Protests mark opening of 'WTC'

Protests mark opening of 'WTC'

TAMPA - Oliver Stone's new film 'World Trade Center' may well be remembered most for its tribute to the courage and heroism of those who answered the call on September 11th. But it's also turned into a platform for protest.

"We are using leaflets to alert the public about the discrepancies between real science and physics and the fictional account that the public has been spoon-fed about the events of 9/11," explained Mia Hamel of

It's a scene that played out at University Mall in Tampa but was also repeated nationwide as protesters pushed for a new investigation.

"We are being lied to. I don't know why, but we know the official story does not make scientific sense," protester David Simmons said.

World Trade Center Tower 7 is at the center of many of the theories. The 47-story building collapsed hours after the twin towers came down back on September 11, 2001...

I wonder if they used my

I wonder if they used my flyer!

nice. WTC7.

nice. WTC7.

no, they didn't :-(

no, they didn't :-(

I will be in a Philly

I will be in a Philly theatre on Sunday with 150 DVDs and flyers to put in the seats BEFORE the movie starts.

From the story: "And there's

From the story:

"And there's more. They are also raising questions whether the attack was actually staged by Arab terrorists, and who Mohammed Atta really was. "[He was] an alcohol user, he was a cocaine user. His girlfriend was a stripper, he went to strip clubs, he wore flashy jewelry," Hamel said, trying to cast doubt on Atta's religious devotion."

Don't follow this point except to link him to the CIA because the muslims can't drink alcohol thing has been debunked (9/11 myths) -- there is apparently a certain Wahabi sect which says that when necessary, members can use whatever means possible to achieve thier ends, including to mimic the enemy, even if it goes against their beliefs.

This is not a strong point! Also stay away from 'missing hijackers' and 'living hijackers,' -- it only makes us look nuts and there is no evidence except old news stories. Most people are very mixed up about the hijackers info.

Stand-down and war games is far stronger. Stay away from hijacker stuff except to connect them back to the CIA.

DHS, why did you leave off

DHS, why did you leave off

some good

wtc got 4 stars from roeper

wtc got 4 stars from roeper

In Regard to

In Regard to;

From the "Hijackers" page...

This page is replete with misdirection, omission and strawman hooey. Here are some examples:

Example #1:
“Some of the hijackers were actually trained to fly by the US government”

“However, if you look at the original source for this story, a Newsweek article, you’ll find some important qualifications.”

Uh, yeah. It was reported in Newsweek, The Washington Post, and in a Knight-Ridder wire piece, followed up by The Pensacola News Journal and Daniel Hopsicker who reports this exchange;

"We reached a major in the Air ForceÂ’s Public Affairs Office who was familiar with the question, she said, because she had read the initial Air Force denial to the media.

“Biographically, they’re not the same people,” she explained to us patiently. “Some of the ages are 20 years off.”

“Some” of the ages? We told her we were only interested in Atta. Was she saying that the age of the Mohamed Atta who attended the Air Force’s International Officer’s School at Maxwell Air Force Base was different from the terrorist Atta’s age as reported?

Um, er, no, the major admitted. Still, she persisted. “Mohamed is a very common name.”

We asked if the registrar of the International OfficerÂ’s School might provide us with the name and address of this second Mohamed Atta, so that we might call him and confirm that there were really two Mohamed AttaÂ’s of about the same age pursuing flight training in the U.S. at about the same time.

“I don’t think you’re going to get that information,” the major replied."

Example #2:

“The hijackers reportedly had girlfriends, drank alcohol, went clubbing, not the acts of fundamentalists”

Reportedly? You can say that again;

Filipinos Recall Hijack Suspects Leading a High Life

Agents of terror leave their mark on Sin City Las Vegas workers recall the men they canÂ’t forget

SuspectsÂ’ actions donÂ’t add up

Top Ten Things You Never Knew About Mohamed Atta

So, not “reportedly” but, “definitely”, from multiple sources.

But, that’s ok! ‘Cause Atta was Takfir! Sorry, believed to be Takfir.

But, but, Takfiris hate Al Qaeda. They think Osama and co. are a bunch of pussy sell-outs.

So much for that one.

"It is incomprehensible that a person could drink and go to a strip bar one night, then kill themselves the next day in the name of Islam. People who would kill themselves for their faith would come from very strict Islamic ideology. Something here does not add up."

– Mahmoud Mustafa Ayoub, Professor of Religion at Temple University in Philadelphia. (MUSLIM)

911miss, cont'd; Example

911miss, cont'd;

Example #3:
“Many of those named as hijackers are still alive”

Yes, they may very well be.

Just a silly “name mixup”. Yeah, and…

"The Saudi Airlines pilot, Saeed Al-Ghamdi, 25, and Abdulaziz Al-Omari, an engineer from Riyadh, are furious that the hijackers’ “personal details” – including name, place, date of birth and occupation – matched their own. – Revealed: the men with stolen identities"

Yeah. “Name mixup”.

Example #4:
“The planes were flown to their targets by remote control, not hijackers”

“Can these planes really be controlled remotely?” (This query has been changed to: "Remote control of large planes isn’t in itself a new idea..." wonder why?)

No shit. The technology to fly full-sized Boeing jets via remote control has been around for ages. Ages, I say.

