Kevin Barrett Leaving UW

Barrett Leaving UW -

Mon 11/13/2006 - Controversial instructor Kevin Barrett told 27 News he is not returning to teach at UW-Madison in the spring semester.

Barrett had been paid $8,000 to teach a one semester, introduction to Islam course, which is not being offered next January.

"The semester by semester lecturing jobs are fairly hard to come by," Barrett said.

"There was no appropriate course to apply for."

Barrett's decision to forego applying for a 2007 UW-Madison lecturing position was first reported by the campus newspaper The Badger Herald.

Barrett'sadvocacy of the theorythe Bush administration was behind controlled demolitions of the World Trade Center's twin towers and other 9/11 destruction brought national headlines, criticism from Governor Jim Doyle and Republican challenger Mark Green, and led UW-Madison's Provost to restrict Barrett's teaching of the subjectto two class sessions.

Barrett critic Representative Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) told 27 News Barrett was likely forced out by a University administration uncomfortable with the attention Barrett's unconventional views brought to the school.

"Right now at the semester break, that is a convenient time to get rid of the guy," Nass told 27 News.

"I think that is what they were waiting for, behind the scenes. That's my gut feeling."

UW-Madison spokesman Dennis Chaptman told 27 News he was unaware of any effort to discourage Barrett from applying for another teaching job.

Barrett said there was university support for his return.

"I've talked to two people with some degree of hiring authority in two different departments at the UW and both of them have encouraged me to apply again."

Barrett said he plans to devote full time effort this spring advocating for the theory the 9/11 destruction was orchestrated to create a rationale for widespread, Mideast war.

Barrett said an affiliation of academics, religious figures and others who have advocated this theory nationally will soon become a non profit organization.

Barrett said his time will be consumed by fund raising and making appearances on college campuses and other places around the country.

Barrett told 27 News classrooms are likelyto be more friendly to instructors with unconventional views, now that the pro-Iraq war, Reublican majority in Congresswas voted out.

"I think that was a stern rebuke to facism from the American electorate," Barrett said.

Barrett also believed Doyle's re-electionwas helpful to academic freedom, in a lesser-of-evils fashion.

"I'm somewhat pleased the saner of two lunatics won, the two major party lunatics."

Barrett said third party and independent candidates cited Barrett's insistence the mainstream version of 9/11 events be challenged.

In class, Barrett used essays from authors with similar views to him to present the theory of a Bush administration orchestration of the 9/11 event.

One of the class' orginal, required textbooks included an essay from Barrett himself, in which Barrett compared Bush's actions to those of Adolf Hitler.

"(9/11) was intended to set the American empire in stone for at least a hundred years, perhaps even to found a new, imperial 1000-year Reich like the ones the Nazis dreamed of," Barrett wrote in "9/11 and American Empire: Muslims, Jews and Christians Speak Out."

"The key factor is that he's not able to sunstantiate what he teaches in the classroom on those issues," Nass told 27 News.

Barrett received a doctorate in African languages and literature, with a minor in folklore, from UW-Madison in 2004.

Barrett predicted his group's advocacy and the changed political environment will inspire others to rewrite 9/11 history.

"I think more and more academics will be finding their courage."

first Jones now Barrett.

first Jones now Barrett. even if he wasnt forced out, this doesnt seem good. it just feels like a win for the "other side" for lack of a better term.

Jones and Barret are very

Jones and Barret are very different cases. Barrett was just an instructor working on a course-to-course contract. Jones was a full professor. The real surprise is Jones. If Barrett counts on a single course on Islam at the University of WISCONSIN for his working life, then he's going to struggle, whatever his views on 9/11. People in Barrett's position, and there are many, lead relatively nomadic lives just putting together jobs.

point taken, but it still

point taken, but it still feels like a win for "them" regardless of the particulars.

This is NOT an honest way to describe Barrett's 9/11 theories!

"Barrett'sadvocacy of the theory the Bush administration was behind controlled demolitions of the World Trade Center's twin towers and other 9/11 destruction brought national headlines...

Typical of the msm, though!


"The key factor is that he's not able to sunstantiate what he teaches in the classroom on those issues"

So let me get this straight. Kevin Barrett walked into a classroom full of children, and said, "Elements of the United States Government were complicit in the attacks of 9/11", and then just stood there? Without saying a word?

Kevin doesn't sound like a very good teacher.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."




Students... whatever.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

My brother...

