesting that this guy took the Showbiz Tonight timeslot after the Charlie Sheen story broke. Glenn Beck goes on and on about how it's your patriotic duty or something to ask questions and demand answers. But then, that applies to everything except 9/11.

Who is this wingnut? Wasn't

Who is this wingnut? Wasn't there anyone else on that show to dispute him? Do you suppose Sean Hannity,or Ollie North,or Mike Smerconish would have that bemused look on their faces while listening to this guy? Would even Steve(lies of FEMA)
Emerson have been asked to bring "sanity" to this show?
You know,it feels like another Psy-op coming on here...and it works 2 ways...scares the hell out of people;by the mere fact that somebody comes out and says this..and then stirs up others to prepare for Iran.
Also just imagine that this guy could be Rep. Steve Nass.

Here's what going into Iraq

Here's what going into Iraq was all about. Welcome to a world where reality has ceased to matter.

I saw that clip yesterday

I saw that clip yesterday and thought it was satire.. I guess not

This is the same guy who

This is the same guy who recently interviewed Dave von Kleist regarding the new Pentgon video, and played the whole "Conspiracy theorists are whacko crazies".

I hate Dave von Kleist. He's a SPOOK!

But this is incredible to watch this Glenn Beck idiot say these things on his show.

If only there were a law that anyone who were pushing for a WWIII, or involved in sending troops to fight in one, would have to be the first in line on the front lines themselves. And if they didn't go to the front lines for the war they advocated for, or that they sent other troops to fight in, then by law they were immediately executed lol

I hate Glenn Beck.

Iran: 'Fierce Response' if

Iran: 'Fierce Response' if Israel Strikes Syria

I think all of this might have been planned. Destability in order to justify further military interventions.

Glenn Beck is an a-hole.

Glenn Beck is an a-hole. Looks and sounds like a salesperson, a total fraud.

Folks, Get out from behind

Folks, Get out from behind your computers and talk with every candidate running for office in your area. After Nov. we will be in WWIII, unless we get some people with common sense in Congress


WAR IS GOOD????? WTF?????????

Namaste2you said: "After

Namaste2you said: "After Nov. we will be in WWIII, unless we get some people with common sense in Congress."

Namaste2you, I agree with your post entirely, but would add we also have to push for vote verification, and ASSURE that their are no more stolen elections!

Get this guy off TV. Not

Get this guy off TV. Not only does he not have a clue but, I find him rude to his guests and he never shuts the hell up to let them speak.

I mean, it's funny when Colbert does it but, this just is just a nob.

No offense Glen.

this guy is a maniac

this guy is a maniac

"Who is this guy" Glen Beck

"Who is this guy"

Glen Beck worked for a local talk radio station here in Tampa Bay for a few years, preaching his neo-con smegma daily from 9-12am. I remember on the days following 9-11, Mr. Beck calling for US warplanes to bomb Afghan hospitals and schools.

He's quite insane, and I was in utter disbelief upon discovering that CNN gave this guy a show. The damage that Glenn Beck and others like him have done to the psychology of the American people is almost insurmoutable.

CNN sees that Fox gets the

CNN sees that Fox gets the highest ratings by catering to rightwing toolbags that only want to hear their simplistic views reinforced. CNN just went out and bought their very own rightwing puppet.strictly business.hhahahahahaha, so sad.