Example #5:

“The final list of bodies identified from Flight 77 shows there were no hijackers aboard”

Not only is the title misleading, but their rationalization is such a complete and utter mutilation of the original article that it must be read to be believed.

IÂ’ll be taking any debunking helpfully provided by 911myths with a HUGE grain of salt, but thanks.

Finally, I'm going to boldly

Finally, I'm going to boldly suggest that whoever did the Takfir segment doesn't know, what it is, that they are talking about.

Here's a corrective;

I'll be interviewing Dave

I'll be interviewing Dave Slesinger of tonight, at 7pm pst on , hopefully the radio server will come back online by then. if not, i'll post the link here and elsewhere.

reader: To be honest I don't


To be honest I don't know why I didn't add Hold on I will redo it.

Reprehensor: Great job

Reprehensor: Great job debunking 911Myths.

If you are a team of people went through and debunked all of their claims, I'm sure the Scholars would publish it in their journal or it would get other prominent attention.

Oops, I obviously meant "If

Oops, I obviously meant "If you or a team of people" . . .

headline on Scarborough:

headline on Scarborough: Crazy Cynthia. he went on to say she said that 9/11 was an inside job. oh, and he just called her "cukoo" for saying that electronic voter machines are bad. FUCK THIS GUY.

reader: updated the

There's a new article up at

There's a new article up at suggesting that the "Powers That Be" have decided it's time to throw Turniphead and the Sneering Dick overboard before they incinerate the world. I am not a paid up member of FTW anymore so I can only read the free summary.

It might explain why we are seeing 911 truth breaking into the mainstream media the last little while. Maybe they hope to pin it on the puppets Bush and Cheney while the real Puppet Master retires to fight again another day.

Here's the intro snip:

The Global Elite Abandon The Neo-cons

Michael Kane
Staff Writer

© Copyright 2006, From The Wilderness Publications, All Rights Reserved. This story may NOT be posted on any Internet web site without express written permission. Contact May be circulated, distributed or transmitted for non-profit purposes only.

August 9th 2006, 2:31PM [PST] – From Zbignew Brzezinski to the Trilateral Commission, the global elite are abandoning the insane doctrine of the neo-cons. Everyone clearly sees that the U.S. and Israel have gotten themselves into a situation they cannot successfully get out of. Whether the flashpoint for these events happened on Israeli or Lebanese land (in light of conflicting reports that Hezbollah had kidnapped Israeli soldiers) or if the kidnappings were just a convenient excuse to implement a predetermined plan is irrelevant.

The New World Order is finally scared of the beast they created and installed in Washington. They are trying to reign in their Frankenstein; whether or not they can do so remains to be seen. Who will win at the end of the day? Will it be the neoliberals or Dr. Strangelove?

URL for the

"" should be

"" should be defended by John McCain himself. He has put himself on the frontpage of their book, so let him enter the ring of debate with one of ours, with Alex Jones, with Tarpley, etc. and then let's see how much John McCain can "debunk" us.

Also, as in the Jay Leno appearance, the MSM is trying to _play down_ the 36% as a "minority" - everybody who gets a chance please remind them that this is more than those still supporting Bush. Then they can choose: is 36% much or is 36% little.

Wow, lots going down today,

Wow, lots going down today, good job everyone!!!

Scarborough almost made my

Scarborough almost made my head explode with that introductory hit job on McKinney.

SBG, ban this V motherfucker

SBG, ban this V motherfucker please. check the thread below to see his disruption.

yeah Al C, most disgustingly

yeah Al C, most disgustingly biased trash i have EVER seen. i hate this man.

SBG, ban this V motherfucker

SBG, ban this V motherfucker please. check the thread below to see his disruption.

Agreed. I thought V was banned earlier today? Using a secondary PC, apparently...

911myths (and debunking911)

911myths (and debunking911) are 100% pure government disinfo sites; they both deliberately try, on behalf of our lying+murdering government, to confuse people, by spewing heaps of crapjunk 'science', by conflating facts with opinions (they're big on offering theirs...), and smearing other presentations which help people to see through the absurd impossible ludicrous disproven discredited official government conspiracy theory of 9/11.


"[He was] an alcohol user, he was a cocaine user. His girlfriend was a stripper, he went to strip clubs, he wore flashy jewelry," Hamel said, trying to cast doubt on Atta's religious devotion.

What a feeble/backasswards/counterproductive attempt at trying to vanquish The Big Lie of 9/11. Most people already(/still) hate Atta for something terrible he did not do. How is casting doubt on his "religious devotion" going to change that? Obviously, it's not; it will only make people think that Atta should also be blamed/hated for being a nonreligious/bad Muslim.

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO VANQUISH THE BIG LIE BY TALKING ABOUT ITS FICTITIOUS ELEMENTS AS IF THEY WERE REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So why would any honest intelligent sane 911 truther still be trying to do that?


IMHO, the best single measure of a 9/11 presentation's value is how
impossible the presenter makes it for people to keep clinging to the
belief that they can blame "Muslim hijackers" for 9/11. Further, if
the presentation tries to advance that unfounded belief (especially
subliminally), then it is acting as government propaganda.


reprehensor, thanks for the

reprehensor, thanks for the debunking. I agree with GW -- you should submit a full debunking write-up to the scholars journal.

