Americas Closest Enemy
The information battle continues against 'Americas closest enemy' ........
Critical thinking and a greater understanding to current issues inspired me to write todays thoughts .......
Just like the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, shape charge explosive devices were planted in the twin towers and building seven of the world trade center complex, months perhaps years in advance.
Who's to say the same 'state sponsored terrorists' didn't plant explosives in other buildings throughout America for future events ?
Unfortunately for 'our closest enemy' and righteously so, most people are beginning to understand 'their' modus operandi.
People in greater numbers are starting to understand what state sponsored terrorism is, who benefits and what 'their' main goal is.
In my estimation, 'our closest enemy' will undoubtedly try and create another event to help achieve 'their' ultimate goal unless of course more and more people understand 'their' operational ways .....
Unlike the movie WAR OF THE WORLDS, these bombs weren't planted by aliens from a different planet. No way. They were planted by cowards who want to kill us and our national sovereignty.
We the people should try a new approach by loudly voicing safety concern issues to a local government representative. Explain in detail how you are not an apathetic fool and that you know what methods are used by a particular entity lurking within the confine of Americas highest offices.
Exposing these rats in the night is a very crucial objective for all over taxed Americans alike.
Good day
- Mark 133's blog
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Yes, but I would say the explosives were planted weeks or months
in advance at the WTC, and not years in advance. That would be too risky.
I'll agree with you that the WTC buildings weren't sabotaged with explosives too many months prior to 9-11 but keep in mind.....the 1993 explosion at one of the world trade towers supposedly rendered the structure as "damaged goods"..... in other words, the towers were obsolete ....
Enemies of the free world have been at this for centuries.....I do believe todays technology gives the enemy a huge advantage with certain advancements in military grade radio transmitted explosives.
Our main problem isn't fore knowledge of 'their' pathetic existence , rather , 'their' stradegy and lust for murder and mayhem. Another obvious problem is their scheduel....the enemy is many steps ahead of a regular thinking person .... it's not very easy to think like a mass murderer ....
Its kind of like a chess game played by 'their' rules .... The enemy plays very sloppy and leaves its signature everywhere it goes ..... yet, the enemy has expensive attourneys and mass media to help direct blame in other directions .... kind of like the JFK murder, everyone short of Elvis impersonators were suspects...
The good news is that they're getting caught at 'their' deadly game of power while stepping in piles of their own entrails.
I agree with you that
I agree with you that critical thinking is important and I think it is critical thinking that leads to greater understanding. When people have greater understanding, they can be tolerant and forgiving in the right sense. Understanding leads to less judging and name calling and fomenting of disharmony. I would also point out that there is a good form of judging and there are things we should be intolerant of and for which we should demand justice, not total forgiveness.
“Who's to say the same 'state sponsored terrorists' didn't plant explosives in other buildings throughout America for future events ? “
Yes, if about the last 106 in USA history tell us anything, they teach us that there will be future false flag terrorist events against USA citizens will certainly take place. Why should they change their modus operandi now when it has always worked like a charm throughout USA and indeed world history.
Here is a brief summary of how our “wars” have been manipulated and contrived for a very long time.
The Origin of Wars and Revolutions
The dialectic has been around for centuries, long before Nicolo Machiavelli and George Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel were born. False Flag terrorism usually operates (probably always operates) within the dialectical scheme (problem, reaction, solution). When you study the manipulations and deceptions of world history, you not only observe the dialectic, you are clearly looking at organized Satanic EVIL.
We are indeed dealing with organized evil.
“Who's to say the same 'state sponsored terrorists' didn't plant explosives in other buildings throughout America for future events ? “
I personally do not know the facts or the truth about whether explosives can be placed “years in advance.” Seems the facts on that would be readily available. My common sense tells me that planting explosives to just sit there unexploded for a very long time would expose all people who work in or frequent that building to be exposed to annihilation. Again, I do not know the facts, but a simple building fire would seem to be able to set off these placed explosive charges. (Sophia of 9-11 Mysteries tried to interview several people in the controlled demolition industry and found the industry as a whole very closed mouth and secretive, so getting truly objective information from those experts may be nigh unto impossible.)
As for the “years in advance’ idea, yes, that is a valid idea. These evil world manipulators think and work and plan with a long-range outlook. They work and network in secret and they keep plodding along no matter what setback they experience. The original building of the Fabian Socialists (I think in London at the London School of Economics) has a turtle in the stained glass window to symbolize the Fabian socialists’ modus operandi of just plodding along and not being diverted (remember the story of the totoise and the hare) just like a turtle. The original plan was to have world government go in to operation in year 2000. Then they moved it to year 2005. Now they have set the goal date at 2010.
When you study 9-11, you begin to see that the planning started in the mid-1990s at least. You look at the early PNAC people and writings even before PNAC was formally founded.
Operation “Able Danger” was in operation for many years. CIA mind control programs have identified people to be made in to some degree of “Manchurian Candidates”. The CIA grooms and has control of a whole stable of patsies, dupes, fall guys and shills to be used for planned events. Oswald was chosen and groomed to play his role in the JFK assassination at least 5 years before the assassination was carried out.
