Details on Barrett's Recent Open Lecture in Wisconsin

Lecturer explains 9/11 theories -

Inside the dim and dusty Silver Moon on Sunday afternoon, about 60 people stared with wondering eyes and listened with alert ears to 9/11 conspiracy theories explained by UW-Madison lecturer Kevin Barrett.
But Barrett's audience Sunday apparently shared his skepticism of official versions of Sept. 11, 2001.

A show of hands near the end of the three-hour discussion indicated a majority of attendees believed the events of 9/11 were the product of an intricate U.S. government plot.

A handful indicated they suspected there might have been a plot.

Only three or four hands went up from people who believed al-Qaeda terrorists were behind the attacks.

Silver Moon owner Glenn Davis, who moderated what he called a "rational discussion" on what is known and unknown about 9/11, said such events will bring out the "truth" from that day.
"It's people like Barrett who are making us look at these questions," he said. "It's horrible to think the interests of the U.S. government is greater than that of the people who live in it. If that is true, then God help the U.S."

Check out the article for details on the information that was covered.

Thanks fhb for the heads up!

Click Here

can someone just look over

can someone just look over my WTC Flyer and hit me with some constructive criticism.


also check out 40 reasons to doubt the official story.

Couric to Debut on CBS With

Couric to Debut on CBS With 9/11 Special

"Five Years Later _ How Safe Are We?" will air (on 9/11/06) at 10 p.m. EDT and talk about what the government is doing to prevent future attacks and how anxiety affects Americans.
How to prevent future attacks? about starting with charges against the true conspirators.

CNN has gone crazy... talkin

CNN has gone crazy... talkin about the Apocalypse and quoting "Revelations"

With the recent news out of

With the recent news out of Syria, I think we should all be reading revelations.


Sorry... that was supposed

Sorry... that was supposed to be this...


And that was supposed to be

And that was supposed to be this...


On the front page of

On the front page of rawstory...

Senate: Tax cheating by super rich out of control... Breaking...

Why don't you give them another tax cut Bush?

Funny you post that Jon. I

Funny you post that Jon. I kid you not, but just today I was thinking of doing a cool photoshop with Dr. Evil and Mini Me - replacing the heads with Bush and Harper.

The caption could say something like..."you complete me".

A show of hands near the end

A show of hands near the end of the three-hour discussion indicated a majority of attendees believed the events of 9/11 were the product of an intricate U.S. government plot.

That's encouraging. I like Barrett, he seems very humble and candid.

This should curl your

This should curl your Ruppert would say:

The name of the news agency

The name of the news agency source of the global research article just posted (Ohmy) has nothing to do with my reaction to the story.

Where is Helen Caldicott now that we need her? Please read Schell's "The Fate of the Earth" if you are not familiar with the consequences and sequelae of nuclear detonations.

CNN has gone crazy... talkin

CNN has gone crazy... talkin about the Apocalypse and quoting "Revelations"
Yep. CNN had another similar segment last week. The Bush-style Christians are getting pretty worked up. The anti-abortion, anti-gay Christians. The ones who skipped the parts about "Thou shall not kill, steal, lie, etc." The ones who don't want to hear about the biggest deception of all time ... 9/11. The ones who when they get up to the pearly gates, the Lord will say: "Go from me for I never knew you." Boy, would I like to see the look on their faces. And then the 9/11 Truthers will inherit the Earth. After the neo-con madmen have fucked it up. No, there's gotta be a better ending.

This should curl your

This should curl your Ruppert would say:
MediaPuppet | 07.31.06 - 9:58 pm | #

CONPLAN 8022 is different from other war plans in that it posits a small-scale operation and no "boots on the ground." The typical war plan encompasses an amalgam of forces -- air, ground, sea -- and takes into account the logistics and political dimensions needed to sustain those forces in protracted operations. All these elements generally require significant lead time to be effective. (Existing Pentagon war plans, developed for specific regions or "theaters," are essentially defensive responses to invasions or attacks. The global strike plan is offensive, triggered by the perception of an imminent threat and carried out by presidential order.)
