Alex Jones on Alan Colmes MP3 download
Reprehensor Fri, 08/18/2006 - 3:42pm
Alex Jones on the Alan Colmes radio show, 8/17/2006
One of Jones' best appearances on mainstream radio.
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Alex Jones on the Alan Colmes radio show, 8/17/2006
One of Jones' best appearances on mainstream radio.
That Jack Blood site was
That Jack Blood site was interesting but I don't think in two minutes you should be talking about specific issues at ALL with relation to 9/11. With such a short time allowed, I would stick entirely to 'people should and have a duty to research themselves'. I would blame the media for not talking about it, and calling anyone who questions the OT conspiracy theorists, and again, we're not asking anything from citizens....not money or anything....just do the research and that it's their responsibility to see the alternative and then ask questions of the theorists or the government. Tell them where to Free Loosechange and go from there.
im impressed that Colmes
im impressed that Colmes asked Kean about controlled demolition. the phone got disconnected when Colmes asked Kean the question. funny.
i agree with anonymous.
i agree with anonymous. instead of focusing on any one piece of evidence - which can always be debated and made to look weak on TV - we need a position that can NOT be debated - the PEOPLE'S RIGHT TO KNOW.
We have to HAMMER the fact that the commission itself ADMITS it published false information. (norad)
We have to HAMMER the fact that it is a patriotic DUTY to demand accountability.
and if they call you a conspiracy theorists - respond:
Alex Jones-"YOU are smoke
Alex Jones-"YOU are smoke and mirrors". HAHAHAHAHA.
Right-Wing Reactions to the
Right-Wing Reactions to the Warrantless Wiretapping Decision
liberal catnip | August 18 2006
Today, a Detroit judge ruled that Bush's use of warrantless wiretapping is unconstitutional. Here are some right-wing blogosphere reactions to that decision.
The National Review's Kathryn Jean Lopez offers this all-caps headline: TERRORIST-FRIENDLY RULING wherein she simply copies and pastes the AP's story without any comment or analysis.
streiff at Red State publishes two short paragraphs of the news story and comments: 'And who says democracy canÂ’t be a suicide pact?' Several commenters note that the judge was appointed by Jimmy Carter, while one writes, 'One of Carter's last actions to destroy this country before he was booted from office. Ugh.'
So, in summary, not one of those right-wing blogs I visited offered anything that even begins to resemble an actual analysis of the judge's decision. Instead, they've collectively concluded that she's a black, Carter-appointed, terrorist-appeasing liberal who has now put the lives of all Americans at risk and who maybe should be killed. And, further, the Democrats are responsible for the whole thing.
I need a shower.
shameless. a judge that actually stands up for the constitution and she gets attacked for it. need any more proof that the MSM is hopelessly rightwing?
Absolutely Mr. Albanese.
Absolutely Mr. Albanese. There should be sea change in the way these interviews are conducted so that people see there is no agenda other than the truth.
Austin Pastor Fights to
Austin Pastor Fights to Spread 9/11 Truth
Jones Report | August 17, 2006
Austin-based Unitarian Pastor Davidson Loehr has been questioning 9/11 and standing up against the lies of the government's official story for years.
He is now known for a February 12, 2006 sermon in which he accused the Bush administration of orchestrating the the September 11 attacks.
Alex Jones kicked serious
Alex Jones kicked serious ass.
"It was never the intent of
"It was never the intent of the Framers to give the President such unfettered control, particularly where his actions blatantly disregard the parameters clearly enumerated in the Bill of Rights."
-- U.S. District Court Judge Anna Diggs Taylor, in a ruling today that strikes down the National Security Agency's warrantless domestic spying program.
Bush violated the
Bush violated the constitution and the so called "liberal media" completely ignores it. yep. "liberal media".
Count me in on that one.
I know a request like this
I know a request like this gets posted about every day in one thread or another, but....