My point is that the hijacker info takes that much writing to sort out, and even then it's duel of words, with one Muslim man saying one thing about this supposed sect and another saying another thing.

At least they also said B7, which was important.

Dave Slesinger's 911courage site is a little too Dave Sleshinger oriented for me -- like Fetzer, it's 'me me me, it's all about me and my own thoughts.' It has forums, but it has his name too many times all over it. And how many presentations by him do people really need to hear? Many sites are like this, though.

Scarborough didn't mention

Scarborough didn't mention Griffin or 9/11 issues in any promo/tease yet. I am worried.

Yes, a thorough

Yes, a thorough challenge/analysis/debunking/response to the 911myths website is in order since it is being increasingly referenced as a debunking authority. At the very least, those who are preparing for interviews in the media should familiarize themselves with the responses and topics on that site, lest they be caught off guard and unable to respond like Les Jamieson on Hardfire TV posted a week or two ago...

It looks like they dropped

It looks like they dropped Griffin. He's too good. heh.



That's the whole problem with LIHOP: It always just leads back to the 'incompetent' government explanation, fully justifies the War on Terror, the rollback of civil liberties, and turns people off since it's no new Watergate after all.

Example #5: “The final

Example #5:

“The final list of bodies identified from Flight 77 shows there were no hijackers aboard”

Not only is the title misleading, but their rationalization is such a complete and utter mutilation of the original article that it must be read to be believed.

IÂ’ll be taking any debunking helpfully provided by 911myths with a HUGE grain of salt, but thanks.
reprehensor | Homepage | 08.09.06 - 9:00 pm | #

No passengers' bodies could have been IDed from whatever slammed & exploded through the Pentagon. The DNA & ID results were fabricated.

Is there any way to watch

Is there any way to watch Scarborough Country via net stream?

its over and Griffin wasnt

its over and Griffin wasnt on. Scarborough is a coward. and i now hate him more than Carlson Hannity,O'Reilly,Kristol, all of them based on his slandering of McKinney alone.

What a dick!

What a dick!

interesting little blurb

interesting little blurb about 9-11 and McKinney here at MoJo

and a comments section to boot! ;)

I've been hearing an awful

I've been hearing an awful lot about Iran "supporting Hezbollah & other 'terrorists'" on the msm today and tonight! I hope we are NOT going to be invading Iran now!

9.11.2006 http://www.freewayb

we got our stream working

we got our stream working slesingers on now.

This is weird. By accident,

This is weird. By accident, I found a site full of pictures taken by ground zero rescue workers.

I'm a 9/11 researcher since quite a while, but for some reason, I've never seen these pictures before.

This is a vast resource for image analysts. There are also some videos and drawings. Make sure to check out every single picture.

It takes a while to click through the whole menu and examine every single picture, but it is worth it.

I had a strange feeling towards the truth movement as I read claims that there was a huge amount of gold right below the WTC7, but then I found this picture:

Everybody e-mail your local

Everybody e-mail your local movie critics and ask them in light of World Trade Center when they are going to review these movies.
Loose Change Second Edition.
Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime.
What's The Truth - How Indeed Did the Twin Towers Collapse?
Who Killed John O'Neill?
9/11 Revisited.
Painful Deceptions.
9/11 Eyewitness.

We certainly could spend a

We certainly could spend a bunch of time rebutting 911miss.

Personally, I'd rather see the siteowner take on Jon Gold in a debate.

Gold would metaphorically murder him.


After all this media

After all this media exposure I have a few observations on what not to discuss in future endeavors.

1) The collapse of WTC 1,2,7
2) Where are the passengers?
3) The physical Pentagon Attack.
4) Remote Control Planes
5) Cell Phone Calls (Bingham said he was on the airphone, not a cell.)

It's time to instead demand answers to real questions instead of having a speculationfest.

1) Environmental hazards.
2) It seems hard to believe that in 5 years not one person has been implicated in the crime. Everyone involved is either dead or in hiding or wearing a stun belt to trial. How did this happen?
3) Sibel Edmonds' mouth should be unshut. Why hasn't it been?
4) What's up with Able Danger? Really though.
5) Norman Mineta/Dick Cheney/WTF?
6) Who got the stock trade and how?
7) 28 pages left in the novel.

The National 9/11 Debate seeks people willing to defend government account of 9/11 in a public debate forum

That's an invitation.

On stock trades, they say

On stock trades, they say the Commission has debunked that myth.

Son, the insider stock trades have never been debunked by anyone!

They also use that point

They also use that point when I hit on the Ahmad ISI issue to say Pakistan is now a friend in the war on terror.


DHS, on point 2, the shills

DHS, on point 2, the shills always say KSM was caught and we are beating the crap out of him somewhere (In reality he is probably having cocktails with the ISI). They also use that point when I hit on the Ahmad ISI issue to say Pakistan is now a friend in the war on terror.

On stock trades, they say the Commission has debunked that myth.

But, I totally agree on hitting Edmonds, Mineta, Able Danger, wargames.

I will straight up bootleg

I will straight up bootleg this movie ASAP and with utter disregard for ©

You mean like the way Cheney

You mean like the way Cheney continues to get rich off mudering 3,000 innocent people + the murders & Iraq & Afghanistan??? I hear Dick is worth well over 100 million now, same thing for Rummy.