We know who benefits and what their main goal is. We know that a necessary big part of their plan is to destroy USA sovereignty and therefore our rule of law, Constitution and our Creator-endowed liberties. I believe individual nation states have a God-ordained mission to carry out. When the leaders and the people of a nation digress from that mission, when the people actively work against that mission, or when the people just become apathetic and just say “what’s the use”, then all of those people are rebelling and disobeying God almighty and it is reasonable to think God will judge the nation for their apostasy, rebellion and disobedience.
The people who want to save America and do something to fight the New World Order ought to operate just like all factions of the brotherhood of darkness, just like the faction called the Fabian Socialists. We ought to be plodding and singleminded in obeying (loving) God our Creator and never deviate and never give up trying to have their nation carry out God’s plan.
I believe the USA was meant to be a nation where freedom under God for every human being in that land would be modeled for all the world. That would be our mission. But we have allowed ourselves to be continually deceived and manipulated and kept “fat, dumb and happy” by our moneyed elites. As long as we have our material “stuff”, we do not care about carrying out our nation’s God ordained purpose.
I think the writer of this posting is unclear about identifying exactly who is “America’s Closest Enemy”, the postings title.
You say the information battle continues against America’s closest enemy, and then you say we the people are beginning to understand the modus operandi of our closest enemy and that the closest enemy will probably try to carry out another attack.
Also, I would say that the “cowards” who are working to destroy us are brave, unswerving, brilliant and crafty people who do not deviate from their mission. They do not get discouraged and quit. They do not mind taking a long time to accomplish their goal and they have given their whole lives to the goal’s accomplishment, even though they can only see a tiny glimpse of their “reward” and goal of a new world order. They, as we too should be, work for their goal as a form of worship of their god. They have sold their souls to obey their god. That is their loving obedience. Their loving obedience always necessarily is accompanied by mass killing of innocent human beings, or mass enslavement of human beings who each should be free.
Our local government people are totally purchased by the new world order minions too. Yes, we should loudly expose their false words and deeds and take them to court (our now totally corrupt courts) when we can and local activism is the most effective. But we have no reason to hope for peace and justice and transparency in even our local government. We should operate not by the Machiavellian “end justifies the means” but by the means being our loving worship to God. The outcome of the battle is the Lord’s, so we do what is right. We having done all are lefting “standing” and that is our modus operandi.
The goal of the “9-11 truth movement” to me should be to get an honest independent investigation now. But we cannot even get together on that goal and working concretely toward it. The goal of that investigation should be to conduct a true criminal and forensic investigation. Doing that successfully should at least finger the main perpetrators and facilitators of this false flag terror attack. Those people need to be tried and convicted and executed, or at least imprisoned for life in hard labor. ALL of the questions of victims’ families should be answered and ALL questions should be invited and answered by the investigation. The overall goal of a true investigation would be to restore the USA Constitutional republic, sovereignty and the rule of law, and routing out of all corrupt people in all branches of our government.
A top secondary goal of a successful investigation would be to get our troops out of the middle east NOW and to stop all of the USA false interventionist foreign policy maneuvers.
Will such a successful full investigation prove to us scientifically exactly how 9-11 was effected? I somewhat doubt that, but that is the goal, the perceived unfinished task, of ALL factions of 9-11 scholars for truth. I know what rings true about the nature of true “science” in saying what it is and what it is not. I know that true science DEMANDS the open and full discussion and eventual testing (if possible) of ALL hypotheses. I think planes and no planes should be openly discussed and investigated. I think directed energy weaponry should be investigated. I think open and free discussion – not name calling and attempts to control or limit free intellection inquiry is what true science always means. I think movements should have clear goals but should be very loosely organized so that all factions are free to move toward the goal in the way that makes most sense to them. Truth is the goal. True science wants truth, no matter how “messy” and full of contentiousness the path toward that goal is. I personally am not much interested in the exact way all aspects of this 9-11 multi-site false flag terrorist event was perpetrated. I am more interested who the perpetrators are and in stopping further unjust wars and deaths of innocent people and restoring honest USA government.
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
"Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Blessings from Dachsie in Austin.
Thanks for agreeing
""but a simple building fire would seem to be able to set off these placed explosive charges.""
Not really.
Especially if said explosives were placed in cement .... I'm no expert but keep in mind that these particular twin tower explosions turned aged cement into fine dust.....the explosives were most likely imbedded deep in cement ....
Americas closest enemy drilled holes and planted the bombs months in advance.....a routine fire shouldn't ignite explosives imbedded in cement.
Thanks for agreeing
""but a simple building fire would seem to be able to set off these placed explosive charges.""
Not really.
Especially if said explosives were placed in cement .... I'm no expert but keep in mind that these particular twin tower explosions turned aged cement into fine dust.....the explosives were most likely imbedded deep in cement ....
Americas closest enemy drilled holes and planted the bombs months in advance.....a routine fire shouldn't ignite explosives imbedded in cement.....oooops.....I repeated this post accidentally.....I must be new here....
By the way.....
How did AlQueda drill all these holes in the twin tower structure without notice...?