Albanese Short Film from Ground Zero 09/11/06

MASS DEMONSTRATIONS ARE THE ONLY ANSWER. Please forward this video far an wide. It is an important call to take to the streets, and we must not stop now. You can download the video here:


Thanks John.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Hey John...

That isn't working for me. Do you have a direct link to the .mov file?

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

yes please

can't wait to see it

Is this it?

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

I downloaded the .mp4 file...

But it doesn't work for me?

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

not working.


it's downloading now


well it's downloading something mp4.txt, but it's a 39M file... dunno if this is gonna work... i'll find out in a few min.




I wanna see da movie...

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

me too!

Hey Jon, speaking of movies... my copy of your film from NY, it's like a big screen and the video part is just in the corner on one side. Is it supposed to be like that?

I don't...

Think so. Did you try the .wmv format?

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

I think I played it on vlc

I'll check it out on the windows player, thanks

Hey guys

I don't know what you're trying to play it with, but MPlayer or VLC should work. In fact, VLC (video lan client) does work; I'm watching it now.


It does... I have VLC and it works if I open it directly in that. Here's DRG to telling everyone to get in the street with massive demos... this is rocking already.


What kind of camera do you use, John? 

This worked for me

Watching it now as 091106.mp4

Good Ole Raw Footage

Next Attack Imminent

Urgent news from Abu Dawood, the newly appointed commander of the al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan:
Final preparations have been made for the American Hiroshima, a major attack on the U. S. Muslims living in the United States should leave the country without further warning.

DHS Announces Major Investment in Advanced Radiography Equipment for Radiological and Nuclear Detection

The state plans to hold an exercise in mid-August simulating the explosion of a half-kiloton nuclear device at the entrance of Honolulu Harbor, a mock blast that theoretically would result in 10,000 casualties.
State Adjutant Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. Lee, head of the Hawai'i National Guard, said Hawai'i is one of the first to take on the nuclear device planning.
Several hundred state and military planners and first responders will take part Aug. 14 to 16 in "Exercise 'A Kele."
Edward Teixeira, vice director of state Civil Defense, said the name of the exercise uses the Hawaiian words " 'a," for hot and fiery, and "kele," for impurity, signifying radiation.
The Department of Homeland Security about two years ago developed 15 national planning scenarios, including simulating an "improvised nuclear device" explosion.

Oh that's real believable.....

If a new attack comes to this country and you want to know who the culprits are all you have to do is look towards Washington, D.C.

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." -- President Franklin D. Roo

Nuclear Threat to the US by Terrorists

What makes me angry is when this sh*t happen beside the death of millions, people will be even more brainwash than ever. The truth really need to be expose asap. They know there is a good chance they won't win the mid term election. And this will pretty much put a stop to everything. Someone tell me when government officials are going vacation.

Here is a link with audio along with the above article:

Thanks John!

That's excellent... I love what you chose to open and close it with, right on. You're a great musician too. Did you do the song for EGLS? Nice work, man.

This needs to be distributed far and wide. 



Shhhhhhh... It's NY's best kept secret.

I took a photo of that advertisement. I thought it was fitting.

Nice piece.

"There's a shadow on the faces of the men who send the guns to the wars that are fought in places where their business interest runs."

Here's another version

Here's another version optimized for Podcasting. Maybe this will work for those of you experiemcing problems:

This may not open in your browser - but, you can download it.

That worked...

Excellent short film.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Can you somehow get a

Can you somehow get a Windows Media Player version? My quicktime is freezing the picture.

The audio is great!

Get VLC Media Player. It

Get VLC Media Player. It will play most if not all media formats, is free, and is cross-platform.

Bravo to the people of New York!

I wish I could have been there. :-)

Good stuff John!

Good stuff John!

I'm showing it to everyone at work


Some Thoughts From a Fellow Who Once Lived Nearby

“Let every man know what kind of government would command his respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining it.”

“How does it become a man to behave toward this American government today?
I answer that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.”

“Even voting for the right thing is doing nothing to obtain it.”

“It is not a man’s duty, as a matter of course, to devote himself to the eradication of any, even the most enormous wrong; but it is his duty, at least, to wash his hands of it and, if he gives it no thought longer, not to give it practically his support.”

“Those who, while they disapprove of the character and measures of a government, yield to it their allegiance and support, are undoubtedly its most conscientious supporters, and so frequently the most serious obstacles to reform.”

“Let your life be a counter friction to the machine.”

“It matters not how small the beginning may seem to be; what is once well done is done forever.”

“Cast your whole vote, not a strip of paper merely, but your whole influence.”

“When the subject has refused allegiance…, then the revolution is accomplished.”

“I simply wish to refuse allegiance to the State, to withdraw and stand aloof from it effectually. I do not care to trace the course of my dollar, if I could, until it buys a man, or a musket to shoot one with – the dollar is innocent – but I am concerned to trace the effects of my allegiance.”

“The authority of government… can have no pure right over my person and property but what I concede to it.”

-- --

"It was a pleasure and a privilege to walk with him. He knew the country like a fox or a bird, and passed through it as freely by paths of his own.... One must submit abjectly to such a guide, and the reward was great."