North American Union just one crisis away noticed this one:

North American Union leader says merger just crisis away

Posted: December 15, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2006

Robert Pastor, a leading intellectual force in the move to create an EU-style North American Community, told WND he believes a new 9/11 crisis could be the catalyst to merge the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

Pastor, a professor at American University, says that in such a case the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP – launched in 2005 by the heads of the three countries at a summit in Waco, Texas – could be developed into a continental union, complete with a new currency, the amero, that would replace the U.S. dollar just as the euro has replaced the national currencies of Europe.

In May 2005, Pastor was co-chairman the Council on Foreign Relations task force that produced a report entitled "Toward a North American Community," which he has claimed is the blueprint behind the SSP declared by President Bush, Mexico's then-President Vicente Fox, and Canada's then-Prime Minister Paul Martin.

At American University in Washington, D.C., Pastor directs the Center for North American Studies where he teaches a course entitled "North America: A Union, A Community, or Just Three Nations?" As WND previously has reported, Pastor is on the board of the North American Forum on Integration, the NAFI, a non-profit organization that annually holds a mock trilateral parliament for 100 selected students drawn from 10 universities in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Pastor had published an interview in Spanish in the Oct. 24 issue of Poder y Negocios. He told the magazine crises can force decisions that otherwise would not be made.

"The 9/11 crisis made Canada and the United States redefine the protection of their borders," Pastor explained. "The debt crisis in Mexico forced the government to adapt a new economic model. The crises oblige the governments to make difficult decisions."

This was the first time WND had found a major intellectual leader behind the push to integrate North America suggesting that a crisis of 9-11 proportions might be just what was needed to advance the process toward establishing a North American Union and the amero. WND reached Pastor in his office at American University and conducted a telephone interview to make sure the Spanish publication accurately reflected his views.

He affirmed the Spanish interview represents his thinking.

"What I'm saying is that a crisis is an event which can force democratic governments to make difficult decisions like those that will be required to create a North American Community," he said. "It's not that I want another 9/11 crisis, but having a crisis would force decisions that otherwise might not get made."

Pastor noted, for example that "Europeans, facing the crisis of two World Wars, turned to the European Community as a means to prevent war and advance their economic interests."

"The United States turned to the Marshall Plan when faced with the crisis of Western Europe falling into the hands of communism," he said. "So, I'm not advocating, or encouraging, or wanting a crisis, I'm only saying that in order to take important initiatives, sometimes one manner in which this occurs is when there is a crisis to which leaders need to respond."

Pastor told WND he lamented that the leadership of the three North American countries is not positioned to make the type of tough decisions needed to advance a North American Community agenda.

In his interview with Poder y Negocios, he argued, "Canada has a minority government and Mexico will soon have a minority government that will be confronted with what amounts to an uprising that we hope will be peaceful. The United States has a lame duck president whose principle preoccupation is the war in Iraq and instability in the Middle East."

Pastor further told WND Mexico's Fox made a tactical mistake by laying out an overly ambitious agenda to integrate with the United States.

"President Bush then took on the issue of illegal immigration, and it proved to be much more difficult than anticipated," he said. In the absence of strong North American leadership, is a crisis the way greater North American integration can be expected to happen?

"There are alternatives to a crisis for getting a major decision adopted by the president and by the congress," Pastor responded. "But what I am saying is that we lack the kind of North American leadership we need. Our founding fathers created a system of governance that was not designed to be efficient but was designed to protect freedom. Therefore, you created checks and balances that did protect freedom but also made it difficult to move forward on important issues."

Pastor was asked what North American leaders would need to do to move toward integration.

"We need to form a customs union to move North American integration to a new level," Pastor argued. "A customs union would eliminate rules of origin on the border and agree to a common external tariff. This would not be easy but not as difficult as NAFTA was, and it would lead to efficiencies in our economies and in the end contribute to a better standard of living for all parties."

Pastor also called for a North American Investment Fund to invest in Mexico's infrastructure.

"If we had a North American Investment Fund," Pastor explained, "over the long term, you would narrow the income gap between Mexico and the U.S."

WND previously reported Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, dropped his support for legislation (S. 3622) he introduced in the 109th Congress to create a North American Investment Fund after WND pointed out the proposed law would advance an important part of Pastor's agenda to create a North American Community.

Pastor was careful to distinguish that his proposals were designed to create a North American Community and that he never has proposed to create a North American Union as an EU-style regional government.

"What I am recommending is a series of functional steps that are more than incremental," Pastor admitted. "Each of the proposals I have laid out represent more than just small steps. But it doesn't represent a leap toward a North American Union, or even to some confederation of any kind. I don't think either is plausible, necessary, or even helpful to contemplate at this stage."