V, to have such quick access

V, to have such quick access to new IPs, you must be in a gov't or military/industrial bldg like Raytheon, yes?

Hate to say this, but

Hate to say this, but Stone's movie seems to be beneficial for the truth movement. MSM is picking it up... the movie and the truth

Arguing isn't going to do

Arguing isn't going to do anything. You have to demand they make it official in a report.

I question about the stock

I question about the stock trades because of things like this:,8599,175953,00.html

9/22/01 has a few articles aimed at the stocks

DHS, don't talk about WTC-7?

DHS, don't talk about WTC-7? WTF?

Don't talk about the Pentagon? The only video ever released does NOT look like AA77.

Don't talk about remote control planes? Those Cessna flunkies piloted huge airliners?

Surely you jest.

Right, you demand the

Right, you demand the release of the videos.

You demand the release of

You demand the release of the report.

DHS, the gov't continually

DHS, the gov't continually ducking those key issues is proof in-and-of-itself of a cover-up!

Hate to say this, but

Hate to say this, but Stone's movie seems to be beneficial for the truth movement. MSM is picking it up... the movie and the truth
CB | Homepage | 08.09.06 - 11:01 pm | #

Yeah, but why must the truth dribble out in subtle hints & riddles?

WTC 7 is the smoking gun.. I

WTC 7 is the smoking gun.. I posted flyers at the local movie theater today protesting Stone's WTC movie and had a chance to talk to a few people going in to see the movie.

Well, actually it's pretty

Well, actually it's pretty easy to get a new IP, even from home... But I won't say anything, I don't wanna feed the trolls.

That Dick Cheney is

That Dick Cheney is something else. Old Dick is worth well over $100 mil. He made it the old fashion way, murder, war mongering, & high treason!

V, to have such quick access

V, to have such quick access to new IPs, you must be in a gov't or military/industrial bldg like Raytheon, yes?

Ummmm.. good point.. Big Brother is watching you.

Think of the TV series

Think of the TV series Alias.. but our technology sucks compared to the fictional tech. on their show. But good enough to monitor all the folks that post here.

Yup. A lot of babies had to

Yup. A lot of babies had to die to make old Dick a very wealthy man.

V, maybe you & Dick can be

V, maybe you & Dick can be cellmates when this is all over. You seem like his type.

DHS, Professor of Economics,


Professor of Economics, Paul Zarembka has studied much of the available data and published a paper in "the Hidden History of 9-11-2001"

"Above board profits by war profiteers and oil oligarchs are not the only kind to consider. Among the many suspicious events surrounding the events of 9/11 are reports of insider trading that preceded the event. This is where editor and contributor Paul Zarembka applies his specific field of expertise as a Professor of economics. In a careful and revealing manner, Zarembka scrutinizes the many reports that vary from concerned to alarmist, and draws a somewhat reserved but serious conclusion.

As opposed to the reassuring footnote in the 9/11 Commission Report that tells us the issue has been entirely investigated and is wholly insignificant, Zarembka tells us that “…indeed, there is evidence of insider trading before 9-11 on American Airlines and United Airlines.” He examines the data that fueled the speculative reports, as well as a contemporary peer-reviewed study to reach his startling conclusion that fully contradicts the 9/11 Commission."

I hate Dick Cheney. He is

I hate Dick Cheney. He is Satan.

DRG did an EXCELLENT job on

DRG did an EXCELLENT job on that pipsqueak's show.

Tucker represents why this country has no idea what being American means. Openly questioning the government is a core American value! Tucker's statements were truly unamerican.

btw, what happened to his bow-tie??? Maybe he removed it so more blood would flow to his brain? Too bad it didn't help...

Mia Hamel was such a trooper

Mia Hamel was such a trooper today. She is a great leader for our Tampa 9/11 truth group.

She's coming to NYC for 9/11/06 - She brings lots of energy wherever she goes!

My Jewish landlord's

My Jewish landlord's carpenter's name is Satan.

That's no lie.

DHS read

V is more like a "Joseph

V is more like a "Joseph Goebbels" than a Satan.

V, is Dick Cheney a

V, is Dick Cheney a modern-day Führer to you? You know, someone you look up to?

Joe Scarborough Portrayed

Joe Scarborough Portrayed Cynthia McKinney As Crazy, So I Made A Movie - Video Inside

It's not that great... just something I threw together. I also cursed in it so be forewarned.

Carlson was absolutely

Carlson was absolutely pathetic! Did I actually hear him tell Dr. Griffin that GriffinÂ’s ideas on 9/11 are blasphemous & sinful??? ThatÂ’s an outrageous thing to say to a venerable theologian like Griffin!

Tucker seemed like a snot-nosed 6-year-old boy being sassy with his grandfather!!!

Jon: I'm putting it on


I'm putting it on google video.

Cheney is but a low man on

Cheney is but a low man on the totem pole considering who really is running the USA and the world. Cheney need to be assassinated (not illegal to threaten a VP, only the President, btw... I know). But he will be dead soon anyway... He has surpassed his usefulness.

I am surprised that people

I am surprised that people actually admit to watching the Tucker. Scary.

"Jon: I'm putting it on


I'm putting it on google video."

You saw it already?

no but im starting it now

no but im starting it now

V, why do you hang out on a

V, why do you hang out on a 9/11 truth board for extended periods of time and act like a blithering idiot?