Is a college student, but I still think of him as a kid.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

I understand, Jon...

but we're talking about grown adults being presented information, not children. The media spun the story to suggest that Barrett was locking "children" inside his classroom and forcing them to believe his 9/11theories or else, which couldn't be further from the truth. I know you know this, but I was just surprised to see you use a the word "children" and was just giving ya a little shite;)


it just goes to show... we're all brainwashed by the media, whether we like it or not. Whether we have an IQ of 60 or 160 it makes little difference. The system is so diabolical, I stand in total awe of it...



"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Show us!

Exactly! Show us why he is wrong...just show us!

Students are not children.

This is not directed to Jon, but to idiots like Scammity-Hannity and O'Lie-ly

It is absolutely crazy that the media keeps portraying these 18-23 year old people as children. These are ADULTS making adult decisions about their curriculum choices, elective courses no less. Why don't Scammity and O'Liely refer to our military soldiers, many of whom are 18-23 making life and death decisions, even killing innocents as they do with the students in these classes - as children???
they call them Infant - ry in the military don't they???

These are not 12-17 year olds taking mandatory classes. These classes are generally not REQs for graduation purposes, and guess what....

the students...the ADULTS, can drop the class. You remember dropping classes don't you???

I really like this part

Barrett said his time will be consumed by fund raising and making appearances on college campuses and other places around the country.

Barrett will be able to devote even more time to 9/11 truth now!

The looking glass.

I'm starting to get really tired of gazing through the looking glass, misbehaviour and bullying gets rewarded, while being a citizen endangers your livelihood.

Please, people of America: The consequences of continuing to let this mother of all lies continue are horrifyingly obvious. Society itself has changed for the worse because of the attacks' associated culture of fear. Torture? Young kids being taught to rush a gunman in a classroom with books? Rigged elections? Occupational empire? Implanted/invisible RFID chips? Noone would have thought you could be talking about the United States before 9/11. Is it controversial to think about what the Framers would say? What Jesus would say?

Anyone who says that there is insufficient evidence for immediate trials is, as Griffin would say, "whistling in the dark." For a long time, I couldn't understand Ruppert's frustration while I myself was caught in the excitement of more and more physical evidence, confirming what was already said so many times over by so many different voices. But the case for criminal complicity has existed for some time, with hard evidence such as the Minetta testimony and the wargames on congressional record. Everything else has been just so much icing on a cake that government is terrified to eat, and the media has willfully ignored, with only a very few honorable exceptions, so far. But how long will the restraint continue? How many more good men and women will choose not to know the crucial facts of our lives for how much longer? How many will settle with even the slightest possibility that there could be a real trial with evidence suggesting neocon complicity in 9/11?

How long will so many in the media stare blankly at an infinite sea of unconnected dots, waiting for instruction?

Perhaps it's for the better...

I cannot applaud the sketchy piece, so I gave the story a mere '9.'

Judging two people by where they are in life is artifice. Neither of our two unquestionable heroes need compare their effectiveness to the other's.

What's most important about this story is that Kevin highlit the fact that our Commander in Thief has attempted to transform the world to fit the neocon strategy of Empirical hedgemony.- In GWB's own words; "We'll define reality," or something to that effect.

Rep Nass took the bait, as far as I'm concerned. He's still denigrating his party beyond belief, and perhaps directly contributed to the Repugs loss of seats in Congress. I'm still hopeful that someone North of the Mason-Dixon will post my favorite freeway blog: "Rep Nass, Stick the 9/11 lies up your sorry ass!" (Ahhhem, this IS a war for hearts and minds.)

But, since you choose to draw a similie, :) I'm raising the stakes, and voting Kevin a '10', while I'm downsizing my vote for Jones to a lowly 8.73591, for not being nearly as engaging a public speaker, not by a long shot. See, Kevin has panache, where Steven has old-fashioned, stone-cold principles. And, I don't care how many PhD's the dude has, Kevin is the #1 teacher in America for cutting through the BS of the (sic) 'War of idealogies.'

After all, that's a direct path to ' social division,' and every one of you knows it!

Lastly, not everyone matures the same way, or converses for the sole purpose of aggrandizing themselves, or pontificatin' their theories. Both of these men's hearts are as pure as snow, and there's not one person in Public office who can even make that distinction!

