9/11: The Greatest Lie Ever Sold

A Good Video on 9/11 Saying its An Inside Job, This video Doesnt Get
much Exposure, so check it out on google Video Free:


Help it get in Google 100, DIGG IT:


A great lie, but a terrible film

This is one of the most incoherent 9/11 films. Avoid it, unless you enjoy the kitsch flavor of Gary Busey rambling like a madman.

Check out:

9/11: Press for Truth

Improbable Collapse

9/11 Mysteries

Wow 4 votes and score 1.0

He is selling this video for $30 on his site.

I thought it was an okay video, not the best, but not the worst.

$30 for that!!! it's a complete rip-off

I recently bought 911 PFT for 8.5$ on Ebay and a lot of 6 other quality 911 DVD for about 18$.
This guy just want to make fast cash on the back of 911 Truth with a very bad movie. AVOID!


I bought this on ebay about 6 months ago for $10, However it broke later. I agree I wouldnt pay $30 for that.

I saw it at:

I saw it at: www.jonhs.net/911/

Gary Busey recently stared in the Turkish movie: Valley of the Wolves, (about a Turkish Commando soldier who rescued somebody from evil American soldiers in Iraq-which also explains why some hate Gary Busey here) has anyone seen it, does anyone know where to get it? It's supposed to be hilarius.