Pakistan and 9/11

Jon Gold made a new flyer on Pakistan and 9/11:

1. The Pakistani ISI has been funded by the United States and Saudi Arabia for years.

2. Weeks before 9/11, Senator Bob Graham, Senator Porter Goss, and Senator John Kyl fly to Pakistan.

3. Weeks before 9/11, Omar Sheikh, under the direction of Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, wire transfers $100,000 to Mohammad Atta.

4. On the morning of 9/11, Senator Bob Graham, Senator Porter Goss, and Senator John Kyl have breakfast in Washington D.C. with Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, the head of the Pakistani ISI. The same man who ordered the wire transfer of $100,000 to Mohammad Atta.


7. Senator Bob Graham and Senator Porter Goss were in charge of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11.


14. When confronted about the $100,000 wire transfer, 9/11 Commissioner Thomas Kean denied any knowledge of the transfer, even though it was on the list of questions submitted by the 9/11 Family Steering Committee."

Hand 'em out!

Jon: You've got two number

Jon: You've got two number 3s.

Nice job, Jon.

Nice job, Jon.

Jon: Here's a source for the

Jon: Here's a source for the alleged bribe:

Cynthia McKinney election

Cynthia McKinney election being stolen from her right now. Check it out! (Site loading a little slow.)



And here's's



EMERGENCY! They are robbing

EMERGENCY! They are robbing Cynthia McKinney's vote at this writing:

(Decatur) After one hour of voting, the McKinney campaign has received numerous calls that the voting machines are malfunctioning. Voters casting votes for McKinney are reportedly having their votes switched by the machines for Hank Johnson. This is not a new problem with Diebold machines. Lawyers for the campaign have been alerted and said that If this situation is not corrected, Cynthia McKinney for Congress will be forced to take additional measures.
Chris | Homepage | 07.18.06 - 1:53 pm | #

Hey Jon, can you put links

Hey Jon, can you put links to source materials -- for an Internet version to link to (maybe not for the flyer hand-out)?

I certainly could... but not

I certainly could... but not now.

Okay -- can you email me

Okay -- can you email me whenever you put it together?

hum.. I put front page of

hum.. I put front page of the New York Post (Bush Knew) on the 9/11 page, next to the conspiracy section. Didn't last long until it was gone.. wikipedia is full of dickheads



EMERGENCY! They are robbing

EMERGENCY! They are robbing Cynthia McKinney's vote at this writing:

We must raise Hell over this!!! No more voting fraud!!!

Hey GW... you have two #3's

Hey GW... you have two #3's in your post. :)

Jon: Fixed. All: Please let

Jon: Fixed.

All: Please let me know if Ellsberg is now thinks 9/11 inside job (Jackblood interview?). Please post at and I'll get it.

Over and out...

I just got to speak with

I just got to speak with Mike Berger. That was pretty cool.

I got the link for No.

I got the link for No. 2

I was in Pakistan two weeks ago, met with the President and other leading officials of that nation.

So we've got: Voter Fraud

So we've got:

Voter Fraud and Disenfranchisement
Stolen Election
Lies and Omissions re: 9/11
Gagging FBI Whistleblowers under "State Secrets Privilege"
NSA Spying on US Citizens without Court Warrants
using "State Secrets Privilege" to throw out spying lawsuits
Lies about WMDs
A war that will never end
Record Debt
A tumbling economy
Terrible Environmental Practices
Corruption at the highest levels of this Administration
Leaking a CIA agent's identity in retaliation of her husband's findings that show the Administration was lying about "Uranium from Africa to Saddam"
FBI admits "No Hard Evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11"
CIA has closed the unit in charge of hunting down Bin Laden
Unrelenting support for Israel's War Crimes.


this is what happens when

this is what happens when you own the media, if the elite dont like your presidency enough, they can take you down over something like oral sex. if they like what you are doing, you can get away with ANYTHING.Bush is a puppet and he knows his role, so the media treats him with kid gloves.hence most americans not knowing or caring about all the crimes you just listed.