The idea seems to be to put new structures in place that change the look of the landscape. WND pointed out to Pastor that this step-by-step approach is the same approach taken to create the European Union. The memoirs of Jean Monnet, regarded as the architect of European unity, finally disclosed he had used a strategy of deceit, knowing his plan to form a European Union would never succeed if it were openly disclosed.

Pastor was asked if he thought a North American Union was a bad idea.

"No," he replied. "I don't think a political union of North America is an inherently bad idea, nor do I think it is a good idea for North America right now. I teach a course at American University in which I look at the different options for political integration of North America, and I put the options before the students."

Then why is a North American Union a bad idea right now?

"The reason the political integration is not a good idea at this stage now, perhaps never, is because of people like yourself who immediately begin to fear that their sense of America could disappear," Pastor responded. "Somehow, if you're fearful that America's sovereignty will disappear, you won't even take small steps forward. You just get mired in the status quo. The problem is that the world is moving very rapidly, and you can't stay competitive if you don't move."

Pastor did not reject the idea that a North American Union could form, but only after further continental economic integration and the development of a North American Community in which people are able to think as citizens of North America.

Is China the winner in the NAFTA super-corridors being planned for North America?

"If you define trade in zero-sum terms, China may be the winner in the transportation corridors," Pastor conceded. "But even in zero-sum terms, consumers benefit from the increasing imports that give them more choice and give them more quality. In the final analysis, we are all consumers."

Pastor affirmed he favors globalism.

"I believe," he explained to WND, "that globalization is a net plus for the world economy, for the middle class, and for all people."

They Said the Arabs Would Run the Ports

You know, when they try it, they'll find out it won't happen. They can announce it, and 2 days later it will be New Coke all over again. No incumbent wants to have to find an honest job.

Still, they're probably stupid enough to try it.

They're not "trying it", They're Doing It

We are well on our way to a North American Union (NAU). First their goal was a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) encompassing all of the North and South America continents, but Chavez and others in South America put the kabosh on that, at least for now, so they are going at first for the NAU, a smaller world region.

One world government has ALWAYS been the bottom-line goal of 9-11 and fake endless wars and institutionalized vote fraud and everything have been the vehicles to get us there..

They have gradually eviscerated the U.S. Consitution. After the NAU comes in to being, they may still have a meaningless Consitution to point to but we will acutally l be a "Consitutional" dictatorship.

All the efforts to bring in to being the NAU have been done in violation of the U.S. Consitution and all the state constitutions. It has all been done by stealth and by hook and by crook.

Public / Private partnerships has been another main tool, and of course, a totally colappsing U.S. dollar and economy could easily be the requisite "crisis" to push our sovereign constitutional republic over the abyss.

Like the man says, all they need is one more crisis, and voila!. North American hell hole, here we are.

Mad as hell in Texas and not gonna take it anymore !

Blessings from Dachsie in Austin.

One "Crisis" to go please

Here is how The Smirk will push the "crisis" on us. Many say The Smirk and Co. have "failed" on many fronts. I say they have achieved a resounding success on every front. There goal is to take down the sovereign Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. The so called "failed" war on Iraq as part of the Zelikow-created mythical "War on Terrorism" born in the created crisis of 9-11 has been most successful in many ways. They got the middle east nicely "chaosed" and got their never ending U.S. military presence (14 bases built there) going there. They also got their lovely big distraction of the Iraq war going strong so they can destroy U.S. civil liberties and U.S. sovereignty, just the same way they used the distracting Viet Nam war to change the U.S.A. readying it for the one world government.

9-11 and the present take-down of the U.S. economy are some of the tools they have used to create the problem that will, they tell us, only be solved by our merging with Mexico and Canada. The idea for decades has been to slip in the North American Union regional government idea without our really knowing what happened to us until it is already a done deal. They have been planning to keep the economy looking rosy on the surface all the way up to the time when the dirty deed is fully accomplished to keep the sheeple asleep. The time has now come for the final tightening of the noose around the U.S. citizenry. The time has now come to quickly take down the U.S.A. via the totally created economic collapse. This plan has been going on steadily and unabated through all U.S. presidential administrations for at least the last 75 years.

Here is how they are going to stick it to us.

Dollar's Collapse Would
Result In The 'Amero'

Think deep recession likely regardless of Fed's actions

By Jerome R. Corsi

Two analysts who have reconstructed money supply data after the Fed stopped publishing it argue a coming dollar collapse will set the stage for creating the amero as a North American currency to replace the dollar.

The reconstructed M3 data ­ the broadest measure of money ­ published on econometrician Gary Kuever's website,, shows M3 increased at a rate of 11 percent in May, compared to 9 percent when the Federal Reserve quit publishing M3 data earlier this year.

