Mike Malloy's triumphant return to the Airwaves.

Mike Malloy returns to the airwaves full time at the end of the month.

For a preview of sorts, check out Malloy tomorrow and Friday as he sits in for Jerry Springer.

He will have a big audience to reach out to on these two days, it might be a good time to call in and thank him for being one the only hosts on Air America to take 9/11 skepticism seriously.

And to plug a few websites. ;)

Some choices to listen to Mike Malloy on "Springer On the Radio" with Jerry Springer (on Air America Syndication) from 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon EDT on Thursday, October 19 and Friday, October 20:

1. Direct links from Air America Syndication:
* Windows Media Player stream: http://play.rbn.com/play.asx?url=airam/airam/wmlive/daily.asf
* Real Audio (Real Player) stream: http://play.rbn.com/?url=airam/airam/live/daily.rm

2. Direct link for the Windows Media Player stream from WSAI 1360 AM (the "newer" URL to their Web site is http://www.wsai.com/), Cincinnati, Ohio: http://a1303.l2001045051.c20010.g.lm.akamaistream.net/D/1303/20010/v0001/reflector:45051

3. Direct links for streams from WCPT 850 AM (their Web site is http://www.wcpt850.com/), Chicago area (licensed to Crystal Lake, Illinois):
* MP3 player stream (iTunes or Winamp):
* Real Audio (Real Player) stream: http://www.wcpt850.com/WCPT_Live/WCPT1.ram
* Windows Media Player stream: http://www.blaneweb.com/WCPT_Live/WCPT1exp.asx (Note: This link did not work me as of Oct. 12.)

As of this moment, the "Listen Live" link on the WDTW 1310 AM (Detroit, MI) Web site (http://www.1310wdtw.com) is for the regular Air America Radio stream, Jerry Springer is now on Air America Syndication.