DHS, lets not forget his

DHS, lets not forget his illegal singing statements and fomenting homophobia.



then there is his irrational

then there is his irrational and shameless stance on stem cell research etc etc etc etc. i could go on forever.

Jon, One correction for this


One correction for this flyer: Porter Goss was in the House of Representatives, not the Senate.

thats right, he was not a

thats right, he was not a senator, i think he was on the senate intelligence commitee though.(in my opinion, his going along with 9/11 got him the top job at the CIA, that was his "gift")

house intelligence*

house intelligence*

Whatreallyhappened is doing

Whatreallyhappened is doing an excellent job at covering 9/11 related stuff and the middle east right now.

"Jon, One correction for


One correction for this flyer: Porter Goss was in the House of Representatives, not the Senate."

You are correct.

And Porter Goss later became

And Porter Goss later became CIA director, leading the hunt for Osama Bin Laden.

Sibel Edmonds anyone? nuff

Sibel Edmonds anyone?
nuff said.

haha,yeah,he sure was the

haha,yeah,he sure was the right man for the job Greg.

Interesting article.

Goss gave an interview as

Goss gave an interview as CIA director, and said he has a "good idea of where Bin Laden is".
- what he meant by that is Osama's grave in Afghanistan

Don't forget Graham's book:

Don't forget Graham's book: Intelligence (sic!) Matters.

“We were seeing in writing what we had suspected for some time: the White House was directing the cover-up.”



DHS | Homepage | 07.18.06 - 2:48 pm | #"



Hey, that's 'good' work,

Hey, that's 'good' work, Disinfo Agent Gold, trying to divert and distract people's attention away from the fact that, on 9/11, Americans were betrayed and attacked and murdered by AMERICANS! (I wonder if the government is paying Jon for his services [a la disinfo agent John Judge] or if Jon's a volunteer.)

I'm sure some people will fall for Jon's latest distractive diversive presentation.

Getting people to blame/suspect shadowy enemies halfway around the world, chasing after despised 'towel-heads' for 9/11, is the work of our lying, mass-murdering government (and, apparently, Jon Gold), which expects people to fall for patsy-blaming external-enemy-creating they're-different-from-us red herring cover stories.

The best I can possibly conclude about Jon Gold, based upon his behaviors, is that he's well-intentioned but who pulls in the wrong directions because he's not wise enough to see through the government's distractive diversive hateful Muslim-blaming cover stories. But after misbehaving so badly as he has for so long, it's hard to imagine how he could just be so "blind".

IOW, regardless of Jon's motives (which I canont see), his behaviors (which I can) continually pull in the wrong direction.


IMHO, the best single measure of a 9/11 presentation's value is how
impossible the presenter makes it for people to keep clinging to the
belief that they can blame "Muslim hijackers" for 9/11. Further, if
the presentation tries to advance that unfounded belief (especially
subliminally), then it is acting as government propaganda.


I couldnt give two shits if

I couldnt give two shits if Bush was caught on camera having a 3 way with Jeff Gannon and Condi Rice, I would NOT want him impeached for that. Sex scandals upset me, as they white wash all the other crimes of an administration, and give a historical free pass. Being complicit in the deaths of 3000 people and two illegal wars, or a sex scandal...gee, I wonder which someone would chose?

Anyways, I hope the leftgatekeeper blogs like Daily Kos, CrooksandLiaras, etc cover the Mckinney vote swindle.

I mean you guys know about the recent Mexcian election right? Man that was about as blatant as it gets.

And yes, Pakistan is KEY to so many things. Through my own research I've concluded that ISI funded 9/11 directly partially with US covert funds, and if the US didnt know about it before, they KNEW AFTER the fact and covered BOTH their asses. That to me is complicity.
Here's a funny comic strip on the whole thing:

I get paid blimp. $10k a

I get paid blimp. $10k a week.

