Interview with Morgan Reynolds From LC2E Screening at Lakewood Theater

Exclusive Interview with Dr. Morgan Reynolds, member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth - Gonzo Muckraker Blog

LSI: “Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, Dr. Reynolds. You are currently professor emeritus with Texas A&M, correct?”

MR: “Yes, I’ve taught there for 28 years. And in 2001-2002, I was the Chief Economist Department of Labor, a political appointee of the Bush/Cheney Administration. I was also the director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis, which is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.”

LSI: “So, short version … 9/11 was an ‘Inside Job.’ You lean more toward the side that says the Bush Administration made it happen, rather than those who think they simply allowed it to happen.”

MR: “Yes. I think we have compelling evidence that 9/11 was done by elements of the Bush/Cheney government, aided by select outsiders. They did it. It doesn’t have anything to do with Arabs or caves in Afghanistan. It was all set up to aid the war on terror, control, oil, promote the global domination project and the like …”

LSI: “So … How far does that rabbit hole go?”

MR: (Laughing) “It goes very far. But, first, 9/11 is the lynchpin event of this century. We have to bring the movement to a boil so we can prosecute the real perpetrators. Once this opens up, it’ll open up a whole raft of things … It will go very deep and very wide. Once the American public is really awakened, and it is happening week by week, this could lead, ultimately, to the paymasters, the so-called invisible government … But we’re not ready to go there just yet. We’ve got to crack 9/11. That’s the key. People who just want to try to oppose the war in Iraq, or be supportive of the Israelis in Lebanon, or try to stop them [the Bush’s] piecemeal are going to fail. None of this could be happening without 9/11. We’ve got to break 9/11 open for this movement to go further. I call it a constitutional crisis that we need to have. We need to go there.”

Be sure to check out the full article for the rest of this lengthy interview.

Thanks Joe for the heads up!

Uhm, what does it mean

Uhm, what does it mean support the Israelis in Lebanon?

anon: it means "blame


it means "blame Hezbollah" and allow Israel to do what it is doing in Lebanon to "get the evildoers".

But he names it along with

But he names it along with 'those who oppose the war' and those 'who try to stop them piecemeal'.

This implies that he supports what israel is doing in lebanon right now

how you managed to divine

how you managed to divine israel support from that statement is really beyond me.

Reynolds is absolutely correct, and the time has come for everyone to stand together in unison against these crimes... bravo.

... ahh read the quote in

... ahh read the quote in context, that is rather puzzling.

don't dwell on what reynolds

don't dwell on what reynolds meant in his comment on israel/lebanon. instead dwell on his fine website which should have been posted in the article/story.
morgan reynolds' no more games

he's just a human being -

he's just a human being - how anyone can think this guy's an agent is beyond me.

if he's an agent, then the bad guys are making a big mistake because he says alot when he opens his mouth.

i believe we should support

i believe we should support our installed gov in Bagdhad which supports Hezbollah.

shit is falling upwards these days . . . could it be a flashback from that sorority party at Baylor in 72?

Yes his comment appears to

Yes his comment appears to support Israel in Lebanon, and it does seem a bit odd but hey, the guy is a Republican...

and he is one of the best assets the 9/11 Truth movement has.

He also opposed Clinton's health care plan and the campaign finance reform law, but IMHO all that is pretty irrelevant when you consider the importance of what he is saying.

yeah,he seems to be dead

yeah,he seems to be dead wrong on so many issues, but that hardly matters when your main issue is exposing 9/11.

I never said he is an agent,

I never said he is an agent, but we should always be suspicious of people (especially ones with close government ties) to be infiltrators.

I cannot fathom how anyone could look at 9/11, the war in afghanistan, the war in iraq, and the potential war with iran in one light, and then, look at israel's aggression against Palestinians/Lebanese/Syrians/Iranians as justified.

It's either a sign of manipulation or complete lack of critical thinking.

To me, it's the equivalent of someone saying that 9/11 was an inside job and that we support George Bush finding out the truth and getting the country on the wrong track.

It could possibly be that the quote was written/interpreted incorrectly, but I would like to know

Morgan Reynolds is right

Morgan Reynolds is right when he says, "[9/11] doesnÂ’t have anything to do with Arabs or caves in Afghanistan."

So when you see stuff like the timeline(s) of "Paul Thompson" (not his real name) always tracing the roots of 9/11 back to "caves in Afghanistan", you should wonder why a supposed 911 truther would help promote the government lie like that. (And also why any honest sane 911 truther would turn around and promote the work of "Thompson".)

So when you see stuff like the work of Peter Dale Scott, Osama expert, continually going on and on and on about "Osama", you should wonder why people within the 9TM, who claim to oppose the lie of 9/11, would help promote/substantiate the government lie by presenting PDS as some kind of 911 truther.

So when you see supposed 911 truthers worrying publicly about money wired to patsy "Mohamed Atta" as if that has something to do with perpetrating 9/11, you should wonder why they would surreptitiously help make people remain comfortable with the government lie which claims that Atta was "the ringleader".

So when you see stuff like the government's "Able Danger" disinfo campaign receiving a lot of positive(!) attention and coverage by supposedly-honest 911 truthers, you should wonder why supposed 911 truthers would help promote continued belief in the very core of the government's Muslim-blaming Big Lie of 9/11 like that.

So when you see stuff like "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" surreptitiously referring to the government's "Able Danger" disinformation campaign, you should wonder why a supposed 911 truth video would help promote the government lie like that. You should also wonder about 911truthers who promote that video as being about 911 truth.

So when you see 911 truthers (and the video WKJO) repeatedly talking about Osama in conjucntion with 9/11, you should wonder why any supposedly-honest 911 truther would help promote (nevermind make) a video which advances/reinforces the very core of the government lie like that.

