On 9/11/01 Alex Jones Says Its An Inside Job

Show "Alex Jones to me at Ground" by Mark Roberts

Mark Roberts, dipshit, sour

Mark Roberts, dipshit, sour grapes, nitpicker, loser, dumbass

Name calling will not help save anything. Study the facts.

Alex Jones is simply not telling the whole truth, especially how it relates to the Vatican and the Jesuit Order. He's better than Keith Obermann (which only talks about Republicans v. Democrats), since Alex tells people about a lot of important stuff.

Ask him about the masonic societies which intermingle business, politics and religion. And about the relation of the aristocrats, intelligence services (aka: covert operations) and the various religious cults out there? Anyone who has studied global fascism (of which 9/11 was just a part), knows the importance of the connections.

The Vatican was the first corporation. Catholicism was fabricated by Constantine (325 AD) out af several older religious, of which Christianity was just a part.

Much more on this at the following podcast from Richard Andrew Grove (the whistleblower who worked for Marsh & McLennan):

you lost me on the masonic

you lost me on the masonic thing

The Jesuit Order, freemasonry

and other occult aspects of our society are essential to understand the hidden forces of power. Secret societies function in a sort of mediating twilight zone between state, religious and corporate power.

Many high-level politicians, judges, business leaders adhere to (or sympathize with) some form of religious/masonic cult, and many religions have masonic spin-offs. Many people within those cults may have good intentions, but are often unaware of the real political agenda at the top of their cults structure. At some point an oath needs to be taken. And not following that oath can be deadly. Opus Dei is a good example of that, in relation to the Jesuit Order. History repeats itself, since the Jesuits where prosecuted and expelled in many European countries in the past. The Roman conspirators where known to kill kings and other people, to get more power for the Roman empire (based on religion).

More background info:
Search for Jordan Maxwell and Eric Jon Phelps on google video
Sherman Skolnick - the judge buster (a real hero) : http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=2&contentid=3524&p...
http://911synchronicity.com (very good podcasts)

Research all this for yourself, its important that people start to look beyond the Bush crime family.

Name calling will not help save anything. Study the facts.

Alex Jones is simply not telling the whole truth, especially how it relates to the Vatican and the Jesuit Order. He's better than Keith Obermann (which only talks about Republicans v. Democrats), since Alex tells people about a lot of important stuff.

Ask him about the masonic societies which intermingle business, politics and religion. And about the relation of the aristocrats, intelligence services (aka: covert operations) and the various religious cults out there? Anyone who has studied global fascism (of which 9/11 was just a part), knows the importance of the connections.

The Vatican was the first corporation. Catholicism was fabricated by Constantine (325 AD) out of several older religious, of which Christianity was just a part.

Much more on this at the following podcast from Richard Andrew Grove (the whistleblower who worked for Marsh & McLennan):


At least he's human--and not a soul-sucking vampire, LIKE YOU.

STAKE to the heart!!!

Impeachment. Accountability. A better world.