Would you gang of scholars and patriots and ne'er-do-wells please suggest a favorite piece or two of evidence that contradicts the official conspiracy theory? I'm going to work on a flyer to start distributing this weekend, and I don't trust my own overloaded brain to remember everything. I don't even need links, "just the facts."
I just spotted this on
I just spotted this on Carol's blog. Please spread it far and wide. Also please e-mail the Bohemian and thank them...
Dear Friends,
I want to let you know about a great step forward in 9/11 truth and enlist your help in spreading the word even further. I just found out that the article I wrote for the Bohemian up here in Santa Rosa about David Ray Griffin, Unquestioned Answers: A Non-Conspiracy Theorist Takes Aim at the Official 9/11 Story will be run as a cover story in both Metro Santa Cruz and Metro Silicon Valley the week of September 11th! This is huge. Now what we need are alternative weeklies everywhere to pick up the story and do the same. This particular story received over 100 letters -- four times as many as the Bohemian has ever gotten about anything -- and they were ALL positive. Readers praised the courage of the Bohemian editors and were heartened and relieved that someone was printing the truth. Griffin's latest book,Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action was published by Westminster John Knox Press -- the official Presbyterian Church publisher. You can only imagine what a buzz this has caused. So let's take advantage of it.
Please share this email -- along with the link to the Bohemian article -- with your networks, and ask folks everywhere to approach their local weeklies. If we want to get this in the 9/11 issues, now is the time to contact the publications. The Bohemian has given me permission to handle republication, so have the publications contact me.
Steve Bhaerman
(707) 525-0711
Building 7 is the single
Building 7 is the single most powerful weapon in the 9-11 truth arsenal. It's collapse is utterly indefensible.
Alex Jones is a 50 caliber machine gun of truth.
Thank you for posting this
Thank you for posting this Alan Colmes/Alex Jones clip. It's very interesting.
Alex Jones is a 50 caliber
Alex Jones is a 50 caliber machine gun of truth.
RJ | 08.18.06 - 10:32 am | #
Great quote, RJ
>Alex Jones is a 50 caliber
>Alex Jones is a 50 caliber machine >gun of truth.
>RJ | 08.18.06 - 10:32 am | #
or bullhorn of truth...:)
Ugh, this copy of the
Ugh, this copy of the interview has a lot of static... Here's a much better-sounding version, commercial-free:
timbermonkey - go with the
timbermonkey -
go with the recent admissions by the 9/11 Commission that they knowingly printed NORAD's lies.
This interview is gold.
This interview is gold. It's GOLD, Jerry!
im impressed that Colmes
im impressed that Colmes asked Kean about controlled demolition. the phone got disconnected when Colmes asked Kean the question. funny.
Chris | Homepage | 08.18.06 - 9:31 am |
If you will remember, last month Tim Russert had similiar phone problems when questioned about 9/11 so-called "conspiracy theories" during his interview with Jack Blood. Check it out.
A while back I watched a
A while back I watched a funny video called "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" which was footage of this guy who claims we never landed on the moon confronting Apollo astronauts and accusing them of being liars and even traitors. One of them punches him in the face.
The whole thing was just a laugh until he interviewed one of the astronauts--can't remember which one--and got thrown out of the guy's house. He accidentally left an open mic on the astronaut's coat lapel, and after he was headed out to his car, you clearly hear the astronaut's grandson (who was with him during the interview) ask his granddad if they should call the CIA and have the guy killed.
This isn't something the kid said to look cool on camera; he said it in private to his granddad in a fit of anger.
To me, this is at least anecdotal proof that even people associated with non-military agencies believe that they can rely on government goons to commit murder.
Just a thought....
This interview is gold. It's
This interview is gold. It's GOLD, Jerry!
Awesome9208 | 08.18.06 - 10:58 am | #
LOL... Ok Bannon. "Why do they call it OVALtine?"