McKinney is a true American

McKinney is a true American patriot. too bad she is a black woman in today's society, else more people would listen to what she has to say.

V, why do you hang out on a

V, why do you hang out on a 9/11 truth board for extended periods of time and act like a blithering idiot?

I am an American, therefore I am deemed a blithering idiot. I own that.

Washington, Adams, Jefferson et al. were all blithering idiots. If Ben Franklin had access to the blogs...? He would have spent all his time on and getting laid... both left and right.

So what is your point?

It's crap like you, V, who

It's crap like you, V, who make it hard for people like McKinney to say anything.

Is all this horrible tragedy

Is all this horrible tragedy a big joke to you?

Even people here don't want

Even people here don't want to listen to a dissenting voice, even when I am on your side. That is why this movement is going to go nowhere if you keep banning alternative points of view... and a little of good-humored harassment. But keep banning folks like me. But, don't let your egos get in the way of letting the truth get out. I can already hear the rumblings of Truthers running for the door to get their 911 Truth memoirs out the door and with the best publisher... But I am way ahead of you. :-)



It's crap like you, V, who

It's crap like you, V, who make it hard for people like McKinney to say anything.
Anonymous | 08.09.06 - 11:29 pm | #

Seriously, are you trying to make a point? If so, what is it? I already said that McKinney is a patriot.

Please point me back to where I have disputed ANY point about the 9/11 truth movement.


Fetzer is a terrible spokesperson

Chris just might be gay... not that there is anything wrong with that...

Israel (their government) instigated the current Mideast "crisis"...

So, what is your problem, again?

343 firefighters murdered by

343 firefighters murdered by our own gov't on 9/11, yet a turd like V lives on to mock them.

343 firefighters murdered by

343 firefighters murdered by our own gov't on 9/11, yet a turd like V lives on to mock them.
Anonymous | 08.09.06 - 11:35 pm | #

Ummm.. I believe the sentiment that 343 of our firefighters were murdered by my own govt. is pretty much already a conclusion.

I mock, therefore I am.

Ummm.. I believe the

Ummm.. I believe the sentiment that 343 of our firefighters were murdered by my own govt. is pretty much already a conclusion.

I mock, therefore I am.
V | 08.09.06 - 11:37 pm | #

So how does busting truthers' nuts help anything. You're playing the part of a fool.

V is for vile in your case.

V is for vile in your case.

Seriously, an IQ test should

Seriously, an IQ test should be required to allow posts on here. Mine is over 130. that allows me to bypass your half-ass attempts to ban my sweet little behind (had to find another advective for "ass".. this is what I came up with).

Colbert on now... A true Republican patriot that doesn't let truth get in the way of unfair reporting. And did you know he has a little eagle named after him.. I didn't think so.

Later, losers

P.S. I am boycotting World Trade Center tomorrow with leaflets ... as I did today for two showings. What have you done for your country lately? Besides watch this thread and hit "Refresh"? Hmmm?

Seriously, an IQ test should

Seriously, an IQ test should be required to allow posts on here. Mine is over 130.

You're a moron. 130 IQ my ass.

Raytheon baby-killing punk.

Raytheon baby-killing punk.

DHS Can you get that Lou


Can you get that Lou Dobbs segment today about 9-11 posted. He has a big following and if he is coming towards our side then its BIG and he will probably continue to hammer on the story.


"Mine is over 130." Wow.

"Mine is over 130."

Wow. That's incredible. That's stupendous. Who cares?

Jon Gold.. the

Jon Gold.. the self-promoter.. every link he provides goes to his own blog. Jon, ok. We get it. You have your own blog... Don't wear it out. How does it feel being a parasite sucking on the whale that is The points you make are obvious. I have THE largest library of 9/11 artifacts that I have had to categorize by author/date/relevance. I assume you have your list under "My Favorites".

Prove me wrong.

Jon... do you have a piece

Jon... do you have a piece of the WTC? I do. A six foot section of one of the infamous 46 girders that actually didn't hold up to airplane fires (tongue in cheek)

don't feed the trolls

don't feed the trolls

video that supplements the

video that supplements the original story of this thread here:

actually pretty fair!

I have, as of late, been

I have, as of late, been reading "Devil in The White City" (completely non-related to 911 Truth, but still, it has inspired me to write this - Awesome book, btw, it comes highly recomended!) The book (well 1/2 of it anyway) is about the creation of the Chicago World's Fair 1893. I've been reading about men who saw a vision and overcame every obstical in the book to produce something for the whole world to see ... It's about reality, it's about insight, motivation, and architecture. It's about making the "impossible" possible. It's about irreversibly changing the face of Chicago, the US, and the world ... forever.

I couldn't help but think about the people at the for front of the 911 Truth movement. Alex Jones, Dilan of Loose Change, Dr Griffin, the people who run this blog, all of you out there, and everyone else who is pushing this into the maintream ...

We are movers and shakers, we have influence, even, in a realm we don't really think about: the future. It's amazing to think of the amount of energy future students of history will study what we produce today. The truth will come, but only because we were brave enough to study it, brave enough to demand it; brave enough to make the truth about our state of affairs known.

So keep it in mind everytime you get discouraged by negative media. You are doing this world (not just us humans, the whole of life suffers from war) a favour.

