Would Somebody Please Record and Upload "Metal of Honor"?

I missed the beginning of it, but it has metal workers talking about how hot the fires were at Ground Zero, and how there was nothing but dust remaining from the towers. This could be a valuable resource. I don't have the equipment to record and upload this program, but here is the schedule of when it will air:

Metal of Honor: The Iron Workers of 9/11"

I'll keep my eyes open

I currently have the equipment, but no cable. A member on the s911t forum did see it - and began taking notes of names for contact info:

Larry Keating

Tommy Harris Jr.

Tom McHale - Port Auth. Police Officer and Ironworker

Jim Gaffney

Warren Allen - Ironworker Foreman

Dennis Telford, Jr. - Apprentice Ironworker

Paul Gaulden - Retired Ironworker. He worked on the WTC towers throughout the entire construction period.

Bob Walsh - Ironworkers Local 40 Business Manager

Ironworkers Local Union No. 40
451 Park Avenue South
New York, New York 10016
(212)779-3267 (fax)

Great work. I missed the

Great work. I missed the first half-hour, but when I tuned in the iron workers were marveling at how hot the fires were at Ground Zero weeks after the event, and they discussed the fact that nothing -- not even a phone -- remained completely intact. Echoes of the firefighters' comments.

I contacted the production company, and they say they are working on a DVD release. While most of the film is about the people at GZ, the first half may have some relevant testimony and footage of the steel. There's also footage of the only steel that remains in storage, at JFK in a hangar I believe.

Perhaps a next step would be to get one of the iron workers to talk about how unusual the wreckage was, or about the fact that the iron was cut into pieces in the collapse?