Anywho, I am listening to the Colmes/Jones replay and it does ROCK! Jones is not being manic, but very intelligent, clear and concise. It is one of the better mainstream interviews that I have heard. Great job, Alex!!!!
timber, that sounds
timber, that sounds interesting, do you have a link to this video?(interesting side not, the government just announced last week that NASA lost the original video of the moon landing and now they only have copies of it, and not the original.they dont explain how they lost the original or who is responsible.i dont wanna start a "we didnt land on the moon" thread, but it is something to think about.)
If you will remember, last
If you will remember, last month Tim Russert had similiar phone problems when questioned about 9/11 so-called "conspiracy theories" during his interview with Jack Blood. Check it out.
Chris Rose | Homepage | 08.18.06 - 11:02 am | #
oh yes, i know all about that. great stuff. an alternative radio personality shows arguably the most prominent "journalist" on the planet how to do his job. Jack Blood earned all my respect when he did that.
Was "liquid terror" even
Was "liquid terror" even plausible?
This article cleverly unveils how implausible a so-called terrorist plot involving TATP to bring down a plane really is.
personally, i think they
personally, i think they more than likely did land on the moon, but just to stoke curiousity:
NASA can't find original tape of moon landing Mon Aug 14, 5:48 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government has misplaced the original recording of the first moon landing, including astronaut Neil Armstrong's famous "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," a NASA spokesman said on Monday.
Armstrong's famous space walk, seen by millions of viewers on July 20, 1969, is among transmissions that NASA has failed to turn up in a year of searching, spokesman Grey Hautaloma said.
"We haven't seen them for quite a while. We've been looking for over a year and they haven't turned up," Hautaloma said.
Chris, I'm pretty sure I
Chris, I'm pretty sure I downloaded it from a torrent site. If you have a client like BitComet installed, you can find and download it pretty quick.
Sorry I don't have more info.
NASA is a cluster fuck
NASA is a cluster fuck today..... Moon or not.
A gigantic hole for treasure, burned into oblivion by Star Wars fantasies.
Burts the man. Rutan, that
Burts the man. Rutan, that is.
Austin Pastor Fights to
Austin Pastor Fights to Spread 9/11 Truth
Jones Report | August 17, 2006
Austin-based Unitarian Pastor Davidson Loehr has been questioning 9/11 and standing up against the lies of the government's official story for years.
He is now known for a February 12, 2006 sermon in which he accused the Bush administration of orchestrating the the September 11 attacks. artic...tin_pastor.html
Anonymous | Homepage | 08.18.06 - 9:57 am | #
I attended the Austin 9/11 Truth Movie Night where Minister Loehr gave this powerful speech. (An edited version of Alex Jones "Martial Law" was shown prior to his speech). The theme of the evening was "American Fascism" and what that means for our country.
Everyone in the room was deeply affected by his words and they sparked a lively give and take discussion afterwards. I'm really glad we have this record of his speech.
I have heard from credible sources, but have no direct evidence, that mainstream churchs are being "bought off' to support the official hoax.
At a time when our religious institutions are abdicating their responsibilities to their followers in this matter, it makes Minister Loehr's stance all the more courageous and meaningful.
A former Vietnam War Photographer, Minister Loehr is a patriotic and spiritual inspiration.
This country needs more like him in these dark times.
I highly recommend his book, "America, Fascism + God"
Also, this great essay (it alone has convinced friends of mine about 9/11 Truth):
Just finished David Ray
Just finished David Ray GRiffin's "Christian Faith - and the Truth Behind 9/11"
i HIGHLY recommend it. It is not so much about foisting christianity off on the public - as asking very important questions about ethics - accountability - personal responsibility - and the nature of evil.
9/11 is of course almost biblical in its scope - when looked at through the prism of religiosity and humanity.