Hey blimp. Have you ever

Hey blimp. Have you ever gotten laid?

Hey blimp, how many email

Hey blimp, how many email campaigns have you had against Michael Wolsey, Fran Shure, etc... how much do they pay YOU for that?

John I like your flyer but I

John I like your flyer but I would have put the case a bit differently. Personally, I don't believe the 911 meeting between Goss,Graham and Ahmad was sinister. (I don't believe Graham was in on 9/11). They were intelligence officials who could be expected to meet regularly after all. I think the way to argue is to point out that Graham has admitted publicly that a foreign nation was involved. Then make the case that this country is likely Pakistan. Finally, call for people to ring their Congressional reps and DEMAND to know the identity of that foreign nation, insist on the extradition and prosecution of the relevant officials. The line would be "we actually know some guys who helped the terrorists, why aren't we prosecuting them?" Here's my version if you want to use any of it:
A senior US Government official has admitted that a foreign nation has been identified as complicit in the events of 911:

"I was surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved in facilitating the activities of at least some of the terrorists in the United States.... I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing -- although that was part of it -- by a sovereign foreign government ... It will become public at some point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from now." (link)(link)

There has been further evidence that Pakistan may be that country.

Recently (April 2006) the Pakistan's Public Accounts Committee reported that bribes were paid to keep Pakistan's name out of the 911 Report. This from The Telegraph of India:

"The Pakistan foreign office had paid tens of thousands of dollars to lobbyists in the US to get anti-Pakistan references dropped from the 9/11 Inquiry Commission Report, The Friday Times has claimed. The Pakistani weekly said its story is based on disclosures made by foreign service officials to the Public Accounts Committee at a secret meeting in Islamabad on Tuesday. It claimed that some of the commission members were also bribed to prevent them from including damaging information about Pakistan." (

So why would Pakistan be paying lobbyists this way?

Pakistan's military intelligence had close ties to US intelligence. And their Intelligence chief General Mahmoud Ahmad was in Washington on the morning of 911 meeting with congressmen Porter Goss and Bob Graham in discussions on Intelligence.

Subsequent to 911 it emerged that General Ahmad had authorized the payment of $100,000 into the Florida bank account of chief 911 hijacker Mohammed Atta.

There is nothing sinister in General Ahmad meeting with Porter Goss and Bob Graham as they were US intelligence officials. But Senator Bob Graham went on to head the 911 Commission – which ought to have been unacceptable in the circumstances - and Rep.Porter Goss went on to head the CIA.

News of the General Ahmad payment resulted in AhmadÂ’s immediate retirement to seclusion in a suburb of Islamabad.

No adequate account of this payment, or others totalling $1m, has ever been provided to the US public.

We need to that the that story of 19 terrorists acting alone carried out 9/11 is not true. They had a support network. And we have it on the record from Sen. Graham that a "sovereign foreign government" was actively involved in 9/11.

So who are these foreign government officials who helped the 9/11 terrorists? And why won't we extradite and prosecute them?

You would support such a program, wouldn't you?

You're not one of those people who would give aid and comfort to those who helped the terrorists, are you?

Senator Graham says a foreign nation helped the 9/11 terrorists. So which nation was that?


Correction: "We need to that


"We need to that the that story of 19 terrorists acting alone carried out 9/11 is not true. They had a support network. And we have it on the record from Sen. Graham that a "sovereign foreign government" was actively involved in 9/11."

should read...

"We need to know that the 19 terrorists did not carry out 9/11 on their own. They had a support network. And we have it on the record from Sen. Graham that a "sovereign foreign government" was actively involved in 9/11."

"They were intelligence

"They were intelligence officials who could be expected to meet regularly after all. I think the way to argue is to point out that Graham has admitted publicly that a foreign nation was involved. Then make the case that this country is likely Pakistan."

