Pentagon Papers - Barbara Honegger (html version)

Honegger - Pentagon Attack (non pdf)


Seven Hours in September: The Clock that Broke the LieAppendix to THE TERROR CONSPIRACY by Jim MarrsPublication date, Sept. 6, 2006by Barbara Honegger, M.S.Barbara Honegger, M.S. is Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School (1995-present), the Navy’s advanced science, technology and national security affairs university. This research, as all of Honegger’s research and publications on September 11, are solely in her capacity as a concerned private citizen and do not imply official endorsement. Honegger served as Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President and White House Policy Analyst (1981-83); was the pioneering Irangate author and whistleblower on the October Surprise (October Surprise, Tudor, 1989; and Iran-Contra expose documentary film "Cover-Up"); and was called as a researcher / witness at both the October 23, 2004, and August 27, 2005, Los Angeles Citizens 9/11 Grand Jury hearings held at Patriotic Hall in Los Angeles, Calif. Much of the information and analysis contained in this evidence summary was presented at the L.A. Citizens Grand Jury hearings and at the 9/11 Emergency Truth Convergence conference held at American University in Washington, D.C. in July, 2005.

The San Francisco Chronicle commemorated the 100th anniversary of The Great Earthuake of 1906 with a series of front-page articles headed by a single icon-a charred clock frozen at 5:12 am, the exact moment "The Big One" hit.1 A century after that devastating event, the stopped clock serves as both the ultimate evidence and the symbol that "captures it all."

Again, almost 100 years later, clocks frozen in time at the Pentagon on the morning of September 11, 2001 both "capture it all" and are the ultimate evidence that shatters the "Official Lie" of what happened that terrible morning.

The Pentagon was first attacked at 9:32 am, much earlier than the 9/11 Commission and official cover story claim. (In this summary of evidence, the more precise time of 9:31:40 am is "rounded up" for ease of reference.)

The Pentagon and mainstream media first reported 9:43 as the time of alleged Flight 77 impact (some reports, presumably taken from official sources, were as late as 9:48 and 9:47). Over time, the time given by officials for the claimed outside impact on the building has been moved earlier and earlier, down to 9:37 (as of the time of this writing), but has never come close to the actual time of the first violent event at the Pentagon-9:32.

Clearly, if the official story that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon at 9:37 were true, Flight 77 could not have been the source of massive damage to the west side of the building a minimum of five minutes earlier at 9:32. Converging Lines of Proof of a 9:32 Violent Event at the Pentagon on September 11, well before theOfficial Story says anything hit the building:

the full text (non pdf) is here:

The Pentagon is a huge smoking gun no matter what way you

look at it.

Reasons why they may have needed to falsify the time the airliner supposedly struck the Pentagon would be to make it jibe with whatever any flight controllers had seen on their radar, or with Cheney & the "young man" acting-out for Minetta.

The idea that a Boeing 757 fit into the first floor of the Pentagon is ludicrous!