-I will accept your resignations, tomorrow! :)

Show "Whose team are you playing on ??" by kevmetric (not verified)


What a truely frightening post!
This, my friends, is worse than the people you meet who won't give you the time of day when you mention 9/11 and believe what they want.
This guy here seems to know that 9/11 was an inside job yet he is saying that we should attack the arabs anyways.
He claims that arabs are the inciters of violence yet makes no reference to the "white" "Christian" supporters who have funded these evil terrorists since their inception.
He makes no references to modern history being dominated by "white" "Christians" who have sought to enslave and control populations of all creed, race and religion.
If the arabs were of any kind of threat to our way of living, there would be suicide bombings in any every major every single day in America like there is in the Middle East. If they "waged war" on us on 9/11 like we are told, why do they dissapear for 5+ years afterwards when they could totally cripple our way of living and spread an insurmountable amount of fear through our citizens. They could change our whole way of living like our media says they want to do.
Where are they?! Where's the threat?
You may be on the "white" "Christian" side, my friend, but I am on the side of good.

I am French

I am european, I have no God and I AM NOT ON YOUR TEAM.

If the goal of your team is Empire, then your team is going to LOOSE because it does not have the ENERGY to implement its goals and the whole world will unite AGAINST YOU. Nobody wants to be ruled by the ruthless YOU.

By the way, that is a pity but you will doom the people of the US as well.

I'm behind that, but

I'm behind that, but there's a couple of problems. First of all, Americans don't know Europe, because they have been deliberately 'dumbed-down.'

Secondly, we're over choosing sides. Today, if there is to be an up-side, 'We' represents humainty, worldwide. But that's certainly not how the current ruling-class see it. So, we've got a rather monumental job to do, even with God, and synthesis on our side.

'America' was supposed to represent these values you call 'Christian,' and 'Libertarian.' Are they inclusive? Do they eventually lead us to global 'Multi-culturalism,' or is that a window to further neo-liberalism and ultimately global deciept?

And what about Money? Do you believe we could eliminate the FED? What about the global balance of exchange? These are all big issues, yet we currently have nothing in the way of stop-measures, should the Rottenburgers decide to suddenly pull the plug...

Show "Good riddance, Barrett is no expert anyway" by JayWahl (not verified)

Jim Doyle and Republican

Jim Doyle and Republican Mark Green, shoulc be ashamed of themselves, how un american can you get, the land of the free ? yeh right, these ingnoramous' obvioulsy haven't even taken a look at the evidence, they just go off at the deep end with there mis-guided patriotism frothing at the mouth "sack him sack him, he's un-american deeerrr" , these people make me sick, people like Kevin Barrett have done more than the whole democratic party put together for 9/11 truth, what kind of opposition are they? oh thats right there not one at all.


Patriotism is listening to what others tell you.... What frightens me the most is the refusal of people to look at the evidence. They know that this is the most important event in the history of the modern event that could alter their existance but they refuse to look at the evidence presented.... to take 2 hours of their time to watch a video.

How can you hear people saying that our own government may have been involved in killing 3,000 of your fellow citizens and say.... nope not for me? How can they stand by and watch as the foundations of America are jack hammered away and say these measures are necessary?

These criminals have made the leap and they have overshot their means....They were busted..... and now they continue ahead at full speed with their agendas....and this collective dismissal by the American People is empowering this....

They have given us the opportunity to fix this backwards system that now defines the American way.... They have given us the impetus to clean house.

If you don't disipline a child for playing with matches.... eventually that child is going to burn down the house.

I've got my switch ready.... HOW BOUT YOU!

Not sure how to give points

Give this guy a point for me. If fact, let him open Bowman's shows. BTW, we own a great club in LR that seats about 200...

The above drivel is a perfect example of an ad hominem attack

against Barrett.

I Shall Return

Just as Steven "please don't throw me into the early-retirement briar patch" Jones isn't exactly unhappy with his situation, neither am I. Last year I taught in the fall because there was a great course available -- The Folktale -- but not in the spring, because there were no appropriate courses available, and I wanted to do full-time 9/11 truth work. Same deal this year.

Next fall, I intend to return to UW-Madison with a triumphant 9/11 truth army...

Thanks Kevin...

For your input on the matter.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

sounds good Kevin, keep up

sounds good Kevin, keep up the good work. hows that Truth Jihad book coming? i look forward to it.

We support you

As a UW-Madison alumnus myself, I'm happy to see the work you're doing and also the debate it's creating in Madison and elsewhere!

Keep up the good work Prof Barrett and thanks for everything you've done so far!