Bravo to you, Truth seeker. Keep up the difficult, but wonderful, work! Never shy from the nay-sayers ;D

"Jon Gold.. the

"Jon Gold.. the self-promoter.. every link he provides goes to his own blog. Jon, ok. We get it. You have your own blog... Don't wear it out. How does it feel being a parasite sucking on the whale that is The points you make are obvious. I have THE largest library of 9/11 artifacts that I have had to categorize by author/date/relevance. I assume you have your list under "My Favorites".

Prove me wrong."

I think it's safe to say, and dz correct me if I'm wrong, but I had a hand in the creation of As far as being the first to promote it, one of the first to post on it, the one who found that guy sbg dz could hire him at $100k to start, and I have contribute a GREAT DEAL of information to this site.

The sucking whale is my friend.

If people have a problem with me posting to my site, instead of posting entire articles, then by all means, let me know.

In regards to "9/11 Collections", I have an entire site of 9/11 Collections. 1000's of posts, all having to do with 9/11. And books, several. And movies, several. And prominent authors of those movies and books are my friends.

Go away now.

don't feed the

don't feed the trolls
imgstacke | 08.09.06 - 11:59 pm | #

Where have I ever disputed any of the stories posted here? (Besides the CGI no-plane BS). So how am I troll?

I know so much more than what is provided here that I have to laugh. YAW, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were all the "masterminds" behind 9/11. If you sheep only knew the real story!

"If you sheep only knew the

"If you sheep only knew the real story!"

Was it the Jews?

Jon, instead of posting

Jon, instead of posting directly to the article you refer to, you ALWAYS post to your site that contains the article, which seems to me a bit disingeous at best.

You can simply post a link DIRECTLY to the article on We get it. We know you advertise your blog on this site, but quit being a whore about it. You are inquisitive and are a big proponent of 9/11 Truth.... just make sure that is your one and only agenda. Otherwise.. fraud...

"Jon, instead of posting

"Jon, instead of posting directly to the article you refer to, you ALWAYS post to your site that contains the article, which seems to me a bit disingeous at best.

You can simply post a link DIRECTLY to the article on We get it. We know you advertise your blog on this site, but quit being a whore about it. You are inquisitive and are a big proponent of 9/11 Truth.... just make sure that is your one and only agenda. Otherwise.. fraud..."

Yep. That's me.

Wow.. an honest comment..

Wow.. an honest comment.. Well said, Jon..

"Wow.. an honest comment..

"Wow.. an honest comment.. Well said, Jon.."


Good night V. I'm going to

Good night V. I'm going to bed. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

re:"They also use that point

re:"They also use that point when I hit on the Ahmad ISI issue to say Pakistan is now a friend in the war on terror." This business about Pakistan involvement is a very good one and should be pursued vigorously.

(1) So far we have the allegations about the payment of $100,000 on the orders of Ge. Mahmud Ahmad to Mohammed Atta.

(2) Remember, we also have the words of Sen. Bob Graham from the 911 Congressional Inquiry when he was interviewed (Dec 11, 2002) on the PBS Lehrer Hour:

"I was surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved in facilitating the activities of at least some of the terrorists in the United States..... I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing - although that was part of it - by a sovereign foreign government." (link)[He was almost certainly referring here to Pakistan although Saudi Arabia is another possibility.]

(3) We have the recent report from the Pakistan Public Accounts Committee that bribes were paid to keep Pakistan's name out of the 911 Report.This from The Telegraph of India:

"The Pakistan foreign office had paid tens of thousands of dollars to lobbyists in the US to get anti-Pakistan references dropped from the 9/11 inquiry commission report, The Friday Times has claimed. The Pakistani weekly said its story is based on disclosures made by foreign service officials to the Public Accounts Committee at a secret meeting in Islamabad on Tuesday. It claimed that some of the commission members were also bribed to prevent them from including damaging information about Pakistan." (link) (link)

People would do well to have all this information about Pakistan close at hand.

Ask your critics: "Sen.Graham has admitted that a "sovereign foreign government" was involved in 9/11.Which nation was that, exactly?"

Jon... I really like your


I really like your research and references. I was just giving you shit about posting to your blog. If I had a blog (only a business site) I would do the same. Keep it up. I ALWAYS pay attention to your posts as they are almost always relevent. Keep up the good work

P.S. I am an asshole..A very smart asshole that wants to challenge every fact made on these boards. I have my own theory on 9/11 that has not been addressed here or elsewhere. But that is a discussion for a future time. OK, hope you get this before I get banned and have to switch addresses. Yes, I work for the CIA.)

P.S. I loved "Devil in the

P.S. I loved "Devil in the White City" so fuck off. ;-)

digg the comments you like

Hmmm.. V has a rational,

Hmmm.. V has a rational, humane, ... human side.... Otherwise you are not intelligent...duh.. totally irrational or just not humane.. your pic.

Wow, I just finished

Wow, I just finished listening to Alex Jones' appearance on the John DePetro Show earlier today... I was really impressed by Alex, I HIGHLY recommend listening to it, and man did I feel like punching John DePetro in the face at some points... Well, you'll see why. Enjoy.