And when you see Kevin Barrett of MUjca getting so much attention, keep in mind that the very name MUjca itself gives people the impression that 9/11 was about MUslims, and/or religious differences, which is another way of reinforcing the government's big lie of 9/11, which helps keep people's minds trapped in that powerful but totally false paradigm.

I don't agree with anyone, including Morgan Reynolds, on everything, but when it comes to not blaming 9/11 on Muslims, or even giving the impression that one could possibly go on clinging to that false belief, Morgan is one of the few leading 911 truthers who has his head screwed on straight. (But to those disinfo agents whose heads are intentionally screwed on crooked, and whose paid job is to try to keep The Big Muslim-blaming Lie alive, I can understand why they would want to denounce all incisive honest 911 truthers as "agents", in a Rovian 180-degree misdirective lie. That's a primary reason why lie-breaking-evidence-concealing (lie-by-omission) agent Jim Hoffman attacks Reynolds -- because Jimbo works to keep belief in the Muslim-blaming core of The government's Big Lie alive and well in people's 9/11-confused minds.)


IMHO, the best single measure of a 9/11 presentation's value is how
impossible the presenter makes it for people to keep clinging to the
belief that they can blame "Muslim hijackers" for 9/11. Further, if
the presentation tries to advance that unfounded belief (especially
subliminally), then it is acting as government propaganda.


>>I cannot fathom how anyone

>>I cannot fathom how anyone could look at 9/11, the war in afghanistan, the war in iraq, and the potential war with iran in one light, and then, look at israel's aggression against Palestinians/Lebanese/Syrians/Iranians as justified. It's either a sign of manipulation or complete lack of critical thinking.


Anyone who thinks commercial jets didn't hit the WTC towers AND that Israel is justified . . . give me a break. In the end, it doesn't matter which it is --manipulation or complete lack of critical thinking -- only that it is.

Wake up people. The best agents aren't going to be assholes, they're going to be nice guys that everyone likes. If Reynolds isn't an agent he's got a serious case of Alzheimers. Doesn't matter which it is, it's time to say no to no-plane nonsense and support for Israel. Too bad Kevin Barrett is so into him, but maybe not surprising. MR is a walking time-bomb for 9/11 truth credibility with his no-planes positions.

Reynolds is a

Reynolds is a non-expansionist anti-imperialist conservative -- the type which typically does not side w/ the neo-cons or the evangelicals, but rather with small business, gun-owners, and those that doubt the legitimacy / wisdom of any large gov't project -- and for that reason I doubt that he was correctly quoted.

I agree with earlier commenters who voiced their support and agreement w/ Reynolds. To me he is the most articulate, most uncompromising, and most appealing of all the voices. I wish he would assume a more central role. He is fearless about saying what seems true to him.

Like another said: if he's disinfo, he's having entirely the wrong impact -- at least w/ me.

toto: the goal of a disinfo


the goal of a disinfo agent isn't always to dissuade people from joining a movement. Some agents might do that, but some are in the movement to infiltrate it and keep it in control (keep it from touching areas the power that be don't want it to).

Another sign of disinfo/delusion is when someone thinks the answer 9/11 truth is voting the bush and company out of office. Come on, get real.

Outside of little insignificant domestic issues (abortion, affirmative action, etc) Clinton and Bush had the SAME foreign policy. I've tried for 3 years to get liberal friends to understand this. Clinton stated a few years back that he would pick up a gun and fight for Israel.

In fact, Clinton would be a lot worse than Bush. Alot worse. Bush is too dumb and has trouble getting most intelligent people to trust him. Clinton on the other hand, was a very very good speaker and a better politician. He would be very dangerous in a time like this.

Government agents love to

Government agents love to attack and try to smear and label (they even resort to using false left-right paradigm labels!) those precious few honest 911 truthers who've seen through the government's lie. Government agents also try to prop up the ludicrous belief that hijacked civilian passenger airliners are what struck the buildings. Government agents also work in teams (flocks), so they can stick up for each other (and also divisively create factions within the so-called movement), even though their clothes are every bit as invisible as the emperor's.

Government agents are easy to recognize: by their (non-)behaviors... they won't inform anyone that the aircraft in the government's own Pentagon video evidence is TOO SMALL TO BE A 757.

They also denigrate/dismiss/ignore the very same govt-lie-breaking "Muslim hijacker" disproving evidence which the 9-11 Commission ignored. some "coincidence", eh?


IMHO, the best single measure of a 9/11 presentation's value is how
impossible the presenter makes it for people to keep clinging to the
belief that they can blame "Muslim hijackers" for 9/11. Further, if
the presentation tries to advance that unfounded belief (especially
subliminally), then it is acting as government propaganda.


911blimp said, "Morgan is

911blimp said,
"Morgan is one of the few leading 911 truthers who has his head screwed on straight."

I fully agree with the above! Where we differ is in how easy/difficult they are to recognize.

Sometimes it's difficult to tell if someone is a Government agent. However, if you evaluate Morgan's actions and outcomes, you won't be confused. Yep. We're lucky to have him.

As the author of this

As the author of this article, I assure Should you all, no quotes were missed. I recorded the interview and transcribed it exactly as it took place. If you like, I could place the audio online, as it was captured by a digital recorder.

This article is the cover story of the newest edition of The Lone Star Iconoclast (8/1/06) ...

Ha. Oops. Glitchy computer.

Ha. Oops. Glitchy computer. I'm sure that typo does not install any faith in your humble Muckraker.

But again, I assure you, no quotes were missed. That statement, however ambigious, is accurate to the recording.


Google: The FBI uses

Google: The FBI uses polygraphs to eliminate suspects