Kevin Barrett,
Don't listen to the detractors. Anyone who says you aren't a valuable asset to the 9/11 Truth Movement is either totally confused or a paid government shill.
Continue your work and realize that you have MILLIONS (and I mean millions) of truthers behind you backing your every move. You, Fetzer, the Jonses, Tarpley, Griffin and all the other prominent voices of truth are going down in HISTORY as heroes to the world.
I know it sounds sappy but its the honest truth, you guys are inspirations for millions of people around the world. Without you guys, we would be a jumbled mess of truth seekers like the post above demonstrates.

Example of the horrific CIA renditions & torture of Muslims

I was tortured in cell after kidnap by CIA, says Muslim cleric:

Show "Whose team are you playing on ??" by kevmetric (not verified)

Say it loud, I'm French and I'm proud!

Nobody wants to be ruled by the ruthless YOU.
Nobody wants to be ruled by the ruthless YOU.
Nobody wants to be ruled by the ruthless YOU.

There may be an English equalivent, but we'll let it stand at that. I am on the side of "FRENCH FRIES," not "FREEDOM FRYS."

Barrett Not Leaving U.W.-Madison - Addendum to Above

Lecturer Taking “Poor Man’s Sabbatical,” Plans to Return Next Fall

Contrary to a recent flurry of inaccurate reports in the corporate media, University of Wisconsin lecturer Kevin Barrett will not be leaving the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

As long ago as last June, Barrett made it clear that he would almost certainly not be applying for a position in spring 2007, but would instead be taking a “poor man’s sabbatical” to work for the nonprofit Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth ( He intends return to teaching in fall 2007.

“This is not the university’s choice, this is my choice,” Barrett explained. “As a lecturer on a semester-to-semester contract, I get to decide which jobs I apply for. If I’m the best guy for the job, they hire me. It ain’t rocket science. But this simple procedure seems too difficult for the corporate media hacks to grasp. And for some reason they don’t want to call up the University and check the facts. They’d rather put out an unsubstantiated myth. Sound familiar?”

Media reports made it sound as if the University had somehow forced Barrett out. A certain state legislator who has made a Nass of himself for ranting about Barrett while refusing to debate him indulged in some desperate, pathetic wishful thinking:

Barrett critic Representative Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) told 27 News Barrett was likely forced out by a University administration uncomfortable with the attention Barrett's unconventional views brought to the school.

"Right now at the semester break, that is a convenient time to get rid of the guy," Nass told 27 News.

"I think that is what they were waiting for, behind the scenes. That's my gut feeling."

How a guy who has no guts—he has chickened out from every debate proposal—can have a “gut feeling” is a mystery. But the Gutless One’s “gut feeling” is completely wrong, as he would know if he had spent thirty seconds checking with the university. Nobody at the university has discouraged Barrett from applying for future positions, and some have encouraged him to do so. “As usual, Nass just makes stuff up,” Barrett said. “As the French saying goes, il prend ses désirs pour des réalités – he mistakes his desires for realities. Steve Nass is a walking, talking example of the kind of cognitive dissonance that has prevented Americans from facing the facts of 9/11.”

The University’s attitude was misrepresented by a false statement in a Channel 27 news story claiming that the U.W. Provost had decided to “restrict Barrett's teaching of the subject (the so-called war on terror) to two class sessions.” In fact, during the ten-day review process in July, the Provost approved Barrett’s proposed syllabus exactly the way Barrett wrote it, without offering a single suggestion for even any minor change. Barrett’s syllabus proposed spending one week analyzing the “clash of civilizations” and another week on the “war on terror” from a variety of perspectives, including the Muslim-majority perspective that both concepts are hoaxes, and the review committee concluded that this was an acceptable way to spend two weeks in an introductory Islam course. Barrett followed the syllabus to the letter, and says he is pleased with the students’ response.

Citing a New York Times poll showing that only 16% of the American people believe the government is telling the truth about 9/11, Barrett concluded: “If this tiny fringe group of ultra-gullible dupes thinks they have the power to dis-employ people who don’t subscribe to their ever-more-marginal official conspiracy theory...well, dream on, Steve.”

Barrett concluded by citing General Douglas Macarthur:
“I shall return.”

Kevin Barrett
Coordinator, MUJCA-NET:
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth


In all affairs, it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted. ~ Bertrand Russell

In nature, there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences. ~ Robert G. Ingersoll

You get what anyone gets; you get a lifetime. ~ Death, Neil Gaiman Comic Sandman

I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. ~ Mohandas Gandhi

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies. ~ Nietzsche