To say that a meeting with a financier of 9/11 at the time of 9/11 isn't sinister is like saying, Al Capone paying a hitman at a victim's house while the blood is still warm is no indication that Al Capone ordered the hit.

You said, "But Senator Bob Graham went on to head the 911 Commission".

He headed the Joint Congressional Inquiry alongside Porter Goss, but was never a member of the 9/11 Commission.

Bob Graham appeared on "Hardball", and stated that the Bush Administration "Covered-Up" Saudi involvement.

I also believe he wrote that in his book. I have often thought about Bob Graham's role in this. I honestly don't know. I don't think he's beyond corruption.

9/11 hijackers tied to Saudi

There are religious belivers in the inside job 911 thesis. One is Griffin. He is religious about it and its perfectly consistent with his theology that lets him also believe in an armed world government to replace America.

But its not just John's Pakistan documentation, and the Sauudi links investigated by the Senate, and the
Saudi-Turkish links all over Sybll Edmunds-Indira Singh.Its also history: al-qaeda did exist-it fought along side mi6 in the Blkans and in Azerbaijan, it helped set up the BP pipelines (BTC, trans-balkan), so on, the protection given the London bombers by mI5/MI6.

Thats why they need the inside job evil CCheney Haliburton-to hide the true motive-which wss not billions in defense dollars-but the trillions in value gained to Saudi aramco-BP

A blog cant do this justice.


911 should not be a UFO cult-everyone should be open to following their own conclusions and the evidence. argue on the evidence, not on theology grounds!

Evidence suggests Jonah did not live in a whale,
but since the 911 inquisition says something else, you are condemned as a agent of Satan, a heretic.

Thats not the scientific method.

So there's one "sovereign

So there's one "sovereign foreign government". Care to guess why he's only specified one?

' So there's one "sovereign

' So there's one "sovereign foreign government". Care to guess why he's only specified one?'

I don't know John. There's also some good material from Craig Unger claiming that the Saudi's knew in advance and failed to tell.

I also take the previous point that there are Americans behind 9/11, but sometimes you have to take a roundabout way to get where you want to go (of course, there's all that great Hopsicker stuff too, that should be pushed like hell...Makram Chams.)

But the part I like best about the Graham quote is that it's their own words. The US govt is saying it KNOWS which country is involved. The US govt has decided NOT to tell people which nation that was. The US govt has decided that it will NOT extradite or prosecute people it KNOWS to have been involved in 9/11.

If that isn't a selling point to people I don't know what is.


Yes, you're right. I was

Yes, you're right. I was aware that Sen.Bob Graham headed the Joint Congressional Inquiry and not the 9/11 Commission. I was just pasting from an earlier, wrong text. Sorry.

Let's think about the

Let's think about the reasons why he's willing only to specify one country.

1. Saudi Arabia is ultimately on the list of countries to occupy, and tying them to 9/11 would make the case for such an invasion.

2. There is no DIRECT evidence between Saudi Arabia and the Bush Administration in regards to 9/11 other than previous business dealings. In other words, it's "safe" to talk about.

3. There is a good chance that there was direct collaboration between Pakistan and the Bush Administration. Making it "not safe" to talk about.

4. Bob Graham was and has been part of the "system" that makes America "work". He is a veteran Washington D.C. man. There is a reason why he's not mentioning Pakistan but is mentioning Saudi Arabia. Could it be that was the position he was "assigned"? Either by the Democrats or the Bush Administration. If he was "assigned" by the Democrats, it was probably because mentioning the fact that the Bush Administration is covering up Saudi involvement hurts him come election time. If he was assigned by the Bush Administration, then that probably means what I said earlier. They have a plan to invade Saudi Arabia, and that's why he's selling the Saudi Arabia - 9/11 tie.

The Democrats and the Republicans are two sides of the same coin. I don't trust Bob Graham any further than I can throw him.