Asked why the Fed decided to stop publishing M3 data, Kuever told WND, "The Fed probably wants to hide how much liquidity is being pumped into the market, and I expect the trend to keep pumping liquidity into the market will continue, especially since the economy is slowing down."

Why is this important?

"The trend line in my M3-plus-debt chart is staggering," Kuever said. "There has been a straight, long-term trend line of M3-plus-credit increasing since 2000. Long-term, we are creating inflation and the dollar has lost almost 98 percent of its value in the past 100 years."

Kuever, a retired investor, is concerned that with growing budget and trade deficits "the dollar could collapse."

"Especially if the Fed cannot increase rates, because we have already entered a recession," he said.

Bob Chapman, who issued a reconstructed M3 estimate to the 100,000 subscribers to his newsletter, "The International Forecaster", agrees.

"The world is awash in money and credit," Chapman told WND. "My numbers show M3 increasing at about a 10-percent rate right now."

Chapman believes the U.S. economy entered a recession in February. In his newsletter of Dec. 9 he predicted the Fed would hold interest rates at 5.25 percent.

"The Fed is in a very tough spot here," Chapman wrote, "If they raise rates, the real estate market will collapse, and if they lower rates, the dollar will collapse."

Meeting yesterday, the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee voted, as Chapman had predicted, to hold the overnight lending rates between banks steady at 5.25 percent. This was the fourth straight meeting the Fed had voted not to change rates. In its rate announcement, the Fed affirmed the economy had slowed.

Almost immediately after the announcement of the Fed's decision, the dollar weakened to a new 20-month low against the euro, with currency markets reportedly pricing in the expectation the Fed will be forced to lower rates next year to bolster the economy. Following the announcement by the Fed, the U.S. Dollar Index, or USDX, also dropped, with the dollar going below 83.

A dollar collapse is imminent, Chapman declared.

"Technicians studying the USDX think there is a support level for the dollar at 75, but I don't think so."

How low could the dollar go?

"If the dollar breaks through 78.33 on the USDX," Chapman answered, "my guess is the dollar will go through a 35-percent correction, which would put it at 55."

"The key in how low the dollar goes is the interest rates," Chapman told WND. "In January, the Fed is going to have to make a decision which way to go. If Fed rates go up, the dollar will hold in the 78.33 range, but the stock market and the economy will tank. If next year the Fed lowers rates to keep the economy from crashing, the bottom will fall out of the dollar, and I see it going as low as 55. Once the dollar hits bottom, it will take the stock market and the economy right with it anyway. The Fed is in a box they can't get out of."

As WND reported earlier this week, in an unusual move, the Bush administration is sending virtually the entire economic "A-team" to visit China for a "strategic economic dialogue" in Beijing Thursday and Friday. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke are leading the delegation, along with five other cabinet-level officials, including Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez. Also in the delegation will be Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, Energy Secretary Sam Bodman, and U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab.

But Chapman doubts the trip will help the Fed to engineer a slow dollar slide.

"The Chinese are going to do what the Chinese want to do, not what we want them to do," he said. "I believe the Chinese are going to send Treasury Secretary Paulson and Fed Chairman Bernanke home packing, with little or nothing to show for the trip."

How severe will the coming dollar collapse be?

"People in the U.S. are going to be hit hard," Chapman warned. "In the severe recession we are entering now, Bush will argue that we have to form a North American Union to compete with the Euro."

"Creating the amero," Chapman explained, "will be presented to the American public as the administration's solution for dollar recovery. In the process of creating the amero, the Bush administration just abandons the dollar."


Blessings from Dachsie in Austin.

Stupid... like a Bush

I agree. Too many people, especially mainstream liberals, think that Bush and the neocons have failed, and they spend their time mocking Bush's obvious stupidity. Meanwhile, the neocons have established forward operating bases in Iraq and in the rest of the region.

The so-called War on Terror has been an incredible success for the neocons. They have dictated public dialogue, they have launched two wars of imperialist aggression that have killed over 650,000 innocent civilians, they have repealed significant chunks of the US constitution, they have held as many as 14,000 detainees in secret prisons, they have stolen trillions from public coffers, and they have done all of this with barely a wimper from their lapdogs in the corporate media.

And what has the world offered as a form of opposition, besides a few parades? A drunken Danny De Vito doing Bush impressions on the View. I'd say the War on Terror has been a remarkable success.

The trouble with freedom is it's "difficult to move forward"

Notice how authoritarians like this guy always mask their desire for a dictatorship in euphemisms about "efficiency" and "important issues":

"But what I am saying is that we lack the kind of North American leadership we need. Our founding fathers created a system of governance that was not designed to be efficient but was designed to protect freedom. Therefore, you created checks and balances that did protect freedom but also made it difficult to move forward on important issues."

At least Bush had the guts/stupidity to admit he wants to be a dictator.