Chris must still be at his

Chris must still be at his "Don't know if I am homo or not but believe 911 was a conspiracy" meeting.. Depressing.. ? Yes, movie fodder? Pathetically an emphatic "YES!!!". You have to get behind a total loser living with his parents and putting his soul behind a movement that may or may not make any waves (editorial comment: it will, in the next year).

What a concept for a great movie.

We need to debunk this

We need to debunk this's a PDF file

Just like we've debunked NIST.

What is really really funny?

What is really really funny? I am bestfriends with a movie producer that could actually make this happen... so... fuck you.. I have all your IP addresses btw.

CIA technology.... sucks.. I need to stop watching Alias reruns..
For CIA folk


Speaking of debunking

Speaking of debunking NIST.
here's one of the best articles to do so
ps Proud of ya DRG

Journal of 9/11 Studies 1 August 2006/Volume 2
What is 9/11 Truth? – The First Steps
By Kevin Ryan
Former Site Manager for Environmental Health Laboratories, a division of Underwriters

Lately there has been much written and said about the emergence of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Unfortunately, most of this ignores an important question - What exactly is “9/11 Truth”? The
simple answer is twofold. The first truth about 9/11 that no one can argue with is that the official
story of what happened has been used to “change everything”, meaning it has redefined all
government priorities and international relations, and therefore the entire future of society. The
second, more troubling truth about 9/11 is that the official story is false. Many people still donÂ’t
see this second truth clearly, however, so we must help them look again. But itÂ’s important to
realize that 9/11 Truth is not just about promoting new conspiracy theories, itÂ’s more
fundamentally about questioning the one weÂ’ve been given.
The official story of September 11th is comprised of two reports. The first of these, the 9/11
Commission Report, gives the governmentÂ’s overall version of what happened that day and why.
However, it is somewhat misleading to call this report the “official story” as the Commission’s
executive director and de facto member of the Bush Administration, Philip Zelikow, controlled
the entire investigation as well as the writing of the report. Most of the 9/11 Commission
members were simply there to present an appearance of unanimity. Therefore the official story
is not representative of work done by the US government as a whole, but is largely the view of
the Bush Administration.
The CommissionÂ’s story has been shown to be entirely false due to lies of omission and
distortion, and one significant event their report omitted entirely was the collapse of WTC 7.1
They left explanation for this disaster, and the collapse of the towers, to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) for publication as the second half of the official story, the
NIST WTC report. This second report is a direct product of the Bush Administration, with
cabinet member Carlos GutierrezÂ’ name emblazoned on page one. Of course NIST itself is a
government agency whose directors are also Presidential appointees. Those relying on this
report always fail to note the fact that the leaders of NISTÂ’s WTC investigation were appointed
directly by George W. Bush.
This fact should remind us that the Bush Administration has been criticized heavily for their
disdain of science. The House Committee on Government Reform found “numerous instances
where the Administration has manipulated the scientific process and distorted or suppressed
scientific findings.”2 A group of leading scientists, now including 49 Nobel laureates, 63
National Medal of Science recipients, and 175 members of the National Academies, has said that
the Bush Administration engages in “distortion of scientific knowledge for partisan political
Add to this some preliminary considerations, and you can see the enormity of the challenge
presented to the “political scientists” at NIST. To begin with, everyone knows that no tall steelJournal
of 9/11 Studies 2 August 2006/Volume 2
framed buildings have ever collapsed from fire, yet weÂ’re told that the first three instances of this
occurred all on the same more at this link below peace,pw

V, please stop spamming with


please stop spamming with pointless posts.

Al interviews Dave Slesinger of on his call to action leafletting campaign outside Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center" film, to bring 9/11 truth to the film's attendees.
Then Al talks w/ Michelle Little, who lost her brother in the Trade Center attacks about becoming the peace we wish to see in the world. She is an inspiration. her website:
Music includes The Lost Children of Babylon "By Any Means Necessary"
Zan Overall "I want to believe you mr. president"
and The Ovulators "Insane Genius"
1 hour?

direct download:

Another story about a

Another story about a protest at "World Trade Center" is at Ruppert's blog.

"Congressman Jerrold Nadler said in a written statement that this is a case in which life isn't copying art, for $60 million was spent to make the movie while the government has spent nothing on health care for the heroes they relied on five years ago who now need help."

I think when either Fetzer,

I think when either Fetzer, DRG, Barrett, Tarpley or other truth speakers get a chance to be on TV or other bias media outlet again, its time for them to ask the host the questions instead, I mean, I like to see how they explain all the unanswered questions. Put them on the spot. The only reason why they have them on their shows are usually try to make them look like a fool. We need to use these opportunely wisely. I'm sure the producer have an outline or talking point drawn out. But I say screw that, may be answer the first question then fire back. PUT THEM ON THE SPOT

The system sucks, and Kevin

The system sucks, and Kevin Ryan has broken this down sufficiently for my grandparents to understand.

There is an urgent need to bring everything down a few notches immediately. I'm voicing my dissent by refusing to pay into the consummerist system.

While visiting a US airport the other day (sans megaphone) I thought, why would anyone go through this absurd ordeal more than once? Why would you send another dollar into this system?

*** BREAKING NEWS -- 1:50 AM

*** BREAKING NEWS -- 1:50 AM EST ***

"A major terrorist plot to blow up an aircraft has been disrupted by authorities in Britain, Scotland Yard said in a statement Thursday.