We have to HAMMER the fact that the commission itself ADMITS it published false information. (norad)
We have to HAMMER the fact that it is a patriotic DUTY to demand accountability.
and if they call you a conspiracy theorists - respond:
John Albanese | 08.18.06 - 9:47 am | #
The details should and will come after that. Period.
The endless subterfuge of
The endless subterfuge of "9.11" has certainly caused a "tower of babble"..... seems that fuck-heads surly wish for it to create "Armageddon"-ish-like blood fighting, so long as they perpetuate this load of crap.
That's MY strongest inditement upon this secretive government. "Security" CAN NOT be their real service in a time like this. They are derelict on the face of it. Period.
They work for me. I left
They work for me. I left click on the link, then I click on "save file as", and it saves it to my hard drive.
Aj | 08.18.06 - 12:51 pm | #
Try rightclicking (cntrl-click for macs) on the download link and save to your HD.
In my opinion, Alex Jones is
In my opinion, Alex Jones is the best representitive for 9/11 truth. He really hit a grand slam with this one.
*If* what Hufschmidt says is
*If* what Hufschmidt says is true -- that the scientists were so confident that they didn't deem it necessary to test the moon lander -- then I'm sure they never went to the moon. As a tester of mobile phones, I know that *nothing* works without testing :-) and that surely applies to moon landers.
I don't know about this and I'm not going to make an issue of it, although I intend to view the movie "Capricorn One" one of these days. :-)
That was a great interview
That was a great interview with Colmes.
Something tells me Colmes is a truther. He used to really bash any alternate views, and ridicule "conspiracy theorists." Now he's silent on his own views.
It was great hearing Jones and I hope we hear more of this in the future!
I agree with your words,
I agree with your words, Kevin...
Well said... :) In fact, thats pretty much what I posted at my blog.. (more or less)....
Many thanks to reprehensor for posting the interview.
Colmes has got to just HATE
Colmes has got to just HATE his job being on H & C. But, who really likes their job?. I agree with Kevin, Colmes won't/can't admit it, but he is one of those silent truthers. He gave Alex too much leeway in the interview not to think differently. I don't expect Colmes to quit his job at Fox and "truth out" but I respect him for being respectful to Alex in the interview.
My pet theory about the
My pet theory about the reason behind these reports of all that moon landing footage going missing is to stir up controversy over the moon landing, for the purpose of connecting moon-landing conspiracy theorists to 9/11 Truthers, if only through inference.
I love the posts suggesting that TV appearences by 9-11 Truthers should be used to get people to out and do the research themselves, instead of attempting to convince people during such a short period of time.
This tactic will give us more credibility. We can say that they don't have to believe us, they can do the research and come to their own conclusion, we're that confident.
"That was a great interview
"That was a great interview with Colmes.
Something tells me Colmes is a truther. He used to really bash any alternate views, and ridicule "conspiracy theorists." Now he's silent on his own views."
I can hardly recall any debate by Colmes.
He also stopped callers so Alex could reply fully. It was as if someone told Colmes to let the truth out and stop fighting it. Colmes did admit at the end he was "agnostic" (does not KNOW) about 911. Yes, the interview must have blown many a mind.
Wow i'm almost through this
Wow i'm almost through this segment and it's pretty amazing. I can't believe that I used to believe the bullshit about Jones just being crazy.
Alex Jones is like our superhero, Truth Man.
I love the posts suggesting
I love the posts suggesting that TV appearences by 9-11 Truthers should be used to get people to out and do the research themselves, instead of attempting to convince people during such a short period of time.
If you want to be effective, you have to learn how to market the main objective. A "short time" to "debate" (my emphasis) someone is futile, as it ALWAYS distracts from the over all objective of "getting the TRUTH out.. (anyone who argues religion and politics should know this by now!).
Most everyone understands that once a "debate" (more like a quarrel when it is not in a controlled environment) takes place, the subject matter has been lost.
Debate is reserved for a forum. A "short time" allowed on an national radio program must be used specifically for "getting to the punch line" as soon as possible.
