Hang Together

After signing the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin said "We must all hang together, or we will surely all hang separately".

What he meant was that -- now that the Founding Fathers had challenged the hegemony (that is, the all-powerful nature) of the British empire -- they would become heroes who would create a better world if they just worked together. If, instead, fear got the better of them, and they stopped working together, they would be rounded up and hung.

Today, Karl Rove and the U.S. administration is trying to paint 9/11 truthers as aiders and abettors of terrorism. For example, the White House states on its website:

"[terrorism springs from] subcultures of conspiracy and misinformation . . . . terrorists recruit more effectively from populations whose information about the world is contaminated by falsehoods and corrupted by conspiracy theories. The distortions keep alive grievances and filter out facts that would challenge popular prejudices and self-serving propaganda."

See this article, and then read the original White House article here.

We are at the crossroads of history. If we work together to expose the lies of 9/11, we will create a better world. If, instead, we give into fear, then the terrorists will have won.

The choice is ours. For, at core, we are all heroes with the incredible power of free will.

I predict that we will hang together, hang tough, find our courage, and that America and the world will rejoice at what we accomplish.

Note: I am NOT calling for an overthrow of our government. Rather, I am calling for a RETURN to the Constitutional form of government which has been abandoned by those in power.

I'm trying...

Really I am... good article.

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

"The individual is

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." - J. Edgar Hoover

"The biggest government conspiracy of all is the claim that there are no government conspiracies!" - Michael Rivero

this is a direct warning to us.

White House Targets Conspiracy Theorists As Terrorist Recruiters
'Strategy for winning the war on terror' says world contaminated, corrupted by misinformation

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | September 7 2006

A document cited by President Bush in his recent speech at the Capital Hilton Hotel on how to 'win the war on terror' cites conspiracies as one of the wellsprings of terrorism and threatens to "address" and "diminish" the problems they are causing the government in fulfilling their agenda.

On Tuesday Bush referred to the strategy paper as "an unclassified version of the strategy we've been pursuing since September the 11th, 2001," that takes into account, "the changing nature of this enemy."

The document says that terrorism springs from "subcultures of conspiracy and misinformation," and that "terrorists recruit more effectively from populations whose information about the world is contaminated by falsehoods and corrupted by conspiracy theories. The distortions keep alive grievances and filter out facts that would challenge popular prejudices and self-serving propaganda."

This is an outright threat to the 9/11 truth movement and is meant to have a chilling effect on freedom of speech.


not hanging seperately

One way to go about avoiding that fate is to avoid the need to agree on the truth. The thing to agree on, Truthers, is the need to try to find it. To respect ambiguity, and clarity, and the fact that the Truth is not always easy.

The Truth is in the Discovery. We need to know more. That's what to hang our hats on, not our necks.

spell check

Separately. Sorry. Maybe I am wrong about my idea, too.

GW isn't wrong, though.

not hanging seperately

I agree with bb 100%. The whole POINT of this movement is that we DON'T know the truth; together we can find it, if we keep an open mind and don't squabble amongst ourselves.

not hanging seperately--good

not hanging seperately--good post

the WH doc also says this:

"In place of a culture of conspiracy and misinformation, democracy offers freedom of speech, independent media, and the marketplace of ideas, which can expose and discredit falsehoods, prejudices, and dishonest propaganda."

It's still got some American stuff.

This is what we are doing...

A Letter to Ann Coulter by

A Letter to Ann Coulter
by Kristen Breitweiser


And widows smeared:
The curse of the 9/11 widows:

An effective way to silence most affected:
"Those who took the 'blood money' of up to $7 million each were banned from suing the government or airlines for further compensation, their rights stripped away. "

The comments the "the curse of..." story are discusting to read.



"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

Legal Force of White House 'article'

Thankfully, a bit, that 'National Strategy' is not an executive proclamation or executive order, and it is my unexpert/nonlawyer understanding that it does not contain explicit legal force like a proclamation or an order.


Well said George, my sentiments exactly!

I revised "Hang Together"

Check out the final version: http://911blogger.com/node/2570

Keep it coming

GW's on a roll. Thanks to the core group at 911Blogger for keeping this space open, critical, and focused on the big picture that we all have in common.

International Truth Movement

A very thoughtful and deliberate warning

Dear GW,

Your post is smack-on target. GWB's warning to "conspiracy theorists" even carefully outlines the strategy that the Empire is planning on taking to dis-mantle the spread of truthful 9/11 information.

The plan is an extremely thorough and well-thought out gesture on their part. It allows those who oppose the administration and its allies (i.e., most members of Congress) to receive fair warning that to speak out or to act out against the wishes of the Empire will bring with it serious consequences.

Very carefully and deliberately it indeed spells them out for us all here:

This speech is truly a MUST READ for every American who wants to know what we have to look forward to if we choose to oppose the Empire.

This speech makes it abundantly crystal clear that the challenge has been issued to all truth tellers as a warning to keep people very afraid and silenced.

One needs to yes, look into one's heart and find the necessary courage in order to continue diligently working on the task at hand... namely, continue telling the truth to as many people as possible.

We must also not give in to the distractors who would like to divide us over one specific scientific or technical point or the next about the exact techniques used. Instead, we must, I believe, stick to the core message that 9/11 could not possibly have been done unless it was an inside job with full cooperation of those in high levels of power.

One does not need to know the exact type of explosive technique used, for example, in being able to prove that three towers were felled not as the "official strory" maintains but rather, by controlled demolition.

We will probably never all agree about the full laundry list of minutiae and exact details of the 4 incidents of that day. What we can do, however, is all work together to better expose the very real possibility that if they believe that they got away with it once? In all certainty, they will try to pull another false flag attack yet again.

If each person who knows these things does his or her level best to bring them to the attention of everyone else? Those responsible will indeed be prosecuted and yes, the Constitution will one day be restored.

But we must know this: It's literally a race against the clock for 9/11 Truth activists. As the story in TIME magazine (and even W's speech) so clearly spell out for us... the so-called "battle of ideas" is actually a War On Truth. And we can not for a minute underestimate the tactics of those who do not appreciate such a devastatingly damaging "idea" to the aims of Empire such as Truth.

Great post- thanks!

Cathy Garger


thanks for your insightful comments. I especially like:

"One does not need to know the exact type of explosive technique used, for example, in being able to prove that three towers were felled not as the "official strory" maintains but rather, by controlled demolition.

We will probably never all agree about the full laundry list of minutiae and exact details of the 4 incidents of that day. What we can do, however, is all work together to better expose the very real possibility that if they believe that they got away with it once? In all certainty, they will try to pull another false flag attack yet again."