The plot was believed to have involved smuggling explosive devices on board the aircraft in hand luggage, Scotland Yard said.

The plot was likely to target flights from Britain to the United States, the statement said.

Police said they made a number of arrests overnight in London, the statement said."

oh goodness, thank Gawd them

oh goodness, thank Gawd them anti terrorist operatives are doing their jobs and keeping us safe!



PBS Website- "This office

PBS Website- "This office furniture is from World Trade Center 6. "People asked me if I saw a lot of furniture in the debris," said Wagner. "But just about everything from the Towers was pulverized. It was surprising to find anything recognizable."

PBS Website- "This office

PBS Website- "This office furniture is from World Trade Center 6. "People asked me if I saw a lot of furniture in the debris," said Wagner. "But just about everything from the Towers was pulverized. It was surprising to find anything recognizable."
Anonymous | 08.10.06 - 2:33 am |

That was me.

Mohammad Atta Sr. says, "The

V asks: "Do you have a

V asks: "Do you have a piece of the WTC? I do. A six foot section of one of the infamous 46 girders..."

V, you have access to an important part of the puzzle. Would you be willing to help us with an experiment? Measure a distance of three inches in from the end and, at that spot, drill a 3-inch diameter hole through the girder; be sure to save any remnants or filings. Buy a 10-foot length of heavy-duty steel cable or chain; loop one end of it though the hole you drilled and secure the loop with a heavy-duty lock. (Be sure to place the key in a safe and secure place.)

Take the girder and the attached cable to the end of a remote pier at the edge of New York Harbor. (We're going to test the acidity and corrosiveness of the salt water on the the girder to see if it will bring out any of the explosive residue.) Before getting ready to dip the girder into the salt water off the end of the pier, and in order to make sure you don't lose your grip on the girder while it is in the salt water, secure the other end of the 10-foot heavy duty cable or chain tightly around your neck. Then toss the girder into the harbor.

Let us know how the experiment comes out.



That's rich!

That's rich!

OT Just posted this [


Just posted this [ ] in a 9/11 related comment page at Crooks & Liars [ ] -- see if they delete it.

The following text is the actual comment, so anyone here can click the actual links, if C&L deletes that from their comment page.

"What kind of incredibly inaccurate nonsense is this quote?!

Jamie Holly for C&L: "After all– 9/11 happened when he was cleaning up his farm." [ ]

9/11 happened while Bush was being driven to Emma E. Booker elementary school in Sarasota Florida [ ]; sat in an Emma E. Booker elementary school classroom [ ]; then finally while he flew around on Air force 1 [ ].

Furthermore, when in the Emma E. Booker elementary school classroom -- after having been notified that "America is under attack" by Andrew Card [ ] -- regarding a second plane having hit the WTC [south tower] -- Bush sat in the Emma E. Booker elementary school classroom uninterupted for at least -- a full -- 5 more minutes while listening to the children read My Pet Goat. The picture is 4m40s after being notified by Andrew Card [ ].

Then after Bush finally stood up, he stopped to take a few photos with the teacher (America's under attack -- "perfect" time for a photo opportunity). Then went to a "secure" classroom for approximately 15 minutes [ ] -- before going back to the main classroom [ ] where he'd been with the children -- to give a live address at 9:30am to the assorted media, reporters and television news crews present.

Picture [ ]
Audio [ ] quite UNEMOTIONAL sounding speech.

And Bush did all of this, without being immediately (and automatically) whisked away from Emma E. Booker elementary school, by the US Secret Service at 9:05am when Andrew card first whispered that "America is under attack". Even more troubling is the fact that the United States of America was still in the midst of the "surprise" 9/11 attacks, with at least two more planes hijacked and in the air [77 & 93]. In a true "surprise" attack, the US Secret Service would have no choice but to immediately whisk Bush (and themselves) away from the school; for fear that they may be a possible target also -- since there could have been "terrorists" driving toward Emma E. Booker elementary school in a vehicle(s) laden with explosives to drive into the classroom and kill everyone present. Bush's presence at Emma E. Booker elementary school was a publicized event, easily locatable on the internet at the Whitehouse website prior to September 11. And most surely announced on tv and radio in Florida, prior to -- and on the morning of -- September 11.


Jamie Holly for C&L: "After all– 9/11 happened when he was cleaning up his farm."


Emma E. Booker elementary school website [ ]

Bush at Emma E. Booker on 9/11 [ ]

I challenge Crooks & Liars to NOT delete this post -- as C&L has a penchant for deleting any 9/11 related comments post haste. Because after all, it was Jamie Holly for C&L who posted the 9/11 related Tony Snow video clip from Kieth Olbermann's show. And it is Jamie Holly for C&L who is incorrect in what he/she wrote regarding Bush's whereabouts during the 9/11 attacks.

If Crooks & Liars does, in fact, delete this post -- as I'm sure they will -- I would surely hope that at the least, the error by Jamie Holly is corrected with respect to Bush's real whereabouts during the 9/11 attacks.

But please, feel free to leave this post as is, so that many other C&L readers -- whom you must respect, since they provide website traffic and increase your funding ability from advertisers -- can benefit from having this factual information."

The homepage in the C&L comment is to 911Blogger lol :)