In my opinion, Mr Jones pretty much accomplished this task. To be side tracked with personal attacks (as some of the callers resorted to) is intentioned disruption and anyone with just a little bit of public speaking skills understands this attempt at trying to stear away the objective of the conversation.
Jones did get somewhat battered by some of the "personal attackers" no doubt.. but.. thank goodness he held his cool and remained focused and moved straight ahead.. (hats off to him for that) After all, the goal (our goal) is to get the ship, docked, not argue over meaningless chatter.
Folks, we have arrived at the port. Now lets get this ship docked and start unloading the crew!!!
I hope to god that this
I hope to god that this story is getting big enough to throw a wrench into the gears of this war machine.
"Jones did get somewhat
"Jones did get somewhat battered by some of the "personal attackers" no doubt.. but.. thank goodness he held his cool and remained focused and moved straight ahead.. (hats off to him for that) After all, the goal (our goal) is to get the ship, docked, not argue over meaningless chatter."
First, no Bush fan is going to be listening to the Colmes show or any other liberal talk show where 9/11 spokespeople appear. So, you can safely assume that naysayers calling in our govt. paid shills that are trying to disrupt the conversation. A typical disinfo ploy. Jones handled himself well in addressing the callers and getting back on point.
"A while back I watched a
"A while back I watched a funny video called "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" which was footage of this guy who claims we never landed on the moon confronting Apollo astronauts and accusing them of being liars and even traitors. One of them punches him in the face.
The whole thing was just a laugh until he interviewed one of the astronauts--can't remember which one--and got thrown out of the guy's house. He accidentally left an open mic on the astronaut's coat lapel, and after he was headed out to his car, you clearly hear the astronaut's grandson (who was with him during the interview) ask his granddad if they should call the CIA and have the guy killed.
This isn't something the kid said to look cool on camera; he said it in private to his granddad in a fit of anger.
To me, this is at least anecdotal proof that even people associated with non-military agencies believe that they can rely on government goons to commit murder.
Just a thought....
timbermonkey | 08.18.06 - 11:05 am | # "
That video was a piece of shit. And the grandson was obviously trying to sound tough, to scare the guy who made the film.
And as for the interviews, the guy who made the film DID go into every interview under false pretenses, and he completely harrassed all of the astronauts. Extremely unprofessional.
Picture this. Imagine that you were playing baseball and hit a homerun. You know that you hit a homerun. Your fellow team mates know you hit a homerun. Then 30 years later some crazy guy who you don't even know whatsoever walks up to you on the street out of nowhere and starts harrassing you, demanding that you swear on the bible that you hit the homerun because he says you didn't do it -- would you even give the guy the time of day, let alone swear on his bible!?
That video is a piece of shit.
And the video is available
And the video is available on Google Video.
Jones handled himself well
Jones handled himself well in addressing the callers and getting back on point.
we definately agree cosmos.. :).....
Its great when "truth" is the central focus. Truth cannot lie.. and yes, we know this!... which is our greatest assest and makes our cause stand on its feet.
So then.. lets roll....
I am glad AJ mentioned that
I am glad AJ mentioned that Osama is dead. I have been saying that for two years now. He either died of natural causes or was murdered by the Bush Crime Family. I think he died of natural causes as Alex said. If not I am sure he was wacked. Bush couldn't let him live and take the chance of him snitching about 9/11. Remember Osama was a double agent. He could have blown the 9/11 myth sky high.
I forgot to add in my last
I forgot to add in my last post. As you all know by now, Ruppert cut and ran like the coward he is. He couldn't hold AJ's jock strap.
alex on colmes
I agree with that 100% Alex Jones is the undisputed king for that performance.He left that idiot lady from Texas wallowing in her drool haha Not only that he left everyone who called in curious to check their facts.Alex is a tru American hero,unlike Ruppert whos crossed the rubicon into obsurity.No pun intended